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We need a time of the month where we can raid pve players in a pve rich environment

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > Nah, the game doesn't need PvP in PvE. It has PvP in PvP and PvP in WvW. If you want to gank people there are so many other games for you that have fully realised your idea.


> Based on your opinion :)


If you want to go down the "Well, maybe that's just like, your opinion man." route of argumentation you might want to change the title of your thread from "We need..." to "I want..." then ;)


> @"Sarie.1630" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > Nah, the game doesn't need PvP in PvE. It has PvP in PvP and PvP in WvW. If you want to gank people there are so many other games for you that have fully realised your idea.


> I think you misunderstand what Sovereign is suggesting... and I sympathise, because it's taken me three forum pages to work it out!


> I think the idea is a PvE map, on a rotating basis, of which there is a PvP version which you can opt into. The PvE version of the map would still be there and PvE players who can't be doing with PvP would be safeguarded and not forced into anything they don't want to do. This would just allow WvWer's to have a different arena to fight in with PvE mechanics; understandably some may be bored by the same old few maps that WvW has.


> I'm not against that idea in principle, but my stance on this is the same as my stance on player housing, that being that I don't want to see Dev time wasted on something when they could be developing things of more interest to me. Selfish viewpoint, sure, but there it is.


Ok, that sounds a lot better than "It would be great to gank people in PvE"(based on the OP's opinion). However, I fully agree that resources are better spent elsewhere imho.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > Wouldn't it be better to ask ANet to revamp WvW, the _existing_ mass PvP mode, instead of throwing away WvW (which this proposal, if implemented, could result in) in favor of something new? If the assumption is that ANet does not have the desire or resources to make significant changes to WvW, why do you think they will spend significant resources on a new mode which for all practical purposes targets the same demographic?


> I didn't ask wvw to be thrown away.


Ah, but what would happen if you divide the already anemic (except for the bandwagon servers) WvW population? This suggestion, if implemented, would absolutely draw its players mostly from WvW. The players who _want_ to fight other groups of players _are_ the WvW demographic.


> And wvw isn't going to be revamped any time soon.


If ANet is not going to revamp WvW, what makes you think they would go for a similar game mode which would mostly be populated by the WvW demographic?


> That is a good suggestion but should be a topic of a different thread.


I suggested asking for a WvW revamp as an alternative to your suggestion, because I believe you have a better chance of getting that revamp than a new game mode.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> :) no it's not. As you guys have your personal selfishness so do I. Hehe


I wonder why in every game where they don't have this garbage, there are always people asking for the ganking game mode/area? Is it really so empowering to backstab someone that doesn't want anything to do with PvP? Of course if it's their choice then whatever, but you should expect that there will be nobody there and you can only kill people who also want to backstab people, which means why not just go PvP? It's already in the game.



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World of Warcraft has something very similar that was added relatively recently. They have PvE only maps and they added opt in maps with PvP where people can enter or leave a PvP map when they are in a city.


So what happened with this system. Well last I heard, it failed. People who are PvE didn’t join go to the PvP maps. People who like PvP stopped going if their faction was outnumbered. What they ended up with was PvP maps that were PvP in name only as they were only populated by players of one faction.


If the maps in gw2 are 2 factions (WvW and PvE) then the same thing would happen. PvE players would either not opt in because they’re not interested or they would stop opting in because they are outnumbered and being outnumbered isn’t fun. Either way the same result. After an initial trial period the game ends up with maps that are PvP in name only, and a waste of Dev time and money to add to the game.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"Teleoceras.1298" said:

> > NO WAY! Just NO! You want to grief people, go to WvW.


> Well people can simply be in the non pk instance


If you are using SWTOR as an example, you must be arguing against this idea as the PK instances are almost always completely dead. If I want to quickly complete dailies during a popular event I toggle on PvP and usually there are at most 4 other people... None of whom attack me because we are all just finding a lesser populated instance. Once in awhile someone will dredge up resistance to a group killing a commander or there will be something player organised to get achievements such as judged dread, but for the most part PvP instances are dead.


Going from this, putting prohibitive effort wouldn't be productive. And SWTOR is a game with built-in opposition. Servers dedicated to pk long since died and closed.

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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > :) no it's not. As you guys have your personal selfishness so do I. Hehe


> I wonder why in every game where they don't have this garbage, there are always people asking for the ganking game mode/area? Is it really so empowering to backstab someone that doesn't want anything to do with PvP? Of course if it's their choice then whatever, but you should expect that there will be nobody there and you can only kill people who also want to backstab people, which means why not just go PvP? It's already in the game.




also makes you wonder why most games that had _this garbage_ either failed and are shutdown or are mostly barren if still up and running (where you mostly see the same groups/faces every day) **-or-** have closed/merged their servers that had _this garbage_ on and focused on the PvE servers with group PvP and Realm vs Realm kept confined to their own instances/maps/gamemodes

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> @"Astyrah.4015" said:

> > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > :) no it's not. As you guys have your personal selfishness so do I. Hehe

> >

> > I wonder why in every game where they don't have this garbage, there are always people asking for the ganking game mode/area? Is it really so empowering to backstab someone that doesn't want anything to do with PvP? Of course if it's their choice then whatever, but you should expect that there will be nobody there and you can only kill people who also want to backstab people, which means why not just go PvP? It's already in the game.

