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Storytelling in Guild Wars 2’s open world

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I know some like living season episodes, but I just feel like they are awfully written with basic, expected plot twist and using basic mechanisms: Since we played along the steel warband, I bet we will now be against them, classic. Most of main villains deaths were bad, zhaithan got shot with cannons but had a good buildup, mordry had a weak mind, kralky went sad and emotional and Joko got nom nom by Aurene, I'm very scared with what will happens to Bangar and Jormag. Aurene saves the day. I know it is only my opinion, but since the personal story and dungeons arcs that were awesome it goes downhill. Almorra, a very lovely character was wasted in a way even worst than Tybalt, I can't even figure how to make it that bad. We are now with a drunk norn, the son of Rytlock that doesn't really know if it is good or not, but seems to have the same number of brain cells as braham... Zojia that I guess is dead, no answers from a long time. Eir is already dead. Taimi-Bot still not here a disease that is mysteriously not progressing anymore....


TLDR, **I like a lot the sub-plots and side-stories, the design of the maps, the personal story. But ls episodes and their stories aren't my thing**. It's sad, but I can't even remember a good moment in 4 ls. Only bad plot twist: Aurene ded poof aurene resurrect, joko start to be threatening: poof dead, We arrive at rata novus: nah that's all, nothing more from them (btw no news from rato novus and the Councillors visiting it for a long time now...), kralky fly away, aurene does megalaser and kill it...

I can't stand it anymore, and it's non-sense at a point I just play the ls episodes only for the maps.


I'm pretty sure they do their best, you created iconic characters, but please stop with deaths, **don't kill steel warband in next episode**..... it is a joke now. Gaheron Baelfire, Kudu, Kuda, Auris Weirdbringer, Tybalt, Malyck.... all the characters you made that are awesome, you just wasted them and throw them into bin few moment later.

Imho I would have really liked a season treating about local threats: Renegades, Kraits, Centaurs, Pirates...


Don't take it as pure criticism or rant, it's just my view of the topic.




"Map storytelling" I definitely don't think there is such thing in game. Only few / none lore in each map, less and less ambient dialogues in the recent maps, maps more bland than ever, with big empty places, very far from the core maps that feels way far more living than the living seasons. There is none NPCS telling you about their story, I never met an asura telling me how it was underground, I never met a charr telling me about its fight glories of the past... Half of npcs are silent, even foes don't even shout menaces or discuss between them. No one want to discuss with us. It also pass with appearance, istan have an aetherblade airship and they can't even remember how they recovered it? LOL Sandswept has a very futuristic cubic laser cannon in portal lab and somehow, there is only pact airship cannon everywhere to defend them? High tech specimen chamber defended by 2013 golems? Dragonfall is just created from kralky falling from the sky, and pact already explore it like they always knew about the place? Bitterfrost: Nothing, map is just bad like bjora. To only say a few.


I'm surely expecting too much, but the **game launched with a very high good design level, story and maps**.


" **Which brings me to another aspect of the open world that we use to crank up the story: immersion. One of the things we all love about Guild Wars 2 is how fully fleshed out the world is and how we feel a part of that world while playing.** " This is a very important sentence, but year after year, you only show me that it isn't in your game. If it would, I would be able during an event to be with the baddies, I would be able to pick flame legion, nightmare court, worshiping jormag, joining inquest as character choices. The only thing that almost like that was choosing free amnoon/sunspear or awakened during POF. No personality system anymore, I feel like I'm like any other commanders, same home instance, same path.... same choices... no freedom of choice impacting anything around me. See, again, my blood legion charr can't even be with Bangar! Pff


**If you were paying attention to immersion, my asura engie would drop ASURAN turrets. My charr Steampunk turrets, and my sylvari plants one.** This is no joke, it's a topic that was already discussed in the old forums in 2013, 2014 and 2016. Housing in 2016 too. Btw necro minions would be racial themed too. (option to show the default look of course)


Many will enjoy the game currently and what it will become, but guild are forgotten, Housing not even on the tables, dungeons became Fractals, Raids became strikes. Better to stick to roots, dungeons were way far better than what you deliver now as "fractals". But again, just my opinion.


That's it. It only concern storytelling and immersion. The scenery of the map are good but it doesn't do the job without the stuffs within them.


