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How to fix Guild Wars 2

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

> > Gw2's biggest problem is that its extremely hard for new players to get into the game considering the story is very hard to catch up to.

> Is it? I'm asking honestly. New players can run through the story at whatever pace they like. The content will always be there for them. Now, if they're rushing to get to end game content, then that's a different point.


It's hard to follow the story when part of it is missing forever (Season 1) and the rest of it is behind a gem paywall (Seasons 2,3,4) that no new player should have to pay, if they already bought the relevant expansions. The story is a disjointed mess for new players. But I wouldn't call that GW2's biggest problem.


In my opinion the biggest problem of GW2 is the lack of player conversions, a problem that was identified, officially by NCSoft, years ago, with the release of Heart of Thorns, and still very little has been done to fix it. If it is even fixable as it might require complete reworks of the Core Game (where the issue is) and it doesn't seem Anet wants to revisit old content, despite being the game's biggest flaw.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > You could also just go into wvw and buy the skins and spend only 25 instead of 30 which reduces it to 1200 but you can't sell the skins unlike the badge of tribute.


> That defeats the purpose of this path, which was to never set a single foot on WvW maps.




as mentioned above, that is an incredibly stupid requirement ...

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> as mentioned above, that is an incredibly stupid requirement


Whether it is advisable to do so (or not) wasn't the point.

It just was about the **possibility** to never touch WvW for the Gift of Battle.


I would never advice anyone to go this way, I would always advice people to do the easy (and usually quick) dailies in WvW.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > WvW already ISNT required for any legendary minus the WvW accessory and the back pack.

> Gift of Battle is exclusive to a WvW Reward and required for every Legendary Weapon.

> So WvW **is** required for every Legendary Weapon.


> I certainly hope it stays that way.


I'm sorry but you're wrong about this. PvE'ers that do achievements like me have tons of badges of honor, thousands even, stacked up. Every few days there's a big spender daily that I can do in the guild hall. That gives me one potion of WvW rewards. 80 potions and I have a gift of battle, without ever setting foot in WvW.


I do guild missions every single week and have tons of guild commendations. I can use guild commendations to buy Boxes of WvW supplies, and I get some from the ley matter-energy converter as well. Using those I can get WvW levels on characters just by clicking on the barrels. This will give me my daily WvW leverl without ever setting foot in WvW.


I don't mind WvW and I've made legendaries back when you had to complete the maps, but you absolutely, if you're patient, can make a WvW legendary without ever setting foot in WvW at all.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > WvW already ISNT required for any legendary minus the WvW accessory and the back pack.

> > Gift of Battle is exclusive to a WvW Reward and required for every Legendary Weapon.

> > So WvW **is** required for every Legendary Weapon.

> >

> > I certainly hope it stays that way.


> I'm sorry but you're wrong about this. PvE'ers that do achievements like me have tons of badges of honor, thousands even, stacked up. Every few days there's a big spender daily that I can do in the guild hall. That gives me one potion of WvW rewards. 80 potions and I have a gift of battle, without ever setting foot in WvW.


> I do guild missions every single week and have tons of guild commendations. I can use guild commendations to buy Boxes of WvW supplies, and I get some from the ley matter-energy converter as well. Using those I can get WvW levels on characters just by clicking on the barrels. This will give me my daily WvW leverl without ever setting foot in WvW.


> I don't mind WvW and I've made legendaries back when you had to complete the maps, but you absolutely, if you're patient, can make a WvW legendary without ever setting foot in WvW at all.


You have to be inside wvw when you consume those boxes of wvw supplies to gain wvw exp and to some in this thread that count as setting foot in wvw =)

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > WvW already ISNT required for any legendary minus the WvW accessory and the back pack.

> > > Gift of Battle is exclusive to a WvW Reward and required for every Legendary Weapon.

> > > So WvW **is** required for every Legendary Weapon.

> > >

> > > I certainly hope it stays that way.

> >

> > I'm sorry but you're wrong about this. PvE'ers that do achievements like me have tons of badges of honor, thousands even, stacked up. Every few days there's a big spender daily that I can do in the guild hall. That gives me one potion of WvW rewards. 80 potions and I have a gift of battle, without ever setting foot in WvW.

> >

> > I do guild missions every single week and have tons of guild commendations. I can use guild commendations to buy Boxes of WvW supplies, and I get some from the ley matter-energy converter as well. Using those I can get WvW levels on characters just by clicking on the barrels. This will give me my daily WvW leverl without ever setting foot in WvW.

