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An interesting tidbit from the MMO hype of the day

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So you googled, nice.

No, theyre not far from truth. But youre a PvE player, so Im not gonna describe you why amongst ppl playing other MMOs, when some1 mentions GW2 theyre always thinking - hey, it has awesome combat system. And combat system is what you meet on each step of gameplay (except things like crafting, playing on TP etc). No1 that I know that plays BDO, WoW or other MMO ever told me - hey, gw2 has awesome story/plot/pve/whatever.

GW2 is a casual game that attracts so called boomers, so they obviously gonna play PvE, which can be played by any1, anytime, with one hand (and even then - theres a thread called 'why icebrood saga is bad' with tons of responses, lol). And thats how ANet makes money, gathering it from PvE ppl, cuz theres nothing that interests ppl from PvP section. So why would they added content to it, right? No profit there.


So, all in all to make it simple for you what I wrote with those '6' points is - > GW2 has great combat system that would attract both PvP and PvE interested ppl, no content for PvP section caused ppl to leave, and ANet dont care cuz they make profit from PvE, not PvP. So now PvP community is pretty much dead, and the only thing left is living story, that for most of the ppl that were attracted to PvP is boring, so they leave. And here we are, two game modes killed/struggling, one is alive, instead of having all 3 healthy and profitable. Hope now you understand.

Enjoy Icebrood Saga and next time try to laugh at meme, instead of taking it so literally and serious.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > GW2 really isnt its competition there, WoW is and yeah... you know... like trying to topple a building with your face. Even if its an *incredibly* good game, the sub fee will instantly stop it going viral, sort of speak.

> >

> > Ya that sub fee and "WoW style play" really knee capped FF14

> Ok so then there are another competitor. Another game they have to beat in terms of gameplay and features. That's worse.


It's not hard to beat ff14's disco dance floor combat.

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> @"Junkpile.7439" said:

> Well gw2 blob combat is a mess. It's ok when random pug groups fight without commanders, but when blobing start it's just trash. AoE cap and boon sharing really kills combat.


Boon sharing isn't necessarily a problem, the problem is how it is accomplished in GW2 **today**. Back in Core days, or Vanilla GW2, you **needed** to use combo fields to achieve high stacks of almost any boon attainable in the game. This persisted into HoT a bit but the introduction of the Elite Specs, and subsequently *Herald*, mitigated this requirement in large groups. Thats why Herald was a *constant* presence in any zerg.


The issue *today* is that what you accomplished with coordination, timing and communication is now entirely achievable with *a button*. Its been simplified, **over** simplified.

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> @"TeqkOneStylez.8047" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > GW2 really isnt its competition there, WoW is and yeah... you know... like trying to topple a building with your face. Even if its an *incredibly* good game, the sub fee will instantly stop it going viral, sort of speak.

> > >

> > > Ya that sub fee and "WoW style play" really knee capped FF14

> > Ok so then there are another competitor. Another game they have to beat in terms of gameplay and features. That's worse.


> It's not hard to beat ff14's disco dance floor combat.


Which begs another question. With gw2 combat being far more superior than ff14 combat, ur opinion clearly but not mine, why even though ff14 cost way more and is sub based does it enjoy a far higher over all player base? other than the combat mechanics gw2 must be failing some kind of hard on other aspects of its game for this to have happened lol.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Which begs another question. With gw2 combat being far more superior than ff14 combat, ur opinion clearly but not mine, why even though ff14 cost way more and is sub based does it enjoy a far higher over all player base? other than the combat mechanics gw2 must be failing some kind of hard on other aspects of its game for this to have happened lol.


It doesn't have wvw to bring it down.... :lol:


Also the guy running it, Naoki Yoshida, built a lifetime of good will with rebuilding that game, plus it's final fantasy, with 4 decades from that franchise. Plus it's pve and story is supposedly top notch. Can't say the same for gw2...


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Which begs another question. With gw2 combat being far more superior than ff14 combat, ur opinion clearly but not mine, why even though ff14 cost way more and is sub based does it enjoy a far higher over all player base? other than the combat mechanics gw2 must be failing some kind of hard on other aspects of its game for this to have happened lol.


> It doesn't have wvw to bring it down.... :lol:


> Also the guy running it, Naoki Yoshida, built a lifetime of good will with rebuilding that game, plus it's final fantasy, with 4 decades from that franchise. Plus it's pve and story is supposedly top notch. Can't say the same for gw2...



