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We need non-RNG options for ALL account-bound items.

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This has been brought up before and will be brought up again until it's fixed.




I understand the (extremely) low drop rates for infusions and other high-end items. They keep people playing the game for the chance and their resulting high TP value helps the economy. You have to account for millions or even billions of drop attempts across the playerbase and game lifespan to keep an item rare.


A player attempting to acquire a rare, unbound item is not limited to only the attempts they can personally pull. If the item actually drops, it is the collective roles of everyone going for it that gets that item onto the Trading Post.


A player attempting to acquire a rare, _account-bound_ item, on the other hand, is limited to _only the attempts they can do_. And the RNG doesn't programmatically get better on failures so the odds never change and "a run of bad luck" can go on forever. A 1 in 100 chance does _not_ mean you'll get the "1" in 100 pulls. It's quite possible that it will never happen.


Two example items that vex me in particular: Tequatl Hoard and Gift of Aurene. I set myself a goal to collect all the spear skins but these two will prevent me from doing that.

Tequatl's Hoard drops from the boss chest itself and from the Exotic event reward chest. Both are limited to once per day. Anecdotally. I have killed Teq dozens of times and haven't received a single hoard. I have received a number of _other_ ascended weapon chests from Teq. While nice for some people, those feels like a slap in the face. Every other drop in the loot-table can be sold on the TP.


Gift of Aurene drops from Dragon Stand chests. I've (again anecdotally) never even seen anyone ping one in chat. You do apparently get _one_ after opening _one thousand_ chests. Ignoring that that is _way_ too long (~2 hours for a map start to finish is 50 chests in a train = 40 hours of Dragonfall for one assuming you hit a map at the start) but what if you want a sword AND shield?


{Side note: can we just buy the keys please? The event farm takes way too long if a map wants to get full loot from boss rush and a player who joins later in the meta misses so much loot during boss rush}


I initially thought that Dragon Bash would help me shortcut some of that as both of these drop in Dragon Coffers. Theoretically anyway. There's a reddit post of a player opening 10,000 coffers. They received no Hoards and no Gifts (and no infusions). So my hopes there are dashed. Again, everything else in the loot-table can be sold on TP.


The solutions aren't hard. In fact, even Black Lion Chests have this sort of backup in Black Lion Statuettes! Just award participation trophies that we can trade.

Alternatively, make a repeatable achievement we can fill. That wouldn't even require a new item ID.


Just please, make these possible within the game's lifetime.

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The Gift of Aurene definitely put this problem on my radar. 1000 chests for the first one, but after that you must depend on RNG. It doesn't even give you a way to craft the rest if you unlocked the first one. Something like that would significantly make it better if you can get even just one to drop.

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sorry, but I have to say I mostly not agree with the need for "non-RNG options for ALL account-bound items", when you remove the RNG factor, it removes the excitement factor from the game, especially infusions. and it's because of the rarity that I can still remember the time I got my Queen Bee, it was a late Sunday night after a long time of grinding in SW for bandit crest for the final 3 precursor weapon achieves, I though to myself, let go for one more, and it was this one more that the queen bee dropped, i would not have remember the moment if I could just buy it.

you do know that Tequatl has a giant loot table right? Tequatl have the potential to drop any core ascended weapon and armor boxes, which makes the chance for Teq hoard to drop lower, but the baseline % is higher than the core ascended weapon and armour boxes it seems.and Scion weapons, I would say it is currently tuning is much lower drop rate compared to Sunless because Dragonfall can be farmed over and over again, and the number of chest spawns per round; most likely at 0.1%, because you are guaranteed to get one on the 1000th chest if you have not got one before.As long as they add it to guaranteed wardrobe unlocker I'm fine.

The only problem I have with RNG is a story achievement that's locked behind RNG, the like Gothmar weapons, not cool Anet

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Not just that but other re


> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> The Gift of Aurene definitely put this problem on my radar. 1000 chests for the first one, but after that you must depend on RNG. It doesn't even give you a way to craft the rest if you unlocked the first one. Something like that would significantly make it better if you can get even just one to drop.


I don't see why it would be horrible to get the first 1 at 1000 and then 1 every 500 from then on. AT least you KNOW the scheduling and god forbid are actually motivated by the confidence in the drop.


I don't know about others but if I KNEW I was going to get one every XYZ* numbered interval I would happily grind....not begrudgingly grind.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Atomos.7593" said:

> > Other than to annoy people and extract as much time/money from them, what is the point of RNG drops anyway?


> Prestige. To mark yourself as the dedicated elite.