> >

> > I don't mind WvW and I've made legendaries back when you had to complete the maps, but you absolutely, if you're patient, can make a WvW legendary without ever setting foot in WvW at all.


> You have to be inside wvw when you consume those boxes of wvw supplies to gain wvw exp and to some in this thread that count as setting foot in wvw =)




Actually, I do not believe you do. Opening the boxes in LA have this person several WvW levels.



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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > WvW already ISNT required for any legendary minus the WvW accessory and the back pack.

> > > > Gift of Battle is exclusive to a WvW Reward and required for every Legendary Weapon.

> > > > So WvW **is** required for every Legendary Weapon.

> > > >

> > > > I certainly hope it stays that way.

> > >

> > > I'm sorry but you're wrong about this. PvE'ers that do achievements like me have tons of badges of honor, thousands even, stacked up. Every few days there's a big spender daily that I can do in the guild hall. That gives me one potion of WvW rewards. 80 potions and I have a gift of battle, without ever setting foot in WvW.

> > >

> > > I do guild missions every single week and have tons of guild commendations. I can use guild commendations to buy Boxes of WvW supplies, and I get some from the ley matter-energy converter as well. Using those I can get WvW levels on characters just by clicking on the barrels. This will give me my daily WvW leverl without ever setting foot in WvW.

> > >

> > > I don't mind WvW and I've made legendaries back when you had to complete the maps, but you absolutely, if you're patient, can make a WvW legendary without ever setting foot in WvW at all.

> >

> > You have to be inside wvw when you consume those boxes of wvw supplies to gain wvw exp and to some in this thread that count as setting foot in wvw =)


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:Box_of_WvW_Supplies


> Actually, I do not believe you do. Opening the boxes in LA have this person several WvW levels.



Oh I see was told by a wvw friend that you had to be inside to get the exp so thought he would have been right.


Have anyone tested this so it has not changed from 2016 tho?


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Problem here about legendary weapons is not, can you get it without steping in WvW. Because that should not even be issue. These weapons are good for many different playing styles. So they should be equal "hard" to get in any gameplay style that they can be used.


Hole idea, you can get it that way too but it's just not as easy, is beasicly trying to lure players certain gameplay with easyer way to get the same reawards, even if they would not want. People and game developments should understand that players are different and not every player like every playing style. Trying to lure them into with rewards doesn't change anyting. Player who don't like someting, do not start liking is by luring then into something they don't like. Also thinking because I like this, everyone should like it, is so wrong.


There is a lot of small issues in this game that would need to be fixed, but some of them are just design choises.


Example Guild Wars 2 game development has hard time to understand what is challenge and what's annoying.




Trying to get in any even't in time, but been interrupted/slowed by some small enemies in the path is not challenge, it's annoying. It can prevent player to do that main task, by small trivial annoing side tasks. (Example try walk in HoT). Everytime some trivial side task prevent multible times player to do what they want, it will become annoying. Challege is more like primary hard task player try to do, but it's player choise to do it.


This same problem is inside main story lines. Unable to understant that primary task is learning to story of the World, not be annoyed by choises what "new" player doesn't even understand or too high challences/annoying tasks. We play this game for FUN, not been annoyed. That doesn't mean every task has to be easy, but too many multible side tasks becomes annoying. Example jumping puzzle. While it's fine to be hard, but droping like 100 times so that you die, isn't anymore fun. Or in story line you need use example "catapult" to shoot two times some big enemy and then some small rat is trying to kill you. So you leave the catapult, kill the easy rat, then use the capapult again. After done this like 20 times, it is annoying. This is not challenge.


This game would be many times better if the annoying stuff would be reduced and important gear and character advances would not be inside some other playing style content. Story is also one of playing styles as content.


Also crafting need major fixing in my opinion. Because I still haven't figured it out, why so many crafting situation is like, I made this but what can I do with it. Most crafted stuff are usually for the player 100% useless, because You can buy it cheaper than it cost you to craft it. Why would level 80 player need blue gears? Also why are mobs droping gear what is connected elite skills, but those gears are below level 80. You can't use elite gear without been level 80.


Also some classes are a lot more powerfull that some others. Simple test try to fight single easy group enemy by alone, how long it to takes every different classes to kill that enemy. Other situation have like 20 enemies, some trivial some harder and test how long you class can stay alive while trying to kill them. Also weapon skill that does single target damage should be different that weapon skill that does AoE damage. If AoE damage is greater to single enemy, then why even use single target attacks. This affect weapon choises and has major affect how fast class/weapon can kill multible enemies.


