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Please Balance PVP! and everyone stop saying Mirage is OP!

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Hey Arena net when are you going to finally balance PVP?


I have been playing guild wars since Guildwars 1. I love GW2 and have been playing for years. I recently came back to the game and decided to go into PVP.

All I have to say is what is going on? I main mesmer and I love mirage, but in pvp we are way too nerfed. How are you going to take away our dodge and yet let Theif keep perma evade.

Yes I know mirage is stupid strong, but without that second dodge we only have once chance to evade or escape every three seconds while so many other classes can evade for days. How is that fair? I recently stopped playing mirage pvp and went back to core mesmer and found I was surviving better and killing more. what is the point of my elite spec then?

I think all classes need to be nerfed in pvp. But taking away the second dodge from mirage was not the way to go since the entire spec is based on that evade. I still have great games as a mirage dont get me wrong, but when a theif can dance around me with perma evade...wtf.

Not to mention the mass amount of boons that so many classes can create just makes it very hard to out play against. Give mirage back our second dodge, and find another way to nerf us.


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Umm no one is saying mirage is OP lol been a while since mirage is OP was a thing no?

After this many years and the game state ending up here doesn't bode well for Hope's of a near balanced pvp mode. The new balance credence gave a lot of players hope but unfortunately it's the same credence they give everytime players are starting to leave in hope's of player retention, and as all other times couple months pass and they retire back to their old ways. This time the delivered a massive patch reaching all classes and builds but unfortunately like stated above was just a tactic. Notice how if one were to think of the largest patch u could possibly release with very little actual effort and considerations of the changes let alone with changes to individual classes and u get a blanket nerf or blanket buff that is just all reduction or increase over all values with zero thought.

Then players brought up the obvious fact that such patches with zero spacific class considerations causes a lot of thing to be broken within certain classes so anet states yeah this type of patch will cause some issues within inter class balances and will frequently follow up with tweaks- another tactic lol as the follow up has been a joke thus far. Honestly the team needs replaced,especially management.

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> @"Balletboy.2704" said:

> Hey Arena net when are you going to finally balance PVP?


> I have been playing guild wars since Guildwars 1. I love GW2 and have been playing for years. I recently came back to the game and decided to go into PVP.

> All I have to say is what is going on? I main mesmer and I love mirage, but in pvp we are way too nerfed. How are you going to take away our dodge and yet let Theif keep perma evade.

> Yes I know mirage is stupid strong, but without that second dodge we only have once chance to evade or escape every three seconds while so many other classes can evade for days. How is that fair? I recently stopped playing mirage pvp and went back to core mesmer and found I was surviving better and killing more. what is the point of my elite spec then?

> I think all classes need to be nerfed in pvp. But taking away the second dodge from mirage was not the way to go since the entire spec is based on that evade. I still have great games as a mirage dont get me wrong, but when a theif can dance around me with perma evade...kitten.

> Not to mention the mass amount of boons that so many classes can create just makes it very hard to out play against. Give mirage back our second dodge, and find another way to nerf us.



Balance it for who??? top tier players are happy to abuse the unbalanced classes and builds check leaderboards its either condi rev and.....what else? more condi ofc..... and outside top tier the 60% (and going up every single day) of the population are bot users so balance it for who? you ,me and a couple of friends? waste of money.

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> @"georgessj.4198" said:

> > @"Balletboy.2704" said:

> > Hey Arena net when are you going to finally balance PVP?

> >

> > I have been playing guild wars since Guildwars 1. I love GW2 and have been playing for years. I recently came back to the game and decided to go into PVP.

> > All I have to say is what is going on? I main mesmer and I love mirage, but in pvp we are way too nerfed. How are you going to take away our dodge and yet let Theif keep perma evade.

> > Yes I know mirage is stupid strong, but without that second dodge we only have once chance to evade or escape every three seconds while so many other classes can evade for days. How is that fair? I recently stopped playing mirage pvp and went back to core mesmer and found I was surviving better and killing more. what is the point of my elite spec then?