I guess it could be compared to the idea of lootboxes in games. The person who opens a box the first time and receives a rare item will be very happy, while the person who opens it a thousand times and doesn't get it will be on the opposite end of the spectrum. I don't get what the devs gain from making some customers pleased and other customers disappointed lol. :p

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> @"Atomos.7593" said:

> I don't get what the devs gain from making some customers pleased and other customers disappointed lol. :p


> @"Atomos.7593" said:

> person who opens it a thousand times


Now imagine there was money involved.


What could developers possibly gain from such a system?

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Atomos.7593" said:

> > Other than to annoy people and extract as much time/money from them, what is the point of RNG drops anyway?


> Prestige. To mark yourself as the dedicated elite.



Ok, maybe.


"To mark yourself as the dedicated elite"?

That's just plain stupid.

I can do an event one time and get the drop if the RNG favors me.

I can do an event a million times and not get the drop if the RNG doesn't favor me.

How is the person who got the drop at the first try more dedicated than the person who didn't get it after a million tries? Sure that numbers are a bit extreme but it is something that IS possible with RNG.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:> sorry, but I have to say I mostly not agree with the need for "non-RNG options for ALL account-bound items", when you remove the RNG factor, it removes the excitement factor from the game, especially infusions. and it's because of the rarity that I can still remember the time I got my Queen Bee, it was a late Sunday night after a long time of grinding in SW for bandit crest for the final 3 precursor weapon achieves, I though to myself, let go for one more, and it was this one more that the queen bee dropped, i would not have remember the moment if I could just buy it.> >

> > you do know that Tequatl has a giant loot table right? Tequatl have the potential to drop any core ascended weapon and armor boxes, which makes the chance for Teq hoard to drop lower, but the baseline % is higher than the core ascended weapon and armour boxes it seems.> > and Scion weapons, I would say it is currently tuning is much lower drop rate compared to Sunless because Dragonfall can be farmed over and over again, and the number of chest spawns per round; most likely at 0.1%, because you are guaranteed to get one on the 1000th chest if you have not got one before.> As long as they add it to guaranteed wardrobe unlocker I'm fine.> >

> > The only problem I have with RNG is a story achievement that's locked behind RNG, the like Gothmar weapons, not cool Anet> > Queen bee isn't account bound, as it can be sold. Teq hoard can't be sold. That's the main argument OP makes, as pure accbound rng drops that don't really net you profit (and are just... Skins) should have a guaranteed way of acquisition, after X amount of metas etc.

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I got a Tequatl's hoard during my first year, and while I don't have a goal to get all the skins, if killing Teq awarded a currency of some kind that I could some day turn in for Hoard, I might actually take the time to kill Teq.


1000 chests in Dragonfall? Lol, nope. No skin is worth that much tedium. I did Dragonfall until it got boring, and haven't returned to the map since.


I'll kill the Pinata, Auric Basin and Tangled Depths as often as possible, not because they drop infusions (already got Liquid Aurillium), but because in addition to the chance for an infusion, the metas aren't too long and reward you with a substantial amount of materials including Amalgamated Gemstones. If they didn't have gemstones and only reward you with a 1 green and 1 yellow unID, I wouldn't bother with them either.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:


> you do know that Tequatl has a giant loot table right? Tequatl have the potential to drop any core ascended weapon and armor boxes, which makes the chance for Teq hoard to drop lower, but the baseline % is higher than the core ascended weapon and armour boxes it seems.


> and Scion weapons, I would say it is currently tuning is much lower drop rate compared to Sunless because Dragonfall can be farmed over and over again, and the number of chest spawns per round; most likely at 0.1%, because you are guaranteed to get one on the 1000th chest if you have not got one before.


I'm of the mind that Teq shouldn't drop non-Tequatl ascendeds anymore. Getting ascended gear has never been cheaper or easier (even crafting isn't terrible) and you can still stat swap Tequatl gear.


And as I mention, 1000 for 1 isn't a good solution because there are 19 weapons. The RNG doesn't change after you got your first.




> @"Ronan.9518" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > @"Atomos.7593" said:

> > > Other than to annoy people and extract as much time/money from them, what is the point of RNG drops anyway?

> >

> > Prestige. To mark yourself as the dedicated elite.


> "Prestige"?

> Ok, maybe.


> "To mark yourself as the dedicated elite"?

> That's just plain stupid.

> I can do an event one time and get the drop if the RNG favors me.

> I can do an event a million times and not get the drop if the RNG doesn't favor me.

> How is the person who got the drop at the first try more dedicated than the person who didn't get it after a million tries? Sure that numbers are a bit extreme but it is something that IS possible with RNG.


Agree with Atomos here. Particularly because these drops (and possibly others) are impossible without a large group. You contributed to get it sure, but it's not like any one player deserves it more than others. Is there really prestige for doing Tequatl these days? Triple Trouble _maybe_.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Sadly ArenaNet seems to've given up on updating old content in any way, even minor fixes or QoL improvements.


