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Do you have a main and what is it and why?

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My main is a human female ranger. Human female because I wanted her to be descended from/the latest version of my GW1 character (and they had to be human) and ranger because it's the profession I enjoy most.


I made 4 characters on the first day and it's gone up to 11 since then. I never set rules for myself on which ones I play or how often, I just choose whichever one I feel like when I log in and over time the ranger emerged as a favourite. Although that's not entirely a surprise, I've been playing RPGs for almost 30 years so I've got a fairly good idea of the kind of characters I like and the ranger is the closest fit (with ele a close second).


But it does often depend on what I want to do, I tend to prefer certain characters for certain activities. For example I'm currently doing WvW on my weaver, and I always seem to do Silverwastes on my tempest. My thief is currently assigned to doing dailies, but that rotates between characters on a regular basis. I have a mental list of what everyone is currently doing and pick whichever I feel like when I log in, either to continue what they were doing or to start something new.

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I have a habit of deleting characters and remaking them, over and over again - to the annoyance of my girlfriend lol. I want my characters to look exactly the way I intended them to be - sometimes I'll find or design a look that I like even more, and it's fitting to a class I enjoy playing so I'll remake it.


With that being said my main is and has always been ranger and it's the one character I have never deleted or felt the need to redesign (looks wise and in name). It's a human male. I first chose this class because I really liked having a pet companion that never leaves your side. Lately though, anet has been nerfing it severely, and while it's always going to be my "main" I play it less these days.


I'm currently playing ele more so due to the diversity in build options and I'm making a Norn male revenant (I have very little experience on rev but would like to master the class before I decide to keep it or throw it away).


My advice to you is be patient. This game isn't a race and can be taken quite casually. I would create a character on your preferred gender(s) for each race and design looks/names using the previews. One for each type of armor class. Then level up a couple of them and decide whether you enjoy the class or not. Takes longer but in my case of constantly deleting and remaking, when I finally get that perfect character to me, it was worth all the time spent. Lastly I play male characters, simply because I'm a male. It feels weird (to me) to be in a role-playing game, with your virtual character roleplaying as the opposite gender.

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There's no rule that says you have to have a main. My main is actually a somewhat weak character since he is a pvt mace/shield warrior. Hard to kill, but very low dps. He's my go to for everything but instances and WvW and the first through every story. He also is apart of a gaming multiverse for me as well which I wont go into.


There's nothing wrong with bouncing between toons equally though

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Asuran Female Elementalist.


Asuran because I like them best of all the GW2 races with that odd juxtaposition of cutesy weirdness and ruthlessness. I love everything Asuran!


Female because, of all the voicework in GW2, I've always loved the work of Colleen O'Shaughnessey (the voice of the Asuran Female). If you're like me, you might not have even noticed how important voicework is to the overall experience. But that's just it! It's such a part of the experience that I don't typically think of it on its own, separate from the whole. That is until I'm asked questions like these or play an entire story episode with no voicework! There are other great voices in this game, but the Asuran Female has always been my favorite!


Elementalist. I'm playing the Weaver elite specialization now and it takes that attunement swapping to another level. It's remarkably complex and fun to play! I've never played anything else like it. The swapping, dual attunements, 26 weapon skills per set, all the combo fields with so many leap and blast finishers, dodge effects from evasive arcana. It just feels like there is so much going on and I love it!


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Female Norn Thief.


Why? Because I was playing around ages ago with different classes and what not. Thief was the one I preferred, due to its faster playstyle because of its initiative system instead of normal cooldowns. I also enjoyed the stealth aspect which allowed me to sneak up on targets as well as get out of a bad fight.


As such, it's my oldest character.


However, I don't play it so much anymore. Since it's received so many nerfs over the years it's a mere shadow of its former self. Stealth has practically 0 duration anymore, everything costs way too much initiative making the class much slower, the little sustain that the class had has been nerfed too so it's also a pile of squish (Outside of spamming Black Powder for constant blinds which is less than thrilling gameplay, especially with the aforementioned increased initiative costs)


So I end up playing other characters instead. Such as Necro when I just want to faceroll through content because Reaper is super survivable even with full Zerker gear while dishing out tons of damage and able to face tank Champions with ease. Or Ranger if I just want to burst for like a billion damage because Soulbeast is absolutely ridiculous.


I tried to play some Mesmer too, as it was always a class I thought looked fun to play at high level (Just, leveling up as one used to suck)... But it seems that too also has been nerfed to heck and just feels crummy to play as well.


