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Stealth Being Used to Cover Hacking


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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > > I'm seeing a lot of thieves recently covering hacks with stealth. Only tonight I rapid fired a thief that stealthed straight inside a wall. When is ANET going to address this rising problem . Or is going to take going to several gaming magazines and reporting the problem you are ignoring to them.

> >

> > What do you mean stealth straight inside a wall?

> >

> > As for classes with stealth access, yes, they tend to be more common with the use of port hacks at least, as the escape can be masked. Example being, I was fighting a thief, who used his ports to try and get away, but I was running JI, sword and GS so I kept him in range, and just as he stealths, I use F1 reveal and tag him, revealing him, which he didn't notice as he used port to mouse location and was almost totally out of render range (4,000+ units away) in one port, he went from NW wall at NC to half way down to sentry, and then less than 2 seconds later was showing up as a dot at sentry, by the time I got there he had already capped and WPed right in front of me.


> I mean exactly what I said, I was shooting with rapid fire down on to a thief from the top of a wall . I t stealthed as rapid fire was in progress and the projectiles tracked from where the thief was straight inside the wall there by being obstructed . Me being on the top of the wall showed an obvious hack . I've been playing long enough to know the difference between a port and a hack . I also don't buy the idea that it may be glitch because the thief emerged from the wall moments after it's health became full . This was clipping hack inside a wall to avoid being downed not a port.


> > @"nativity.3057" said:

> > To be fair to Anet, the last time they tried to implement an aggressive anti-hack tool, they were met with severe criticism from the player-base over its invasive properties and false-positives (ie AutoHotKey).

> >

> > But at this point, I'd take the bad anti-cheat over meeting hackers, especially in PvP.


> The only people that complained were the people that got caught. And if ANET did it again I would not shed one single tear for anyone who gets caught .

> Using the argument of invasion of privacy is a complete crock of bull kitten when you consider the internet being the least private place to be in the world.

> "Auto" hot keys ? That sounds the same as a macro which are also restricted in game . The are plenty of possible key bindings offered in game . A third party "Auto" hot key is cheating plain a simple .


I think it's a bit more nuanced than saying "all people who were banned deserved it" because IIRC some bans during that time were rescinded (also cannot recall if third party software users of ArcDPS/Taco were banned).


AutoHotKey isn't just a macro program; it also functioned as a separate tool for key binding. A player who didn't use macros, but used AHK as you would with native gaming mouse/keyboard binding programs would get banned. The anti-cheat didn't differentiate between the two, and would simply ban a user for having the program installed, even if it was used for a different game that allowed AHK.


Also, playing a game =/= granting administrative access to a personal computer. The main uproar was this point, since we never agreed to have a tool downloaded when updating Guild Wars 2.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > I get where people are coming from, as I've seen people blatantly using hacks in WvW as have most people. That said, you'd be surprised how often I get whispered to tell me I've been reported for hacking when I'm not, they just have no clue what I just did or how to fight it. Like the time I got reported for teleport hacking when I was playing power P/D and killing people with 9k shadow strikes. Or any of the multiple people that reported me because they didn't know that shadow trap used to give the thief a 10k range shadowstep. Or the people that reported me because I made a build around immobilising people in the old choking gas as soon as they made it a pulsing daze. Point is, thief may be used to mask hackers, but a great deal of people have no idea what thief can do and just call hacks without bothering to work out what they actually did.


> I once got called a hacker for using Binding Shadow and hitting them with it when they were LoSing my normal attacks.


Haha, glad to know it's not just me then xD The funniest ones are always the "I play thief and I know it can't do that so you must be hacking" ones, they clearly don't play it or know it as well as they thought.


> @"nativity.3057" said:

> > @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > > @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > > > I'm seeing a lot of thieves recently covering hacks with stealth. Only tonight I rapid fired a thief that stealthed straight inside a wall. When is ANET going to address this rising problem . Or is going to take going to several gaming magazines and reporting the problem you are ignoring to them.

> > >

> > > What do you mean stealth straight inside a wall?

> > >

> > > As for classes with stealth access, yes, they tend to be more common with the use of port hacks at least, as the escape can be masked. Example being, I was fighting a thief, who used his ports to try and get away, but I was running JI, sword and GS so I kept him in range, and just as he stealths, I use F1 reveal and tag him, revealing him, which he didn't notice as he used port to mouse location and was almost totally out of render range (4,000+ units away) in one port, he went from NW wall at NC to half way down to sentry, and then less than 2 seconds later was showing up as a dot at sentry, by the time I got there he had already capped and WPed right in front of me.