I can say first hand finishing heavensward and being half way through stormblood that the story is on a whole different level compared to gw2's lol and apparently shadowbringers raises the bar even further. The trials and dungeons blow gw2's away as well and are a blast..... BUT what the poster said was true, its pvp is a after thought and it shows but it isn't nor will it ever be a pvp focused mmo, at least I'm my opinion and the que times for dps like myself are long especially in pvp lol. With that said though the combat isn't as good in a pvp setting as gw2 is the actual skills and animations are so so soooooo much better and well done than gw2. I mean look at a vid of samurai skills and see how the skills are actually like that of aikido etc and the emotes as well like whipping the blood off ur blade before sheathing it lol. As trash as I think gw2 pvp is now it's still better than most mmos as far as if the player ONLY wants to do pvp even if the devs are ruining it. If ur doing pve,dungeon and raiding I'd say anyone playing gw2 over ff14 doesn't kno what there missing though it costs far more but imo it's worth the sub for those who mainly enjoy pve,dungeon and trials.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> I can say first hand finishing heavensward and being half way through stormblood that the story is on a whole different level compared to gw2's lol and apparently shadowbringers raises the bar even further. The trials and dungeons blow gw2's away as well and are a blast..... BUT what the poster said was true, its pvp is a after thought and it shows but it isn't nor will it ever be a pvp focused mmo, at least I'm my opinion and the que times for dps like myself are long especially in pvp lol. With that said though the combat isn't as good in a pvp setting as gw2 is the actual skills and animations are so so soooooo much better and well done than gw2. I mean look at a vid of samurai skills and see how the skills are actually like that of aikido etc and the emotes as well like whipping the blood off ur blade before sheathing it lol. As trash as I think gw2 pvp is now it's still better than most mmos as far as if the player ONLY wants to do pvp even if the devs are ruining it. If ur doing pve,dungeon and raiding I'd say anyone playing gw2 over ff14 doesn't kno what there missing though it costs far more but imo it's worth the sub for those who mainly enjoy pve,dungeon and trials.


Pretty much everything I've heard from my friend who has tried to get me into it :)

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > I can say first hand finishing heavensward and being half way through stormblood that the story is on a whole different level compared to gw2's lol and apparently shadowbringers raises the bar even further. The trials and dungeons blow gw2's away as well and are a blast..... BUT what the poster said was true, its pvp is a after thought and it shows but it isn't nor will it ever be a pvp focused mmo, at least I'm my opinion and the que times for dps like myself are long especially in pvp lol. With that said though the combat isn't as good in a pvp setting as gw2 is the actual skills and animations are so so soooooo much better and well done than gw2. I mean look at a vid of samurai skills and see how the skills are actually like that of aikido etc and the emotes as well like whipping the blood off ur blade before sheathing it lol. As trash as I think gw2 pvp is now it's still better than most mmos as far as if the player ONLY wants to do pvp even if the devs are ruining it. If ur doing pve,dungeon and raiding I'd say anyone playing gw2 over ff14 doesn't kno what there missing though it costs far more but imo it's worth the sub for those who mainly enjoy pve,dungeon and trials.


> Pretty much everything I've heard from my friend who has tried to get me into it :)


Lol its imo the best pve, dungeon and trial experience I've had and I've played gw2,eso,bdo,archeage, lotro, tera, rift and a small amount of wow. I didnt play enough of wow to be able to compare to much. But as much as I love ff14 as I said if u just want to pvp definitely dont choose ff14 lol.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > I can say first hand finishing heavensward and being half way through stormblood that the story is on a whole different level compared to gw2's lol and apparently shadowbringers raises the bar even further. The trials and dungeons blow gw2's away as well and are a blast..... BUT what the poster said was true, its pvp is a after thought and it shows but it isn't nor will it ever be a pvp focused mmo, at least I'm my opinion and the que times for dps like myself are long especially in pvp lol. With that said though the combat isn't as good in a pvp setting as gw2 is the actual skills and animations are so so soooooo much better and well done than gw2. I mean look at a vid of samurai skills and see how the skills are actually like that of aikido etc and the emotes as well like whipping the blood off ur blade before sheathing it lol. As trash as I think gw2 pvp is now it's still better than most mmos as far as if the player ONLY wants to do pvp even if the devs are ruining it. If ur doing pve,dungeon and raiding I'd say anyone playing gw2 over ff14 doesn't kno what there missing though it costs far more but imo it's worth the sub for those who mainly enjoy pve,dungeon and trials.

