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Poll - Should 3v3 stay as a permanant pvp game mode

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > > it is like christmas food, it loses its flavor and jolly feeling if you eat it every tuesday

> > >

> > > What about conquest though? It's been around since day one. You don't think that conquest lost its flavor and jolly feeling after 8 years, 8years everyday not just every tuesday? Well It most certainly did for me.

> > > 3v3 is new it can't "lose it flavor" as you put it for at least a couple of years.

> > >

> > > Also every Tuesday is taco Tuesday for me for years and I can tell you it's one of my favorite days of the week and will never get old no matter how many Tuesdays there are.

> >

> > 3v3 isn't a main gamemode in almost any game (except battlerite) because it has way less variation and gets samey and stale much quicker than conquest or mobastyle or whatever


> im not saying 3v3 should be the main game mode. im just saying it shouldnt go away and instead be its own que. the check box idea like strong hold is the best option and im all for that. make it ranked and have a ladder, o man that be so good dont you think? it will expand the competitive aspect in two ladders of fun and exciting challenges, allowing more options for a verity of players to play.


would be ok on low level but there are too few higher level players, queues would get too long and/or bad, people will complain even more about matchmaking

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More options are never a bad thing. It surprises me how many gw2 players are afraid of change. If you're scared that people won't play conquest when they have other options - you're literally advocating holding people hostage in a certain game mode rather than allowing them to queue for a game mode they'd rather play? That's some real Stockholm Syndrome bs right there lol.


And this isn't even an issue if it's implemented properly. Ideally, I'd like to see gw2 move to a WoW style of battlegrounds where you have over 20+ gamemodes (capture the flag, hold the orb, CtF+conquest combined, conquest, siege the fortress, etc etc) and people hitting the queue button get a mode at random with the option to ban 2 modes. This way, you create diversity without splitting the population. Who knows, perhaps it would even bring in more players who are tired of conquest. It really makes me sad to see the amazing combat system and class mechanics of gw2 wasted on a single mode of pvp in 10 not-so-exciting flavors. Gw2's amazing combat and class mechanics combined with WoW's content diversity would be a wet dream come true for me.

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I like it. Reminds me of 3v3 Arenas in WoW.


I would love it to stick around and develop as it's own game mode. Plus it could give value to some classes which normally underperform in other aspects of the game. We're already seeing that happen with Scourge.


It seems much more healthy than 2v2 since you can diversify your comp to patch up any weaknesses one class might have. It's Great mode to play with a pair of friends. Theorycraft, work on your team synergy. I'm curious to see how the meta develops.

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> @"duster.7013" said:

> Its really fun but the balance is horribad. Thief, ranger, necro, ele, engi, rev and guard are viable in 5v5 whereas only 4 classes are viable in 3v3.


at what level are you playing? I'm duoing with a buddy who's on a scepter/focus weaver, and im on a bunker condi Soulbeast, and we're wrecking in Gold 3. we're still climbing, and I feel it's too early to dismiss some off-meta builds. I even bunkered against 2 decent Holos, it was a goddamn nightmare for me. but we still won.


> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > it is like christmas food, it loses its flavor and jolly feeling if you eat it every tuesday

> >

> > What about conquest though? It's been around since day one. You don't think that conquest lost its flavor and jolly feeling after 8 years, 8years everyday not just every tuesday? Well It most certainly did for me.

> > 3v3 is new it can't "lose it flavor" as you put it for at least a couple of years.

> >

> > Also every Tuesday is taco Tuesday for me for years and I can tell you it's one of my favorite days of the week and will never get old no matter how many Tuesdays there are.


> 3v3 isn't a main gamemode in almost any game (except battlerite) because it has way less variation and gets samey and stale much quicker than conquest or mobastyle or whatever


and Battlerite was so much more fun than Conquest ever was. 3's remind me of that. I miss BR.

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> It’s not competitive, one of the reasons being how cds work in this game. You just cannot be punished by playing attrition in this game, so it’s boring.


Yes, is better have 1 only mode to fun no? or maybe because of that pvp is so death

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> @"camboyano.9675" said:

> > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > It’s not competitive, one of the reasons being how cds work in this game. You just cannot be punished by playing attrition in this game, so it’s boring.


> Yes, is better have 1 only mode to fun no? or maybe because of that pvp is so death


Maybe it’s cuz I’m a thief main, but these death matches are fun but stupid at the same time

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I’m enjoying having a straight fight mode, it’s a nice break from objective play. I could see more changes being made but having another pvp option around would be nice.


Just remembered what it reminds me of which is Courtyard deathmatch mode. It’s like a better version of that. Would be nice to see that map adjusted for use in 2v2 or 3v3 too.


Something fun could be using the original pvp team sizes which was 8v8 I believe. I’d rather that not be in a ranked style as they did go to smaller groups for a reason but it would be an interesting experience.

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Nah. Its an unbalanced mess where some classes are so busted you seem them in almost every match, and some just straight up dont exist. And this isnt something you can fix either, since you cant have Conquest and 3v3 be balanced at the same time. And honestly? I dont know why I would want 3v3 to be prioritised for balance.