TLDR: Graphics/map look = 18/20 , Story = 8/20, Immersion and lore = 4/20 , Gameplay = 16/20 , Sounds and musics = 19/20, Events/ Bosses = 14/20

Mean: 13.16 / 20 to me. it's a good game, just, there is no lore or real immersion, and the story is cliché.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> I know some like living season episodes, but I just feel like they are awfully written with basic, expected plot twist and using basic mechanisms: Since we played along the steel warband, I bet we will now be against them, classic. Most of main villains deaths were bad, zhaithan got shot with cannons but had a good buildup, mordry had a weak mind, kralky went sad and emotional and Joko got nom nom by Aurene, I'm very scared with what will happens to Bangar and Jormag. Aurene saves the day. I know it is only my opinion, but since the personal story and dungeons arcs that were awesome it goes downhill. Almorra, a very lovely character was wasted in a way even worst than Tybalt, I can't even figure how to make it that bad. We are now with a drunk norn, the son of Rytlock that doesn't really know if it is good or not, but seems to have the same number of brain cells as braham... Zojia that I guess is dead, no answers from a long time. Eir is already dead. Taimi-Bot still not here a disease that is mysteriously not progressing anymore....


> TLDR, I like a lot the sub-plots and side-stories, the design of the maps, the personal story. But ls episodes and their stories aren't my thing. It's sad, but I can't even remember a good moment in 4 ls. Only bad plot twist: Aurene ded poof aurene resurrect, joko start to be threatening: poof dead, We arrive at rata novus: nah that's all, nothing more from them (btw no news from rato novus and the Councillors visiting it for a long time now...), kralky fly away, aurene does megalaser and kill it...

> I can't stand it anymore, and it's non-sense at a point I just play the ls episodes only for the maps.


> I'm pretty sure they do their best, you created iconic characters, but please stop with deaths, don't kill steal warband in next episode..... it is a joke now. Gaheron Baelfire, Kudu, Kuda, Auris Weirdbringer, Tybalt, Malyck.... all the characters you made that are awesome, you just wasted them and throw them into bin few moment later.

> Imho I would have really liked a season treating about local threats: Renegades, Kraits, Centaurs, Pirates...


> Don't take it as pure criticism or rant, it's just my view of the topic.


> ---


> "Map storytelling" I definitely don't think there is such thing in game. Only few / none lore in each map, less and less ambient dialogues in the recent maps, maps more bland than ever, with big empty places, very far from the core maps that feels way far more living than the living seasons. There is none NPCS telling you about their story, I never met an asura telling me how it was underground, I never met a charr telling me about its fight glories of the past... Half of npcs are silent, even foes don't even shout menaces or discuss between them. No one want to discuss with us. It also pass with appearance, istan have an aetherblade airship and they can't even remember how they recovered it? LOL Sandswept has a very futuristic cubic laser cannon in portal lab and somehow, there is only pact airship cannon everywhere to defend them? High tech specimen chamber defended by 2013 golems? Dragonfall is just created from kralky falling from the sky, and pact already explore it like they always knew about the place? Bitterfrost: Nothing, map is just bad like bjora. To only say a few.


> I'm surely expecting too much, but the game launched with a very high good design level, story and maps.


and event dealing with local threats on the central maps, like krait or pirates would be absolutly amazing, I like the living world but I feel its gotten too formulaic, we know whats gonna happen, new couple of story missions, new map, new achivements, repeat. I enjoy what they've been adding but I wish they'd mix it up.


maybe an event in the central maps, maybe a pvp centered update (the repeatable content in the game badly needs an update), even some new guild bounties would be very appreciated

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I believe Wooden Potatoes has gone on more than a few rants about players zerging the content and then complaining they don't have anything to do. I used to do that too. Only doing map events as a way to get mastery XP or as a daily.


But then I stopped and talked to named NPCs. And listened to the ambient dialog the game was already known for. And waited around after the events. Core maps and expacs alike...


>**Bartimus Swordheart:** I feel like I need another sword. Do you think I need a new sword?

>**Obstructor Rora:** (grumble)

>**Bartimus Swordheart:** Maybe two more?

>**Obstructor Rora:** (sigh)

>**Bartimus Swordheart:** You're right, why limit myself?


Then I realized everyone in Tyria is off their nut.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> "Map storytelling" I definitely don't think there is such thing in game.


