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Maxed Daily Achievement Points...What Now?

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As the title suggests, a few months ago I maxed my daily achievement points! (Wow, didn't think I'd get there!)


While I'm happy it's also sad that I feel no real reason to continue dailies besides the allotted 2g reward.


Outside of that I've found myself yearning for either an increase in the daily max, or other ideas on just finding other achievements to work on and just go 'achievement hunting.'

I find myself being more inclined to finish more expensive collections and achievements for even just a couple AP.


My real question for everyone is twofold; Would you approve of an increase in the daily max AP and what's your best way of seeking to increase your AP after max daily is capped?

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An increase of max daily AP would be apreciated by everyone who's done it and most likely despised by anyone else. As an AP hunter myself, I'd just go for whatever you seem "worth it". Some of the AP stuff can get really grindy, f.e. monster kills, weapon kills, collections, icebrood saga stuff where you need to press f on 1000 thingies for 5 AP(exagerating, I know, but you get the gist if you look at the achievements of the saga). Don't burn yourself out and don't expect to be done with it in a week. Do what's fun for you.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> An increase of max daily AP would be apreciated by everyone who's done it and most likely despised by anyone else. As an AP hunter myself, I'd just go for whatever you seem "worth it". Some of the AP stuff can get really grindy, f.e. monster kills, weapon kills, collections, icebrood saga stuff where you need to press f on 1000 thingies for 5 AP(exagerating, I know, but you get the gist if you look at the achievements of the saga). Don't burn yourself out and don't expect to be done with it in a week. Do what's fun for you.


You say a lot of stuff I've told others, just work on things you like and It'll come faster than if you tried to grind for it.

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After I maxed out the dailies AP it felt like freedom, because I would often log in and do them so I'd not lose the 10 AP. The dailies AP cap seemed something reasonable to happen so AP hunters would break free from that and move on to do other things. This game has so many dailies to do.. if you have a limited amount of time to play you get stuck on dailies only.. plus I don't think they have anything planned reward wise after pinnacles skins, most people won't get that far anyway.

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> Would you approve of an increase in the daily max AP


Hoo mama, you better believe it. I've loved doing dailies in addition to the farming and other activities I get up to on a given day. I've never felt pressured to do them (I'll skip them if they ask me to do things that look tedious), but I know I'll miss them when I hit the upper limit. AP are a personal gauge of progress, so I'll never feel left behind if the cap gets bumped; I honestly don't care what amounts other people have collected.


> what's your best way of seeking to increase your AP after max daily is capped?


Festival achievements and sadly picking through living world chapters and other content I didn't enjoy the first time I played them.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> AP are a personal gauge of progress, so I'll never feel left behind if the cap gets bumped; I honestly don't care what amounts other people have collected.


Do you think the cap helps prevent people from getting overwhelmed by how much others have?


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> @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> You are free! Now you can stop logging in to do dailies. This will show you where your priorities are. If you stop logging in cause you are capped on dalies you will come to a funny conclusion :)


I already log in daily because I enjoy the game. But AP hunting is something I do to give me something to do if I don't have anything to do. (Does that make sense? XD)

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> @"leila.7962" said:

> After I maxed out the dailies AP it felt like freedom, because I would often log in and do them so I'd not lose the 10 AP. The dailies AP cap seemed something reasonable to happen so AP hunters would break free from that and move on to do other things.


Good point, though removing an incentive to play (Arguably 10 AP is less of an incentive but it's still there for many.) is still removing an incentive. I generally see people who do dailies every day, or those that are more like "Meh I'm not interested in AP, but I'll do dailies when I have nothing else to do." In which case I see the cap as only hurting the group that was passionate about AP hunting in the first place.


Arguably they have it set up so that after pinnacle skins the rewards still continue, just with no skins. But without daily AP it's slowed to a crawl on progression.



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On the one hand I think there shouldn't be a cap at all.


On the other hand I don't see that happening at all. 10/day means 3650 per year. Pretty sure that would end up being a lot more than everything else combined that gets made available within the same time period. If they made it so after you hit the cap it reduces the AP to 1 per day instead of 10 that would probably be about 1 LS release worth of additional AP per year which isn't that bad if you look at it that way. However I bet many would it isn't worth bothering with for 1 AP.

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> @"Alimar.8760" said:

> > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> > AP are a personal gauge of progress, so I'll never feel left behind if the cap gets bumped; I honestly don't care what amounts other people have collected.


> Do you think the cap helps prevent people from getting overwhelmed by how much others have?