> >

> >


> also makes you wonder why most games that had _this garbage_ either failed and are shutdown or are mostly barren if still up and running (where you mostly see the same groups/faces every day) **-or-** have closed/merged their servers that had _this garbage_ on and focused on the PvE servers with group PvP and Realm vs Realm kept confined to their own instances/maps/gamemodes

also makes you wonder why players come to a game where open world PvP doesn't exist and pine for it.


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Yeah, what a dream - mowing down weak Core-Gamers in somewhat of Godmode like al real Hero.


I would consider it, but only with a new, strong Equalizer.


Like the Peacemaker in long gone days, everybody then should get a longrange Sniper-Rifle : One hit. one kill.


After being killed, one has to wait 24 hours for resurrection with extra-Punishment of a tenth worth of his account.


Does that sound still that much attractive?

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> @"aleron.1438" said:

> Nothing stops Anet from putting in place an event where a group of players take control of Jormag's Frost Legion charr to fight directly against the push meta of Drizzlewood Coast. Various archetypes of them already with different skills.


nothing except money and time. those are pretty important factors though, why would they work to sabotage their own game?

pvp is always niche in the major mmos, because most players dont play it

swtor made a mission, where pve players had to go to a pvp zone to get parts for a robot sidekick, there was a HUGE outrage

and they never did anything like that again

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> We are playing a RPG, not a PvP simulator. How about something like this:


> **Mist Invasion**

> "Due to the ongoing delays of the World Restructuring and Alliances, the Mistwarriors decided to have some fun on their own. They grouped up in squads and invade Tyria to increase their body-count on innocent people. Stop these bloodthirsty killing-machines and push them back into the Mists!"


> WvW

> - You can register for the Mist Invasion like you can register for sPvP games. You pick your profession and your preferred rank (Elite, Champion, Legendary) and role (tank, support, dps).

> - This special match-maker creates groups of 10 players filling the following ranks: 3x Legendary, 3x Champion, 4x Elite. With 2x tank, 3x support and 5x dps. If the team is complete, the match-maker looks for a map with a Mist Invasion about to begin. You can group-queue.

> - You spawn there with your squad. You can control the NPCs as they were your own characters, but you have different skills to use.

> - Your stats scale with the number of Tyrian Defenders that approach you - Dynamic Event Scaling 101.

> - There is a timer of 10 Minutes, you have to survive to win the encounter. Every slain player results in one kill for EotM.

> - On success, each of the participants gets a large chest of loot. On failure, half the loot. With an optional bonus of 30 % increase, if you manage to kill 80 % of the Defenders.


> PvE

> - The Dynamic Events "Mist Invasion" spawn in Core Tyria Maps, in certain locations. Every 30 minutes.

> - The Invaders are 3x Legendary, 3x Champion and 4x Elite = 10 enemy squads you have to take down.

> - You win when all members of the Invader Squad are dead. You lose when the timer reaches 0:00. You can respawn as often as you want.

> - The number of participants of the Event scale up the enemies stats, but also your loot.

> - Participation in the event grants a basic loot chest. Eradicating the entire Invader Squad within the time-limit doubles the loot.

> - In addition there is an optional bonus of up to 30 % to reach. 15 % for upscaling the enemy stats to the maximum and another 15 % for finishing the job in 8 minutes or less.

> - In addition there is a chance to gain 1 Mystic Coin per Account per day, if you manage to finish an encounter without getting downed (min. participation time = 8 minutes).


> If an invader squad cannot be filled, the remaining slots will be occupied by AI controlled NPCs with a + 30 % HP pool. If a squad only contains AI controlled NPCs, you cannot win a Mystic Coin.


> Controlling NPCs which have similar skills according to your class/damage-type. Empowered, enhanced to face a lot of players at once. Maybe increasing the size of your character 2x (Elite), 3x (Champion) and 4x (Legendary). That would be very fun and exciting for both sides. But Alliances may be more realistic.


I love this idea so much.

During beta testing before launch there was an event almost like this - except you would become branded and fight against players. You had OP skills and had to be taken down by scores of other players.

I really like this idea tbh.

