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Mount Wishlist


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What wouldn't I give for mount skins that are "traveller" themed.... Realistic (as far as possible), carrying bags/bundles/crates, suitable for the characters who are out on the road? It would be glorious, pretty please!


What sort of mount skins would the rest of you like to see?



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Off the top of my head:

Moa and Giant Chicken for Raptor.

Horse and Dolyak for Jackal.

No idea for Skimmer. Now that they retconned its lore and made it both a land and sea mount, I can't think of anything that would work for both.

Giant Lemur for Springer

Hedgehog for Roller Beetle

War Rhino for Warclaw

Classic Chimaera for Griffon

Adolescent Aurene (or Giant Baby Aurene) for Skyscale


> @"Nagiil.1230" said:

> Spider!!!!


I could see this becoming it's own mount honestly. Maybe its dismount attack immobilzes enemies around it for a moment with webs? It's signature features could be a web shot that functions similarly to the Oakheart's Reach mastery allowing players without access to that mastery to have an alternate means of reaching those places. Maybe it could also climb vertical surfaces for a time utilizing something similar to the Skyscale's stamina bar, that said, perhaps the climbing function would be unlocked before the Web shot would, otherwise it would be invalidated by the time you acquire it.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Personally, I would not want an Aurene mount in any age/form. I think it's ugly. Was so glad to find other skyscale skins more to my liking.


> There have been other threads about spider mounts. Apparently, there are quite a few people here just in the forums who have aversions to spiders.


Me either honestly, but I've seen several people who do want it so more power to them. Most of the Skyscale skins seem to just be palette and texture swaps of one another with very little changes to the model. I can't personally think of much else for them so anything "different" would be great.


I'm also somewhat of an arachnophobe myself but it doesn't extend to video games. I think there was actually another game or MMO with spider mounts or enemies that had a slider for them. You could make them progressively more friendly looking or invisible altogether? Either way though I don't think people being afraid of Spiders is a good enough reason to maybe not pursue that course anymore than people being afraid of dogs would have been a good enough reason to not have Jackals.

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> @"Jagblade.4627" said:

> Off the top of my head:

> Moa and Giant Chicken for Raptor.

> Horse and Dolyak for Jackal.

> No idea for Skimmer. Now that they retconned its lore and made it both a land and sea mount, I can't think of anything that would work for both.

> Giant Lemur for Springer

> Hedgehog for Roller Beetle

> War Rhino for Warclaw

> Classic Chimaera for Griffon

> Adolescent Aurene (or Giant Baby Aurene) for Skyscale


> > @"Nagiil.1230" said:

> > Spider!!!!


Raptor- I like the Moa idea.


Griffon- Classic Eagle Head Griffon and Manticore




Jackal- Classic Chimaera and Cerberus




Skimmer- Classic Hydra


Roller Beetle- Rollie Pollie :)


Springer- Primates


Warclaw- Tigers, Jaguars, and Hyenas


Skyscale- Threeheaded Skyscale

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1. Oriental dragon for skimmer (Thought I'd say skyscale didn't ya.... Got'em) would need a unique model

2. More dinosaur skins for the raptor, that aren't a raptor. (Tyrannosaurus, Giganatosaurus, Acrocantosaurs and so on)

3. Crocodile/aligator/drake skin for skimmer

4. Hyena spirit for jackal

5. Charr-car for roller beetle

6. Dolyak skin for the warclaw

7. A REAL bear skin for the warclaw (The one we got, is more of a warg than a bear. I want a LEGIT bear)

8. Mammoth skin for a mount, I don't care which. (Warlcaw or raptor preferably.)

9. Whale skin for skimmer, one with again a unique model.

10. More unique models for mounts that change some animations, reuse some of the ones we have. (There are hump-back whales in game.... Same with oriental dragons in cantha... just use those?)

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I would LOVE a fat ol' tree frog for the springer skin. I know we already have a gecko skin, but I want something that looks like [these guys](https://64.media.tumblr.com/104fba35edac06e69e35aeccfc516331/tumblr_inline_o417dyaUpk1rxequg_540.png).


It would have to be fairly squat and quadrupedal for maximum effect, which hasn't been seen on a springer skin yet so I don't know if it's even possible, but man.... that would be an insta-buy for me. I just get a kick out of real-animal looking skins. Of course there would be a chance it could look too much like a hylek, so maybe it's also not possible for that reason.


A jellyfish for the skimmer would be neat now that it can go under water.

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> @"VocalThought.9835" said:

> > @"Jagblade.4627" said:

> > Off the top of my head:

> > Moa and Giant Chicken for Raptor.

> > Horse and Dolyak for Jackal.

> > No idea for Skimmer. Now that they retconned its lore and made it both a land and sea mount, I can't think of anything that would work for both.

> > Giant Lemur for Springer

> > Hedgehog for Roller Beetle

> > War Rhino for Warclaw

> > Classic Chimaera for Griffon

> > Adolescent Aurene (or Giant Baby Aurene) for Skyscale

> >

> > > @"Nagiil.1230" said:

> > > Spider!!!!

> >

> Raptor- I like the Moa idea.


> Griffon- Classic Eagle Head Griffon and Manticore

> https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.p-drs-pYRM7ygl7pgourZwHaFj&pid=Api&P=0&w=211&h=159

> https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.9UcXYnFO9m2jiMaI9ANBHAHaIL&pid=Api&P=0&w=300&h=300


> Jackal- Classic Chimaera and Cerberus

> https://mythologian.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/chimera.jpg

> https://i.pinimg.com/originals/57/cd/11/57cd11ea3789bf436b3fad89bd08bc8a.jpg


> Skimmer- Classic Hydra


> Roller Beetle- Rollie Pollie :)


> Springer- Primates


> Warclaw- Tigers, Jaguars, and Hyenas


> **Skyscale- Threeheaded Skyscale**


KING GHIDORAH SKYSCALE YES PLEASE. Why didn't I think of that? Dye it gold and call it a day! =)

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Feathered Raptor skin.

No ideas for Springger.

Dolphin themed Skimmer.

No ideas for Jackel.

Rainbow Phoenix themed Griffon skin, (Premium) https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Rainbow_phoenix.jpg

The Black Beast of Arrgh!! skin for Rollar Beetle. https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/e/e6/The_Black_Beast_of_Arrgh.jpg

Armour-less Tiger Warclaw

Manticore skin for Skyscale, (Premium)

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