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What balances do you think are coming soon?


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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > Kek, do it. Nerf Condi Rev, aka kill Herald. No amount of nerf is going to fix the mistakes people do when fighting one.


> vs power rev, I with a condi build

> 1) Reflected shiro heal

> 2) Baited glint heal, twice

> 3) Dodged shiro f2

> 4) CCed sword 3 once


> And then they did sword pve rotation on me and I died cuz no more defenses.


> Condi rev? Just /sleep on node until your holo +1s. Killing a crev is only about rotations, there is no build except condi mirage that can kill it 1v1.


> Revenant is currently S tier, as a class. Not all builds are S but most of them are S or A.


Core Revenant whether Power or Condi can dispatch Herald Condi, lot more unblockables or Boon rip available, it's the same chore without having to wait for much other than Infuse Light.


It honestly impresses me that people still don't use escape on Staff as Power, it's not meant to be offensive with anyway and one of the reason why they die.

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#I would love to see ArenaNet continuing the nerf train, because the meta still needs some adjustments#


**Revenants**: Need major **sustain nerf** - 2 heals, one of them most often grants you a full heal if you are getting targeted by multiple enemies, blocks, evades, elites that let you take less damage, traits that make you close to immune to conditions and that all on one build most of the time is just too much. Revenant specs are dominating PvP since the class was released.


**Elelementalists**: Need also a **sustain nerf** - Obsidian Flesh should immobilize on use, their heals need their multiplicators severely decreased and Shock Aura in group fights is borderline toxic. A good Tempest being able to permanently tank several enemies is a huge burden to the meta.


**Necromancers**: Players other than Necros have been saying it since release, **nerf the HP on Death Shroud** and add some form of degeneration. Fighting a Necromancer with full shroud is like fighting a 2v1. Lich Form damage needs to be also adjusted according to the damage reductions from last patch.


**Guardians**: Even though I play Burn Guardian specs myself and have fun with them, I see that there needs to be a **nerf in the AoE burn output** Guardian specs can ditch out and our corresponding Virtues grandmaster trait Permeating Wrath is insane. You can easily drop 10 stacks of burn on a group of 4-5 people in a teamfight.


**Thieves**: I think ArenaNet knows that a **Condition Thief nerf** is in high demand after all the rage that was going on in this forum the last months.


**Rangers**: Need major **sustain or pet damage nerf**, because as it stands now, we have Rangers which run around as tanks, camp/kite on points and are still able to ditch out some strong damage with their pets. It continues to be a problem since the Beast Mastery spec that was big like 7 years ago.


**Engineer**: Need a slight **nerf by reducing the damage multiplicator on the Grenade Kit**. I think if a range skill does good damage it is never a good idea to make it also spammable.

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> #I would love to see ArenaNet continuing the nerf train, because the meta still needs some adjustments#


> **Revenants**: Need major **sustain nerf** - 2 heals, one of them most often grants you a full heal if you are getting targeted by multiple enemies, blocks, evades, elites that let you take less damage, traits that make you close to immune to conditions and that all on one build most of the time is just too much. Revenant specs are dominating PvP since the class was released.


> **Elelementalists**: Need also a **sustain nerf** - Obsidian Flesh should immobilize on use, their heals need their multiplicators severely decreased and Shock Aura in group fights is borderline toxic.


> **Necromancers**: Players other than Necros have been saying it since release, **nerf the HP on Death Shroud** and add some form of degeneration. Fighting a Necromancer with full shroud is like fighting a 2v1. Lich Form damage needs to be also adjusted according to the damage reductions from last patch.


> **Guardians**: Even though I play Burn Guardian specs myself and have fun with them, I see that there needs to be a **nerf in the AoE burn output** Guardian specs can ditch out and our corresponding Virtues grandmaster trait Permeating Wrath is insane. You can easily drop 10 stacks of burn on a group of 4-5 people in a teamfight.


> **Thieves**: I think ArenaNet knows that a **Condition Thief nerf** is in high demand after all the rage that was going on in this forum the last months.


> **Rangers**: Need major **sustain or pet damage nerf**, because as it stands now, we have Rangers which run around as tanks, camp/kite on points and are still able to ditch out some strong damage with their pets. It continues to be a problem since the Beast Mastery spec that was big like 7 years ago.


> **Engineer**: Need a slight **nerf by reducing the damage multiplicator of grenade skills**. I think if a skill does good damage it is never a good idea to make it also spammable and a ranged one.