> >

> > Pretty much everything I've heard from my friend who has tried to get me into it :)


> Lol its imo the best pve, dungeon and trial experience I've had and I've played gw2,eso,bdo,archeage, lotro, tera, rift and a small amount of wow. I didnt play enough of wow to be able to compare to much. But as much as I love ff14 as I said if u just want to pvp definitely dont choose ff14 lol.




FF14 is definitely worth getting into if you want actual **good** and **meaty** PvE content. WoW is as well, I'd say they are both on the same level. Complain all you want about the combat mechanics (tab target), I used to be of that same mindset...you get over it **real quick** once you realize those games actually have content worth doing and worth repeating both for the sake of challenging yourself and a group as well as rewards, which is not something GW2 can boast of with its PvE.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > I can say first hand finishing heavensward and being half way through stormblood that the story is on a whole different level compared to gw2's lol and apparently shadowbringers raises the bar even further. The trials and dungeons blow gw2's away as well and are a blast..... BUT what the poster said was true, its pvp is a after thought and it shows but it isn't nor will it ever be a pvp focused mmo, at least I'm my opinion and the que times for dps like myself are long especially in pvp lol. With that said though the combat isn't as good in a pvp setting as gw2 is the actual skills and animations are so so soooooo much better and well done than gw2. I mean look at a vid of samurai skills and see how the skills are actually like that of aikido etc and the emotes as well like whipping the blood off ur blade before sheathing it lol. As trash as I think gw2 pvp is now it's still better than most mmos as far as if the player ONLY wants to do pvp even if the devs are ruining it. If ur doing pve,dungeon and raiding I'd say anyone playing gw2 over ff14 doesn't kno what there missing though it costs far more but imo it's worth the sub for those who mainly enjoy pve,dungeon and trials.

> > >

> > > Pretty much everything I've heard from my friend who has tried to get me into it :)

> >

> > Lol its imo the best pve, dungeon and trial experience I've had and I've played gw2,eso,bdo,archeage, lotro, tera, rift and a small amount of wow. I didnt play enough of wow to be able to compare to much. But as much as I love ff14 as I said if u just want to pvp definitely dont choose ff14 lol.


> Yup.


> FF14 is definitely worth getting into if you want actual **good** and **meaty** PvE content. WoW is as well, I'd say they are both on the same level. Complain all you want about the combat mechanics (tab target), I used to be of that same mindset...you get over it **real quick** once you realize those games actually have content worth doing and worth repeating both for the sake of challenging yourself and a group as well as rewards, which is not something GW2 can boast of with its PvE.


Until ff14 I refused to tab target, last 5 yrs in gw2 I used action cam haha so i gravitated towards bdo and eso etc. I still prefer action cam in gw2 yet I actually enjoy my samurai and dragoons combat in ff14 even though its tab due to how great the animations are. I'm going to be rebuying ff14 and expacs on ps4 tomorrow actually as the package is 50% off as ghost of tsushima is reminding me how comfy couch gaming is haha. Plug for ghost of tsushima, probably best game I've played in 30 yrs of gaming, subjective of course :)

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> >

> > Lol its imo the best pve, dungeon and trial experience I've had and I've played gw2,eso,bdo,archeage, lotro, tera, rift and a small amount of wow. I didnt play enough of wow to be able to compare to much. But as much as I love ff14 as I said if u just want to pvp definitely dont choose ff14 lol.


> Yup.


> FF14 is definitely worth getting into if you want actual **good** and **meaty** PvE content. WoW is as well, I'd say they are both on the same level. Complain all you want about the combat mechanics (tab target), I used to be of that same mindset...you get over it **real quick** once you realize those games actually have content worth doing and worth repeating both for the sake of challenging yourself and a group as well as rewards, which is not something GW2 can boast of with its PvE.


As someone who's really not into group PvE content, that makes it a bit easier for me. I've heard good things about FF14 but every time I look at trailers I shudder at the player characters.


AoC looks very promising from a WvW perspective - in my opinion, the core system sounds like what I thought GW2's WvW should have been from launch. The only things I'm still unconvinced by are the combat system, which is GW2's biggest strength, and whether it's going to survive release.


There's another wildcard in there regarding an OCX/SEA server. If that has a big enough audience, and a good enough connection, that will make the game for me. If it lacks one or both of those things, it will make it unplayable (server events appear to be based on regional primetime, so NA server would not be an option).

