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New Tengu idle animation..... and clues?

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I highly doubt we will get largos and kodan as playable races because of the largos backpack and kodan combat tonic.


I can see tengu with a higher chance since they had an updated model (heart of thorns) and lots of different attack animations + some idle ones too.

I would really love anet to make tengu playable.

I don't care about the voice acting for core story or dungeons, just give me bird-elf!

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I'd play a Kodan or Tengu first. (And I doubt they'd just make Tengu playable without making the other great races too.)

Probably will be a lot of work especially with the armor skins and stuff.


So I guess ... the chances are low.


If they released those 3 slowly (first one and maybe years later the next one) ... I'd vote for Largos/Kodan first. The best stuff always first, please!

Largos are cool. Kodan look beautiful.


Tengu are ugly birds.

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> @"Luthan.5236" said:

> I'd play a Kodan or Tengu first. (And I doubt they'd just make Tengu playable without making the other great races too.)

> Probably will be a lot of work especially with the armor skins and stuff.


> So I guess ... the chances are low.


> If they released those 3 slowly (first one and maybe years later the next one) ... I'd vote for Largos/Kodan first. The best stuff always first, please!

> Largos are cool. Kodan look beautiful.


> Tengu are ugly birds.


Tengu was suppose to be the 5th playable race when they changed to be the charr. The **intended** stuff always **first**, please!


Largos are so elfish/human, ugh...Kodan looks good but there is better customization in an aviar race than a bear one.

More variety with Tengu than the other 2.

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> @"DarkEmiLupus.2876" said:

> > @"Luthan.5236" said:

> > I'd play a Kodan or Tengu first. (And I doubt they'd just make Tengu playable without making the other great races too.)

> > Probably will be a lot of work especially with the armor skins and stuff.

> >

> > So I guess ... the chances are low.

> >

> > If they released those 3 slowly (first one and maybe years later the next one) ... I'd vote for Largos/Kodan first. The best stuff always first, please!

> > Largos are cool. Kodan look beautiful.

> >

> > Tengu are ugly birds.


> Tengu was suppose to be the 5th playable race when they changed to be the charr. The **intended** stuff always **first**, please!


> Largos are so elfish/human, ugh...Kodan looks good but there is better customization in an aviar race than a bear one.

> More variety with Tengu than the other 2.


This is truth.


It came down to the chopping block of either Charr or Tengu if i recall correctly.


Also, Largos being customizable would be a nightmare due to requiring the re-breather thing all the time, also the fins on the back.

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> @"Matt H.6142" said:

> Are you sure it’s new? The quetzal in Auric Basin are well animated but who sticks around to watch them (except me apparently)


Well, I'm staring at Kensho Arrowsoul in my guild's hall and he's just staring back. What are we supposed to be seeing?

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Tengu will never be added as a playable race that much I am absolutely positive.

The best we can hope for is a combat tonic..


That said though, with a Cantha expansion coming there's a decent probability that Tengu will have a role in upcoming story content.

I hope that they do, it's long overdue that the Tengu started coming into the game's story, they started too as far back as the personal story and then just kinda stopped again.

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> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> They models may have been upgraded just to make sure that Tengu NPCs will look better in the next expansion.

Yeah. That make sense. My guess is that some Tengu that still managed to stay alive in Cantha will contact the Tyrian Tengu (Tengu race seems strongest here with the own "Dominion of the Winds") about some stuff happening in Cantha. Then we'll travel to Cantha ... and Tengu as major NPC race. Similar to the Hylek and stuff in HoT.


If they want to make Tengu playable they would need a own city ... and the "Dominion of the Winds" would make sense here. A bit weird though that they haven't made them playable before then. (Also will be fun if they have to write them into the personal core story. Having them join orders and beat Zhaitan, etc.)


It would have made sense to add new playable races with the other expansions that already got made. But they didn't seem to do so. Like for example Elona having Elonian human race with different body/face style options and a story starting there that would join with the story of Tyrian chars.

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> @"DarkEmiLupus.2876" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Theres a new tengu idle animation?


> OP may refer to the HoT tengu/guild hall tengu standing idle animation.



I refer to the standing idle animation in this patch. The scratching with his foot. The tengu in eotn.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> I wouldn't read to much into this. Skritt has an idle animation.


> [skritt idle animation](https://gfycat.com/cornyweirdfirefly)


> I would love to play a Skritt! I could see myself creating a Tengu and Koda too.


Everything has an idle animation. OP thinks there were _new_ idle animations.


But they could be from HoT when they updated a bunch of tengu animations for the Quetzal foes.

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