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I Love This Game

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I love this game too!

* The art style is great

* The payment model is good (keep doing expansions)

* I have enjoyed the storyline from vanilla all the way through to current. It is enjoyable, Voice Acting is good, and the plot lines have been decent at times, and fantastic at others, but never poorly done, imo.


ps- More open world puzzles, jumping puzzles, and fun metas!

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Considering that the market is changing and that now pretty much every mmo is for mobile platforms, it's pretty likely GW2 will be the last mmo I stay around to play.


I've tried many others mmos in the past, but none had the qualities that I really enjoy from GW2. It's design choices such as level scaling (which gives a high degree of freedom for levelling, unlike most other games which fix a growth path for you), or open world adhoc collaboration events (which is a refreshing change from just queuing dungeons over and over, which used to be the default in many others) are pretty difficult to find elsewhere. The income model is also spot on, as I feel like paying a subscription isn't worth it if I am not going to be spending hours online everyday to make the most of it.


And then there are the small QOL things that few rivals have; eg: the wardrobe system, worldwide access to the trading post, as well as deposit of all materials into storage. Personally, one of the better features which isn't as mentioned is the custom soundtrack: the ability to set playlists for different contexts. The game's soundtrack is pretty good, but playing with classics from my past games really adds to my experience.


There are still a few things I wish I could modify to make this a truly marvelous game, but I suppose we all have those, and ANet isn't a large enough company to polish every nook and cranny.... but who knows? It only took them like five years to give necromancers an underwater minion elite, so I suppose someday we'll also get the small things such as disabling target highlighting on mouse hover (sort of ruins my immersion when playing in action camera mode), or disabling nameplates from minions/party/squad members (ditto), or even just hide the mouse cursor while viewing vistas (ditto).


Though, ironically enough, we are more likely to get huge game changes than these small improvements. D:




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> @"reative.4093" said:

> > @"Mcintosh.8427" said:

> > I love this game! Keep up the great work :)


> Why You love this game?


That's a very good question, and while I love the game, I can't answer that question. It's something I can't put my finger on.


Parts I really like:


* stories

* tie-ins from storyline missions to open-world events

* background dialog, both in cities and between members of our guild, like Canach and Rytlock

* Just about everything Canach says

* loot

* fractals (probably because of the stories behind them)



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i've been playing World of Warcraft recently..

Its fun.

But one of the things i LOVE about guild wars 2 which will always make it the best mmorpg is that you can get really baked hop on your griffin and just go for a stroll.

Stop to save a town. then hop on your raptor and then a world boss my pop up, you join forces with a random group of players. Its so easy. Its so chill.


The art is and exploration is amazing.

There are things I wish they would change but its a great game.

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I loved this game, a lot. But not anymore.


After years of witnessing high handled nerfs hiding in the name of balance patch, a part of that love left after each nerf patch. And when we requested for a real change or QoL stuff, nothing is done and without any communications. Nada, zero, zip.


This will be my last post in this forum. And for the rest of you, enjoy further nerfs and disappointments.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> I loved this game, a lot. But not anymore.


> After years of witnessing high handled nerfs hiding in the name of balance patch, a part of that love left after each nerf patch. And when we requested for a real change or QoL stuff, nothing is done and without any communications. Nada, zero, zip.


> This will be my last post in this forum. And for the rest of you, enjoy further nerfs and disappointments.


Okay, bye. I hope you find something that makes you happy.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> I loved this game, a lot. But not anymore.


> After years of witnessing high handled nerfs hiding in the name of balance patch, a part of that love left after each nerf patch. And when we requested for a real change or QoL stuff, nothing is done and without any communications. Nada, zero, zip.


> This will be my last post in this forum. And for the rest of you, enjoy further nerfs and disappointments.


Why didnt you make your own thread for those, instead of coming here where people are wanting to be positive?


I love the game too.

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > I loved this game, a lot. But not anymore.

> >

> > After years of witnessing high handled nerfs hiding in the name of balance patch, a part of that love left after each nerf patch. And when we requested for a real change or QoL stuff, nothing is done and without any communications. Nada, zero, zip.

> >

> > This will be my last post in this forum. And for the rest of you, enjoy further nerfs and disappointments.


> Why didnt you make your own thread for those, instead of coming here where people are wanting to be positive?


> I love the game too.


“I quit” threads are not allowed anyway.

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