> >

> > I mean exactly what I said, I was shooting with rapid fire down on to a thief from the top of a wall . I t stealthed as rapid fire was in progress and the projectiles tracked from where the thief was straight inside the wall there by being obstructed . Me being on the top of the wall showed an obvious hack . I've been playing long enough to know the difference between a port and a hack . I also don't buy the idea that it may be glitch because the thief emerged from the wall moments after it's health became full . This was clipping hack inside a wall to avoid being downed not a port.

> >

> > > @"nativity.3057" said:

> > > To be fair to Anet, the last time they tried to implement an aggressive anti-hack tool, they were met with severe criticism from the player-base over its invasive properties and false-positives (ie AutoHotKey).

> > >

> > > But at this point, I'd take the bad anti-cheat over meeting hackers, especially in PvP.

> >

> > The only people that complained were the people that got caught. And if ANET did it again I would not shed one single tear for anyone who gets caught .

> > Using the argument of invasion of privacy is a complete crock of bull kitten when you consider the internet being the least private place to be in the world.

> > "Auto" hot keys ? That sounds the same as a macro which are also restricted in game . The are plenty of possible key bindings offered in game . A third party "Auto" hot key is cheating plain a simple .


> I think it's a bit more nuanced than saying "all people who were banned deserved it" because IIRC some bans during that time were rescinded (also cannot recall if third party software users of ArcDPS/Taco were banned).


> AutoHotKey isn't just a macro program; it also functioned as a separate tool for key binding. A player who didn't use macros, but used AHK as you would with native gaming mouse/keyboard binding programs would get banned. The anti-cheat didn't differentiate between the two, and would simply ban a user for having the program installed, even if it was used for a different game that allowed AHK.


> Also, playing a game =/= granting administrative access to a personal computer. The main uproar was this point, since we never agreed to have a tool downloaded when updating Guild Wars 2.


Now that you mention it, I remember this mess. I kinda get where ANet are coming from, unless the player base is happy to have something running and detecting exploits we are going to be stuck with hackers, it's one or the other really. Given ESL withdrew some years ago I wouldn't hold your breath though.

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not sure what the anti cheat Anet had used before before rolled back, but seems to be along the line of XignCode

i'm no fan of XignCode, but with all these hackings in WvW and botting in PvP, I now wish they do put the anti cheat back in


rather than sneaky putting it in like last time, make it open they are gonna use it (without mentioning what type it will use) and put it in the ELUA

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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> I'm seeing a lot of thieves recently covering hacks with stealth. Only tonight I rapid fired a thief that stealthed straight inside a wall. When is ANET going to address this rising problem . Or is going to take going to several gaming magazines and reporting the problem you are ignoring to them.


I'm starting to think they doesn't care, I created a topic with the same question about hacking and I was banned for a period from posting, seems they just want to hide the problem or at least not having this topic present on official forum.

Said that it's not easy to manage this problem since most of the tools are external tool and they use the layer between client, dx and the game server, so in the past they used a piece of code to track every other program users run along with the game, but this is, let's say, a borderline method so solving this issue need a lot of effort, time and money but the actual situation it's at the point that maybe this effort is needed.

We hope btw they do something soon.

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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> I'm seeing a lot of thieves recently covering hacks with stealth. Only tonight I rapid fired a thief that stealthed straight inside a wall. When is ANET going to address this rising problem . Or is going to take going to several gaming magazines and reporting the problem you are ignoring to them.

I bet he used cloak and dagger (dagger skill 5) at the wall to gain stealth , which is not a hack at all. Every semi competent offhand dagger thief abuses this since the launch of the game.


It's like increasing your mobility via teleports (that need a target) to walls or ambient creatures. I bet tons of not so competent players are calling that hacking too, because they don't understand it.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > I'm seeing a lot of thieves recently covering hacks with stealth. Only tonight I rapid fired a thief that stealthed straight inside a wall. When is ANET going to address this rising problem . Or is going to take going to several gaming magazines and reporting the problem you are ignoring to them.

> I bet he used cloak and dagger (dagger skill 5) at the wall to gain stealth , which is not a hack at all. Every semi competent offhand dagger thief abuses this since the launch of the game.


> It's like increasing your mobility via teleports (that need a target) to walls or ambient creatures. I bet tons of not so competent players are calling that hacking too, because they don't understand it.


If you bothered to read through the thread I explained the circumstances around the incident . I was standing on top the wall using Rapid Fire which will follows a stealthed target . The arrows became obstructed into the floor of the wall at the target during the Rapid Fire cycle . No Cloak and Dagger , 100% Hack.