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > >

> > > Lol its imo the best pve, dungeon and trial experience I've had and I've played gw2,eso,bdo,archeage, lotro, tera, rift and a small amount of wow. I didnt play enough of wow to be able to compare to much. But as much as I love ff14 as I said if u just want to pvp definitely dont choose ff14 lol.

> >

> > Yup.

> >

> > FF14 is definitely worth getting into if you want actual **good** and **meaty** PvE content. WoW is as well, I'd say they are both on the same level. Complain all you want about the combat mechanics (tab target), I used to be of that same mindset...you get over it **real quick** once you realize those games actually have content worth doing and worth repeating both for the sake of challenging yourself and a group as well as rewards, which is not something GW2 can boast of with its PvE.


> As someone who's really not into group PvE content, that makes it a bit easier for me. I've heard good things about FF14 but every time I look at trailers I shudder at the player characters.


> AoC looks very promising from a WvW perspective - in my opinion, the core system sounds like what I thought GW2's WvW should have been from launch. The only things I'm still unconvinced by are the combat system, which is GW2's biggest strength, and whether it's going to survive release.


> There's another wildcard in there regarding an OCX/SEA server. If that has a big enough audience, and a good enough connection, that will make the game for me. If it lacks one or both of those things, it will make it unplayable (server events appear to be based on regional primetime, so NA server would not be an option).


Lol u play gw2 and shutter at player characters in ff14, why? Dragoons,machinists, wars,pally's, red mage, ninja, samurai, gun blades, dark knights, monks etc are all way more interesting than gw2 specs lol and have way better animations. Guess opinions vary haha

Then again I guess gw2 trailers are indeed better than ff14 trailers....... lolz

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > >

> > > Lol its imo the best pve, dungeon and trial experience I've had and I've played gw2,eso,bdo,archeage, lotro, tera, rift and a small amount of wow. I didnt play enough of wow to be able to compare to much. But as much as I love ff14 as I said if u just want to pvp definitely dont choose ff14 lol.

> >

> > Yup.

> >

> > FF14 is definitely worth getting into if you want actual **good** and **meaty** PvE content. WoW is as well, I'd say they are both on the same level. Complain all you want about the combat mechanics (tab target), I used to be of that same mindset...you get over it **real quick** once you realize those games actually have content worth doing and worth repeating both for the sake of challenging yourself and a group as well as rewards, which is not something GW2 can boast of with its PvE.


> As someone who's really not into group PvE content, that makes it a bit easier for me. I've heard good things about FF14 but every time I look at trailers I shudder at the player characters.


> AoC looks very promising from a WvW perspective - in my opinion, the core system sounds like what I thought GW2's WvW should have been from launch. The only things I'm still unconvinced by are the combat system, which is GW2's biggest strength, and whether it's going to survive release.


> There's another wildcard in there regarding an OCX/SEA server. If that has a big enough audience, and a good enough connection, that will make the game for me. If it lacks one or both of those things, it will make it unplayable (server events appear to be based on regional primetime, so NA server would not be an option).


It should be pointed out that AoCs large scale combat, from how it is described and their intentions with it, will be an entirely different beast from GW2 WvW. It will be more akin to what people are used to in games like BDO and AA. That is also the kind of guilds it will attract. The massive guilds from either of those games **will** flock to AoC come its release, and they will all most likely be vying for control over the most territory or castles and attempting to monopolize them, as well as potentially even grief or "oppress" other smaller guilds. There will also more than likely be a plethora of drama and other such nonsense from all of the guild politics, which does 100% include guilds making large multi guild alliances with one another.


Now **I** am good with these things, though I am still unsure whether or not I will even be playing the game, as that is the stuff I am not only accustomed to after having played similar games, but what I have also enjoyed the most out of MMORPGs to some degree. Not so much the drama or anything like that, necessarily, but more the guild on guild violence that is born from it. And by extension the alliance on alliance violence. Its PvP and I like PvP.


All of these things, at least to my understanding of how GW2s WvW has existed over these last 8 years, are *completely alien* things to not only its players but also its guilds. They have had little to no reason to bother with alliances between guilds, there is literally no point to it, and the guild politics between opposing guilds is there...but it does **not** get to the point that you see it in games like BDO and AA. You can't hunt down and gank, for repeated days and even weeks, other guilds and their players in GW2, that is why I have always cringed at anyone referring to getting killed by multiple people in WvW as "ganking". You're voluntarily joining a **PvP mode** which means you are essentially acknowledging "Imma get killed at some point by a mob of people" just by the sheer nature of WvW as a mode. If someone whom has only experienced GW2 suddenly decides to pick up AoC and is **not** prepared for these things, whenever the game actually releases, then they are going to be in for quite a culture shock. It gets brutal. Like I have been someone who has said GW2s PvP crowd gets rather unnecessarily toxic and is probably one of the more toxic in the genre, I still 100% believe that. **However** games like AA and BDO take that to an entirely different level because there is way more at stake, relatively speaking, in regards to holding castles and territories and the like. The general WvW crowd from GW2 is not equipped for stuff like that if a random whisper from Toxic Random #7 is all that is needed to get someones britches all bunched up.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> >