The amount differs in each map and the style of it differs as well. The blog sums up some of Grothmars key ones well, but there's so much more detail beyond those in that map. Grothmar is one of their richest maps for ambient storytelling, perhaps the richest yet with the way they added the extra ambient dialogue.


Your Sandswept comment is also a bit odd because that is very strong in storytelling. The amount of culture we get from the Olmakhans, the Djinn, the work the Inquest are doing, all the little touches of diagrams on screens, the intercoms all blend well with the the larger story of the Awakened invading the lab and the Olmakhan protecting their land. It varies from subtle to overt, but there's so much in places if you soak it all in.


A lot of maps are like that - PoF has some very rich map storytelling, whether it is Amnoon or Vabbi. The others in PoF are a little bit sparser, but it's present at different levels.


Not everything is told just by NPC dialogue either, Sometimes it is in the events, sometimes it is in the actions of the NPCs and sometimes it is more symbolic. But map storytelling is everywhere in the game and very, very strong for the most part. This enriches the world in a way the main story rarely does and brings the maps to life to prevent them being just A-B play mindless areas which is often the case with a MMO maps



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Thank you for the blog post and the short teaser for the map. :) Looks really awesome, looking forward to next week!


I find it amusing how "Bound by Blood" is being referenced so much. Because yes, so far this release has been by far the most outstanding episode of this saga. In the prolog the storytelling quality was one of the best ever in this whole game, especially with how the map was integrated in the story.

The following two episodes were quite a letdown, sadly. I do hope that the heavy references to Bound by Blood mean we can expect something on that level now, with the next release. Of course, minus the voice acting, but that's understandable.


Over the runtime of the game - and the franchize, actually - the storytelling has changed and evolved quite a bit. I really enjoy the ways the plot is being delivered lately, especially since LS4. Jahai and Dragonfall are amazing maps! And so is Grothmar. Please keep up that quality. :)


(And please keep up the servers next week. :lol: Really hoping the best for the new patch. ^^ )

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We already know we will fight against the Steel Warband, as the 'Release' page tells us so.


_Claim territory from enemy forces led by Ryland’s Steel warband and push back the front lines in a map-wide meta-event._




I enjoyed the article; gave me some insights I hadn't realized. Thanks so much; this is the kind of communication I really enjoy.

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There is a thing, I 'm very happy with, it's the forging steel vision, it's a very good new content format, and can hope for new missions like that one but about a different background/story. I said it in the thread of forging steel before, you made 5 warband members, very unique with each, a very cool personality: Grindsteel, Vishen, Nicabar, Cynder, Ryland... Each were really well made, and i think that's why i still remember their name. I also remember Smoxxi, but I think it's because she yells about crystals...

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > "Map storytelling" I definitely don't think there is such thing in game.


> The amount differs in each map and the style of it differs as well. The blog sums up some of Grothmars key ones well, but there's so much more detail beyond those in that map. Grothmar is one of their richest maps for ambient storytelling, perhaps the richest yet with the way they added the extra ambient dialogue.


Yup I agree with Grothmar, but it isn't storytelling. It's immersion: you can participate in the festival in many different ways. There is only a charr discussing about its past with a norn priory but apart that... You have merchant launching merchant jokes...


> Your Sandswept comment is also a bit odd because that is very string in storytelling. The amount of culture we get from the Olmakhans, the Djinn, the work the Inquest are doing, all the little touches of diagrams on screens, the intercoms all blend well with the the larger story of the Awakened invading the lab and the Olmakhan protecting their land. It varies from subtle to overt, but there's so much in places if you soak it all in.


You defenitely have a very different definition of storytelling. There is nothing. Olmakhan went here to have a mindset different than flame legion and be more close to the nature. About the Inquest there is 0 thing told, farahnur already told us they were working on plague. On place, everything is shred. Holograms and such are again, immersion not storytelling, both are close but it isn't the same thing. You can't simply make the players experience instance with shiny assets and new foes golems and so on, whereas the map is like a 2013 map with very old classic mark1 golems. I definitely not felt anything. Just awakened ruining a whole beautiful lab complex.

It has been 7 years since CoE, did we learn more about them during our journey here? Nope. Still nothing known about them, no high inquisitor maut, no clear info about kuda's family, nothing. The only lore/storytelling is the ironically named charr "Lorekeeper" at olmakhan village. And the guy speaking with its dead friends.