So yeah. I'd love to go back to playing my Thief, but it just feels so bad to play as it these days. With limited gameplay variation too, where PvP it's all P/D Repeater spam because Condi's are stupid and PvE it's all Rifle DE where your rotation is simply just TRB x3 > Death's Judgment ad infinitum (Even more so in OW because getting close to basically anything to use any melee weapons feels like suicide 99% of the time)...

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My Main is a..


Race: Human.

Reason?: I'm a Gw1 player so I wanted to continue my Gw1 characters family legacies into Gw2, this is why many of my Gw2 human characters share last names.

Basically they're all decendants of my Gw1 characters and either directly or distantly related in Gw2.


Gender: Male.

Reason?: No reason, when I created him 8 years ago I just felt like making a male character.

I have many Male and Female characters in Gw2, their gender is usually chosen on a whim or because I have a specific name in mind that I want to use.


Class: Ranger.

Reason?: It was my first character in Gw2. Coming from Gw1 I mostly played a Necromancer there however for many years I almost always had Ranger as a secondary profession on most of my characters just because I liked having and collecting pet allies.

In Gw2 Ranger was the only class that could collect pets while traveling around the open world and I really liked this as an idea, it felt almost like a little quest that only the Ranger class had access too.

So on my first playthrough of the game I wanted to be able to collect all the pets and enjoy that fresh game experience where nobody knew where they all were.

I was the first person among my friends and guildmates who found and tamed a Shark and may have even been one of the first few Rangers in the game to find and tame the Armour Fish hidden away below Lions Arch.. a location I showed a number of other Rangers how to access so they could tame their own.


Pet hunting was a lot of fun to me in the early days of Gw2 and to this day I have no regrets about choosing Ranger as my first character.

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Chronomancer main,


I love support classes and Mesmer seems to go way back with Guild Wars. If Monk actually was brought to GW2 I'd play that probably, but sadly, it isn't.


Other than that it's strong PvE class, self quickness, self might, very versatile build wise (although most class are versatile nowadays). You can play it Staff, Greatsword, Sword (power or condi).


Back in Core/HoT it had great mobility, but since mount exist mobility isn't really an issue. It's mobility is still useful if you engage if fights you can't win, you can simply disengage with blink.


What play style are you actually after? All classes are very different, and it's probably best to know what type of class you're looking to play. Elite spec can vary a the play style a lot depending on the class. So you might have started a class which you might like, but you just haven't explored the build yet.

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Though not the answer are looking for, I don't have a main. For me, my gameplay is split between gearing up all my characters and be able to utilize each of them for any gameplay (raids, fractals, PvP, PvE). It does take awhile, thus the process is more like end-game for me. It takes me awhile to really decide if I like a class (a good month once equipped); and a lot of times I end up just deleting it. But that's part of my process!

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My first & main character is a human female ranger. I picked human for familiarity (I was entirely new to Guild Wars as a whole, and didn't want to risk feeling too disconnected at the start), female for looks (pretty), and ranger because it's usually the first class I run in any game. As folks have already mentioned, ranger has had a pretty bumpy ride over the years, and spent the vast majority of the game's history trading between different forms of uselessness. That's not to say that I couldn't have fun or be effective - even before soulbeast, I found ways to outperform many classes in group content, and soloed dungeons and harder fights.


I continue to main ranger because over the years, I've found that ranger is one of the most versatile classes at the expense of rarely being the best at any one thing. As such, it was a natural choice for me to take ranger into everything new. I've since figured out how to do everything in this game on a glass cannon build on every class, so I don't need to bring my ranger to new content anymore - but I still do it anyways out of habit.


I have a total of 24 characters. 9 are sort of my "core" characters, one for each core class. I usually learn at least 3-4 builds on those, and have them suitably equipped. The other... 15 I usually make for specific aesthetic purposes, or to try out story choices that weren't covered by the original 9. I only learn one build (which is often deeply inefficient since I pick weapons for looks and not practicality on these characters) and gear them out for that. Although these 15 "extra" characters are much less useful for gameplay than my core roster, put together they still get a pretty significant chunk of my play time; I do work pretty hard on their looks, after all.

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Race : Sylvari

Class : Elementalist

Gender : Male


Elementalist is by far my most favorite class of all time in any MMORPG. I just looooove it. I choose Sylvari because male where pretty awesome compared to Humain. Despite that my favorite race is Charr and I love playing them. That why I also really like my Charr necro. But that's not even close to the Elementalist feeling playstyle.

I think that Elementalist is misunderstood. It is not that complex at all and can be really resilient too. Never understood the critics.

