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Returning Player - State of PvP?


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Hi everyone. I used to be a mesmer-main PvP heavy player. Tho I was mostly playing in plat rank, I consider myself more of a casual player. I stopped playing roughly half of a year ago. How things changed since then? I especially want to know if PvP is dominated by 2 or 3 build-class combinations. How is diversity in PvP? What's the state of mesmer? Lastly, are you happy with the state of PvP in general. If not, what is the main problem for you? I skimmed through the topics but naturally people only complains in such forums which generally makes the situation seem worse than it actually is. Please be objective and don't denigrate. I just don't want to be missinformed.

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mirage lost a dodge, chrono lost self-shatter, and core is still useless. still usable in gold or with highly organized premades, but for solo q bascially take your old rating and subtract 200 and that's where you'll end up if u main mesmer


in general tho diversity has greatly increased imo, mes and warr are the only classes without a meta build

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> @"Hogwarts Zebra.8597" said:

> mirage lost a dodge, chrono lost self-shatter, and core is still useless. still usable in gold or with highly organized premades, but bascially take your old rating and subtract 200 and that's where you'll end up if u main mesmer


cmon, its not that bad

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Hogwarts Zebra.8597" said:

> > mirage lost a dodge, chrono lost self-shatter, and core is still useless. still usable in gold or with highly organized premades, but bascially take your old rating and subtract 200 and that's where you'll end up if u main mesmer


> cmon, its not that bad


the only time i have lost a duel to a mes post patch is when i'm playing warr, which has also been gutted. considering mes has minimal team support, i'd say it is indeed "that bad"

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> @"Hogwarts Zebra.8597" said:

> mirage lost a dodge, chrono lost self-shatter, and core is still useless. still usable in gold or with highly organized premades, but for solo q bascially take your old rating and subtract 200 and that's where you'll end up if u main mesmer


> in general tho diversity has greatly increased imo, mes and warr are the only classes without a meta build


They have meta builds they just aren't meta because they're outclassed, just to avoid confusion here..

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It's kinda hard to give an opinion on how PvP is doing while being objective. Naturally everyone is going to think differently.


It's objectively a lot slower now, I think that's pretty safe to say. That goes for everything from general game pacing, to fights, to matchmaking.


When it comes to opinion, I think PvP is okay. It's not doing as well as it could be. There's an over-commitment to balance from both dev and community which I think has hurt the game a lot more than it's done good.


Ranked is also still a mess since all the focus is on profession balance; so I think you're smart to avoid it, or to just play it casually. There's mini 2v2/3v3 ranked seasons now, which I think you might enjoy. Not so surprisingly the best content is actual new/different content.


I also don't play mesmer so I can't help you there.

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> @"Hogwarts Zebra.8597" said:

>still usable in gold or with highly organized premades, but for solo q bascially take your old rating and subtract 200 and that's where you'll end up if u main mesmer

Some good mesmer mains are in P2 and I guess some very good ones could be in P3 (but I am not sure about P3 mesmers).

> @"Lethion.8745" said:

>How is diversity in PvP?

Could be better but still highest diversity since years. Its ok I would say. Up to P2 you will see all classes/specs and some of them even with various builds.

P3 and higher theres a bit less diversity (warrior? mesmer?)

> @"Lethion.8745" said:

>are you happy with the state of PvP in general. If not, what is the main problem for you? I skimmed through the topics but naturally people only complains in such forums >which generally makes the situation seem worse than it actually is

Community is a bit frustrated atm because devs started good work on balance, promised frequent balance patches, but now nothing happens anymore.

Its like always, devs do something but then dont bring it consequently to an end.

Main issues are condi rev sustain and holo damage. But actually the state of balance isnt that bad. Its good enough to have fun :)

Some players might see this different but for most of them fun is just connected with beeing successful and when they arent they dont have fun.

PvP would need more effort and passion by our devs but all in all I would say its ok. I have fun playing PvP !