Then there is defence vs offence. This game is allmost fully just offensive. While some classes actually has usefull active defence skill, most of defence skills are allmost useless. Because defence skills short affect time or very long recharge time. Defence skill usually doesn't solve situation, they just buy time for players. I would say that over 50% this games defence is "headless chiken dance". This mean running arould and doging like headless chiken to avoid been hit by enemy. While Guild Wars 2 design in right direction from more passive combat what holy trinity offers. It still need alot of work. Too many classes just tries to maximize damage output, because it has too high meaning in combat. Some attributes even lose they value, because some "harder" enemies just ignore the attributes meaning.


Some attribute combination are missing. Just one example Power, Vitality and Healing.


There is a lot what need to be fixed. This game is good, but it can be better.

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Pretty sure everything you stated would destroy the game. You need to understand that changing an entire system would damage the game. Dueling can occur, maybe in home instances between interested parties, but not in the open world. A sub fee strictly for convenience would be the only thing you stated here that I may agree with. ESO does it and it works for them.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> -WvW not required for legendaries

> -Gliding and mounts accessible in dungeons and sPvP

> -PvP duels in open world

> -Account-wide waypoints

> -Optional sub fee for bag space and access to all Living World content


This a list of changes you want to see in GW2. I see nothing here that will actually 'fix' GW2, though you also haven't identified what you consider to be 'broken' in GW2 that would required a 'fix', so there's that too.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > WvW already ISNT required for any legendary minus the WvW accessory and the back pack.

> > > Gift of Battle is exclusive to a WvW Reward and required for every Legendary Weapon.

> > > So WvW **is** required for every Legendary Weapon.

> > >

> > > I certainly hope it stays that way.

> >

> > I'm sorry but you're wrong about this. PvE'ers that do achievements like me have tons of badges of honor, thousands even, stacked up. Every few days there's a big spender daily that I can do in the guild hall. That gives me one potion of WvW rewards. 80 potions and I have a gift of battle, without ever setting foot in WvW.

> >

> > I do guild missions every single week and have tons of guild commendations. I can use guild commendations to buy Boxes of WvW supplies, and I get some from the ley matter-energy converter as well. Using those I can get WvW levels on characters just by clicking on the barrels. This will give me my daily WvW leverl without ever setting foot in WvW.

> >

> > I don't mind WvW and I've made legendaries back when you had to complete the maps, but you absolutely, if you're patient, can make a WvW legendary without ever setting foot in WvW at all.


> You have to be inside wvw when you consume those boxes of wvw supplies to gain wvw exp and to some in this thread that count as setting foot in wvw =)


That is completely false. I am **never** inside WvW when I use those because if I go in it messes with my participation and if I am going to be inside WvW then I might as well get the ranks normally instead of using the boxes.


> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > > WvW already ISNT required for any legendary minus the WvW accessory and the back pack.

> > > > > Gift of Battle is exclusive to a WvW Reward and required for every Legendary Weapon.

> > > > > So WvW **is** required for every Legendary Weapon.

> > > > >

> > > > > I certainly hope it stays that way.

> > > >

> > > > I'm sorry but you're wrong about this. PvE'ers that do achievements like me have tons of badges of honor, thousands even, stacked up. Every few days there's a big spender daily that I can do in the guild hall. That gives me one potion of WvW rewards. 80 potions and I have a gift of battle, without ever setting foot in WvW.

> > > >

> > > > I do guild missions every single week and have tons of guild commendations. I can use guild commendations to buy Boxes of WvW supplies, and I get some from the ley matter-energy converter as well. Using those I can get WvW levels on characters just by clicking on the barrels. This will give me my daily WvW leverl without ever setting foot in WvW.

> > > >

> > > > I don't mind WvW and I've made legendaries back when you had to complete the maps, but you absolutely, if you're patient, can make a WvW legendary without ever setting foot in WvW at all.

> > >

> > > You have to be inside wvw when you consume those boxes of wvw supplies to gain wvw exp and to some in this thread that count as setting foot in wvw =)

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:Box_of_WvW_Supplies

> >

> > Actually, I do not believe you do. Opening the boxes in LA have this person several WvW levels.