Assets are Infinity coil walls, and rata novan display panel.


Here what would have been storytelling to me: Being able to open all those stone gates to enter in labs with furnitures with a paper telling me the day of an inquest worker here. Or an order hearable all around the cube sending troops to a specific POI: troops speaking between them about their past or activities even if they are baddies.



> A lot of maps are like that - PoF has some very rich map storytelling, whether it is Amnoon or Vabbi. The others in PoF are a little bit sparser, but it's present at different levels.

> Not everything is told just by NPC dialogue either, Sometimes it is in the events, sometimes it is in the actions of the NPCs and sometimes it is more symbolic. But map storytelling is everywhere in the game and very, very strong for the most part. This enriches the world in a way the main story rarely does and brings the maps to life to prevent them being just A-B play mindless areas which is often the case with a MMO maps


Again, this is immersion, this is not storytelling for me, but if you happy with it, I'm very happy for you but it's immersion.

But It's to me definitely more present in core maps, and since then, forgotten.


TLDR: "It was a great period, I remember it, the blood, the war, was the good old time those ascalonians...." = storytelling to me

"Boss, the foes broke your favorite mug! I gonna make them regret their insolence!" = Immersion



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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > "Map storytelling" I definitely don't think there is such thing in game.

> >

> > The amount differs in each map and the style of it differs as well. The blog sums up some of Grothmars key ones well, but there's so much more detail beyond those in that map. Grothmar is one of their richest maps for ambient storytelling, perhaps the richest yet with the way they added the extra ambient dialogue.


> Yup I agree with Grothmar, but it isn't storytelling. It's immersion: you can participate in the festival in many different ways. There is only a charr discussing about its past with a norn priory but apart that... You have merchant launching merchant jokes...


> > Your Sandswept comment is also a bit odd because that is very string in storytelling. The amount of culture we get from the Olmakhans, the Djinn, the work the Inquest are doing, all the little touches of diagrams on screens, the intercoms all blend well with the the larger story of the Awakened invading the lab and the Olmakhan protecting their land. It varies from subtle to overt, but there's so much in places if you soak it all in.


> You defenitely have a very different definition of storytelling. There is nothing. Olmakhan went here to have a mindset different than flame legion and be more close to the nature. About the Inquest there is 0 thing told, farahnur already told us they were working on plague. On place, everything is shred. Holograms and such are again, immersion not storytelling, both are close but it isn't the same thing. You can't simply make the players experience instance with shiny assets and new foes golems and so on, whereas the map is like a 2013 map with very old classic mark1 golems. I definitely not felt anything. Just awakened ruining a whole beautiful lab complex.

> It has been 7 years since CoE, did we learn more about them during our journey here? Nope. Still nothing known about them, no high inquisitor maut, no clear info about kuda's family, nothing. The only lore/storytelling is the ironically named charr "Lorekeeper" at olmakhan village.

> Assets are Infinity coil walls, and rata novan display panel.


> Here what would have been storytelling to me: Being able to open all those stone gates to enter in labs with furnitures with a paper telling me the day of an inquest worker here. Or an order hearable all around the cube sending troops to a specific POI: troops speaking between them about their past or activities even if they are baddies.



> > A lot of maps are like that - PoF has some very rich map storytelling, whether it is Amnoon or Vabbi. The others in PoF are a little bit sparser, but it's present at different levels.

> > Not everything is told just by NPC dialogue either, Sometimes it is in the events, sometimes it is in the actions of the NPCs and sometimes it is more symbolic. But map storytelling is everywhere in the game and very, very strong for the most part. This enriches the world in a way the main story rarely does and brings the maps to life to prevent them being just A-B play mindless areas which is often the case with a MMO maps


> Again, this is immersion, this is not storytelling for me, but if you happy with it, I'm very happy for you but it's immersion.




Immersion and storytelling are intertwined. It's the map storytelling which is either enhancing or even outright providing that sense of immersion and shows they are getting it right. Immersion is that feeling you are getting when the stories around you are doing their job right


What you are describing as map storytelling with the above interpretation does count as map storytelling, but it is only one type of it. There's no doubt some of those examples would enhance the stories the team are telling, but they would be not be the only examples of storytelling if added


For example, in Sandswept the northern meta of the djinn and the weather and the revenge the Djinn is taking is a whole mini story and encompasses so much of what happens in that portion of the map

Likewise, the fishing, the beetle farm attacks and the hunting of big game contribute to the story of the culture of the Olmakhan alongside the actions and dialogues of the villagers themselves. That is map storytelling on a small scale and it does it exceptionally well.