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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > > I'm seeing a lot of thieves recently covering hacks with stealth. Only tonight I rapid fired a thief that stealthed straight inside a wall. When is ANET going to address this rising problem . Or is going to take going to several gaming magazines and reporting the problem you are ignoring to them.

> > I bet he used cloak and dagger (dagger skill 5) at the wall to gain stealth , which is not a hack at all. Every semi competent offhand dagger thief abuses this since the launch of the game.

> >

> > It's like increasing your mobility via teleports (that need a target) to walls or ambient creatures. I bet tons of not so competent players are calling that hacking too, because they don't understand it.


> If you bothered to read through the thread I explained the circumstances around the incident . I was standing on top the wall using Rapid Fire which will follows a stealthed target . The arrows became obstructed into the floor of the wall at the target during the Rapid Fire cycle . No Cloak and Dagger , 100% Hack.


The only thing I read is that you can't prove what you said with a video. People are talking tons of nonsense in this forum. And tons of players (including me) were called hackers because these people don't know sh** about this game.


You could also just pushed him into the wall with your longbow knockback before you started rapid fire. Other players glitched me into walls with cc a hundred times. Pushes and pulls do that pretty often as the collision detection of this game is trash.


I've also seen blue players walking through green doors (and lots of other things). This was a synchronisation issue with the server but not a hack.


> I'm seeing a lot of thieves recently covering hacks with stealth. Only tonight I rapid fired a thief that stealthed straight inside a wall.

This part of your posting is pure comedy. You say you see lots of things and have one single example (that is not obviously a hack) to support your statement. Don't try to fool people here with exaggerations!

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > Lmao,stop blaming this on stealth. Hackers can stealth whenever. Useless thread.


> Not blaming it on stealth, rather it is and always has been a thing to run classes with stealth to cover given hacks, it was even one of the suggestions on how to use the program by the developer. As the main risk of being caught was that of being reported, as there seems to be no automatic system in place for tracking location hacks.


> Also, having stealth whenever etc has not and is not a feature of any cheating program I have ever seen.


What ? If you check on what certain programs are able to do. They do not need to run on a stealth spec because they can instantly stealth Forever on a non stealth spec too. Making this about thief stealth is completely irrelevant to the actual issue.

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > Lmao,stop blaming this on stealth. Hackers can stealth whenever. Useless thread.

> >

> > Not blaming it on stealth, rather it is and always has been a thing to run classes with stealth to cover given hacks, it was even one of the suggestions on how to use the program by the developer. As the main risk of being caught was that of being reported, as there seems to be no automatic system in place for tracking location hacks.

> >

> > Also, having stealth whenever etc has not and is not a feature of any cheating program I have ever seen.


> What ? If you check on what certain programs are able to do. They do not need to run on a stealth spec because they can instantly stealth Forever on a non stealth spec too. Making this about thief stealth is completely irrelevant to the actual issue.


On some programs, sure, but not all of them Sustained stealth and the thief's mobility do make it something that gives knowledgeable players a bit more pause about whether or not it's hacking because we know it's possible but not sure if it's possible in that moment and how they ended up positionally, especially with stuff like initiative being something that can fluctuate so much with traits etc.

As an example, I've fought against an obviously-hacking revenant in very open field which acted like a sort of spawn-point portal with no animation/cast. He'd engage with a few skills, burn cooldowns, start getting hit, and poof, totally out of combat and not even a nameplate in sight, so not being cheeky with a Shiro disengage or anything. He'd then poof into existence again in the same exact location and do the same thing. Over and over and over. This same thing happened when an ally ganked him from stealth and he went down. The corpse proceeded to magically teleport, and no bloodlust stacks were gained on my end. And again, he was back - as if from nowhere - within five seconds despite the spawn point being on the opposite side of the map.


A thief using high stealth uptime builds can pretty safely play the same way, but by virtue of having OOC stealth and so much disengage potential, can't be easily-identified as hacking or as easily-reported if it does get the down/kill since you can't report stealthed players. That's what I think the real incentive is. The stealth doesn't seem to be the hack; it's to hide the hack by making it so they can't get reported in the first place.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > > Lmao,stop blaming this on stealth. Hackers can stealth whenever. Useless thread.

> > >

> > > Not blaming it on stealth, rather it is and always has been a thing to run classes with stealth to cover given hacks, it was even one of the suggestions on how to use the program by the developer. As the main risk of being caught was that of being reported, as there seems to be no automatic system in place for tracking location hacks.