Agreed. Just adding some nerf on general dmg, not only granade cause they have a lot buffs, high dmg , hp and self sustain. No class should be able to do high dmg and be/have that tankness/self-sustain

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Absolutely agree. It has to be either one or the other. I feel like the meta has 3 major problems at the moment - too much sustain, condition damage being able to outperform power damage even if it is supposed to be „damage over time“ and lastly the amount of boons which most classes can basically spam at this point in time.


> @"anjo.6143" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > #I would love to see ArenaNet continuing the nerf train, because the meta still needs some adjustments#

> >

> > **Revenants**: Need major **sustain nerf** - 2 heals, one of them most often grants you a full heal if you are getting targeted by multiple enemies, blocks, evades, elites that let you take less damage, traits that make you close to immune to conditions and that all on one build most of the time is just too much. Revenant specs are dominating PvP since the class was released.

> >

> > **Elelementalists**: Need also a **sustain nerf** - Obsidian Flesh should immobilize on use, their heals need their multiplicators severely decreased and Shock Aura in group fights is borderline toxic.

> >

> > **Necromancers**: Players other than Necros have been saying it since release, **nerf the HP on Death Shroud** and add some form of degeneration. Fighting a Necromancer with full shroud is like fighting a 2v1. Lich Form damage needs to be also adjusted according to the damage reductions from last patch.

> >

> > **Guardians**: Even though I play Burn Guardian specs myself and have fun with them, I see that there needs to be a **nerf in the AoE burn output** Guardian specs can ditch out and our corresponding Virtues grandmaster trait Permeating Wrath is insane. You can easily drop 10 stacks of burn on a group of 4-5 people in a teamfight.

> >

> > **Thieves**: I think ArenaNet knows that a **Condition Thief nerf** is in high demand after all the rage that was going on in this forum the last months.

> >

> > **Rangers**: Need major **sustain or pet damage nerf**, because as it stands now, we have Rangers which run around as tanks, camp/kite on points and are still able to ditch out some strong damage with their pets. It continues to be a problem since the Beast Mastery spec that was big like 7 years ago.

> >

> > **Engineer**: Need a slight **nerf by reducing the damage multiplicator of grenade skills**. I think if a skill does good damage it is never a good idea to make it also spammable and a ranged one.


> Agreed. Just adding some nerf on general dmg, not only granade cause they have a lot buffs, high dmg , hp and self sustain. No class should be able to do high dmg and be/have that tankness/self-sustain



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Why are people complaining about condition damage? It's not actually a problem. Other things are a problem.


1) People are trying to use old meta builds. They don't have enough condi cleanse.


2) People don't slot any condi cleanse, die instantly to a burn guard. I've seen 2 bads die to a single burn guard on point.


3) People don't know how to fight condi builds because of stubbornness.


4) Some condi builds are too strong because the prof's kit is the problem. For example, on Malyx. This build does everything, and nerfing condis because of it is the wrong call.


Power builds are actually still more dominant. Reaper, Holo, Shiro, Soulbeast, core thief or DD, Tempest, and more. The main takeaway is that condi doesn't actually outperform power, not even close. The only build that does (Malyx) is broken for OTHER reasons.


I've noticed burn guards are a big problem in gold and below. People simple don't know how to deal with their damage combos, and on top of that use overly difficulty builds for their levels (like some meta power build). They get smoked, and complain on the forums.


In conclusion, a blanket condi nerf would be totally inappropriate. Honestly I'd probably just leave the game if they did this. The correct approach is to shave appropriate builds, which in this case is only Malyx.

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> Absolutely agree. It has to be either one or the other. I feel like the meta has 3 major problems at the moment - too much sustain, condition damage being able to outperform power damage even if it is supposed to be „damage over time“ and lastly the amount of boons which most classes can basically spam at this point in time.


> > @"anjo.6143" said:

> > > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > #I would love to see ArenaNet continuing the nerf train, because the meta still needs some adjustments#

> > >

> > > **Revenants**: Need major **sustain nerf** - 2 heals, one of them most often grants you a full heal if you are getting targeted by multiple enemies, blocks, evades, elites that let you take less damage, traits that make you close to immune to conditions and that all on one build most of the time is just too much. Revenant specs are dominating PvP since the class was released.

> > >

> > > **Elelementalists**: Need also a **sustain nerf** - Obsidian Flesh should immobilize on use, their heals need their multiplicators severely decreased and Shock Aura in group fights is borderline toxic.

> > >

> > > **Necromancers**: Players other than Necros have been saying it since release, **nerf the HP on Death Shroud** and add some form of degeneration. Fighting a Necromancer with full shroud is like fighting a 2v1. Lich Form damage needs to be also adjusted according to the damage reductions from last patch.