Sometimes a map tells little stories like Sandswept does or takes a big story and breaks it into smaller pieces. Vabbi does this well. The "story" of Vabbi is of an entire area devoted to the worship of Joko where the Vabbians are basically trying to appease and turn to the Awakened to protect them against the destruction wrought by the Branded and the Forged. It then uses the hearts and events to help build that larger theme and story.


Whether it is small stories or an entire map theme, map storytelling is present everywhere and an enormous part/foundation of what brings out the sense of immersion in the so called Living World Anet have created. This is the great strength of the writing team

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Yeah, I definitely gives them Kudos for the Ambient dialogues. Kourna, even if I dislike the meta, have a very well fleshed village in the north where you clearly see how peoples are desperate, the butcher, the crops, the doctor agonizing in its house.... Vabbi indeed did it well, and that's why I prefer expansions maps compared to LS.

I just think there is more "fluff / for immersion" ambient dialogues than real stories to hear around: That's why I struggle with using the term Story - Telling. If you don't have a story, it isn't (again, it's only me). ^^

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Yeah, I definitely gives them Kudos for the Ambient dialogues. Kourna, even if I dislike the meta, have a very well fleshed village in the north where you clearly see how peoples are desperate, the butcher, the crops, the doctor agonizing in its house.... Vabbi indeed did it well, and that's why I prefer expansions maps compared to LS.

> I just think there is more "fluff / for immersion" ambient dialogues than real stories to hear around: That's why I struggle with using the term Story - Telling. If you don't have a story, it isn't (again, it's only me). ^^


I agree and I think expansions do it better because the maps themselves then tie into a larger theme which makes it much easier to see a story unfold across multiple maps as well. LS maps are a lot more self contained due to the fickle, unfocused main storyline.


The examples in Kourna you gave are spot on regardless of anyone's definition. It's those sorts of details that turn a map from a gameplay arena into a world

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"Which brings me to another aspect of the open world that we use to crank up the story: immersion. One of the things we all love about Guild Wars 2 is how fully fleshed out the world is and how we feel a part of that world while playing."


Story and immersion are important to me as a player, however looking back at older content I can't help by find a number of things that hurt that for me.

The biggest elephant in the room is naturally the missing first season of living world 1, I get that it's no easy task to recreate it in a replayable way but after all these years it still bothers me that it is not playable, bringing a few missions back through the Hall of Monuments was a good first step but I think a lot of us will not fully be happy until at least the major plot points of LW1 are once again playable canologically in the story.


The second big annoyance I have is with the dungeon storymodes and how broken off they are from the Personal story they run along side.

For starters Ascalon Catacombs becomes available at level 30 in which you recieve mail detailing the dungeon and call to aid there, however the events that specifically set this dungeon up don't happen until the level 40 personal story instance.. "Setting the Stage" and without prior knowledge of this you'll never know that.


The same is true with Caudecus's Manor which becomes available by mail at level 40 but the events of that dungeon take place after all the level 40 personal story missions with the Orders, specifically the missions involving the Vigil's efforts in Fields of Ruin to aid in the peace talks between Human and Charr.


After that the very plot point about the importance of getting Destiny's Edge back together for the final showdown with Zhaitan comes in a level 60 mission "A Light in the Darkness"

In short it's a mess to follow and do these dungeons in canological order even when you're aware of these inconsistencies, for a new player who doesn't have this knowledge before hand it's going to be near impossible for them to do these dungeons at the right time.

If anything they'll do them around the time they get the mail.. then wonder later on what Eir was talking about in Lions Arch.. and why they celebrated successful peace talks between Charr and Human before they actually helped achieved it.. that is if they played Vigil anyway.

Or they won't do them at all and wonder why all these random characters who hate one another are helping them take down Zhaitan at the end of the story.


All that comes before the other problem regarding dungeon story modes not having a single player friendly mode as Arah was later modified to have.

It would be such a positive change if the story dungeons were upgraded with a single player option and if they were fit into the personal story at the appropriate time.

Even though dungeons are "side content" their importance to the main story cannot be ignored.