> > As someone who's really not into group PvE content, that makes it a bit easier for me. I've heard good things about FF14 but every time I look at trailers I shudder at the player characters.

> >

> > AoC looks very promising from a WvW perspective - in my opinion, the core system sounds like what I thought GW2's WvW should have been from launch. The only things I'm still unconvinced by are the combat system, which is GW2's biggest strength, and whether it's going to survive release.

> >

> > There's another wildcard in there regarding an OCX/SEA server. If that has a big enough audience, and a good enough connection, that will make the game for me. If it lacks one or both of those things, it will make it unplayable (server events appear to be based on regional primetime, so NA server would not be an option).


> It should be pointed out that AoCs large scale combat, from how it is described and their intentions with it, will be an entirely different beast from GW2 WvW. It will be more akin to what people are used to in games like BDO and AA. That is also the kind of guilds it will attract. The massive guilds from either of those games **will** flock to AoC come its release, and they will all most likely be vying for control over the most territory or castles and attempting to monopolize them, as well as potentially even grief or "oppress" other smaller guilds. There will also more than likely be a plethora of drama and other such nonsense from all of the guild politics, which does 100% include guilds making large multi guild alliances with one another.


> Now **I** am good with these things, though I am still unsure whether or not I will even be playing the game, as that is the stuff I am not only accustomed to after having played similar games, but what I have also enjoyed the most out of MMORPGs to some degree. Not so much the drama or anything like that, necessarily, but more the guild on guild violence that is born from it. And by extension the alliance on alliance violence. Its PvP and I like PvP.


> All of these things, at least to my understanding of how GW2s WvW has existed over these last 8 years, are *completely alien* things to not only its players but also its guilds. They have had little to no reason to bother with alliances between guilds, there is literally no point to it, and the guild politics between opposing guilds is there...but it does **not** get to the point that you see it in games like BDO and AA. You can't hunt down and gank, for repeated days and even weeks, other guilds and their players in GW2, that is why I have always cringed at anyone referring to getting killed by multiple people in WvW as "ganking". You're voluntarily joining a **PvP mode** which means you are essentially acknowledging "Imma get killed at some point by a mob of people" just by the sheer nature of WvW as a mode. If someone whom has only experienced GW2 suddenly decides to pick up AoC and is **not** prepared for these things, whenever the game actually releases, then they are going to be in for quite a culture shock. It gets brutal. Like I have been someone who has said GW2s PvP crowd gets rather unnecessarily toxic and is probably one of the more toxic in the genre, I still 100% believe that. **However** games like AA and BDO take that to an entirely different level because there is way more at stake, relatively speaking, in regards to holding castles and territories and the like. The general WvW crowd from GW2 is not equipped for stuff like that if a random whisper from Toxic Random #7 is all that is needed to get someones britches all bunched up.


Yeah, that's basically why I'm interested in it. The scope of GW2's WvW is basically PvP Conquest with walls, and its shallow nature with a reset every week meant the combat was the only facet I particularly enjoyed. There's nothing meaningful at stake. It was actually a step down from what I'd played before, including one game that wasn't technically a MMO.

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In gw2 people always wanna fight. I always try to teach players that main thing in PvP is annoy enemy. Always think what enemy wanna do and do opposite. Yesterday i did run away one dude like 3 hours. He was salty and didn't understand why i play pvp if i don't fight. Good pvp game need little bit hate and gw2 doesn't have it.


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"TeqkOneStylez.8047" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > GW2 really isnt its competition there, WoW is and yeah... you know... like trying to topple a building with your face. Even if its an *incredibly* good game, the sub fee will instantly stop it going viral, sort of speak.

> > > >

> > > > Ya that sub fee and "WoW style play" really knee capped FF14

> > > Ok so then there are another competitor. Another game they have to beat in terms of gameplay and features. That's worse.

> >

> > It's not hard to beat ff14's disco dance floor combat.


