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the grind for mounts needs to be toned down


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I remember speeding through the skyscale collection to make sure I was caught up with everyone doing all the world bosses and such (I'm really glad they reduced the daily reset thing on most achievements). same with the roller beetle, I knew it was gonna get harder to accomplish if I didn't speed through it on the day of release. The griffon caught me by surprise because i heard about the griffon before i even finished PoF's main story, the people who run the monthlies on these collections are absolute saints. And hopefully as more people join the game, these somewhat tedious collections will become easier for people to finish without much hassle.


Really though, the worst part of getting the mounts is trying to find groups for all the champions you need to beat. I don't think that's 'grind' per se, but it is something of a gate, especially for people who can't play at any time of day and are restricted because of their work hours etc. (that's why the skyscale food thing is a godsend)


All in all, i don't think they're difficult or grindy, but it can be a lengthy process. Oh except for the goldsink for griffon and the 250 mats for the skyscale, THOSE are grinds and not fun.

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> @"jiggle puff.9347" said:

> Only complaint I have is that the skyscale makes the springer completely obsolete. I really like the mount, but let's be honest here. The skyscale is infinitely better at climbing heights than the springer could ever be. cannonball attack is still good for breakbar damage though.


> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> I hear you, the Springer is completely overshadowed now. Only use ive had for it is in those few hearts needing a stomp. Like the garden in sandswept isles.

> And I rarely use raptor or jackal, just too satisfying to use the beetle. And far faster.


Yeah, for the most part, you only need 3 mounts in this game. Skyscale, Griffon and Roller Beetle.


Skyscale can climb better than Springer (Though, for things designed for the Springer, it can jump up faster than Skyscale can ascend)


Griffon can traverse maps the best of any mount (Use Skyscale to get high enough to bypass terrain by just flying above it with Griffon)


Roller Beetle is the fastest for open and relatively flat maps (Though, there are so very few of those outside of Central Tyria, everywhere else is made out of cliffs and rocks...)


Of course, now Skimmer enters the ring of relevance by being usable underwater, which cannot be bypassed by Skyscale/Griffon like its floating above water ability could (Though, currently, there's little in game that actually makes this particularly relevant. Only a few PoI's and WP's at the bottom of some oceans and lakes...)


Though, this redundancy is nothing new. We had it with initial mounts, what with Jackal and Raptor sharing the same general use (Jackal is just very slightly faster is all), as well as mounts doing much of what Gliders did too (Mounts prevent death by falling with their extra health bar. Mounts can also give you extra jump distance to make it across gaps. The only thing that Gliders have going for them right now is they can be used while in combat and some HoT/LW3 maps have Updrafts they can use)


> @"skarpak.8594" said:

> first off: do daily adventures in their respective region if you are in trouble of exp. i "grinded" the 2 million exp needed for the new skimmer mastery in less then 30 mins by doing the first 7 or 8 adventures in path of fire. bonus points if you got some free exp booster flying arround...100k+ exp per gold reward in adventures.


You can also do the daily HP's too. The ones in each zone that require you to fight a Veteran reset each day and they give TONS of experience.


To the point where last character I leveled up to 80, I started doing the HP's at level 70 and had leveled up to 80 before I'd even finished grabbing half of the HP's in PoF...

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> @"skarpak.8594" said:

> > @"KAipurge.2147" said:

> > I have been an avid Guild wars player since guild wars 1. Over time the mount unlocking in this game has become worse and worse to the point where even just unlocking the new mastery for one of the oldest mounts in the game has become a grind with the XP requirement. The world trek-ing the figure out where the clues lead was enough but tacking the extra XP requirement after all of that is just too much. I could understand if all the mounts were always of use but so many replace others making them useless that making such a grind for a mount that would be useless after another one releases that does its job better makes no sense to me. There are MMO players from Super grindy MMO's like WoW and BDO even saying that they would rather do crazy grindy things in those games than deal with the way guild wars 2 handles mount grinding.

> >

> > And I know what people will say to this already. They will make the same tired excuses for why Anet decided to handle mount unlocks such as Griffon, Rollerbeetle, SKyscale, and even the new MASTERY(which isn't even a new mount)for the skimmer. I guarantee the next expansion will have a new mount that makes all those other listed ones that you spent all your time grinding for obsolete.

> >

> > and then there are those that have them saying that you don't need them whilst they fly away leaving you behind in map runs because the Original 4 mounts cant keep up with the newer ones thus the game tries to force you into participating in the long boring several day time gated rng based grind for the newer mounts.



