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From A Very Frustrated Veteran Player... (WvW and PvP)


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I wouldn't fixate on ranks at all. My wife and I have alt accounts and finally decided to get our warclaws for them. On my main account I am rank 5,990 while my alt is a whopping 58. It was actually pretty funny watching gold/plat/mithril roamers come after me for what they thought was an easy kill against my core warrior only to get spanked hard. That being said, figure out traits/utilities that can mitigate some of that condi and use them at the appropriate time. Good luck!

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Always ignore the rank. I play multiple accts each week (thanks ticket cap), but even with that, the accts are gold, gold, silver, silver and bronze. I have a rank 68 one as well, but I try to pretend it doesn't exit. So if you jump me on the very low bronze acct, you aren't gonna get a free noob kill. That aside, yes, there are some very broken builds in wvw. I just keep hoping that some of the more ridiculous outliers will get adjusted soon.

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> @"Sammyjoe.4271" said:

> I have a serious question.... what is the balance team thinking? I have been playing this game since 2012 and I believe I've hit my breaking point. Tell me how a Recruit or Scout in WvW can kill me a Platinum ranked veteran player? Oh right it's because they play a condi build! Tell me why there is little I can do in a duel with a Deadeye even if I time my rotations and utilities well? Oh right it's because they port everywhere shoot, then stealth on EVERY DODGE. Tell me why the balance team comes out with a HUGE balance patch and nerfs every power build but literally doesn't touch condi?! It blows my mind. Never have I had such disappointment and fear for this game, you gotta balance a game for it to be successful.


> I think I speak for everyone when I say condi has been problematic for years now YEARS. I will NEVER run condi, It's a free ticket to wherever you want to go. Cruise? Sure! Take this free ticket! Botswana? Sure! Take this ticket! If you think otherwise you are probably a condi user yourself :D. _**The main problem here is** _as a power user I pretty much need AT LEAST 2 of the following 3... Power, Precision and Ferocity to do damage since the balance team nerfed it all. This is obviously going to make me squishier unless I invest in Vitality and Toughness which I do but you can't take away from your damage too much in these trying times. So there ya go. Oh wait? More you say? Ok! Now... condi users can say hmmmm... I don't need power, I don't need precision, and I don't need ferocity.. OMG all I need is condi damage to do damage? I don't need power, precision, or ferocity? And they have to dedicate their whole build to removing condi's or they don't even have a 1% chance! WOW I LOVE THIS GAME I KILL EVERYONE! So..... Carl we'll call him only needs condi damage stat. But he needs more than just that. Oh I know lets throw toughness and vitality in there oh and a little healing power? BOOM! Well done Anet. He is now a damage dealing (over time) tank. And I need to run DUAL cleansing sigils, and tons of other condi removals. OH and the ascended food that has -20 condi duration. Oh and don't even get me started on Expertise.


> This game use to give me so much enjoyment, I guess It's either time to give up on this game or just play PvE... With 10k hours put into this game I have to say that I am highly disappointed in Anet right now.


> Oh and don't @ me saying oh well just run dual cleansing sigils and runes of the anti toxin. No. Stop. I should be able to craft my build without having to do all that, without having to make sure I have at least 14,596 condi removals. PS I do run dual cleansing sigils, just not the runes... Runes of the Fireworks FTW.


First, rank means nothing. A diamond rank player could be strictly a zerg player while maybe that bronze rank player is an alt roamer or a God of PvP who does a little roaming from time to time.


Second, you don't speak for everyone. It just seems that way because there are a handful of condi whiners who sit on these forums complaining about condi all day long. Look closely at the names and you will see it's the same people in every thread.

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> @"diomache.9246" said:

> Burn, as a condition, should never be able to burst something down. Make it run 50% longer and lower the damage of the same amount.


How would any condi based profession by able to kill before they get bursted down from power build when there is no burst damage from any condition any more?

In that case condition builds need to be able to completely lock down power players much more, then power builds. I don't think people would like to see that kind of change.


There is reason why most player in WvW and PvP focus on having as strong condition damage and not too much of expertise as it rather useless when it can be cleansed, negated by resistance (no damage taken during that duration for any kind of condition damage) or regen (HoT that compensate for lost HP).

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> @"Sammyjoe.4271" said:

> I have a serious question.... what is the balance team thinking? I have been playing this game since 2012 and I believe I've hit my breaking point. Tell me how a Recruit or Scout in WvW can kill me a Platinum ranked veteran player? Oh right it's because they play a condi build! Tell me why there is little I can do in a duel with a Deadeye even if I time my rotations and utilities well? Oh right it's because they port everywhere shoot, then stealth on EVERY DODGE. Tell me why the balance team comes out with a HUGE balance patch and nerfs every power build but literally doesn't touch condi?! It blows my mind. Never have I had such disappointment and fear for this game, you gotta balance a game for it to be successful.


