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Kicked from a Strike Mission, Commander won't give a reason.

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> @"Azertah.5804" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> >

> > You are totaly correct the OP should have been more punished for repeatingly joining the group putting stress on the commander.

> >


> Sure keep beating a dead horse, If Im to be punished so too the commander.


Sure it's immoral to kick someone without telling them why but it's plain wrong trying to force your way into someone else's party/squad.

If someone doesn't want to play with you that's that - end of story, move on, find another squad.

Or even better, make your own group.


If all he did was kick you at the end I'd agree with the punishment talk but he kicked you several times. One kick should be a clear enough no. Rejoining after several kicks is just you asking for trouble...

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> @"Azertah.5804" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> >

> > You are totaly correct the OP should have been more punished for repeatingly joining the group putting stress on the commander.

> >


> Sure keep beating a dead horse, If Im to be punished so too the commander.


We can turn that around if you dont think you deserve any punishment neither do the commander mate.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Azertah.5804" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > >

> > > You are totaly correct the OP should have been more punished for repeatingly joining the group putting stress on the commander.

> > >

> >

> > Sure keep beating a dead horse, If Im to be punished so too the commander.


> We can turn that around if you dont think you deserve any punishment neither do the commander mate.


Im not the judge of that.

Two wrongs dont make a right, If there's any punishment it has been handed out already long time ago.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> This is why we need a looking for group que (kick) system like what WOW has. We also need auto loot when you make the kill like Wow has for this type of content. I am a big believer in solving the problem and assuming positive intent.


Such systems already exist for raids and the "real" strikes. Forging Steel uses the same (at least regarding the kick-protection, don't know about the loot from the chests), but as there are phases in which the group is out of combat, kicks are possible during the run.The question is, if more protection systems will only bring a positive outcome for such a long strike (or vision, however it's called).

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> This is why we need a looking for group que (kick) system like what WOW has. We also need auto loot when you make the kill like Wow has for this type of content. I am a big believer in solving the problem and assuming positive intent.


We could just remove kick entirely, either finish or leave. If you cant get kicked then you cant br pushed out of content

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > This is why we need a looking for group que (kick) system like what WOW has. We also need auto loot when you make the kill like Wow has for this type of content. I am a big believer in solving the problem and assuming positive intent.


> We could just remove kick entirely, either finish or leave. If you cant get kicked then you cant br pushed out of content


like the worst idea ever, what happend if someone join without the good role that the lfg asked, what is someone come with tthe good sepc, but can't do his role at all because of skills or wrong build, was if someone lie about his skill/gears just to get carried.


What if someone is just trolling ?

In a perfect world, kicking system will not be needed, but people abuse the other players group time already, it's will be worse.

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Happened to me on a fractal 99 CM run today, playing DPS tempest. Group made it pretty easily to the final boss, then wiped a few times, largely due to the BS and alac not getting the anom killed in time or people not getting into the dome. We get to the final phase and I get the impossible combo - doom on me and Ark uses his ball just after I leap to the dome. I down and die in the dome but at least the doom is contained. I use a revive orb, but by that time others have died and the party wipes. I get kicked, no explanation. I wasn't in any way responsible for any of the previous wipes, or even that last one, and was never asked to do or not do anything different that I failed to do. I just got targeted for the party's failings for whatever reason.


It is very jarring - you don't know what you did, if anything. You don't get a voice or an explanation. You worked hard to do the content and then they basically ghost you - it's the same feeling of confusion, rejection, and frustration with nowhere to put it.


I reported for LFG abuse but honestly I don't think it does any good. It's easy to say "just move on" but it's upsetting and annoying and you feel very much taken advantage of. I kind of wonder if other people in the group even look when the kick is proposed, or if they just confirm out of fear that they'll be next?


I don't have any good advice. It happens more frequently with more "elite" content, and in my experience there isn't a more toxic part of the community than LFG for CMs. (Then again, I don't raid.) Ranked SPvP has nothing on those guys. I'm not sure why it would happen on a FS run, that's basically glorified story mode and scales even down to 1 player. I guess like others have said some people are just mean or selfish or enjoy trolling others. I'm not sure there's a good solution that doesn't involve ANet devoting manpower they definitely don't want to pay to litigating player disputes more widely.



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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Josiah.2967" said:

> > This is why we need a looking for group que (kick) system like what WOW has. We also need auto loot when you make the kill like Wow has for this type of content. I am a big believer in solving the problem and assuming positive intent.


> We could just remove kick entirely, either finish or leave. If you cant get kicked then you cant br pushed out of content


Like the good old days when dungeons had a "leader" that you couldn't kick, without ruining the instance, and they could hold the rest of the team hostage, even asking for payment, threatening to leave if they didn't get paid. It's as if we haven't been there! Or rather people have very short memory.