> first off: do daily adventures in their respective region if you are in trouble of exp. i "grinded" the 2 million exp needed for the new skimmer mastery in less then 30 mins by doing the first 7 or 8 adventures in path of fire. bonus points if you got some free exp booster flying arround...100k+ exp per gold reward in adventures.



> second: you don't know what grind is. here, i tell you about the BDO mount grind.

> first off, you need search for t5 horses in the openworld which will take a while. you need 2 females and 1 male, as females can breed only once and males can breed twice.

> before breeding, you need to get it to level 30, else the chances to get higher tier horse are like in the 1% region...and arround 27% on level 30. straight leveling to 30 can take 47 hours plus of AFK riding in a town for a single horse.

> now you can breed your horse, if you are lucky, you get 2 t6...if not, do the whole thing again. don't forget you need males and females. now do the whole thing again like a pyramid all the way up to t8. you are looking at arround 750 hours of gameplay already for a single t8 if you aren't lucky and win one in a event or straight up pay to win hundreds of euros so you get one from a box.


> ...now that you have a t8, that doesn't mean it has all the skills. it took me arround 8 horses to get one with sprint, drift, instant accel and s instant accel without any pay to win involved (basically the fastest way to travel for horses, everything else is borderline trash) and that being said, i was extremly lucky with it. learning s instant accel is in the 0,1% chance somewhere as on level up its not guaranteed at all that your horse even learns a skill. i got a horse with 8 skills or so out of 20.


> now if you want to have a dream horse, you need certain skills, so if you don't pay to win this, you are looking at even more hours spend and getting a courser without paytowin is nearly impossible. upgrading that courser then to t9 literally takes millions of silver. i think a single try with a 1% chance at the start is somewhere in the 500.000.000 silver. depending on your gear you are either farming 30.000.000 to 80.000.000 silver per hour.


> usually people try for a awakend courser for 20 tp 40 trys till it pops.


> sure, you can buy one at the marked for have fun straigh up farming at the grindspot of your choice for 150-250 hours straight. thats without being contestet and killed by other players which also want to farm there.

> btw, the quality in horses are insane. you ride with a bad t5 from on side of the map to the other in like 1 hour or so. with a t8 with the mentioned skills it takes like 15 to 20 mins. with a really fast awakend you are even faster.


> so don't even remotly take the word grind again in your mouth in the gw2 context. you get 2 millions exp in less then 30 mins. deal with it.


Adding to your points by talking about another game.


I remember grinding rep in WoW - maximum number of ways to get rep each day, diminishing returns from activities as rep level went up combined with even more rep xp needed - (vanilla, BC, WoTLK, Cata), grinding trades, grinding gear.


GW2 is the opposite of grindy.

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I think what it is you have to so for the mounts is acceptable. All the mounts you need to get through path of fire are tied to doing the heart vendors. Of course I played as soon as POF came out, so I did everything while playing through the expansion, and the Griffon at the time was that hidden mount that you could get to “fly”. It was a crazy gold sink, but well worth it at the time. I did the roller beetle and skyscale once they came out. Skyscale took me 3 weeks due to the time gating. I had half the materials saved already due to just playing the previous episodes. I think what most people miss about the currency grind, is that if tou rush to get the skyscale, it is a huge grind, but if you take your time in the maps and do metas and collect materials without being in a hurry, it really isn’t the worst thing. Oh yeah, anet gave you other ways to get the currency that makes it way easier now. But, people still complain. The thing about roller beetle and skyscale though that gets me as to why people get so worked up about it, is that these are optional mounts that basically take place of existing mounts, but can do more. So for the extra effort it takes I think it’s justifiable. They are not required, but are available for extra qol getting through maps. Call it Legendary it you must.

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> @"skarpak.8594" said:


> -snip-


> so don't even remotly take the word grind again in your mouth in the gw2 context. you get 2 millions exp in less then 30 mins. deal with it.


Lol hello fellow BDO sufferer - you clearly know what's up. You forgot to mention they're releasing a higher tier of horse beyond the t9 "dream" horse, which I'm not even going to bother looking at until I have about another 200 hours of solid money grinding under my belt there.


I think the biggest thing GW2 players don't know is how permanent and durable everything you grind in GW2 is. Mastery is account wide, forever. Every new character you make benefits from every single one of your masteries from the moment of creation. Unlocked dyes are yours to use forever, without even consuming a transmutation charge. There is no such thing as an RNG gear drop or gear enhance - every improvement you choose to make is a 100% sure thing, and it remains yours forever until you change your mind. I actually think this is a two-edged sword for ANet; because the game rarely does anything (outside of massive and sometimes unwelcome balance shifts) to invalidate player progress, it's incredibly safe to just walk away from the game for long periods of time. On the other hand, there's no other game I can think of that is as easy to come back to and still enjoy the fruits of everything you've built up over time.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again to anyone who will listen: GW2 is the single most generous player experience out there, for a title of this scale.