> I think I speak for everyone when I say condi has been problematic for years now YEARS. I will NEVER run condi, It's a free ticket to wherever you want to go. Cruise? Sure! Take this free ticket! Botswana? Sure! Take this ticket! If you think otherwise you are probably a condi user yourself :D. _**The main problem here is** _as a power user I pretty much need AT LEAST 2 of the following 3... Power, Precision and Ferocity to do damage since the balance team nerfed it all. This is obviously going to make me squishier unless I invest in Vitality and Toughness which I do but you can't take away from your damage too much in these trying times. So there ya go. Oh wait? More you say? Ok! Now... condi users can say hmmmm... I don't need power, I don't need precision, and I don't need ferocity.. OMG all I need is condi damage to do damage? I don't need power, precision, or ferocity? And they have to dedicate their whole build to removing condi's or they don't even have a 1% chance! WOW I LOVE THIS GAME I KILL EVERYONE! So..... Carl we'll call him only needs condi damage stat. But he needs more than just that. Oh I know lets throw toughness and vitality in there oh and a little healing power? BOOM! Well done Anet. He is now a damage dealing (over time) tank. And I need to run DUAL cleansing sigils, and tons of other condi removals. OH and the ascended food that has -20 condi duration. Oh and don't even get me started on Expertise.


> This game use to give me so much enjoyment, I guess It's either time to give up on this game or just play PvE... With 10k hours put into this game I have to say that I am highly disappointed in Anet right now.


> Oh and don't @ me saying oh well just run dual cleansing sigils and runes of the anti toxin. No. Stop. I should be able to craft my build without having to do all that, without having to make sure I have at least 14,596 condi removals. PS I do run dual cleansing sigils, just not the runes... Runes of the Fireworks FTW.


and there is a simple answer to your post, git gud


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Frustration with certain classes is understandable. The developers spend a great deal of time thinking about skill balance, but sadly, the problems come from basic core mechanics and it seems the developers are very reluctant to adjust those.


Combat is GW2's biggest weakness. The skills are awful, janky, twitchy and unintuitive. There's nothing fun about the combat system. It's a shame because there are a great many positives to discover in the rest of the game.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> Frustration with certain classes is understandable. The developers spend a great deal of time thinking about skill balance, but sadly, the problems come from basic core mechanics and it seems the developers are very reluctant to adjust those.


> Combat is GW2's biggest weakness. The skills are awful, janky, twitchy and unintuitive. There's nothing fun about the combat system. It's a shame because there are a great many positives to discover in the rest of the game.


Are we playing the same game? GW2's combat system is way above standard in the field of MMOs! Really?

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> @"Sammyjoe.4271" said:

> I should be able to craft my build without having to do all that, without having to make sure I have at least 14,596 condi removals.


Should has nothing to do with it. Do it if it noticeably improves your chance of winning duels or don't. Everything else is just an elaborate and arbitrary excuse for why you are losing and/or consistently finding yourself in unfavourable 1v1s. Thinking like that isn't going to help you win. Sorry to tell you but thats scrub logic.

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Some of the worst players I've encountered were Diamond rank. Diamond Legend top of the top being some of the worst of all?

I'm Rank 895/Silver Soldier.


Rank means nothing. As mentioned it's probably high levels on alt accounts, PvP champs that've popped over to WvW.

Though this is awkward as several will argue you shouldn't 'pick on' under Bronze ranks.

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> @"ASP.8093" said:

> > @"Sammyjoe.4271" said:

> > Tell me how a Recruit or Scout in WvW can kill me a Platinum ranked veteran player?


> Maybe they're just better than you. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


That's another weakness in the combat system. There's too much reliance on Skill to determine the outcome of a fight. Where's the fun in that?

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> @"Sammyjoe.4271" said:

> Tell me how a Recruit or Scout in WvW can kill me a Platinum ranked veteran player?



PPT ranks have nothing to do with kills


P.S. The game isn't "balanced" for 1vs1, not even for 5 vs. 5 though intended to be, at least in sPvP mode. Many things are completely broken, since they were made for PvE. Until you can find a better PvP game (or waiting this to be "fixed"), be smart about the class/builds/playstyle you use when countering others.

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> @"Tiawal.2351" said:

> > @"Sammyjoe.4271" said:

> > Tell me how a Recruit or Scout in WvW can kill me a Platinum ranked veteran player?

> >


> PPT ranks have nothing to do with kills

PPT rank huh. Thats a new one. Though I suppose its kind of accurate, just like how GvGs has nothing to do with fighting.

