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What balances do you think are coming soon?


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Please...we've been with Anet for like 8 years now..the balance patch will be exactly the same as always:


1)Nerf to the ground for those specs, people created 5+ pages nerf thread

2)Buff to the sky to those classes , people created 5+ pages buff thread

3)Tooltip changes/fix

4)The same people who cry the loudest atm on the forum will be the same ones crying after the patch..and the one after...and the one following..

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> Please...we've been with Anet for like 8 years now..the balance patch will be exactly the same as always:


> 1)Nerf to the ground for those specs, people created 5+ pages nerf thread

> 2)Buff to the sky to those classes , people created 5+ pages buff thread

> 3)Tooltip changes/fix

> 4)The same people who cry the loudest atm on the forum will be the same ones crying after the patch..and the one after...and the one following..


And it will be glorius!

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Really need and want that Druid buff. The spec is entirely useless in pvp and wvw.


I feel condis are generally fine. Necros are also fine. Guards are fine.


Holos and Malyx revs need shaving. I don't want them dead, but their kits are way too good relative to everything else in the game.


Pls leave rangers alone.


Generally, I want Anet to stop listening to people who want all builds to be good at 1v1's. Bunker, +1'er, duelist, support. These are the roles for conquest, balance around them.

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> @"anjo.6143" said:

> Big ones:


> ![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/683151640316084229/726541432583749692/unknown.png "")



... I fully understand that bigger major patches needs time. What I miss r quick small, tiny patches to bring busted in line fast. Holo, Crev ... Just do it faster why it take month to bring kitten in line ...

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Since Arenanet is only doing _changes for the sake of changing things up,_ I'm certain that their won't be any balance updates within the next seven years of the game.


Even if Arenanet calls it balance, it's not going to be even attempt to balance anything.

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Hopefully anet will finally realize that mechanics and AoE need to be looked at for most of the current balance issues.


Realistically I know they will increase the energy cost of call-to-anguish to 40e. The actual nerf it needs is a reduction in radius size so it doesn't cover the entire freaking point, but that would make the Timmys who like to spam their big Timmy AoEs sad. So 40e it is. Will 40e fix the skill? Nope. But whatever.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Hopefully anet will finally realize that mechanics and AoE need to be looked at for most of the current balance issues.


> Realistically I know they will increase the energy cost of call-to-anguish to 40e. The actual nerf it needs is a reduction in radius size so it doesn't cover the entire freaking point, but that would make the Timmys who like to spam their big Timmy AoEs sad. So 40e it is. Will 40e fix the skill? Nope. But whatever.


AoE needs fixing in general, meanwhile war F1 requires melee range to hit.. you would think an aoe animation of arcing slice would have like at least 200 range lul.

I just want to see some war love, sometimes I enjoy playing a rage fueled machine rather than thief. Aside from some QoL fixes I think they are ina perfectly balanced state, its other classes that need to be toned down instead of constantly power creeping.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> Please...we've been with Anet for like 8 years now..the balance patch will be exactly the same as always:


> 1)Nerf to the ground for those specs, people created 5+ pages nerf thread

> 2)Buff to the sky to those classes , people created 5+ pages buff thread

> 3)Tooltip changes/fix

> 4)The same people who cry the loudest atm on the forum will be the same ones crying after the patch..and the one after...and the one following..


You see any condi rev nerf for the last 1 year??? cause i think it has more than 15+ pages nerf thread not just 5. Besides bots dont care bots dont complain and they are the big majority right now.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Engineer, thief, necro, and mesmer nerfs. Warrior gets a bone thrown its way. Revenant untouched.


You might as well delete nec if you nerf em the way people want because you take out the reward part of reaper.


Risk: Very slow melee class a slow-moving monster who can take a hit, if you take out the dmg and sustain you got a target dummy.


If you nerf lich, you take out the reward part as it got a super long cd and its duration was already cut.


I predict that nec is gonna be dumpster tier again and become a target dummy since noobs do nothing but QQ.


Want to know why so many are leaving GW2? because balance is atrocious like really atrocious worse than wow.


Class balance is basically this: Warrior WAA i can't kill a guardian nerf Next patch guardian gets deleted from SPVP and guardian cries because they were nerfed in a way that was unnecessary and breaks the class more. It's like trying to cure a blister on your hand by cutting off a person's arm, without actually looking at the symptoms and problem and analyzing the best action.