> > >

> > > **Guardians**: Even though I play Burn Guardian specs myself and have fun with them, I see that there needs to be a **nerf in the AoE burn output** Guardian specs can ditch out and our corresponding Virtues grandmaster trait Permeating Wrath is insane. You can easily drop 10 stacks of burn on a group of 4-5 people in a teamfight.

> > >

> > > **Thieves**: I think ArenaNet knows that a **Condition Thief nerf** is in high demand after all the rage that was going on in this forum the last months.

> > >

> > > **Rangers**: Need major **sustain or pet damage nerf**, because as it stands now, we have Rangers which run around as tanks, camp/kite on points and are still able to ditch out some strong damage with their pets. It continues to be a problem since the Beast Mastery spec that was big like 7 years ago.

> > >

> > > **Engineer**: Need a slight **nerf by reducing the damage multiplicator of grenade skills**. I think if a skill does good damage it is never a good idea to make it also spammable and a ranged one.

> >

> > Agreed. Just adding some nerf on general dmg, not only granade cause they have a lot buffs, high dmg , hp and self sustain. No class should be able to do high dmg and be/have that tankness/self-sustain




"Too much sustain" is coming from core necro, FB, and Malyx. These builds don't actually do immense damage, so nerfing condis would just wreck other off-meta builds. The obvious approach is to shave these guys' sustain a bit, not their damage.


Condition dmg isn't outperforming power, not even close. This kind of feedback is totally useless because if you believe this, you're simply playing the game at a low level.

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LOL YEP more delete necro basically nerfing lich dmg with the cd and duration would make it useless, nerfing dmg of reaper shroud would make shroud not worth the risk with how slow it is I dunno about the degen though more research is needed.


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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> Why are people complaining about condition damage? It's not actually a problem. Other things are a problem.


> 1) People are trying to use old meta builds. They don't have enough condi cleanse.


> 2) People don't slot any condi cleanse, die instantly to a burn guard. I've seen 2 bads die to a single burn guard on point.


> 3) People don't know how to fight condi builds because of stubbornness.


> 4) Some condi builds are too strong because the prof's kit is the problem. For example, on Malyx. This build does everything, and nerfing condis because of it is the wrong call.


> Power builds are actually still more dominant. Reaper, Holo, Shiro, Soulbeast, core thief or DD, Tempest, and more. The main takeaway is that condi doesn't actually outperform power, not even close. The only build that does (Malyx) is broken for OTHER reasons.


> I've noticed burn guards are a big problem in gold and below. People simple don't know how to deal with their damage combos, and on top of that use overly difficulty builds for their levels (like some meta power build). They get smoked, and complain on the forums.


> In conclusion, a blanket condi nerf would be totally inappropriate. Honestly I'd probably just leave the game if they did this. The correct approach is to shave appropriate builds, which in this case is only Malyx.


No. Condi is bursting atm, it killing faster than power and that is abnormal.

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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > Absolutely agree. It has to be either one or the other. I feel like the meta has 3 major problems at the moment - too much sustain, condition damage being able to outperform power damage even if it is supposed to be „damage over time“ and lastly the amount of boons which most classes can basically spam at this point in time.

> >

> > > @"anjo.6143" said:

> > > > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > > #I would love to see ArenaNet continuing the nerf train, because the meta still needs some adjustments#

> > > >

> > > > **Revenants**: Need major **sustain nerf** - 2 heals, one of them most often grants you a full heal if you are getting targeted by multiple enemies, blocks, evades, elites that let you take less damage, traits that make you close to immune to conditions and that all on one build most of the time is just too much. Revenant specs are dominating PvP since the class was released.

> > > >

> > > > **Elelementalists**: Need also a **sustain nerf** - Obsidian Flesh should immobilize on use, their heals need their multiplicators severely decreased and Shock Aura in group fights is borderline toxic.

> > > >

> > > > **Necromancers**: Players other than Necros have been saying it since release, **nerf the HP on Death Shroud** and add some form of degeneration. Fighting a Necromancer with full shroud is like fighting a 2v1. Lich Form damage needs to be also adjusted according to the damage reductions from last patch.

> > > >

> > > > **Guardians**: Even though I play Burn Guardian specs myself and have fun with them, I see that there needs to be a **nerf in the AoE burn output** Guardian specs can ditch out and our corresponding Virtues grandmaster trait Permeating Wrath is insane. You can easily drop 10 stacks of burn on a group of 4-5 people in a teamfight.

> > > >

> > > > **Thieves**: I think ArenaNet knows that a **Condition Thief nerf** is in high demand after all the rage that was going on in this forum the last months.