> Which begs another question. With gw2 combat being far more superior than ff14 combat, ur opinion clearly but not mine, why even though ff14 cost way more and is sub based does it enjoy a far higher over all player base? other than the combat mechanics gw2 must be failing some kind of hard on other aspects of its game for this to have happened lol.


That's pretty much how I see it. I tried FFXIV, but that monster 2.5s GCD is just out of this world stupid to me and I didn't get any further than that. I'm sure it's an excellent game otherwise and does all kinds of stuff right that GW2 gets wrong, hence the larger playerbase despite a subscription fee. I believe WoW is the same way. I tried ESO, too. Same thing.


GW2 has way better combat and does a lot of things right. But I wouldn't call it a great game overall and it's run with no consistency and a weak development cycle when it is on schedule. I'm sure people who play these other games have legitimate reasons to prefer them over GW2. But for me, the combat here is just so much better I haven't been able to get into the others.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Lol u play gw2 and shutter at player characters in ff14, why? Dragoons,machinists, wars,pally's, red mage, ninja, samurai, gun blades, dark knights, monks etc are all way more interesting than gw2 specs lol and have way better animations. Guess opinions vary haha

> Then again I guess gw2 trailers are indeed better than ff14 trailers....... lolz


As someone who has played FFXIV, some of the animations are good.. however the animations or totally aweful as soon as you start moving.

The combat is slow and sluggish and boss fights are just DDR with weapons. Don't get me wrong the game is good, the story is good, so is GW2. GW2 admitivly spoils the player with the combat system, the dodge system, the customisation, maps, mounts vast amounts of content to go through.


The only thing that FFXIV really has over GW2 (Please be a thing with tail capes!) is the ~~catgirls~~ Miqo'te.


Also never bother with FFXIV's pvp... It is the worst experience you'll ever have. Also if you think bunkers are a problem in GW2, say hello to the healers in FFXIV which cant be killed until the raid party attack at once for more than a minute to finally take them down.


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Well, from what I understand, FFXIV recently increased the FtP level cap from 35 to 60, and opened up the first expansion Heavensward for free play as well, possibly to pull in more players. It certainly is a lucrative aspect for me, since I actually played FFXIV FtP a bit because I wanted to follow my friends who left GW2 and went to do raids there instead.


But when I remember just how lonely I felt trying to level up my Mi'qote Pugilist in Ul'dah and its surrounding areas with almost no player chatter in the world map, with my 'friends' nowhere in sight to help despite them asking me to level up quickly so that we can do the end-game raids together, I stopped myself. FFXIV has a very interesting story from what I played so far (level 25) yes, and even the small sidequests and FATEs you find seem interesting, but oftentimes you almost have no interaction with anyone else at all, since the game focuses more on end-game content (almost exclusively raids, I never even knew it has a PvP lol). The supposed 'mentor' icons around just sit there and do nothing.


GW2 is different, it felt more lively in PvE, at least in Central Tyria's hubworld anyway. I started FtP as well, and there's always something happening around when leveling. Map, and even say chatter, is usually there. You can ask questions, and usually you can get a good answer and guide, amidst all the troll answers. I'm surprised that Queensdale still has a few mentor tags running around even after that exodus from that one MMO game some time ago, welcoming new players and doing guild recruitment. Other starter maps also usually have some people running around no matter what time, usually willing to help in doing quests together. The community has changed probably for the worse within the 4 years I've been playing, but it's still welcoming and lively. It's one main strength that GW2 has over FFXIV I feel; the sense of community even within the starter and hub areas.


I ended up falling down the WvW hole, and I have made my points on what I experience and feel in the 2-3 years I've been doing it in a post before. It's not great, but the sense of community, while dying, is still there. I usually log on just to meet up with my guildmates and some servermates and chat nonsense or catch up on news while we fight others. I also usually like reading whatever nonsense that is in the teamchat and mapchat, whether it be drama, rant or even goofiness. I never felt alone in there; it's probably the reason why I stuck on with it despite WvW in general being stuck in a rut and being shafted aside. And if it fails, I can always return to doing map completion, where there'll be people around as well.


Side note: another thing I like about GW2 more than FFXIV is the player character races. In FFXIV, you get 8 different kind of humans that barely any different from one another (except the Lalefell, which really bugs me since they look like they would attract a very deviant sort of crowd). GW2 at least has more variety in builds, even if humans and norn are pretty much the same, and sylvari being 50/50 human with plant skin and hair. The other races are more varied as well (hoping for tengu or even skritt playable race lol)

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