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3v3 Mini-Season Update

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I like this 3v3 idea! Still, I wonder if you all will keep catering to the 1 % of the community who's still obsessed with conquest and just take a risk and gives us a _full_ tdm season, whether 2v2 or 3v3. Something fresh!


And also, when are you all going to blow up this matchmaking system? I'm sorry but it is _atrocious_. I take a break from ranked for a couple of years because of the then sorry state of pvp only to be placed in _silver_?....Even though I played for years and consistently and historically placed in gold2- gold3....I'm sorry but that's propostrous. I have to grind matches just to get to the point where I previously was, just because the system "thinks" I belong there? Yeah...no...that is not a good system. I don't care who tells me otherwise.


Yeah, I don't believe in the ideology of "skill-based matchmaking". I have to constantly grind matches and not take breaks just to maintain rank? Yeah...no...

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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> I like this 3v3 idea! Still, I wonder if you all will keep catering to the 1 % of the community who's still obsessed with conquest and just take a risk and gives us a _full_ tdm season, whether 2v2 or 3v3. Something fresh!


> And also, when are you all going to blow up this matchmaking system? I'm sorry but it is _atrocious_. I take a break from ranked for a couple of years because of the then sorry state of pvp only to be placed in _silver_?....Even though I played for years and consistently and historically placed in gold2- gold3....I'm sorry but that's propostrous. I have to grind matches just to get to the point where I previously was, just because the system "thinks" I belong there? Yeah...no...that is not a good system. I don't care who tells me otherwise.


> Yeah, I don't believe in the ideology of "skill-based matchmaking". I have to constantly grind matches and not take breaks just to maintain rank? Yeah...no...


Spoken like a true casual... you just took a break for a couple years of ranked and expect the same ranking lol..

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My personal opinion is that 2 weeks will be way to short and should be extended to 3 weeks.


I do agree that 4 weeks of a mini-season is too long. However, this is the most content PvP has ever gotten and will be extremely popular.


Even Veteran players that previously left the game over the last 8 years started to return when the expansion annoucement happened.


I was telling all my hardcore WvW guild mates to try PvP again this mini-season and you guys are gonna deliver. Thank you.


Now please consider extending the 3vs3 mini season one additional week instead of only 2 weeks. Allowing a meta to develop won’t happen in just 2 weeks.

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> @"youle.5824" said:

> > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> > I like this 3v3 idea! Still, I wonder if you all will keep catering to the 1 % of the community who's still obsessed with conquest and just take a risk and gives us a _full_ tdm season, whether 2v2 or 3v3. Something fresh!

> >

> > And also, when are you all going to blow up this matchmaking system? I'm sorry but it is _atrocious_. I take a break from ranked for a couple of years because of the then sorry state of pvp only to be placed in _silver_?....Even though I played for years and consistently and historically placed in gold2- gold3....I'm sorry but that's propostrous. I have to grind matches just to get to the point where I previously was, just because the system "thinks" I belong there? Yeah...no...that is not a good system. I don't care who tells me otherwise.

> >

> > Yeah, I don't believe in the ideology of "skill-based matchmaking". I have to constantly grind matches and not take breaks just to maintain rank? Yeah...no...


> Spoken like a true casual... you just took a break for a couple years of ranked and expect the same ranking lol..


Yeah...I do. It's called _experience_. If that makes me a "casual"(whatever that means) then so be it. Then again...I've been playing for 8 years, so how "casual" do you get?


Speaking of which, I see that my previous post touched a nerve.

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> @"camboyano.9675" said:

> 10 vs 10


Such matches would be nothing short of abominations.

It already takes 5+ minutes on average to match 10 players ranging from Plat to silver 1 against each other.

If the game would need to match 20 players, it'd match an even wider skill gap against each other.


Having to deal with Platinum players as a Gold 1/Silver 3 pendulum already is atrocious.

I certainly don't want legends and Bronze players in my matches.


And if you hard cap the skill difference, the queue time would rise so high that hardly anyone would even bother queueing up.

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10 vs. 10 would need a good map with great objectives. We only can have the team deathmatch now because it is smaller scaled.

If you want big combats without objectives go WvW and zerg fight1 a bit away from the keeps, towers, etc. :D


What I meant with my comment (I see some people quoted me already) about "strategy" is the thing about "pure combat" vs. "map objectives" and we seem to have 2 types of players here.


I know some people want their "pure combat". And to me it is boring. I could just play any other MMORPG or game that focuses on skill only. (My favorite pure combat/death match games are actually shooter games.)


The additional map objectives make it interesting because you have to be at different locations. Because you can be bad at combat but help the team a low with map awareness. [A lot in conquest seem to totally ignore the map ... they run past an enemy that runs to their own unguarded objectives to go cap another objective. Stuff like that.]


From what I have heard the old GW1 player also liked some "maps" introduced with GW1:Factoins - that had additional mechanics. Not only deathmatch. (And those maps seemed to have gotten more praise than the only deathmatch ones.)