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I don't think rank is a good argument for anything, it probably shouldn't exist to begin with. My rank is about 500, for the first ~7 years of the game it only got up to 300 because roaming gives very little WXP (especially without boosters), and it only started increasing because as the game started running better in Linux I could play in zergs more, where you can rank up literally 100x faster.


And because I've played RvR games like this for the last 15 years or so my situational awareness and ability to think both strategically and tactically in combat even on a new character or build is quite extensive, especially when outmatched.


The point is, smurfs exist, and they don't have to be from GW; they can be from other games too. Some things change but alot of things stay the same since games have alot of similar origins (in GW, its DAoC specifically) that you can work with.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Sammyjoe.4271" said:

> > > I will NEVER run condi, It's a free ticket to wherever you want to go.

> >

> > I am sorry you are having problems with condi builds. That said though if you truly never run condi builds how did you gauge the nerf that the condi side took with the balance patch? The power reduction was pretty clear a 30% but condi isn't as easily measured since some went longer and lower and some went from something to 0 which would be a 100% reduction. If you don't play condi how do you learn how to fight it or counter it?


> Only power and heal were reduced... wich makes conditions optimized since some conditions are excelent bursters, reason condi rev is strong atm and high burn bunkers builds with surviability are also very strong, it was ALWAYTS this strong, we playrs just had more easy access for overperming damage output iwth power, note i play condi rev since and after patch.... it feels weaker cause phsical damage is also less.


> And did i miss any update after that, that changed some conditions?



No it was the same update, a number of condis took hits that day as well, it wasn't just power and heal. From the example I cited:



One example:

Spike Trap: Reduced power coefficient from 0.2 to 0.01. Adjusted bleeding from 6 stacks for 6.25 seconds to 1 stack for 1 second. Reduced cooldown from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.


So this one in WvW I can say went from 19-21K damage over 12 seconds to a couple of hundred over 1 second. Completely gutted. A number were reduced and either stacks or duration were reduced as well. Again I play power and condi builds and the patch was felt on all toons. Of the 23 alts that were all viable in WvW down to just 2 that didn't feel they need some changes after the fact.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"ASP.8093" said:

> > > @"Sammyjoe.4271" said:

> > > Tell me how a Recruit or Scout in WvW can kill me a Platinum ranked veteran player?

> >

> > Maybe they're just better than you. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


> That's another weakness in the combat system. There's too much reliance on Skill to determine the outcome of a fight. Where's the fun in that?


You MUST be joking...

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> Rank does not indicate skill, though. It mostly just implies objective flips and kill count, which are metrics of time spent playing in the format. There are a lot of high-WvW-rank players that aren't good.

For a zerg karma trainer, perhaps.


For a roamer, neither "objective flips" or "kill counts" mean anything in practice. Because rank indicate exactly one thing - *experience*.


I am always vary of high ranked players. Sometimes their knowledge on how to fight me and levrage their build can be more dangerous than any mechanically skilled young whippersnapper... and sometimes they mop the floor with you. It happens.


It doesnt exactly help that ranks are account bound either. Send the best 10k rank pvp tournament winning thief in the world in on a roaming necro and I'm pretty sure his permastealth teleport style play will be *somewhat* hampered. I mean necro is the best WvW roamer by popular vote, but still.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > Rank does not indicate skill, though. It mostly just implies objective flips and kill count, which are metrics of time spent playing in the format. There are a lot of high-WvW-rank players that aren't good.

> For a zerg karma trainer, perhaps.


> For a roamer, neither "objective flips" or "kill counts" mean anything in practice. Because rank indicate exactly one thing - *experience*.


> I am always vary of high ranked players. Sometimes their knowledge on how to fight me and levrage their build can be more dangerous than any mechanically skilled young whippersnapper... and sometimes they mop the floor with you. It happens.


> It doesnt exactly help that ranks are account bound either. Send the best 10k rank pvp tournament winning thief in the world in on a roaming necro and I'm pretty sure his permastealth teleport style play will be *somewhat* hampered. I mean necro is the best WvW roamer by popular vote, but still.


That plays the opposite, however.

Have a zergling on a new build playing a roaming class and his rank will be massively over-valued.


Even within the scope of roaming, I'll be first to admit I'm an embarrassingly bad ele and always have been - I'm much better at twitch plays and timing on a few skills than tons of button presses in rotation (which is why I'm good at thief and reaper) - so there's no way my rank predicates my combat abilities given how most players without much PvP experience could probably go even with me so long as they know their class while I durdle and suck despite a much higher rank.


It's especially apparent surrounding major meta shakeups where people are experimenting.

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> @"Sammyjoe.4271" said:

> I have a serious question.... what is the balance team thinking? I have been playing this game since 2012 and I believe I've hit my breaking point. Tell me how a Recruit or Scout in WvW can kill me a Platinum ranked veteran player?


If you ask this kind of question, you are in no way a true veteran player.

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