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Best profession for solo camp flipping in WvW?


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> @Justine.6351 said:

> Pretty much anything. The camp NPCs have not held up well to the power creep.


> I'm not afraid to take on max upgrade camps with glass cannon hammer rev, in melee. Yep, it's all about the stacking.




OP, since you mentioned 1v1'ing as well, you should look for the best class at that activity that is still able to flip camps easily (Spellbreaker).

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> @Swagg.9236 said:

> It doesn't matter since every class clears camps in the same way: aggro camp group and then bait every NPC around a blind corner before dropping all damage onto the blob of kitten AI. Personally, I think staff ele has the easiest go of it, though.


Some sort of burn guard/dh/firebrand.


Made this vid forever ago about a lvl 50 burn guard I made for camp flipping/wvw roaming cause idk why.

Game doesn't get much easier. Staff ele probably just shield bash food.

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> @Swagg.9236 said:

> It doesn't matter since every class clears camps in the same way: aggro camp group and then bait every NPC around a blind corner before dropping all damage onto the blob of kitten AI. Personally, I think staff ele has the easiest go of it, though.


Camp capping was me a learn to play thing, and a way to test profs/builds. With thief and mesmer I nowadays just go in to camp, and start taking them one-by-one. I feel this is sometimes easier than grouping to corner because the group kills.


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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> Mirage from my view.

> Duelist with high Mobility, solo clears any camp. Can either kite spellbreakers or decide to disengage.


> Biggest enemy in terms of mobility will be thief.




As far as pure camp clear and fighting capability I'd usually go necro/repear. Since the question asks for a high mobility class though, Mirage seems the obvious answer.


Thief works too but might require a higher level of mastery to clear camps without issues.

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Fast kills count and here classes with high AOE damage or cleave can aggro a group in the camp and do kill them in short order. Builds that rely on 1v1 to down the guards can not do this as quickly. With Thief as example, you will get faster clears with a Pistol whip thief then a dagger dagger thief.


Cross map mobilty is also big as if on a slower class very often an enemy will beat you to a camp and flip before you get there. In WvW you will be defending camps as well and should be able to predict where an enemy player might be going next. If you can not get there in time the enemy might well have it flipped before you do.


If OVERLY reliant on stealth , it can be an impediment. Stealth can work great when there no enemy players around in whittling down a camp but if one in contention between two sides stealthing can see the camp flip to the side that does not stealth. At the same time you can use stealth to linger around a camp where there might be an enemy presence and then flip it when they leave thinking no one around.


At any given time of the day , certain classes or builds will do better then others. This because what might work well when there a low population of enemy players , does not work as well when there a high population of the same. If a solo thief comes on four enemy players, he can generally escape. A solo Necro generally will not. "Solo Camp fipping" is less a thing the higher the population as there just too many enemy roaming around. Finding one or two enemy roaming as well is something you will welcome for the fight but once there 4 ,5 and more in an enemy group you will usually not prevail.



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The best class IMO for camp flipping is Berserker Thief. Whether core, deadeye or Daredevil, it is capable of taking out at least T2 camps (though I admittedly struggle with T3 or when the camp has mercs). Its access to mobility through swiftness and shortbow also helps you hit camps faster, blind on demand and stealth can be a great way to lose groups of roamers if you're not confident with your 1vX (like me).

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> The best class IMO for camp flipping is Berserker Thief. Whether core, deadeye or Daredevil, it is capable of taking out at least T2 camps (though I admittedly struggle with T3 or when the camp has mercs). Its access to mobility through swiftness and shortbow also helps you hit camps faster, blind on demand and stealth can be a great way to lose groups of roamers if you're not confident with your 1vX (like me).

If you struggle with T3 then clearly its not the best lol. Most classes can take out T3 with no issues.


If you always want to run away though then yes thief is the better option.


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I'd have to recommend Mesmer/Mirage and Warrior/Spellbreaker.

Both have the mobility and disengage potential that is so great to have while roaming, while also being able to take 1v1's or 1vX fights.

Thief definitely has the mobility and disengage potential, but it's sadly unable to win 1v1's against anything but other thieves, not to even think of 1vX. That is, ofcourse, unless you very much outskill your opponent(s).


Other good options are Engineer, Ranger... Really, anything can work and I'd only recommend not to play Thief for reasons stated above and Necro, simply because of how slow it is and how slow it feels.

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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > The best class IMO for camp flipping is Berserker Thief. Whether core, deadeye or Daredevil, it is capable of taking out at least T2 camps (though I admittedly struggle with T3 or when the camp has mercs). Its access to mobility through swiftness and shortbow also helps you hit camps faster, blind on demand and stealth can be a great way to lose groups of roamers if you're not confident with your 1vX (like me).

> If you struggle with T3 then clearly its not the best lol. Most classes can take out T3 with no issues.


> If you always want to run away though then yes thief is the better option.



When I say struggle, I mean struggle to take out the camp in a reasonable amount of time (ie. before the swords even go up). Given my latency, it's not always possible to dodge everything thrown at me, and the blindspam does become somewhat of a pain. I'm also not exactly what you'd call hardcore, nor do I use specialised WvW builds.


As such, I tend to avoid T3 camps when I can help it.

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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> A corruption condition reaper can easily take down all NPCs and get to up to 80% capture progress before the swords even appear.

No one use condi reaper with it being balanced, you cant melt camps with 50+ bleed stacks anymore. A power reaper will probably do it even faster.

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in short every class can clear a camp if you are an okay player.


so that leaves the point which class ist most successful in doing so. In general the pve Aspect of it is not an issue, you need to be careful about the other players.


the nature of wvw campflipping is, that you run far over the map and often behind enemy lines to solo swap an objective.

As the reinforcement routes are shorter for the enemy you can expect to get regularly into situation where you are 1vx, if you are not a great player or the enemies suck you will not win these.

As such that leaves you with the option to disengage and reset or die and run new.


For mobility and disengage i see the following classes most capable:


Thief (stealth, shortbow 5, shadowstep, bountiful dodge)

Mesmer (blink, stealth)

Spellbreaker (GS 3 + 5, resistance)


Maybee also

Druid (GS 3, stealth with superior rune of the trapper)

Scrapper (Stealth, rocket jump, hammer 3)


all of them can hold their own 1vs1 depending on your skill,

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