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My main is a human female thief named Dragonhunt. Quite honestly my favorite character in any game I’ve played, I find it to be odd. She looks like a bad ass killing machine that can stealth. Absolutely gorgeous to look at , so I do my best to keep her alive, haha.

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> @"Kovac.4372" said:

> If you have a main, what race, class and gender is it and why?


Profession: Guardian

Why? - Because it's versatile and excellent in everything it does (DPS, support).


Race: Human

Why? - Just fits my character's theme (Priest of Dwayna).


Gender: Male

Why? - Because I dislike 99.9% of the female armor sets (either too femmy and overdressed or showing too much skin), most of the female postures and animations (too "girly"), the way females hold their weapons (some stances look weird), and pretty much all weapons being ridiculously oversized on female characters.

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I have two mains. Both female - because I like the more graceful aesthetic on female characters (if you want to think I'd prefer to stare at a hot girl for hours on end instead of the alternative, I won't stop you). One is human and one is Sylvari. I prefer the Sylvari because I really like the voice actress - could listen to her all day, seriously.


One is a Mesmer and one is an Elementalist. I like the Sylvari Elementalist for her really flashy skills that just nuke things - but her low survivability has made her really hard to enjoy in expansion and Living World content. The other is a human Mesmer which is just more survivable by miles, and her skills really click with me. I'd make her my main character in an instant, except I don't like the human voice actress as much as the Sylvari one.


Ashantara is right that most weapons are way oversized on female characters. But I think I solved that by selecting the right weapon skins. Bonetti's Rapier for one-handed swords and the Privateer's Greatsword skin. Looks real sleek on my Mesmer. The Opulent Defender shield skin looks really nice too. For armor skins, I put the starter boots on her (the lace-up knee high boots), the Order of Whispers skirt with the slit up the side, the chest armor from the Carapace Armor set you find in the Silverwastes... makes for an attractive look that doesn't look ridiculously impractical like the tier 3 Human racial armor set and doesn't scream out "trying too hard" like the Winged armor set items.


My Sylvari Elementalist sported the same outfit combo as my Mesmer for a while and she looked pretty good in it too. But at the moment, I have her is something that looks a little more rugged. Cabalist hood and chest piece with Leystone pants from Dragon's Stand and the beginner skin for boots - Apprentice shoes. Get the colors right with more subdued hues, and she pulls off the experienced adventurer look really nicely.


If you can't tell, it's all down to look and feel of the character with me. I have a Sylvari male Revenant with blue-gray skin tones and white mowhawk and the special Revenant armor set. I have a female Norn Guardian in the Tier 3 Norn racial armor, but although it looks great, the impracticality of it bugs me, so I want to swap over to a full Carapace armor set from the Silverwastes, once I get the legs by playing the Living World episode that unlocks them. I've got a female Charr Necromancer in pretty much the full Bladed Armor set from Verdant Brink, except for head - which has one of the racial Charr hoods you can purchase in the Black Citadel. And the special Mesmer shoulders you unlock in Path of Fire. My Asura male thief and Human male Engineer are still works in progress. I'm planning a male Charr Warrior and female Asura Ranger at some point when I'm willing to spring for more character slots. Just don't like Norn males, so doubt I'll bother with one.


It's really down to how the character is going to look. What fighting animations are they going to do, and will it look good. I tried a Charr Guardian once, and just really didn't like the attack animations, switched to a Norn female and it was tons better. The only way to know this for yourself is to test drive a race/gender/class combo and see how you like the look of how they fight and talk during their personal story.


I would highly recommend you test run a bunch of characters up to level 20 before settling on one. Getting to level 20 is easy. And by then, you'll have most of the weapons and attack animations available for you to look at.

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In GW my main was my elementalist (human, male), so he was the first avatar I made in GW2. I forced him up to 80 and gave up on him. Horrid thing.


My 2nd avatar became my main. A male Charr Necro/minion master. Wonderfully fun character. I do well in groups, I get looting rights on almost everything, and while my critters are fighting I help res people, as needed. He is also my only character that can wander around solo in HoT (not that I spend much time there).


My almost main is may male, Norn, Ranger. Almost as awesome as the Necro.


I have pretty much everything else, but never warmed up to any of them. Guardian, warrior, revenant, mesmer... eh... whatever. I am looking to make a fisherman ha ha We all like what we like :)

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So many elementalists! And so many bad experiences with such a cool class. It makes me sad. I know how hard it can be to find good open world builds. Everyone will tell you to go glass. But what if that doesn't work for you? Try this out!




