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why is condi thief still allowed to be played?


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For the same reason condi rev exist, why shroud exists as it does, why grenades hit like they do, or why rally is as it is etc etc. The game is horrendously balanced and full of carry bs. A real team that knows pvp balance needs to be implemented and time spent on fixing the mess in hurry or just delete the mode.

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Because anet keeps nerfing numbers instead of fixing bad mechanics. Stealth being reveal-on-hit and "do X condi when you do Y condi" are examples of bad systems that are still in the game. Anets response is to lower damage, remove amulets, and increase cooldowns, which only slows the game down and fixes nothing.



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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> delete the forums


I agree


Cthief is trash, d/p daredevil overshadows it


The little nerf a while back was actually enaugh that it has gone weak, you only loose if you have nothing left and at this moment you should actually die by a thief

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We r talking about company that last year kitten up their coding and made Bolstered Elements (weaver trait) bugged so that it didnt grant stability anymore. It was obviously discovered day 1 and reported multiple times. At that time it was used in every weaver build, and was major part of those, so many ppl got annoyed, angry and stopped playing ele till they fix the bug.

So, you ask how much time did it take them to fix the problem? 1 hour? 1-2 days? The answer is somewhere around 1-2 months, I dont remember correctly.


Random links:

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/80653/no-stability-with-bolstered-elements <- random thread that mentions this bug, June 27

Fixed a bug that could cause this trait to stop granting stability after Lesser Stone Resonance was cast. < - July 30



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> @"Mauzi.5892" said:

> > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > patches after patches of nerf, it is still meta, great.

> > why is it still not deleted yet


> It's not meta and it's not good either. You should go train in your guildhall, pvp arena or wvw and try to get out of silver


it's not meta because condi rev


when condi rev will be nerf (ok proba in 6 month) u will see condi thief will be top tier

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In the end whether condi thief is toxic and op is irrelevant when more than half the rosters meta builds are also brainless carry toxic spam builds, so removing condi thief accomplishes nothing really. The whole roster needs a complete rework and rebalance by a team that actually knows what their doing, that's the only way to save this games trash heep they call pvp

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this build is gate keeping many build from viability, when you create a build, first thing you have to ask yourself is " can I cleanse enough to not get 1shot from stealth by condi thief" if the answer is NO then you scrap the build. Other such bursts cant be dodged, anticipated, played around, LoS, or ran from. Not cthief.

Its faster, its instant, its from stealth and its from long range ignoring LOS.

I dont have a problem with Cthief for the sake of it, I dislike how little counterplay it has.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> this build is gate keeping many build from viability, when you create a build, first thing you have to ask yourself is " can I cleanse enough to not get 1shot from stealth by condi thief" if the answer is NO then you scrap the build. Other such bursts cant be dodged, anticipated, played around, LoS, or ran from. Not cthief.

> Its faster, its instant, its from stealth and its from long range ignoring LOS.

> I dont have a problem with Cthief for the sake of it, I dislike how little counterplay it has.


EXACTLY this. I assumed condi thief would be DELETED from existence in PvP and WvW because of how much it dictates the meta. Condi thief currently restricts and holds back so many builds from being PLAYABLE that it's stupid.


The reason you don't see condi thief often anymore is because people are playing builds that hard counter condi thief which forces thief into d/p which is a much better all around build.


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It's funny you guys don't even realize that cThief is already dead.

1. We are in a Power Meta.

2. D/P Power Thief is far better in almost every way and outshines cThief. (It's more mobile, is easier to play and better for coordinated bursts in teamfights, 1/3 of its damage can't be simply cleansed, can +1 against rev without killing himself or his mate.)

3. Condi Thief or any other single Class/Build doesnt dictate a Meta, the Meta is build upon what Builds are played and whats best against most of the Builds you are facing, and you arent facing a Team with multiple Condi Thiefs, you are most likely to face a comp that consists of Guard, Rev, Necro, Engi and Thief in their respective Elite Spec's. So if you have a Build and you think the only Class you cannot stand against is a cThief, you would probably also lose to almost anything else that is considered Meta right now, cause the whole Meta doesnt resolve around cThief.

4. If you getting killed by a Condi Thief, you would probably also have died to a Power Thief.


also PSA:


Abbreviation of **Most Effective Tactic Available.**

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I don't know any "Sindrenner" nor do I know of a World Leaderboard Ranking List that says a "Sindrenner" is #1 Thief in the World.

Assuming you mean Sindrener from Rank 55 Dragons, yes I know his opinion, but his opinion is still a opinion and nothing more, he hates every version of Thief that isnt D/P, he also hates S/D Thief, if you would remove D/P Thief once, you would remove him from the entire Game, cause he can't play anything else besides that.


And you basically don't have your own opinion but you just reflect his opinion, but you forget, opinion's aren't wrong, nor right.

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> @"GeneralFailure.3402" said:

> if thief is so OP plz nerf, why are peple not happy where there are two of them on their team?

> unlike revs

> unlike guards

> unlike necros

> unlike rangers


> realy makes you think


Can't hold a node vs anyone with a brain and loses any even fights against same people. same reason you don't mass scout units in an RTS.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"GeneralFailure.3402" said:

> > if thief is so OP plz nerf, why are peple not happy where there are two of them on their team?

> > unlike revs

> > unlike guards

> > unlike necros

> > unlike rangers

> >

> > realy makes you think


> Can't hold a node vs anyone with a brain and loses any even fights against same people. same reason you don't mass scout units in an RTS.


and this scout unit (condi thief) is slower, has less evades, and not so on demand access to stealth as you need to hit an enemy, than power d/p. So why it is bad if does more burst damage? Which by the way can be easily negated by blocks, evades, projectile deflect.

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