I don't believe for a second that there couldn't have been better ways of nerf scourge without deleting it in pve with dmg, and for sure Anet needs to make sure to keep reaper dmg intact since it's supposed to be scary. Imagine if a reaper that's easily ragdolled loses quickness and all damage on reaper shroud, you'd end up with a laughing stock of a class, and an unfun class to PVP with.


Furthermore, we got issues with people being put with veteran PVP players who have builds which are good at side node vs people with classes who aren't effective at side node and get stomped hard without a clue why because they get high-end veteran players and end up ragequitting because they aren't really learning how to play



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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> Really need and want that Druid buff. The spec is entirely useless in pvp and wvw.


> I feel condis are generally fine. Necros are also fine. Guards are fine.


> Holos and Malyx revs need shaving. I don't want them dead, but their kits are way too good relative to everything else in the game.


> Pls leave rangers alone.


> Generally, I want Anet to stop listening to people who want all builds to be good at 1v1's. Bunker, +1'er, duelist, support. These are the roles for conquest, balance around them.

It's useless in PvE too, it's only played in raids. They butchered and gutted this spec for 4 years, much like most specs in the game, for no reason. Really want a new skill design team.


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New balances coming soon:

-Deleted sPvP mode

-Deleted WvW mode

-Changed all WvW and sPvP maps into raid wings/icewhocares saga

-20 new mount skins, 2k gems each

-All ppl that ever said anything bad about ANet = banned (you can get unbanned by paying 10$)


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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Engineer, thief, necro, and mesmer nerfs. Warrior gets a bone thrown its way. Revenant untouched.


> You might as well delete nec if you nerf em the way people want because you take out the reward part of reaper.


> Risk: Very slow melee class a slow-moving monster who can take a hit, if you take out the dmg and sustain you got a target dummy.


> If you nerf lich, you take out the reward part as it got a super long cd and its duration was already cut.


> I predict that nec is gonna be dumpster tier again and become a target dummy since noobs do nothing but QQ.


> Want to know why so many are leaving GW2? because balance is atrocious like really atrocious worse than wow.


> Class balance is basically this: Warrior WAA i can't kill a guardian nerf Next patch guardian gets deleted from SPVP and guardian cries because they were nerfed in a way that was unnecessary and breaks the class more. It's like trying to cure a blister on your hand by cutting off a person's arm, without actually looking at the symptoms and problem and analyzing the best action.


> I don't believe for a second that there couldn't have been better ways of nerf scourge without deleting it in pve with dmg, and for sure Anet needs to make sure to keep reaper dmg intact since it's supposed to be scary. Imagine if a reaper that's easily ragdolled loses quickness and all damage on reaper shroud, you'd end up with a laughing stock of a class, and an unfun class to PVP with.


> Furthermore, we got issues with people being put with veteran PVP players who have builds which are good at side node vs people with classes who aren't effective at side node and get stomped hard without a clue why because they get high-end veteran players and end up ragequitting because they aren't really learning how to play




Necromancer has never been dumpster tier.

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A balance patch?

- Tooltip fix. _Always put this one on top, you can't go wrong._

- A meaningless earth magic "rework" for elementalist. _A surprising out of the blue "rework" in name only on a scorned traitline to please the crowd._

- Some nerfs to professions that now feel balanced in the current meta but were seen as imbalanced a few month ago. _A classic._

- Introduction of new amulets. _It wouldn't be fun if they didn't introduce dangerous variables into the equation._

- A poor skill rework. Let's say a necromancer's minions rework from permanently bad to temporary bad. _Might be a bad thing or not, let's try it!_

- A crippling trade-off. _Who's gonna be the next poor soul on the chopping board? Will it be Fb? Renegade? Nope, better get onto tempest it will be fun!_

- ... etc.



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Patch will come at the end of this season.

1. Condi rev will be gutted but Power rev will be untouched

2. Ranger continues to be Godtier with only taking a frisk hit from the nerf bat

3. Holo gets tuned down

4. A whole lot of actually interesting and positive changes that will be ignored by the community at large because:

5. MaT meta still sucks

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