So it isn't really a bad thing. it is the lack of additional maps ... bigger sized (like 10 vs. 10) maps and game modes ... and the maps where secondary mechanics aren't interesting enough. Where you could just ignore tham and cap only points. (Of c ourse then the conquest is getting borign.)




3 vs. 3 seems interesting for me. And the conquest maps where the secondary mechancis has a huge impact. Other maps and 2 vs. 2 are boring. (2 vs. 2 if one guy gets downed it is boring .. .the 3 vs. 3 will allow for more intertesting things to happen ... ike 1 guy rezzing other guy alive trying to "defend".)

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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> Can you guys focus more on 3v3's, and move away from 5v5 formats? Everyone is tired of Conquest. Just consider having a new (permanent) game mode.


Are you saying they should move to deathmatches instead of Conquest? You realize then it would be 100% reliant on profession balance. No roamers, no clutch decaps, no strategy (unless you count WoW's pillar humping as strategy), nothing - you wouldn't be able to outsmart people the same way you can now. I'm not sure why anyone would want that, especially given the current balance.


> @"lare.5129" said:

> there is no any point to do this. We have very good mmr system.

We do? I came back a few weeks ago after a few years, played in gold and in all matches there were people that totally dominated but also others that had me thinking "what the hell was that guy doing??" (on both teams, I'm not whining about my team..). Complete night and day, which made it impossible for me to figure out at which rank I belonged to.


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This is how 3v3 will turn out for most people I find.


The first week will be fun to try out builds etc then only 2-3 builds will be utterly dominating the season and after a week most people will likely find it pretty dull. Especially from what i understand of it its only going to be played in Courtyard? So thats 1 map for 2 weeks.


Well its a nice little bonus thing to have during off season but to be blunt nothing beats conquest its the bread and butter of pvp.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"memausz.7264" said:

> > Can you please ban class stacking?

> there is no any point to do this. We have very good mmr system. So there is no any needed to block progress for some friends group who want play whit same class. This is not tournament. .(also I am sure that on tournament we also should accept any class setup, but this is another and long talk)

> But on auto-matchmaking make some class split as always is good idea. And I am sure it is already done.


There's actually a lot of point to do this. Class stacking in smaller queues causes a genuine balance issue because some classes are just too strong in deathmatch 2v2 and 3v3 type scenarios. Double heralds, for instance. And recently, double condi renegades, double rangers, and for the longest time, double guards (burns, symbols). This isn't new, the competitive community has pretty much called for this for a while.

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There should be some balance patch before that 3v3 season. It will be very unbalanced. Class stacking should be forbiden(OMG triple renegades or 3 necros or 3 w/e). Also premades/duo/trio should be forbiden too(in soloQ), or just set like if premade happens on one side, there have to be on other side as well. There should be different game modes in same time: soloQ for 3v3, duoQ/trioQ for 3v3, 5v5 conquest, 2v2s etc Having just one game mode just because window panel for PvP is old and do not have more buttons is bad. Add more buttons and more game modes in real time. Balance classes depending on each game mode(split them as you already do from wvw and pve). For example 5v5 conquest has different objective which is to hold a point, but for 2v2s and 3v3s it is deathmatch. So some changes have to happen and different rules.


I loved 2v2s especially because of nostalgia(2v2s from WoW). It was very cool, some classes got very broken, some classes useless, but it is just result of bad balance for set game mode.


I hope ArenaNet will think twice for decisions they make. Not all decisions can be perfect but can be improved by thinking again about worst scenarios that can happen.

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> @"memausz.7264" said:

> There's actually a lot of point to do this. Class stacking in smaller queues causes a genuine balance issue because some classes are just too strong in deathmatch 2v2 and 3v3 type scenarios.

?? And why you think that this is problem? This is only part of good game. Someone should dominate. Someone should not have any chance. Why not?


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Being able to 3 man q is bad for the game and solo q casual players (after all this is the majority of players in the game), if it was a case of you 3 man q and fight another 3 man q then fine, but the populaiton in pvp is way too small to achieve this without waiting ages to get a match. Agree 100% on the week downtime inbetween the mini season to get the balance right. Afterall balance is the one thing that has held back gw2 from achieving the success it deserves. To state its now time to implement x y z to achieve x y z is an understatment. Better late than never right? The following should be implemented for the good of the game:


1. No class stacking as much as possible, and maintain the mirror comp as much as possible.

2. No relogging once you are in the game and can see the compositions, thats it you stay or forfeit a penalty.


Obviously Balance comes before this and takes priority.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"memausz.7264" said:

> > Can you please ban class stacking?

> there is no any point to do this. We have very good mmr system. So there is no any needed to block progress for some friends group who want play whit same class. This is not tournament. .(also I am sure that on tournament we also should accept any class setup, but this is another and long talk)

> But on auto-matchmaking make some class split as always is good idea. And I am sure it is already done.


TLDR. Please let me create broken class stacked comps with my friends on voice comms, but make sure the random pugs we fight can't do that.

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