As for the original topic of the thread, I think others have already covered ways to get the 2 million skimmer mastery xp done quickly. I realize raw speed isn't everything for everybody, but the point is there are options out there. Even playing more casually, you can build those points doing a huge variety of tasks in PoF maps, and you can seek out a few of the higher-yield activities if you care to ask or look it up.



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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"jiggle puff.9347" said:

> > Only complaint I have is that the skyscale makes the springer completely obsolete. I really like the mount, but let's be honest here. The skyscale is infinitely better at climbing heights than the springer could ever be. cannonball attack is still good for breakbar damage though.


> I hear you, the Springer is completely overshadowed now. Only use ive had for it is in those few hearts needing a stomp. Like the garden in sandswept isles.

> And I rarely use raptor or jackal, just too satisfying to use the beetle. And far faster.


I still use the jackal sometimes for the sand portals. But I can't even remember the last time I used the raptor, after getting the roller beetle. The beetle is just way more fun to me. I think that the raptor's speciality was supposed to be in jumping across chasms, but there are so few of them and you can get past them with a flying mount anyway.

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I rushed through the Griffon collection and by rushed, I mean _rushed_. I got the Griffon in less than two days or 48 hours because all the events I needed were available as I checked on them and was able to join in or at least I was able to start them myself. A lot of people helped during events too and there were even people creating squads to gather people for the events.


I'm currently doing the Raising Skyscales collection and I don't mind the fact that I can't rush through this like I did with the Griffon. I actually enjoy seeing the progress I make every day. The timegate doesn't bother me either since it reminds me that I need to take a break from a video game and focus on something else. Granted I still rush through certain parts of the collection but that doesn't mean I want everything to be rushed. I was so happy to see my Skyscale hatch and I'm currently feeding it and seeing it grow every time I feed it is so cool. It doesn't feel grindy at all even if I'm already farming my currencies because I join meta trains and such. I want to have fun with these collections and the content they put out instead of feeling burnt out over grinding. I'm not gonna go and bring all my level-80 characters to the LS4 maps just to farm the hearts because I don't feel a connection to the Skyscale if I do. I actually haven't played on my other characters because I want my main to finish this collection first. I do understand OP's frustration because I, too, feel frustration sometimes but that's a part of these collections - and life in general.

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> @"Noa.7490" said:

> Some people here seem to forget that not everyone can sink hours upon hours each day. For those people, grinding to get 250 resources can get really tedious, not to mention boring. Do you remember when we got the raptor in a snap because, hey, he likes you, keep it? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Its taken me nearly a year to get those 250 and a couple still aren't complete yet.. thats how trickle feed they are given if you do them how Anet wants. I even have the home instance things.

> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Noa.7490" said:

> > Some people here seem to forget that not everyone can sink hours upon hours each day. For those people, grinding to get 250 resources can get really tedious, not to mention boring. Do you remember when we got the raptor in a snap because, hey, he likes you, keep it? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


> Do you remember when you had long term goals in games?

> Gamers remember.


Yes they were left in the dust when HoT arrived..

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> > @"Noa.7490" said:

> > Some people here seem to forget that not everyone can sink hours upon hours each day. For those people, grinding to get 250 resources can get really tedious, not to mention boring. Do you remember when we got the raptor in a snap because, hey, he likes you, keep it? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


> Its taken me nearly a year to get those 250 and a couple still aren't complete yet.. thats how trickle feed they are given if you do them how Anet wants. I even have the home instance things.


I did it in about a week and a half by just focusing the easy hearts, mining, and Eternal Ice.


And I'm the kind of player who has 3/10 Citadel Crasher right now because I hate most repetitive farming tasks and avidly avoid them.

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Only took me 2 Dragonfall metas for skimmer's underwater, i also get good loots along the way so before you complaint, think "am i doing it wrong?"

Another thing.......you don't have to re-grind....you can keep what you put time in to get........

If something is tedious, its best to stop every now and then, you will get it eventually

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > What mount grind?


> Yeah, I did not perceive the Griffon or Skyscale collection as a grind, either (except for the time-gated feeding part in the latter, but that was corrected after two weeks). I actually enjoy traveling across Tyria, seeking out spots etc.


Yeah, same. I loved both mount collections!

