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Coming back to the game since HOT

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Was wondering if worth coming back to the game. I just leaved the game on HOT at the release of the Raids cause my main guild was a plagued by toxicity. Some friend told me that not changed much and the people still a bit toxic about raiding.


But to be honest, im not quite interested on them and never liked the fractals. So i was looking for someone opinion besides my friends. Worth playing just for Open-world content? As i said im not planning to do raids or fractals, just enjoying the game and the exploration. Thanks in advance.

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I'd say it's worth coming back, yeah.


As far as expansions go, I liked HoT better than PoF, but PoF added mounts and a handful of useful mobility-enhancing masteries. If you care about fashion, there's more of that in the game, and a number of living world chapters to be bought and played through. Cooking got upgraded to a 500 skill, there are new nodes for your home instance, new guild hall decorations, and currently there's a festival in Hoelbrak.


They added a gear loadout system in the hero panel so you can set up different looks and skill sets (though it's a bit buggy and it costs money) which I mainly use for storing different outfits on my characters. There's also now a wardrobe system for 'novelties'. Some tonics, toys, chairs, and other gadgets can be unlocked in the novelty wardrobe and used across your entire account.


So there's stuff to do, places to see, storylines to yell at, potatoes to harvest. Welcome back.

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Absolutely it's worth coming back especially if like you said you want to enjoy the game and explore. In my opinion the Path of fire expansion would be perfect for that. The Maps are gorgeous and so much fun to explore on the mounts you'll receive along the way.

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You will never be rid of toxic people because they will pop up no matter if its this game or another. Just block them. But on the topic of coming back. There is a lot to do since HoT and a ton to learn. Then maybe once you hit end game you will want to do those other things like raids or fractals if you are up to it. Generally the community is pretty good. But there are a few jokers and trolls out there. Just pay no attention to them. As long as you don't give them fuel for their fire they will fade out. Map chats are generally quiet but if you do ask something someone will generally answer you.

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After Heart of Thorns, there was another expansion released, called Path of Fire. New Elite Specialzations, new game mechanics, some traits and skills completely reworked. Raid ppl toxicity still through the roof. GW2 is now more focused on releasing new PvE maps within their "Living World" thingy, IIRC the latest is Drizzlewood Coast. Way more new PvE masteries. Way more new ingame currencies. Last 6 months are lag-fest for some ppl, especially in greatly crowded areas and LW mapzones. ANet is now working on 3rd expansion (not much known about it yet). Also, many different mounts with different abilities now exists.


Generally, if you are PvE player which wanna consume new PvE content, I think the game is still worth to play for returning players. I also suggest to read a GW2 wiki about new things and use some build calculators, because many skills and traits were completely reworked, + new Specalizations released.


Stay away from WvW - ArenaNet's complete disaster.

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I'd say it's worth coming back, but unlike other MMOs, this one is probably best consumed by coming back to it whenever something is released then setting it aside and playing/doing something else until the next release hits. I'd also advise you to get PoF as it is more centered around exploration and of course the mounts that are, imho, very good features brought to the game. You should have some stuff to catch up on in the open world, but once you catch up, continueing to play feels grindy and repetitive. However, as I said in the begining, no one forces you to stick around for that bit, you can play something else and return when something new is released.

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> @"Khrusayder.3724" said:

> Was wondering if worth coming back to the game. I just leaved the game on HOT at the release of the Raids cause my main guild was a plagued by toxicity. Some friend told me that not changed much and the people still a bit toxic about raiding.


> But to be honest, im not quite interested on them and never liked the fractals. So i was looking for someone opinion besides my friends. Worth playing just for Open-world content? As i said im not planning to do raids or fractals, just enjoying the game and the exploration. Thanks in advance.

The open world content in this game is better than it's ever been. The maps in PoF are the game's best work for explorable environments. The living world maps range from poor for exploration to absolutely fantastic.

OW content is the best reason to play this game. It's generally the content that sees the most regular attention from the developers. It's in a good place.

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If you are buying PoF you are buying 9 elite classes more than anything. In terms of OW map quality, the game peaked at HoT and early LWS3. PoF has the worst maps, hands down, but I would not consider them bad. PvP is unplayable now, if you are into that.



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Thanks for all the comments!


Already have POE, i bought it like one year ago because was on sale. But not tried, not even was playing the game in that moment. I bought it cause was considering returning the game in a long future. That future is now i suppose. Probaly im gonna buy too the personal history of the living seasons from the gems store, always liked them because im a lore enthusiast. I think im gonna start over a new character and explore everything from 0%.


I hope Hero points of HOT are updated and soloable now, because on the release some are a bit tricky to do all alone. What do you think guys?

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> @"Khrusayder.3724" said:

> I hope Hero points of HOT are updated and soloable now, because on the release some are a bit tricky to do all alone. What do you think guys?


I solo everyting and without mouth, I have clider. It's still little hard to do HoT Hero and master points, but I did do some of them for my characters elite skills. If you get first mount from PoF, as it's first story missions, then HoT will be little easyer. You also need clider from HoT story missions, to reach certain places. You will be fine.


Soloing open world and doing events is great, alot of content to explore.


PS: Some HoT Hero points are for groups, so not all can be soloed. But usually there is others doing them too, so just join and it's gets done. No need to team up.



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