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In order to avoid scenarios where you kick the person so you can sell the run for gold + achivements .... make it so after 1,5 hour (after the kick), the instance ''gets corrupted'' and doesn't give anything to those people , or any new.

More kicks from a specific person per month , the faster the corruption kicks in



ffs.... damm beer ....


If he was kicked for dealing low amount of dps...

The instance is divided into areas , with invisible lines :

a) The entrance (kick as many times as you want)

b) Hallway (the one starting the kicks , offer 15% of his reward to the victim for the ''NEXT'' boss (even if you haven't reach it) - the rest that ''agreed'' get -5% loot (in most cases the other 2 that hastly agree are friend of the one starting the kick))

. Both values are increased , if they exceed the ''kick/agreed'' cap per month

c) Boss area (If the boss cause wipe to the raid , and he still more than 50% of its HP , you can freely kick someone for 5 min


The victim must improve his DPS and avoid those toxic group.

And those toxic groups must invite guildies/friend list to be contained

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> @"Naqam a.6521" said:

> In order to avoid scenarios where you kick the person so you can sell the run for gold + achivements .... make it so after 1,5 hour (after the kick), the instance ''gets corrupted'' and doesn't give anything to those people , or any new.

> More kicks from a specific person per month , the faster the corruption kicks in


> Edit:

> kitten.... kitten beer ....


> If he was kicked for dealing low amount of dps...

> The instance is divided into areas , with invisible lines :

> a) The entrance (kick as many times as you want)

> b) Hallway (the one starting the kicks , offer 15% of his reward to the victim for the ''NEXT'' boss (even if you haven't reach it) - the rest that ''agreed'' get -5% loot (in most cases the other 2 that hastly agree are friend of the one starting the kick))

> . Both values are increased , if they exceed the ''kick/agreed'' cap per month

> c) Boss area (If the boss cause wipe to the raid , and he still more than 50% of its HP , you can freely kick someone for 5 min


> The victim must improve his DPS and avoid those toxic group.

> And those toxic groups must invite guildies/friend list to be contained


Or remove kick . As this suggestion csn easly be used to grief someone joins play bad on purpose until group gets feed up

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I have done my years of pugging in this games. And I have certainly gotten kicked for no apparent reason. As much as some players complain about ArcDPS, things used to be so much worse. People would blame the pug or the guy with the lowest AP, your class or whatever reason they could find back then.


Undeserved kicks may be annoying but you are allowed to continue instantly. They can hardly stop you from making your own group or joining another. The griefing that would be made possible if parties could no longer remove members (even for very good reasons) is a different story entirely. A lot of us played during the group-squad merging glitch and I take that experience as a pretty good indiction to what would happen if we outright removed kicking.

People should be able to decide and vote on who they want to play with. A single person should be getting overruled by a majority vote. Either that or reintroduce a group leader again like in the old days. Getting rid of any control over your own group seems like a really bad idea to me.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Naqam a.6521" said:

> > In order to avoid scenarios where you kick the person so you can sell the run for gold + achivements .... make it so after 1,5 hour (after the kick), the instance ''gets corrupted'' and doesn't give anything to those people , or any new.

> > More kicks from a specific person per month , the faster the corruption kicks in

> >

> > Edit:

> > kitten.... kitten beer ....

> >

> > If he was kicked for dealing low amount of dps...

> > The instance is divided into areas , with invisible lines :

> > a) The entrance (kick as many times as you want)

> > b) Hallway (the one starting the kicks , offer 15% of his reward to the victim for the ''NEXT'' boss (even if you haven't reach it) - the rest that ''agreed'' get -5% loot (in most cases the other 2 that hastly agree are friend of the one starting the kick))

> > . Both values are increased , if they exceed the ''kick/agreed'' cap per month

> > c) Boss area (If the boss cause wipe to the raid , and he still more than 50% of its HP , you can freely kick someone for 5 min

> >

> > The victim must improve his DPS and avoid those toxic group.

> > And those toxic groups must invite guildies/friend list to be contained


> Or remove kick . As this suggestion csn easly be used to grief someone joins play bad on purpose until group gets feed up


They can avoid griefing by inviting someone from their friendlist:) .

Just like casual should go in the training Raids

Theres KP + being asked to bring a specific class + link achivements + link Gear ... i don't believe after ALL that ''gearcheck'' he would go afk and risk to not be invited ever again ...



edit: Each players will have a icon called ''Watchfull Eye'' that increase stacks (based on damage) and you get more loot based on how many stacks you have + the one that tries to kick you penaltized based on your stacks

You do on purpose low dps ? > Low stacks > the one that kicked him , he will give you only 5% loot from the next boss



What about the Guild leaders + 2x of their commanders (+more , based on how less kicks they do per month/''good standing'') are not effected by it ? Or even give them , the old ability and decide who they kick/control the raid ?

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