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Fishing in Guild Wars 2


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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Fishing in GW2 is a little different from other games, most games have this stupid boring process involving poles, and bait and a whole lot of just waiting.


> GW2 has very interactive and dynamic fishing process, where you gear up, and jump in the water and kill the fish yourself. *Sometimes ... the fish kills you.*


> You ain't gonna find that in any other fishing game.


This is what I want out of GW2 fishing. Take down big fish with UNDERWATER COMBAT! :3


Or if Charr are involved, dynamite. I will accept a fourth gathering slot for fishing nodes that's just dynamite.


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I can only see fishing working in GW2 if it's like this:


1. A mastery added in an expansion.

2. An active minigame like in Zelda games, Stardew Valley or Torchlight, **NEVER** an AFK process, and **NEVER** a mere node like wood and ore that you just use and goes on auto.

3. Have fishing spots all over the world, not just for a new expansion region.

4. Introduce regional collections for the different species of fish all over the world (Krytan Fish, Maguuma Fish, Heart of Maguuma Fish, Crystal Desert Fish, etc), with certain rare fish unique to certain spots. And keep track of one's biggest catches in the collection descriptions or by making the fishing spots into adventures that keep the records.

5. Introduce a new series of fish and seafood recipes across all levels of cooking, and also level 401-500 cooking recipes.

6. And existing fish you can fight underwater must also sometimes drop fishing ingredients.



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I think it would be a neat addition, especially if it expands the Cooking "minigame" (let's call it what it is) to include various fish dishes. The sad reality is, fishing in GW2 would likely end up as just another harvest node like gathering and mining, which means a fourth harvest tool to sink gold/gems/money into.


I suspect there can be other minigames with fishing-like mechanics, but not about resource-gathering...


Side note: Speaking of mini games, I would love a revival of the city diversions from pre-launch, e.g. Keg Brawl, Bar Brawl, Polymock, etc., etc. Each main city was supposed to have one, and I think it would be a nice addition to see people in towns actually doing things besides walking around and talking politics. Really add to the "living world" motif. As an example: the Pokemon games have Pokemon Contest, a beauty pageant with, essentially, randomized NPCs participating. Each one felt like their own character, despite having canned dialogue and no real strategy to speak of. Also like Pokemon, perhaps certain "iconic" characters might be seen participating and adding depth to their characters.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> Great idea. Anet will be able to sell fishing rods for 1200 gems, lures for 300 gems/each. So great for the player...


You mean the cosmetics for the rods and lures, at least that's how they operate. Not on the core of the mechanics but on the outer crust of it.

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If fishing was done right, sure why not. If it isn't it'll be pushed to the way side pretty quickly and be totally forgotten. I doubt it'll make people lots of gold, that defeats the purpose of it. It needs the right balance and fun mechanics to be engaging but not anything you have to do more then glance at while having a smooth UI and good rng balance. It's actually very hard to hit all this out of the gate, if they don't then the population for it will be tiny and then anet will not want to put forth resources to keep updating it.


So I'd say, if they think they can nail it, go for it. If they are unsure, then best not to.

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Fishing really can't happen. The way the mobs are set up you'd either have to fish in places that are completely and totally safe without any mobs anywhere or they'd eventually track to you.


I don't know what it is about the mobs in this game or who on the dev team thought that it was a good idea to make it so that mobs in this game divert from their normal pathing/sitting in one place to wander over to you and basic attack you but that single fact would make fishing in this game absolutely impossible.


I sat upon a rock away from everything for about three hours and watched a single mob path back and forth along their designated route and never once did they get anywhere near a single clear spot. Then I decide to use my glider to glide down to that clear spot, it was well out of the way of the mob, I watched it go its usual path for about ten or fifteen minutes then it interrupted its path and started walking directly at me. Not running, but walking. It only started running when it was actually close enough to aggro.


This is one of the most annoying features of the game and would make fishing in this game extremely difficult under the best of circumstances.

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I've never played an MMO that had fishing. Heck, the only MMO I've played is Guild Wars (from the day the original was released to now). I don't know what its like, but I do know I don't need it. Seems like its something that would satisfy a few people like raids do so they might as well add it. Then they can monetize fishing poles, legendary fishing gear and bait.

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The problem with fishing is that its an immense amount of work to implement.

Every waterway in the entire world has to be seeded with fish of some particular type and level thats appropriate for the area.

A new set of loot tables has then to be created to represent what loot can be obtained and with what ease or difficulty for the fish type in a particular area and having regard to a particular players fishing expertise.

Some kind of methodology of allowing players to increase their fishing abilities has to be implemented.

Then there is what effect on the TP and the economy the extra stuff added by the fishing will create.

In short far too much work for too little benefit.



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> @"trianglecubed.3750" said:

> Fishing really can't happen. The way the mobs are set up you'd either have to fish in places that are completely and totally safe without any mobs anywhere or they'd eventually track to you.


I dunno. As funny as the suggestion was, I could go for fishing nodes akin to other Guild Wars 2 nodes. Just replace the tool needed with a fishing pole and there we go. Pools of fish based on areas level and rares from those nodes with some kind of fishing rare once in a while. That could be fun and not too hard to work into the game, I think. It would also prevent 24/7 botting of any pools as well.


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I really don't get what the fans mean with fishing and what they want to get from it...maybe the concept just really doesn't ring with me.

If it's just like an additional node, then I really don't see what the fans are missing. Does it really matter if you "press 'F' to get Ore" or "Press 'F' toe get Fish"?

If it's some kind of afk-farming mode as I've heard are in other MMOs, then I don't see why the fans don't just roll a AFK-Necro, Anet doesn't mind that as it seems?

I could get behind the flavor of it, but at this point I don't see the necessity for it. It's not missing in the game and I'm fine to live in a Tyria where all the fish are cought by some NPCs somewhere.

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Best way GW2 should implement Fishing is like the Fishing System in Final Fantasy 15. In my honest opinion the best fishing gameplay I have ever seen in my life yet, where everything matters.. and ive played in my life already seveal other rpgs with fishing gameplay that come close to this perfect of FF15, like Dark Chronicles, or Breath of Fire 3 and 4 or Zelda: Ocarina of Time, or FF12 or lastly Nier/Nier Automata, but those ones weren't soo good


The lure you use, the rod you use, the daytime and place where you try to fish affectign the types of fish you are able to catch at all , together with your choice of bait and the rod you use affecting your chances of success... this all together with a realyl big amount of various sorts of fishes, which when caught were also in some kind of way useful for you as you could turn them into Food (which is why we want to get finally Chef 500, so that we can turn the caught fish with it into ascended food!!!


I really hope that we wil lsee Fishing become an implemented feature with expansion 3, if its completely underwater/cantha themed, then would fit adding fishing with this expansion als as well together with finally jeweler and chef 500 hopefully.

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I like the idea. There are all those adventures and minigames that people seem to play only once or twice to get mastery points or to finish achievements, then they never look back. Something like fishing would be better instead, to give you a change from all the battles without degenerating into meaninglessness. It could also be incorporated with other features. Like fishing from the back of your skimmer out on the wide sea or something like that. Depending on whatever they may do


***************AVERAGE LORE SPOILER********************


with that so-called deep-sea dragon may increase the importance of activities on sea.

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I will only accept fishing if these three things happen:



2. You cannot get gold from it period

3. It is merely treated as an achievement or collectors avenue. Aka you can collect different fish of different rarities and once you collect them all, you get a nice achievement. Nothing more, nothing less.

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