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> @"Obfuscate.6430" said:

> > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> > We are playing a RPG, not a PvP simulator. How about something like this:

> >

> > **Mist Invasion**

> > "Due to the ongoing delays of the World Restructuring and Alliances, the Mistwarriors decided to have some fun on their own. They grouped up in squads and invade Tyria to increase their body-count on innocent people. Stop these bloodthirsty killing-machines and push them back into the Mists!"

> >

> > WvW

> > - You can register for the Mist Invasion like you can register for sPvP games. You pick your profession and your preferred rank (Elite, Champion, Legendary) and role (tank, support, dps).

> > - This special match-maker creates groups of 10 players filling the following ranks: 3x Legendary, 3x Champion, 4x Elite. With 2x tank, 3x support and 5x dps. If the team is complete, the match-maker looks for a map with a Mist Invasion about to begin. You can group-queue.

> > - You spawn there with your squad. You can control the NPCs as they were your own characters, but you have different skills to use.

> > - Your stats scale with the number of Tyrian Defenders that approach you - Dynamic Event Scaling 101.

> > - There is a timer of 10 Minutes, you have to survive to win the encounter. Every slain player results in one kill for EotM.

> > - On success, each of the participants gets a large chest of loot. On failure, half the loot. With an optional bonus of 30 % increase, if you manage to kill 80 % of the Defenders.

> >

> > PvE

> > - The Dynamic Events "Mist Invasion" spawn in Core Tyria Maps, in certain locations. Every 30 minutes.

> > - The Invaders are 3x Legendary, 3x Champion and 4x Elite = 10 enemy squads you have to take down.

> > - You win when all members of the Invader Squad are dead. You lose when the timer reaches 0:00. You can respawn as often as you want.

> > - The number of participants of the Event scale up the enemies stats, but also your loot.

> > - Participation in the event grants a basic loot chest. Eradicating the entire Invader Squad within the time-limit doubles the loot.

> > - In addition there is an optional bonus of up to 30 % to reach. 15 % for upscaling the enemy stats to the maximum and another 15 % for finishing the job in 8 minutes or less.

> > - In addition there is a chance to gain 1 Mystic Coin per Account per day, if you manage to finish an encounter without getting downed (min. participation time = 8 minutes).

> >

> > If an invader squad cannot be filled, the remaining slots will be occupied by AI controlled NPCs with a + 30 % HP pool. If a squad only contains AI controlled NPCs, you cannot win a Mystic Coin.

> >

> > Controlling NPCs which have similar skills according to your class/damage-type. Empowered, enhanced to face a lot of players at once. Maybe increasing the size of your character 2x (Elite), 3x (Champion) and 4x (Legendary). That would be very fun and exciting for both sides. But Alliances may be more realistic.


> I love this idea so much.

> During beta testing before launch there was an event almost like this - except you would become branded and fight against players. You had OP skills and had to be taken down by scores of other players.

> I really like this idea tbh.


champions online has something similar, you can become an archvillain for 20 mins. they usually end up standing in the central square, so normal players can take them down before the timer runs out. only about 1% of them actually defend themselves. i use it on the normal mobs to get an easy level.

it looks good on paper, but it doesnt work IRL.

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People keep forgetting Anet advertised WvW to be amazing and now look at it: dead and floating in the water. Same with PvP.


Afks, known hackers that have been recorded, toxic behavior not because of it being a competitive environment, but PvPers getting sick of Anet simply staying silent and ignoring everything that is presented.


I can tell by the way some PVErs are speaking within this thread that they never touched a pvp match in their life and if they did, they hardly paid attention. You wouldn't be saying half the stuff you were if you knew the REAL situation we are going through every single day.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> Afks, known hackers that have been recorded, toxic behavior not because of it being a competitive environment, but PvPers getting sick of Anet simply staying silent and ignoring everything that is presented.


> I can tell by the way some PVErs are speaking within this thread that they never touched a pvp match in their life and if they did, they hardly paid attention. You wouldn't be saying half the stuff you were if you knew the REAL situation we are going through every single day.


We both know that it IS because of competitive enviroment, as it always has been and always will be.


While it's true that i haven't tried PvP in GW2(and never will), i have tried PvP in more than enough games where it was exactly the same. So after years of trying different games where the gameplay was different but the people were the same, i decided that i don't want to deal with them ever again and so i stopped. No matter what game developers try to "encourage" me to do it, i simply won't. Never again.


Cheaters/hackers/AFKers are ignored by anet and MMO developers in general, so that is nothing new either. It's all just the same.

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I always feel a little bit for those PVP players that were there in the first days of Ultima Online and thought all MMO's forever would be such a fun slaughterhouse for PK's, thieves and con-men. Then 3 weeks later, developers catched on, and added and adapted rulesets to handle the low instincts of the anonymous MMO-player, and since then they have been corralled together to do their thing to eachother, without new sheep to kill, ever again. :(


The OP's request to relive the days of the "Fox in the chicken coop" are understandable but I am afraid you will forever have to pit your skills against people that give a much, much less satisfying experience when you kill them, since they are not unwitting, unskilled and non consensual victims.