I think it was their initial intent when Mike Z announced it but then he left and there was allegedly a change-up in management, an expansion announced in such a blase way and crumbs of season 1 content that it seems their vision for future content is all over the place. I honestly don't know what is going on with their leadership. They are acting as if they don't have one at the moment though I'm sure covid-19 and closing the offices has contributed to this lack of communication.

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> @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > Sadly ArenaNet seems to've given up on updating old content in any way, even minor fixes or QoL improvements.


> I think it was their initial intent when Mike Z announced it but then he left and there was allegedly a change-up in management, an expansion announced in such a blase way and crumbs of season 1 content that it seems their vision for future content is all over the place. I honestly don't know what is going on with their leadership. They are acting as if they don't have one at the moment though I'm sure covid-19 and closing the offices has contributed to this lack of communication.


I'm still waiting to see if the promises of updates to Fractals will pan out or end up like every other announced project..

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Atomos.7593" said:

> > Other than to annoy people and extract as much time/money from them, what is the point of RNG drops anyway?


> Prestige. To mark yourself as the dedicated elite.

It's not much a prestige when a dedicated elite putting a lot of effort into it might never obtain the item, but a lucky new player semi-afking through it their first and only time might, don't you think?



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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:> sorry, but I have to say I mostly not agree with the need for "non-RNG options for ALL account-bound items", when you remove the RNG factor, it removes the excitement factor from the game, especially infusions. and it's because of the rarity that I can still remember the time I got my Queen Bee, it was a late Sunday night after a long time of grinding in SW for bandit crest for the final 3 precursor weapon achieves, I though to myself, let go for one more, and it was this one more that the queen bee dropped, i would not have remember the moment if I could just buy it.> >

> > you do know that Tequatl has a giant loot table right? Tequatl have the potential to drop any core ascended weapon and armor boxes, which makes the chance for Teq hoard to drop lower, but the baseline % is higher than the core ascended weapon and armour boxes it seems.> > and Scion weapons, I would say it is currently tuning is much lower drop rate compared to Sunless because Dragonfall can be farmed over and over again, and the number of chest spawns per round; most likely at 0.1%, because you are guaranteed to get one on the 1000th chest if you have not got one before.> As long as they add it to guaranteed wardrobe unlocker I'm fine.> >

> > The only problem I have with RNG is a story achievement that's locked behind RNG, the like Gothmar weapons, not cool Anet> > Excitement, really? What is exciting in randomly getting an item? If you don't want it, then you just sell it. If you are looking for it, you will propably be more relieved that you never have to do it again than "excited". However, if you have to do it again and again and again and again and again and... You get the picture, if you decide to do it without buying anything, you will be nothing but a husk of a person afterwards. Exciting, am i right?RNG is the quick, lazy and easy way to replace any actual system they could have made but this is true, like so many other thing, for all game developers.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> sorry, but I have to say I mostly not agree with the need for "non-RNG options for ALL account-bound items", when you remove the RNG factor, it removes the excitement factor from the game, especially infusions. and it's because of the rarity that I can still remember the time I got my Queen Bee, it was a late Sunday night after a long time of grinding in SW for bandit crest for the final 3 precursor weapon achieves, I though to myself, let go for one more, and it was this one more that the queen bee dropped, i would not have remember the moment if I could just buy it.



There is no excitement in RNG for many people. It just make the whole thing painful, boring, dull, depressing, frustrating, toxic.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> > > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > > Sadly ArenaNet seems to've given up on updating old content in any way, even minor fixes or QoL improvements.

> >

> > I think it was their initial intent when Mike Z announced it but then he left and there was allegedly a change-up in management, an expansion announced in such a blase way and crumbs of season 1 content that it seems their vision for future content is all over the place. I honestly don't know what is going on with their leadership. They are acting as if they don't have one at the moment though I'm sure covid-19 and closing the offices has contributed to this lack of communication.


> I'm still waiting to see if the promises of updates to Fractals will pan out or end up like every other announced project..


They said the were working on ONE. I'm like only "one"? Why not continuous? I guess they are transitioning to strikes but I love the little lore in the fractals and strikes have little to no story. If they made every strike like shiverpeak pass and lair of the snowmen with some sort of story lead up, I'd leave fractals behind but....eh.......

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > @"Atomos.7593" said:

> > > Other than to annoy people and extract as much time/money from them, what is the point of RNG drops anyway?

> >

> > Prestige. To mark yourself as the dedicated elite.

> It's not much a prestige when a dedicated elite putting a lot of effort into it might never obtain the item, but a lucky new player semi-afking through it their first and only time might, don't you think?




You know as well as I do that the average player doesn't discern effort from RNG. If it is shiny, rare, and can be shown off, then it will be.

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