Check it out^^


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> @"Rukia.4802" said:

> > @"Hogwarts Zebra.8597" said:

> > mirage lost a dodge, chrono lost self-shatter, and core is still useless. still usable in gold or with highly organized premades, but for solo q bascially take your old rating and subtract 200 and that's where you'll end up if u main mesmer

> >

> > in general tho diversity has greatly increased imo, mes and warr are the only classes without a meta build


> They have meta builds they just aren't meta because they're outclassed, just to avoid confusion here..


I think you're not understanding what meta means.

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Balance is actually better than almost ever, even if it makes a few cry cuz they lost some gameplay. Lots of toxicity from players who think there good, but anyone that can comprehend w.e language they speak knows they aren’t so it’s ok. Lots of hacking but that’ll get cleaned up. Things aren’t bad tbh though the game is still amazing just expect some weird stuff in pvp cuz that’s just how life is.

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> @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > @"Hogwarts Zebra.8597" said:

> >still usable in gold or with highly organized premades, but for solo q bascially take your old rating and subtract 200 and that's where you'll end up if u main mesmer

> Some good mesmer mains are in P2 and I guess some very good ones could be in P3 (but I am not sure about P3 mesmers).

> > @"Lethion.8745" said:

> >How is diversity in PvP?

> Could be better but still highest diversity since years. Its ok I would say. Up to P2 you will see all classes/specs and some of them even with various builds.

> P3 and higher theres a bit less diversity (warrior? mesmer?)

> > @"Lethion.8745" said:

> >are you happy with the state of PvP in general. If not, what is the main problem for you? I skimmed through the topics but naturally people only complains in such forums >which generally makes the situation seem worse than it actually is

> Community is a bit frustrated atm because devs started good work on balance, promised frequent balance patches, but now nothing happens anymore.

> Its like always, devs do something but then dont bring it consequently to an end.

> Main issues are condi rev sustain and holo damage. But actually the state of balance isnt that bad. Its good enough to have fun :)

> Some players might see this different but for most of them fun is just connected with beeing successful and when they arent they dont have fun.

> PvP would need more effort and passion by our devs but all in all I would say its ok. I have fun playing PvP !

> Check it out^^



Im p2 as mesmer, soloq with 66% winrate, and I dont even play the "meta" build, mesmer is not doing gr8 but people blow out of the waters how bad it is.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Rukia.4802" said:

> > > @"Hogwarts Zebra.8597" said:

> > > mirage lost a dodge, chrono lost self-shatter, and core is still useless. still usable in gold or with highly organized premades, but for solo q bascially take your old rating and subtract 200 and that's where you'll end up if u main mesmer

> > >

> > > in general tho diversity has greatly increased imo, mes and warr are the only classes without a meta build

> >

> > They have meta builds they just aren't meta because they're outclassed, just to avoid confusion here..


> I think you're not understanding what meta means.


The classes aren't meta, but the builds are. I just clarifying that it has usable builds. Like every war will be sb gs+d/sh for example, despite how rare they may be :) builds don't simply disappear just get overshadowed by powercreep usual.


> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> Im p2 as mesmer, soloq with 66% winrate, and I dont even play the "meta" build, mesmer is not doing gr8 but people blow out of the waters how bad it is.

What isn't blown out of proportion in this forum?

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Its a very slow meta. Not really bunker, but most builds are incredibly tanky. Diversity is decent, but there are some pretty overpowered builds. Necro, condi rev, and explosive holo are in nearly every game, often with more than one. Mesmer and warrior are generally agreed to be the weakest classes right now, you can still play them, but they have a rough time competing with the op builds right now. There are still population and matchmaking issues, bots and hackers are able to play freely, the quality of most games is still very poor. And to top everything off, we have had barely any communication from anet since the balance overhaul on feb 25, despite their promise to take a more active stance with balancing.

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The same old MMORPG story.


The board of directors see's dollar signs only. they tell the developers to target the masses. (PvE player's), Spvp and WvW player's get angry because there balancing around Pve, and they leave. Pve player's start noticing the game is empty (#ded Game meme), they now have no one to show off there flashy gem store outfit's too. profit is down. game closes or get's an expansion.


We are in the second last period, as the "free items" there using to bait you towards the gem shop should show you....


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