It is cheap to gear (dire exotic is fine) and has pretty amazing survivability and damage. How "amazing" is it? Here's a video of a 50 second champion avatar of Balthazar solo on sword weaver at 15.8k DPS, while never using an active heal, never rotating into water, and staying above 66% health the entire fight. I've never played another build that can match that.



I don't know if it will bring you back to enjoying your elementalist, but if glassy builds are holding you back, I think you need to try this! Maybe you guys can be ele mains again, too!







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I really like that video. But... don't look at the screen - just look at the skill bar. Look how many different skills that Elementalist is going through.


That's not really easy to do for a lot of players - myself included.


I mean, I'm still tempted to try it out anyway. But I've never been that great at playing the piano in GW2.

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Do you have a skill rotation posted somewhere?


Also, I admit I don't get your choice of weapon sigils. Sigil of Energy doesn't seem like it would ever proc - since you never swap weapons as an Elementalist. And what does Sigil of Corruption really do for you? Do you really get bonuses from stuff dying that often?


Edit: Sorry, I missed your response to your own video on YouTube where you said the following about the rotation:


"I'm pretty free-form on account of not participating in any organized group content. No practice golems or meta builds for me! But to deal damage I know I need to stay in fire, rotating between earth and air. This allows me to maintain that 25 might stack through Pyromancer's Puissance, combo blasts on fire fields, and fire aura detonations from focus fire 5 while also accessing my most damaging moves (e.g. pyrovortex).


What you basically want to avoid is rotating in while the moves you need are still on cooldown. Simple enough. Just keep rotating back to fire, then rotate to whatever alternate element (earth or air) you didn't rotate into on the previous pass. Use the combo blasts like earth 2 and 4 on your fire fields to keep that might going. Also remember that with this build you have evasive arcana, so you actually get some damage out of dodging in fire and earth as well as an additional combo blast from earth dodge. Also, rotating back into fire applies fire shield and deals damage so even dodging into the enemy while rotating into fire deals some nice damage while helping generate more might!


Avoid rotating into water unless you need CC or healing. Likewise, air/earth is only really used for CC. Rotating into these elements is something you definitely need to do at the right time, but it's also a damage loss when you do it. So be aware of that.


I'm sure an experienced raid weaver could give a more detailed critique on how to deal damage, but this is basically how I approach it. I am not following a strict rotation in my head, more of a general one that changes to meet the needs of my situation. Unlike organized group play, there's nobody else there to perform other roles for me!"

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> @"Irensaga.6935" said:

> I really like that video. But... don't look at the screen - just look at the skill bar. Look how many different skills that Elementalist is going through.


> That's not really easy to do for a lot of players - myself included.


> I mean, I'm still tempted to try it out anyway. But I've never been that great at playing the piano in GW2.


I don't want to hijack this thread, so I'm going to pick this conversation up with a new thread in the elementalist folder where I'll include a quick clip demonstrating just how easy it is to conquer relatively difficult open world scenarios even if you don't know what you're doing and aren't much of a "piano" player!


Edit: Here is a link to the new thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/107218/open-world-domination-fire-weaver


I will answer your question regarding energy/corruption sigils there. :)

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My mains are my Human Elementalist female and Ranger Asura female. They just happened to be the first two characters I created and both have the majority of my hours. I just enjoy playing as both of them. Both should have completed the original story. My ranger has gone through pretty much all of the stories. My elementalist has some of the other story parts and I've taken her through all of LWS4 with my boyfriend and his character. I just liked the look of them.


I've picked up some other characters though not mains. The two class mains are the ones I actually have second characters with the same class. I have two Elementalists and two Rangers. Originally it was Tempest and then new one was Weaver. And Druid first and second ranger was Soulbeast. Of course, my two mains have both elite specs unlocked.

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No but yes? I spend a lot more time on some characters than others but they all have full map completion and fully equipped in ascended ... or could be, couple are missing ascended armor but I have armor boxes sitting around it's just that there is no need since I won't ever do fractals with them.


Gear is easy to get so the only reason to focus on a single character is to have more familiarity with the build.

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Human male warrior. Probably the most basic combination but it was my first and I always come back to him in all game modes. I have every profession and always thought that there will be something better and more interesting. I like ele and engi and guard but it is something about the warrior that has the right feel.

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I'm currently like the OP, searching myself about which class while give me the best feeling.

For the race, Asuran, all the way. I love their story and voice. I still want to learn more about their past :)

I just regret the weapon oversize who doesn't make any sense and make thing way harder to look good...


I'm currently playing necro a lot, but the more I play it, the more I realize I just like the fact it can faceroll anything, not really the skill/class itself (even if minion are fun.. but ugly).

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