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > > What mount grind?

> >

> > Yeah, I did not perceive the Griffon or Skyscale collection as a grind, either (except for the time-gated feeding part in the latter, but that was corrected after two weeks). I actually enjoy traveling across Tyria, seeking out spots etc.


> Yeah, same. I loved both mount collections!


I felt that the skyscale collection was a bit longer than it needed to be, but not to the point that I would like it to be adjusted. If anything, each step could have had a few less things to claim. /shrug

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Its just another I wanna skip the line threads... I guess we should all be able to login with a new character that is level 80 that is fully equipped with legendary everything, All mounts, all elite specs unlocked, full mastery unlocks, all maps fully complete, all titles available, all crafts maxed out, unlimited materials, unlimited gold, full wardrobe unlocks, with god mode enabled so we cant die just so we can complain about how there is nothing to do in this game. Seriously people go work for your stuff like everyone else.


I apologize for being brash I'm just getting tired of the cutting corner threads that players are posting these days.



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The only part of the grind for the skyscale that I don’t like is only being able to craft things like the quartz crystal once a day. I understand that they want it to take time but if I have the mats I should be able to craft them. Other than that I don’t mind working to unlock something. I started this game during the shutdown and have found it less of a grind than the other games I play.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> Its just another I wanna skip the line threads... I guess we should all be able to login with a new character that is level 80 that is fully equipped with legendary everything, All mounts, all elite specs unlocked, full mastery unlocks, all maps fully complete, all titles available, all crafts maxed out, unlimited materials, unlimited gold, full wardrobe unlocks, with god mode enabled so we cant die just so we can complain about how there is nothing to do in this game. Seriously people go work for your stuff like everyone else.


> I apologize for being brash I'm just getting tired of the cutting corner threads that players are posting these days.




if i wanted to work for something i better get paid for it, GW2 is supposed to be a game, not a job.

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> @"Duke of Genora.7249" said:

> The only part of the grind for the skyscale that I don’t like is only being able to craft things like the quartz crystal once a day. I understand that they want it to take time but if I have the mats I should be able to craft them. Other than that I don’t mind working to unlock something. I started this game during the shutdown and have found it less of a grind than the other games I play.


You do realize you can buy the foods needing quartz?

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"jiggle puff.9347" said:

> > Only complaint I have is that the skyscale makes the springer completely obsolete. I really like the mount, but let's be honest here. The skyscale is infinitely better at climbing heights than the springer could ever be. cannonball attack is still good for breakbar damage though.


> I hear you, the Springer is completely overshadowed now. Only use ive had for it is in those few hearts needing a stomp. Like the garden in sandswept isles.

> And I rarely use raptor or jackal, just too satisfying to use the beetle. And far faster.


Springer still the best cc mount.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > Its just another I wanna skip the line threads... I guess we should all be able to login with a new character that is level 80 that is fully equipped with legendary everything, All mounts, all elite specs unlocked, full mastery unlocks, all maps fully complete, all titles available, all crafts maxed out, unlimited materials, unlimited gold, full wardrobe unlocks, with god mode enabled so we cant die just so we can complain about how there is nothing to do in this game. Seriously people go work for your stuff like everyone else.

> >

> > I apologize for being brash I'm just getting tired of the cutting corner threads that players are posting these days.

> >

> >


> if i wanted to work for something i better get paid for it, GW2 is supposed to be a game, not a job.

The payment is the complete objective. Like getting said mount. Also if you think this game is like a job well I don't know what to say other than go find something you enjoy playing and we will see you when you come back...


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I hated the grind for the Skyscale and Beetle. The grind for the underwater ability was not bad at all. Just play the game, basically.


And that's the thing that we need to distinguish: 2 million XP is not a grind. It is simply playing the game. You can choose to kill mobs (eat or drink something that boosts XP from kills first), you can choose to explore maps, you can do anything you would ALREADY be doing. If that's a grind, then the whole game is a grind.


But when getting a mount depends on doing things that hardly anybody does, so ANet makes it part of the mount collection to force folks to do it, THAT is a grind. When you have to collect a specific object that's a rare drop, that's a grind. When you have to follow really obscure clues, that's a grind. You're forced to do things that you would ONLY do because of the mount collection.


So yea, following a bunch of obscure clues to a couple dozen locations and collecting rare drops is a painful grind. But playing the game and gaining XP is NOT a grind. (At least no more than anything else.) I got most of my 2M XP by running around and exploring the map on a couple of characters, plus some experimenting with a couple of builds and killing lots of mobs. And magically, in two or three days, I got 2M XP.

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