I think the cap can be interpreted as an artificial/psychological tool to help people who are inclined to feel like they're 'missing out' on things like AP or in some cases fashion. Unless there's some technical reason why the cap is there, I think it should either be raised or gotten rid of completely.


Effort in, rewards out.



The opposition to cap removal is curious to me because it reminds me of a number of similar things:

- People sometimes argue that they want skins and other items to remain hard to get/limited because of 'prestige' when someone else owning an item does not in any way affect their ability to play.

- People sometimes suggest that there should be a subscription system when they can already pay a static fee each month by purchasing gems.

- People sometimes claim they feel 'forced' to do dailies despite the fact that they're as optional as any other content.

- People sometimes say removing the AP cap would make it so they could never 'catch up' when there's no competition to be had in the first place and thus no requirement to catch up (and also when season one AP are completely inaccessible to a huge chunk of players, so you're already behind)

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If I remember correctly the cap was originally introduced at the request of AP hunters who felt pressured to do the daily every single day and would get stressed if they missed a day for any reason because then they'd fall behind the people they were competing against (either in the league tables or among their own group). Anet had made various other attempts to solve the problem, which is how we ended up with the current system where there's many achievements to choose from and any 3 give 10 AP. It used to be there were 10 to choose from and each gave 1AP, but of course then the hunters wanted to do all 10 and had even less time for anything else. There were a lot of discussions about it on the old forum, but of course they're a lot harder to find now.


For players who don't care about AP or don't expect to ever reach the cap it's meaningless. Effectively it's already uncapped because they'll never get to that point, but that's not a problem because they clearly don't feel any pressure to farm AP.


As for what to do once you reach it I agree that the solution is to find other activities which interest you. If you like AP hunting it's a good time to review achievements you've never gotten around to before, especially ones where gradually daily progress is probably the least frustrating way to do it. If you were never actually that worried about AP in the first place you could keep doing the daily as a quick way to make gold, but similarly consider what else in the game interests you. (Finally taking a break from the game is of course always an option, if you're just not that keen on playing right now. You can always come back whenever you feel like it, and do whatever it is you were looking forward to when you decided to come back.)

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im bummed by the AP cap of course, but I dont expect it to ever change, so meh. what Does irk me though is that a few yrs ago what would earn you 5 or 10 AP now awards 1AP. you never really had to grind to get AP, now, its ridiculous the amount of grind for a single AP. really ticks me off. but... meh. im only around 25K right now, so i really dont see myself ever completing the AP armor, all because of how low the AP awarded is now

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> @"slpr.2647" said:

> im bummed by the AP cap of course, but I dont expect it to ever change, so meh. what Does irk me though is that a few yrs ago what would earn you 5 or 10 AP now awards 1AP. you never really had to grind to get AP, now, its ridiculous the amount of grind for a single AP. really ticks me off. but... meh. im only around 25K right now, so i really dont see myself ever completing the AP armor, all because of how low the AP awarded is now


And none were made legacy afaik like other MMOs do so that missing AP is gone forever, you'll nver catch up so I consider AP in this game pointless and broken. I've played since beta and only have 18k cuz I refused to do those time limited grinds. Really a 10/10 design for achievement hunters aye

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This is what I use. It is good for seeing the cost in gold for many achievements. Good for finding low hanging fruit.

There are currently 27317 AP that can be earned, but for ~6000 of them it will take 20 years to complete, that is because each of the 6 festivals has 1k ap from their 50ap annual acheivements, so 20 reps, ie 20 years.

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As a player about to hit the 15K cap in the next few weeks, I'm all for it remaining. I do the daily for the AP + gold, because in most cases, there is no other easy way to get 300 AP/month.

Once I hit the cap, I'll look at the daily, and determine if it is worth doing for the 2 gold - if they are fast/easy, sure. If I can earn that 2 gold faster doing something else, I'll do that.

Realistically, I don't see Anet ever changing them - if they did, there would be outcry from all those players that hit the cap years ago and were still doing dailies who feel cheated of not getting those APs they fairly earned. And some will be annoyed that they feel they now need to do the dailies. And then the debate of how much it would be raised to? Infinite? 16K, so after 100 days, you have same discussion again? 10 AP/day is not sustainable - if there had been no cap and that was in place since launch, it would mean that the daily tally would be 29K+ right now.

AP should be gained by doing achievements, not just the fairly easy daily tasks. If there had been no limit, people would have more AP from just login vs someone who never did the daily but did all the other achievements in the game, which doesn't seem right.


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