> > I think all classes need to be nerfed in pvp. But taking away the second dodge from mirage was not the way to go since the entire spec is based on that evade. I still have great games as a mirage dont get me wrong, but when a theif can dance around me with perma evade...kitten.

> > Not to mention the mass amount of boons that so many classes can create just makes it very hard to out play against. Give mirage back our second dodge, and find another way to nerf us.

> >


> Balance it for who??? top tier players are happy to abuse the unbalanced classes and builds check leaderboards its either condi rev and.....what else? more condi ofc..... and outside top tier the 60% (and going up every single day) of the population are bot users so balance it for who? you ,me and a couple of friends? waste of money.


Unfortunately this is correct. Gw2 had a very high potential when it came to pvp due to its unique combat mechanics, unfortunately this means little if the potential is squandered by incompetence, sheer lazyness or just a unwillingness to give the portion of the game the attention it needed to see that potential fulfilled maybe due to a decision that deemed pve more profitable. Either way it's gotten to a point where the pvp modes and inter class balances have gotten so bad that putting the amount of resources towards fixing the.m to anywhere half decent may be a gamble anet isn't currently willing to make given the possible poor return. This is all of course if the company isn't currently experiencing issues that they dont want to make public, given a loss of another dev and lack of communication and or any meaningfull content and patches for how long? Other than the fake big patch we recieved that required basically no thought on implementation.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> The community does not want to see mesmer buffed. At all. Ever.


i do. just not stealth oneshot mesmer or condi fall asleep mirage. problem for me is much more the design of mesmer. gw2 mesmer feels terrible compared to gw1 mesmer.


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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> People will cry about mesmer no matter what. Players will not play around it's resources and just cry "OP" and when objectively proven it's not "OP" will move the bar to "it's unfun".


Haha reminded me on something someone said here once. It was something like Mesmer is right now so bad, that people switched from „nerf Mesmer“ to „Mesmer is ok all, other classes need more nerfs“ since there is no way to justify another one.

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> @"Rekt.5360" said:

> Are the people claiming mirage is op the same ones that cry about warrior? That would make a lot of sense.


and prob multiple others including necro since they would be camped by condo mess with evades and condi spam.

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> @"Balletboy.2704" said:

> Hey Arena net when are you going to finally balance PVP?


> I have been playing guild wars since Guildwars 1. I love GW2 and have been playing for years. I recently came back to the game and decided to go into PVP.

> All I have to say is what is going on? I main mesmer and I love mirage, but in pvp we are way too nerfed. How are you going to take away our dodge and yet let Theif keep perma evade.

> Yes I know mirage is stupid strong, but without that second dodge we only have once chance to evade or escape every three seconds while so many other classes can evade for days. How is that fair? I recently stopped playing mirage pvp and went back to core mesmer and found I was surviving better and killing more. what is the point of my elite spec then?

> I think all classes need to be nerfed in pvp. But taking away the second dodge from mirage was not the way to go since the entire spec is based on that evade. I still have great games as a mirage dont get me wrong, but when a theif can dance around me with perma evade...kitten.

> Not to mention the mass amount of boons that so many classes can create just makes it very hard to out play against. Give mirage back our second dodge, and find another way to nerf us.



Who is saying mirage is OP lol

Mesmer is trash class along with the warrior right now. Just do what I did, I got tired of asking buffs for the warrior so right now I'm rolling a guardian (who btw is OP AF)

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> @"Chaarliee.2307" said:

> I got tired of asking buffs for the warrior so right now I'm rolling a guardian (who btw is OP AF)


Better yet. Don't play, don't give them your money.


Struggling company, dwindling scene. One less person in queue in the already shallow pool will turn others off even more, Even if you never have spent any money it's one less pair of eyes able to be tempted by their ads.

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> @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > The community does not want to see mesmer buffed. At all. Ever.


> i do. just not stealth oneshot mesmer or condi fall asleep mirage. problem for me is much more the design of mesmer. gw2 mesmer feels terrible compared to gw1 mesmer.



So basically mesmer can't be buffed.

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