Fixing these issues will imo do a great deal for the immersion and fleshing out of old Gw2 story content which has been unfortunately neglected for far too long now.

Nobody expects and overnight fix but just recognition and assurance that this is something Anet will get around to doing at some point would be a lot for me.. and possibly a number of others too who care about the older parts of the game just as much as we do about the new parts.

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I just noticed recently that lof of talking npc in the background or item, statue, memorial, book here and there was most of the time very interesting when you seek about the lore.

No I always ear what npc said and even make a Lion Arch tour with the npc who guide tourist xD


It was weird at 1st, and a bit frustrating cuz it make gater information about lore harder.

But finally I find that more natural than a wall of text in a book and made the game more alive.

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Nice read. That's why I always turn off map/guild and all chat for a few hours while I finish any new story for the first time, sometimes two or three times with different characters. :)


Especially the amount of additional dialogue and and stuff often after an episode ends is great. Always sad to imagine so many players will likely miss it because they don't take the time to interact with NPC or take a few minutes to listen. Seems to just not be enough time to "stay a while and listen" in todays world. Yes, that is a reference, sue me, I'm that old.

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When of comes to map story telling there is something I miss in living world maps, that are in the original game and to some extend the expansion maps. It is area story telling. A good example is bria's manor in Iron Marches. It makes sense to be there as it isn't out of place, but it breaks the theme of the map and it is a chapter of its own in the movement of the world. Without these parts, the maps seems to be theme park rides. The story and the immersion is one dimensional. The main story guides you through the highlights and everyone experiences in the same way. Perfectly as designed, but a designed experience that lacks being alive.

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So far I have played only the core game until including season 3. (Next will be PoF. I'm playing in release order and I had a long breakd and stuff to catch up left.)

In the core game most maps were "okay". Season 3 maps also are "okay" ... a bit better than core.


Personal story from core had good moments and bad moments. (If you played it with 9 chars ... it started getting boring at some point. My favorite thing were still ther missions ... getting into the order and then the last part. Not the one with the minor races.) HoT felt rushed at the end. Season 3 was bit better again. Season 3 - while not having added much maps - felt great in terms of the personal story.


Well from the map storytelling out of the stuff I have played so far I liked Orr meta back then when it was still new. And for now the HoT maps have great meta where the map still feels alive and like it tells the story of the pact fighting. (Season 3 again like more small map related story stuff each map and not an overall thing being told.)

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> @"Gundahar.2765" said:

> A dx9 based modified engine that is pretty old, and still you guys manage these gorgeous sceneries, no cutoffs, no choppiness. Can't but appreciate it.

people who have new pc use additional dx 12 patch and newest shades.

there is video engine how it can be improved.** If not understand language, this is not problem, enough try look and understand.**


But people who use pc 7 years old very like current way. So I like current dx9 gw2 graphics. Who don't like - know how to change it.

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The thing we can do is trust and accept. The DEV's most likely have much more experience in game design, storytelling and narrative elements than we do. They have requirements in their job duties as well as the stipulations within an MMO's framework. They must delicately construct a narrative that is diverse and logical but one that can be compelling enough to subvert maybe some expectations. They are also probably "biased" towards stories/styles/plots that have mass appeal to audiences which is the best option in business. Too niche of a story and it won't resonate as well and too cliche won't resonate enough. It's a tricky business!



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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> The thing we can do is trust and accept. The DEV's most likely have much more experience in game design, storytelling and narrative elements than we do. They have requirements in their job duties as well as the stipulations within an MMO's framework. They must delicately construct a narrative that is diverse and logical but one that can be compelling enough to subvert maybe some expectations. They are also probably "biased" towards stories/styles/plots that have mass appeal to audiences which is the best option in business. Too niche of a story and it won't resonate as well and too cliche won't resonate enough. It's a tricky business!




What people want is a better buildup to these stories. When you kill zhaitan you see the whole world being corrupted and you slowly defeat his armies and his servants step by step. Now its just, this new guy bad-> 5 min later dead -> repeat. I dont know. Have some NPC dialogues that are interesting and make you engaged in the story without them being shoved into your face but that you can discover on your own. Like have some stolen jewelry found in Cannachs house that some NPC in X map was missing. Add hidden easter eggs and stuff. Sadly anet never listens to their comunity except when it comes to the gemstore, which is the most difficult content in the game atm.

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