> > > >

> > > > **Rangers**: Need major **sustain or pet damage nerf**, because as it stands now, we have Rangers which run around as tanks, camp/kite on points and are still able to ditch out some strong damage with their pets. It continues to be a problem since the Beast Mastery spec that was big like 7 years ago.

> > > >

> > > > **Engineer**: Need a slight **nerf by reducing the damage multiplicator of grenade skills**. I think if a skill does good damage it is never a good idea to make it also spammable and a ranged one.

> > >

> > > Agreed. Just adding some nerf on general dmg, not only granade cause they have a lot buffs, high dmg , hp and self sustain. No class should be able to do high dmg and be/have that tankness/self-sustain

> >

> >


> "Too much sustain" is coming from core necro, FB, and Malyx. These builds don't actually do immense damage, so nerfing condis would just wreck other off-meta builds. The obvious approach is to shave these guys' sustain a bit, not their damage.


> Condition dmg isn't outperforming power, not even close. This kind of feedback is totally useless because if you believe this, you're simply playing the game at a low level.


Small maybe life force or something not huge ones since that would destroy them.


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> @"anjo.6143" said:

> > @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > Why are people complaining about condition damage? It's not actually a problem. Other things are a problem.

> >

> > 1) People are trying to use old meta builds. They don't have enough condi cleanse.

> >

> > 2) People don't slot any condi cleanse, die instantly to a burn guard. I've seen 2 bads die to a single burn guard on point.

> >

> > 3) People don't know how to fight condi builds because of stubbornness.

> >

> > 4) Some condi builds are too strong because the prof's kit is the problem. For example, on Malyx. This build does everything, and nerfing condis because of it is the wrong call.

> >

> > Power builds are actually still more dominant. Reaper, Holo, Shiro, Soulbeast, core thief or DD, Tempest, and more. The main takeaway is that condi doesn't actually outperform power, not even close. The only build that does (Malyx) is broken for OTHER reasons.

> >

> > I've noticed burn guards are a big problem in gold and below. People simple don't know how to deal with their damage combos, and on top of that use overly difficulty builds for their levels (like some meta power build). They get smoked, and complain on the forums.

> >

> > In conclusion, a blanket condi nerf would be totally inappropriate. Honestly I'd probably just leave the game if they did this. The correct approach is to shave appropriate builds, which in this case is only Malyx.


> No. Condi is bursting atm, it killing faster than power and that is abnormal.


Condi thief and burn guard will "burst" you if you're afk, yes.

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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > @"anjo.6143" said:

> > > @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > > Why are people complaining about condition damage? It's not actually a problem. Other things are a problem.

> > >

> > > 1) People are trying to use old meta builds. They don't have enough condi cleanse.

> > >

> > > 2) People don't slot any condi cleanse, die instantly to a burn guard. I've seen 2 bads die to a single burn guard on point.

> > >

> > > 3) People don't know how to fight condi builds because of stubbornness.

> > >

> > > 4) Some condi builds are too strong because the prof's kit is the problem. For example, on Malyx. This build does everything, and nerfing condis because of it is the wrong call.

> > >

> > > Power builds are actually still more dominant. Reaper, Holo, Shiro, Soulbeast, core thief or DD, Tempest, and more. The main takeaway is that condi doesn't actually outperform power, not even close. The only build that does (Malyx) is broken for OTHER reasons.

> > >

> > > I've noticed burn guards are a big problem in gold and below. People simple don't know how to deal with their damage combos, and on top of that use overly difficulty builds for their levels (like some meta power build). They get smoked, and complain on the forums.

> > >

> > > In conclusion, a blanket condi nerf would be totally inappropriate. Honestly I'd probably just leave the game if they did this. The correct approach is to shave appropriate builds, which in this case is only Malyx.

> >

> > No. Condi is bursting atm, it killing faster than power and that is abnormal.


> Condi thief and burn guard will "burst" you if you're afk, yes.


Also amazes me how people still don't manage to differentiate potential problem builds from a whole paradigm.

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Mirage will have a 45 sec cd on the dodge, as it;s just too powerful. carrion and sage amulet will not be equippable on mirage. Necromancer shroud cd reduced by 12 seconds and life force gain increased 23%. spellbreakers can now activate 'world shaker' which is a .2 cast time 2 sec cd ability that damages all enemy team members for 20% of their health, within a 1500 radius.


new soulbeast pets include jormag,drakkar, and palawa joko.

guardian health reduced by 1k - they have access to stability and can block and this is just too powerful for the game to justify.

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