PS: I realize the OP makes it "consensual" by trying to have the Pve player opt in because of the "phat lewtz". This totally fits into all the efforts I have seen in the past 20 years where PvP players try to lure the chickens back to the coop, often with the promise of more Loot. All he will encounter though are PvP players that also like phat lewtz. I am afraid, no easy, unwitting and outraged victims for the OP.

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> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > Afks, known hackers that have been recorded, toxic behavior not because of it being a competitive environment, but PvPers getting sick of Anet simply staying silent and ignoring everything that is presented.

> >

> > I can tell by the way some PVErs are speaking within this thread that they never touched a pvp match in their life and if they did, they hardly paid attention. You wouldn't be saying half the stuff you were if you knew the REAL situation we are going through every single day.


> We both know that it IS because of competitive enviroment, as it always has been and always will be.


> While it's true that i haven't tried PvP in GW2(and never will), i have tried PvP in more than enough games where it was exactly the same. So after years of trying different games where the gameplay was different but the people were the same, i decided that i don't want to deal with them ever again and so i stopped. No matter what game developers try to "encourage" me to do it, i simply won't. Never again.


> Cheaters/hackers/AFKers are ignored by anet and MMO developers in general, so that is nothing new either. It's all just the same.



But it's not though, that's the issue. PVErs wanna assume the ABSOLUTE most when it comes to competitive, when if you go and literally ask any PvPer they will tell you that people are not pissed about whether they win or lose, we are annoyed because classes have been purposefully imbalanced, ignored. Degenerate builds run rampant for months on end. Certain top players disrespect the authenticity of PvP because Anet is not willing to put their foot down.


Literally, take off your PvE glasses for one SECOND and actually go ask the PvP people why they are ACTUALLY mad. A good game that has PvP and PvE don't ignore you. They don't ignore the thousands of suggestions people gave in the most non-biased way. If you actually ask hardcore pvpers they will tell you they actually ENJOY the scene and keep to themselves, and that our population has decreased because of the NEGLECT. When you get neglected you'd be angry too.


But again, for whatever reason casuals seem to forget we actually exist, which I'm not surprised. When everything gets tossed on your plate and we basically get scraps of course y'all are gonna react the way you do. There was a time everyone, PvP/WvWers/PVers all supported each other. Now all I see is PvErs saying to get rid of everything that doesn't have to do with open world.




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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > Afks, known hackers that have been recorded, toxic behavior not because of it being a competitive environment, but PvPers getting sick of Anet simply staying silent and ignoring everything that is presented.

> > >

> > > I can tell by the way some PVErs are speaking within this thread that they never touched a pvp match in their life and if they did, they hardly paid attention. You wouldn't be saying half the stuff you were if you knew the REAL situation we are going through every single day.

> >

> > We both know that it IS because of competitive enviroment, as it always has been and always will be.

> >

> > While it's true that i haven't tried PvP in GW2(and never will), i have tried PvP in more than enough games where it was exactly the same. So after years of trying different games where the gameplay was different but the people were the same, i decided that i don't want to deal with them ever again and so i stopped. No matter what game developers try to "encourage" me to do it, i simply won't. Never again.

> >

> > Cheaters/hackers/AFKers are ignored by anet and MMO developers in general, so that is nothing new either. It's all just the same.



> But it's not though, that's the issue. PVErs wanna assume the ABSOLUTE most when it comes to competitive, when if you go and literally ask any PvPer they will tell you that people are not pissed about whether they win or lose, we are annoyed because classes have been purposefully imbalanced, ignored. Degenerate builds run rampant for months on end. Certain top players disrespect the authenticity of PvP because Anet is not willing to put their foot down.


> Literally, take off your PvE glasses for one SECOND and actually go ask the PvP people why they are ACTUALLY mad. A good game that has PvP and PvE don't ignore you. They don't ignore the thousands of suggestions people gave in the most non-biased way. If you actually ask hardcore pvpers they will tell you they actually ENJOY the scene and keep to themselves, and that our population has decreased because of the NEGLECT. When you get neglected you'd be angry too.


> But again, for whatever reason casuals seem to forget we actually exist, which I'm not surprised. When everything gets tossed on your plate and we basically get scraps of course y'all are gonna react the way you do. There was a time everyone, PvP/WvWers/PVers all supported each other. Now all I see is PvErs saying to get rid of everything that doesn't have to do with open world.





That may well be the case, but my experience in that format was completely different. I didn't appreciate the manner in which I was treated, so I don't engage with those players any more. For me, I don't think that increasing attention to PvP would get me to try it again as it was more of a problem that I had with the players than the builds. /shrug

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