> > >

> > > Also, having stealth whenever etc has not and is not a feature of any cheating program I have ever seen.

> >

> > What ? If you check on what certain programs are able to do. They do not need to run on a stealth spec because they can instantly stealth Forever on a non stealth spec too. Making this about thief stealth is completely irrelevant to the actual issue.


> On some programs, sure, but not all of them Sustained stealth and the thief's mobility do make it something that gives knowledgeable players a bit more pause about whether or not it's hacking because we know it's possible but not sure if it's possible in that moment and how they ended up positionally, especially with stuff like initiative being something that can fluctuate so much with traits etc.

> As an example, I've fought against an obviously-hacking revenant in very open field which acted like a sort of spawn-point portal with no animation/cast. He'd engage with a few skills, burn cooldowns, start getting hit, and poof, totally out of combat and not even a nameplate in sight, so not being cheeky with a Shiro disengage or anything. He'd then poof into existence again in the same exact location and do the same thing. Over and over and over. This same thing happened when an ally ganked him from stealth and he went down. The corpse proceeded to magically teleport, and no bloodlust stacks were gained on my end. And again, he was back - as if from nowhere - within five seconds despite the spawn point being on the opposite side of the map.


> A thief using high stealth uptime builds can pretty safely play the same way, but by virtue of having OOC stealth and so much disengage potential, can't be easily-identified as hacking or as easily-reported if it does get the down/kill since you can't report stealthed players. That's what I think the real incentive is. The stealth doesn't seem to be the hack; it's to hide the hack by making it so they can't get reported in the first place.


If you google around,i can link but my post will obv be removed. Most of them include a stealth hack too. They have noclip/fly hack/stealth hack/port hack/speed hack,which are mostly used in wvw,ive even seen a complete invuln to all dmg hack a long time ago where the guy was being hit by a blob jumping about but not taking damage. But saying all of this is somehow being hidden cus you run on thief is just nonsense when you have a invis hack ready to use on the fly.

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > > > Lmao,stop blaming this on stealth. Hackers can stealth whenever. Useless thread.

> > > >

> > > > Not blaming it on stealth, rather it is and always has been a thing to run classes with stealth to cover given hacks, it was even one of the suggestions on how to use the program by the developer. As the main risk of being caught was that of being reported, as there seems to be no automatic system in place for tracking location hacks.

> > > >

> > > > Also, having stealth whenever etc has not and is not a feature of any cheating program I have ever seen.

> > >

> > > What ? If you check on what certain programs are able to do. They do not need to run on a stealth spec because they can instantly stealth Forever on a non stealth spec too. Making this about thief stealth is completely irrelevant to the actual issue.

> >

> > On some programs, sure, but not all of them Sustained stealth and the thief's mobility do make it something that gives knowledgeable players a bit more pause about whether or not it's hacking because we know it's possible but not sure if it's possible in that moment and how they ended up positionally, especially with stuff like initiative being something that can fluctuate so much with traits etc.

> > As an example, I've fought against an obviously-hacking revenant in very open field which acted like a sort of spawn-point portal with no animation/cast. He'd engage with a few skills, burn cooldowns, start getting hit, and poof, totally out of combat and not even a nameplate in sight, so not being cheeky with a Shiro disengage or anything. He'd then poof into existence again in the same exact location and do the same thing. Over and over and over. This same thing happened when an ally ganked him from stealth and he went down. The corpse proceeded to magically teleport, and no bloodlust stacks were gained on my end. And again, he was back - as if from nowhere - within five seconds despite the spawn point being on the opposite side of the map.

> >

> > A thief using high stealth uptime builds can pretty safely play the same way, but by virtue of having OOC stealth and so much disengage potential, can't be easily-identified as hacking or as easily-reported if it does get the down/kill since you can't report stealthed players. That's what I think the real incentive is. The stealth doesn't seem to be the hack; it's to hide the hack by making it so they can't get reported in the first place.


> If you google around,i can link but my post will obv be removed. Most of them include a stealth hack too. They have noclip/fly hack/stealth hack/port hack/speed hack,which are mostly used in wvw,ive even seen a complete invuln to all dmg hack a long time ago where the guy was being hit by a blob jumping about but not taking damage. But saying all of this is somehow being hidden cus you run on thief is just nonsense when you have a invis hack ready to use on the fly.


Again, I don't think you're misreading what I'm saying.