> >

> >

> Oh I see was told by a wvw friend that you had to be inside to get the exp so thought he would have been right.


> Have anyone tested this so it has not changed from 2016 tho?



They have always worked for me outside. Most recent was a couple weeks ago for the second most recent time when the daily came up. The reason I haven't used it on the most recent daily is because 9 boxes isn't enough to ensure that I can get 2 ranks.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > WvW already ISNT required for any legendary minus the WvW accessory and the back pack.

> > > Gift of Battle is exclusive to a WvW Reward and required for every Legendary Weapon.

> > > So WvW **is** required for every Legendary Weapon.

> > >

> > > I certainly hope it stays that way.

> >

> > I'm sorry but you're wrong about this. PvE'ers that do achievements like me have tons of badges of honor, thousands even, stacked up. Every few days there's a big spender daily that I can do in the guild hall. That gives me one potion of WvW rewards. 80 potions and I have a gift of battle, without ever setting foot in WvW.

> >

> > I do guild missions every single week and have tons of guild commendations. I can use guild commendations to buy Boxes of WvW supplies, and I get some from the ley matter-energy converter as well. Using those I can get WvW levels on characters just by clicking on the barrels. This will give me my daily WvW leverl without ever setting foot in WvW.

> >

> > I don't mind WvW and I've made legendaries back when you had to complete the maps, but you absolutely, if you're patient, can make a WvW legendary without ever setting foot in WvW at all.


> You have to be inside wvw when you consume those boxes of wvw supplies to gain wvw exp and to some in this thread that count as setting foot in wvw =)


That is incorrect. I consume those Boxes of WvW Supplies in the Royal Terrace, and I definitely gain WXP. You can open your WvW Panel and watch the WXP gained.

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> @"SpyderArachnid.5619" said:

> None of that would "fix" GW2. That would just add to the problems of the game.


> The only way to **fix** GW2, is get a new engine. GW2 is running off a modified version of the GW1 engine. Needless to say, the engine can't handle GW2.


I totally agree with this proposal.

when the news mmos will be out there with the strong engines, arenanet must be to have taken care of it...

But if not interested themselves (ncsoft) about that, or they do it skillfully very sparse updates .... and let the game dying slowly because they want release a new mmo for pc out there(tl project maybe??)

or they want any profits and they dont care about gw2?

or they want stay at mobile games ??

......its their problem!

Βut the big heads are gone(from arenanet), after that i dont know if the next period for the gw2 , will be great like 2-3 years before.

But left behind young people-programmers with eager to work.

If this eager didnt stop on fashionwars2 and continue in pure programming, maybe the game have many years life.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > > WvW already ISNT required for any legendary minus the WvW accessory and the back pack.

> > > > > Gift of Battle is exclusive to a WvW Reward and required for every Legendary Weapon.

> > > > > So WvW **is** required for every Legendary Weapon.

> > > > >

> > > > > I certainly hope it stays that way.

> > > >

> > > > I'm sorry but you're wrong about this. PvE'ers that do achievements like me have tons of badges of honor, thousands even, stacked up. Every few days there's a big spender daily that I can do in the guild hall. That gives me one potion of WvW rewards. 80 potions and I have a gift of battle, without ever setting foot in WvW.

> > > >

> > > > I do guild missions every single week and have tons of guild commendations. I can use guild commendations to buy Boxes of WvW supplies, and I get some from the ley matter-energy converter as well. Using those I can get WvW levels on characters just by clicking on the barrels. This will give me my daily WvW leverl without ever setting foot in WvW.

> > > >

> > > > I don't mind WvW and I've made legendaries back when you had to complete the maps, but you absolutely, if you're patient, can make a WvW legendary without ever setting foot in WvW at all.

> > >

> > > You have to be inside wvw when you consume those boxes of wvw supplies to gain wvw exp and to some in this thread that count as setting foot in wvw =)

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:Box_of_WvW_Supplies

> >

> > Actually, I do not believe you do. Opening the boxes in LA have this person several WvW levels.

> >

> >

> Oh I see was told by a wvw friend that you had to be inside to get the exp so thought he would have been right.


> Have anyone tested this so it has not changed from 2016 tho?



I've opened them in the open world and the guild hall as recently as last month.

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If they ever make them available for solo, then i might do legendaries. Until then, i could not possibly care less. I don't see what is a "legendary journey" in getting a bunch of zerg festivals and gangbanging everything. Would be more appropriate if you would do some challenges alone.

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