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It is honestly too early to tell. Balance has not yet settled and many builds are still being tried out or are yet left to be found.


Keeping this game mode would not only divide the already scarse population would escalate exponentially the intricacies of balancing the game, now for both game modes. Remember that we are already struggling to get balance patches in every what? 3 months? This would be an extra item to expend development time into.


Having that said, keeping PvP the way it currently is will just cause the population to keep shrinking and reinvention is needed. I think 3v3s could be a great way to start that if ArenaNet is willing to make the investment to go the extra mile and balance properly for both game modes, improve rewards for playing high in the leaderboards (honestly 2 extra pips in plat is just pitiful), block class swapping so we can have an actually working mmr, fixing ATs UI and extent and allow incentive to spectating matches.


tl;dr: depends if anet is willing to actually invest in developping 3v3s as an actual alternative and a first step to try to develop pvp as a whole or if they plan to just slap it there for ppl to play whenever they feel like, with little to no incentive.

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i think both 2v2 and 3v3 should stay as an option to play in spvp, other games have at least 2v2 option too. i think this game needs more spvp options to choose from, not just 5v5 thats still there. maybe even a bigger mode, something like 10v10 with a spvp oriented map, not a wvw oriented map.

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> @"Sorra.1735" said:

> i think both 2v2 and 3v3 should stay as an option to play in spvp, other games have at least 2v2 option too. i think this game needs more spvp options to choose from, not just 5v5 thats still there. maybe even a bigger mode, something like 10v10 with a spvp oriented map, not a wvw oriented map.


The game already can't properly match 10 people in an acceptable time frame and you want it to try and match 20 people?

I certainly don't want 20 min+ queues.

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I'd say make 2v2s permanent. I feel like it would have less compositional problems.

And the best part about 2v2s or 3v3s as a permanent game-mode is that it sorts itself out! It's alot easier to matchmake in a low population area when you only need 4 or 6 people!


The real problem with this is 2 fold:

1.Conquest will suffer for this since I imagine a sizable portion of players will jump ship, matchmaking will be even worse.

2.Even if a small 2v2 community can support itself, new players will be eaten alive in that format. If it is ever a thing then we need to disallow solo-que in 2v2s, that will compliment the low Pop I think.

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Of course. As long as it's not a huge mess with 10 different but same game modes I think it's always beneficial to have diversity.

Obviously the biggest argument against it would be low population.. Which has been the main reason for Anet to not do anything for sPvP for years now. But honestly why should the population rise by a significant degree if nothing changes? Mini-/off season aside.. everything that's available is still 5v5 conquest and a seriously neglected stronghold mode.. I'd love to see some rework for stronghold because I think the mode could actually pretty cool but the current implementation sucks.. Anyway I digress..

For me definitely yes, bring in 3v3 (or 2v2 I don't care) as a permanent option. Also for god sake split full team queue and solo/duo queue (but keep both, don't ditch the full team queue pls).

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If they care to grow the PvP game mode, then yes, 3v3 and 2v2 should be alternating permanents. 5v5 conquest is quite difficult for players of other MMO's to get into. Deathmatch on the other hand, that's something everybody can jump into and enjoy, maybe learn a bit about classes and builds. Plus it's different than conquest, allows for different builds, variety is always a good thing when it comes to PvP.


None of this matters though if they don't support it properly. It needs more maps, its own leaderboard and ladders, tournaments, etc.

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It is horrible looking at variety and balance. Very limited (serious) builds, very limited variations and adaptability. No mobility, no rotations, no stalling, no clever map awareness, just brainless tanks rolling from A to B. The mixed-Q does its part as well.


But as unranked mixed-Q? Like stronghold? Yeah, go for it, I wouldn't play it, but whoever is interested... and make unranked a little more rewarding while you're at it.

As a separate ranked-Q? If you must, wouldn't play it either, it might split the playerbase. But go for it.

Just don't make it a longterm option without real alternatives.

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I can absolutely see this being a great addition if they just adjusted things and balanced it out for 3v3. As it is, its obviously not balanced around 3v3 and its pretty garbage but I can totally see how it could be improved into a really great mode.


The lack of objectives beyond removing enemy health obviously wipe a variety of skills and playstyles from the board; on top of it being a very claustrophobic wide-open area.


Its a neat feature but a lot of adjustments need to be made for it to be taken seriously at all.

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Seeing a majority no on this is seriously disappointing. Pretending the game is "balanced" for conquest or that Anet even understands the meta in high-tier PvP is a big stretch. Really sad to see such a complacent community who is fine with more story episodes and gem store skins, but doesn't actually care about new replayable content. If you don't like 3's don't queue for them, it's that easy.


In-game you hear almost nothing but praise for 3v3 but on message boards everyone is just whining. It's a shame all these years later we still have these people deciding how the game should be because for once I was excited about it.


If 3's don't come back I'll probably go back to classic wow (which I don't want to do btw).

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