Using actual skills to gain stealth makes the determination of using hacks a lot more difficult and makes the play seem legit enough where most people will just complain about thief being OP rather than thinking it's hacking. Instead of poofing out of existence, it's a lot more believable if you see something like Shadowstep and BP+HS get casted.


When you see people using hacks on other non-stealth classes, it's way more obvious.

People who hack and try to not get banned intentionally make it subtle. Even if there are tools to do so, they'll still try and make it *look* like they aren't so they don't get caught.

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So, Hacks are the main problem? Go figure. Next, will be Traveler's Runes are an excuse for speed hacks, teleports are an excuse for teleport hacks, etc. Oh wait . . .


Do we really want sacrifice or disrupt game mechanics for the sack of something ("hacking") that is not willingly supported in the first place? Correct me if I am wrong, but this is the context I am getting through mention of "stealth" here.


They could somehow alter stealth for the sake of hacking, maybe. None the less, hacking remains the problem with other potential outlets/claims to "cover" this main problem. I would prefer to go for the head of the snake here, but this is just my two cents.

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In the title of this post I said "stealth" . Its not a direct attack against the thief class because several all classes have access to stealth is some form whether directly or indirectly . At the time of incident it was a thief . Since the thief class has access to the most stealth in a given time period , it's going to be more likely so pick out this sort of activity .

Some will say prove it with video. Video has been picked apart to death in many other posts in this forum so theirs no point. ANET has the **CODE** of players actions . And when a ticket is presented at the time of an incident occurring people just want ANET to take it **seriously** and do something about. Or at the very least , get on this forum and **talk** to us about the problem . Hiding from the issue won't make it go away . Silence is a cancer !


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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> Saw a few hacking last night.


> Spellbreaker running a speed hack

> Rev running a teleport hack

> Mesmer running a teleport hack


> First time ive seen multiple in 1 night.


This reminds me of L2 - also an abandoned game of NCSoft's - where exactly this began to happen. Game is kept alive for the microtransactions. It's the same with GW2 as I see. Hackers aren't even afraid to use whatever it is they find on the internet.


But worry not, other games are coming to the rescue :smile:

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> @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > @"Caedmon.6798" said:

> > > Lmao,stop blaming this on stealth. Hackers can stealth whenever. Useless thread.

> >

> > Not blaming it on stealth, rather it is and always has been a thing to run classes with stealth to cover given hacks, it was even one of the suggestions on how to use the program by the developer. As the main risk of being caught was that of being reported, as there seems to be no automatic system in place for tracking location hacks.

> >

> > Also, having stealth whenever etc has not and is not a feature of any cheating program I have ever seen.


> What ? If you check on what certain programs are able to do. They do not need to run on a stealth spec because they can instantly stealth Forever on a non stealth spec too. Making this about thief stealth is completely irrelevant to the actual issue.


No, they don't. The post will not be deleted, as I have posted program names and even forums where they are sold here before. If you don't want to take the risk, PM me the name of the program, because people have made this claim before, but have NEVER been able to provide even a name for a program that can do it, and I have also searched a good deal on it to try and find a program that can when people first started to make the claim. I have also never seen one used, as I have run across all sorts of stealth builds and I have not seen one enter stealth that was not possible on just a normal build. Porting on the other hand, I have seen abused often.

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  • 3 months later...

> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > People are using one of several third party tools that are prohibited. Almost all of them have been in use since launch. Sadly, anet could use tools to prevent it, but it seems they have zero active hack detection tools running. Seems that all the cheaters know it, and use them all the time. I am seeing players of every rank, including 2 that are diamond legend, who will no clip through walls. It is ridiculous.


> Key sale is on, was very tempted to throw some cash at it, but after recent hacks in WvW nah, keep the money and logout and head to forum wars till switching to another game. Will buy keys when happy with game, if not that money will be used elsewhere.


exactly, the state of wvw made me refrain myself from giving them any more money

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> @"LokiSaint.3457" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > People are using one of several third party tools that are prohibited. Almost all of them have been in use since launch. Sadly, anet could use tools to prevent it, but it seems they have zero active hack detection tools running. Seems that all the cheaters know it, and use them all the time. I am seeing players of every rank, including 2 that are diamond legend, who will no clip through walls. It is ridiculous.

> >

> > Key sale is on, was very tempted to throw some cash at it, but after recent hacks in WvW nah, keep the money and logout and head to forum wars till switching to another game. Will buy keys when happy with game, if not that money will be used elsewhere.


> exactly, the state of wvw made me refrain myself from giving them any more money


a shared sentiment i see.

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