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About Deadeye, deal with it


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Observe the irony,


the amount of threads about something that should be obvious - that a sniper should be lethal, period - is astounding. Now, I had to edit this post because clearly far too many people either miss the point behind the class, or are just plain clueless about it believing certain things to be bugged.


* first of, building up Malice stacks on other living targets by *marking them isn't a bug. It would be a bug if you could do it on inanimate objects, thus it's perfectly fine to build up force to be used against a target because you're aiming for that one-hit-kill that your class should be known for.

* personally I have never one-shot a person with skill 1 as some believe it can be done (I can't see how it can, as skill 1 doesn't harness the power of all malice stacks for a single blow, if it does, that could be a bug because this should be made possible only by DJ according to its description)


_*as far as marking is concerned, I would be fine if this would be changed to single target, make the mark invisible to the marked target and speed up the malice building process. Naturally a marked target should never know it's marked._


**Why I said that snipers should be lethal as they are in real life:**


this is an MMO. What we do here is role play.


^ by that definition if you assume the role of character for its specific traits you expect it to feel that way. The game experience would naturally resemble something that you're familiar with (doesn't have to be first-hand experience) = why you chose to play that class.


As it was mentioned by some people who get it - we, Deadeyes, have to sacrifice everything in order to deal the damage we do. We have next to zero mobility, our defence is almost non-existent, and our condi cleanse is........ weak would be an appropriate word if you take all the necessary traits, but heavily depends on one's play style. Our single damage output is raw damage, as we don't deal condition damage. Taking that away from the class renders it obsolete.


So while in real life snipers are a force to be reckoned with, the ultimate damage dealers, that cannot happen in a game even though in real life that is natural. For some unicorn reason it cannot.


...but a Scourge kills you instantly landing a trillion of condis on you by touching you once, perhaps twice is enough - that seems to be quite in order because we have yet to see a significant nerf and I won't even bother going down the road of trying to explain how utterly broken Spellbreakers are and why so many people exploit it.


To sum it up, the intent here never was to spread hate, but to point to the fact that this audience isn't prepared for a class that should be able to do one-hit kills while that is literally what defines it. I play a Deadeye, but I would be perfectly fine with the fact it being removed from the game, along with Dragonhunters ofc and some other ridiculous specs that just don't make any sense.


My message to the developers: if you're gonna do something, either do it right, or just scrap it.


Just my few cents........ I don't care about hate posts, someone had to say this.

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> @Inoki.6048 said:

> observe the irony,


> ppl start complaining about what should be clear and obvious by now - a sniper should be lethal, period.


> snipers should be able to one-shot people, period. they do so, in real life.


> but no, that cannot happen even tho' in real life that is natural, it cannot happen in a game. for some unicorn reason it cannot.


> ...but a f* scourge kills you instantly with 169516519561985161651316+2+59465165165165 condis on you,


> that is perfectly fine ladies and gentlemen.......


> just my few cents........ I don't care about your hate posts, someone had to say this.


Every profession in this game has skills that would kill you instantly IRL. This is a horrible argument.

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> @Vova.2640 said:

> What is this supposed to mean? People are complaining about a BUG that lets you do unreasonable amounts of damage.

> You're telling people to "deal with it" because you and other dead eyes are enjoying abusing a bug.

> How pathetic.



really? so that is a bug, but spellbreakers blocking everything, having insane regen, damage, mobility, toughness and just about everything in the game along with scourges with a trillion condis on touch is perfectly fine.


stop taking those meds.

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So that's your counter-point. That the class in my avatar is OP? I don't even think DE is OP overall, just that DJ is stupid in its current form. However your argument is awful. Pretty sure getting crushed in the head by a mace will "one-shot" you. So will being hit by a meteor, having your guts torn up by a telekinetic spinning axe, getting hit by a skill literally called "Decapitate". Ooooh I know, how about "Killshot"? It's in the name!!


> @Inoki.6048 said:

> btw, most classes here are non-existent IRL :D so your argument is shallow AF :D


What's funny is it's not my argument, it's your argument. LMAO. Yes most classes are non-existent IRL. Maybe that should tell you that we shouldn't apply IRL physics to a videogame because you like that you can one-shot people. What a joke.

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Are you guys seriously complaining about a class that can get fcked by a single projectile hate skill? Lol....

On one thing the OP is right: snipers should be lethal, period. Damage is all that DE has and you guys seriously want to take that away? They can get killed by pretty much anyone with a brain and deadeyes that can one shot you chose give up every single defensive stat for the sake of dmg, in other words GLASS CANNON. If you have a problem with DE it's purely a l2p issue because they are really easy to kill.

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> @Halikus.1406 said:

> Are you guys seriously complaining about a class that can get fcked by a single projectile hate skill? Lol....

> On one thing the OP is right: snipers should be lethal, period. Damage is all that DE has and you guys seriously want to take that away? They can get killed by pretty much anyone with a brain and deadeyes that can one shot chose you gave up every single defensive stat for the sake of dmg, in other words GLASS CANNON. If you have a problem with DE it's purely a l2p issue because they are really easy do kill.


THANK YOU. #FaithInHumanityRestored

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> @Lahmia.2193 said:

> I'm indifferent about Deadeyes but don't act like people are fine with Scourges. Scourge has by far the most amount of people complaining about it, minimizing any cries about Deadeye.

Not to mention we've been complainig about the reaper for half a year - the elite singlehandedly responsible for the rise of the condi meta. That the OP dragging this in as "everyone thinks that fine so why bitch about the deadeye" is absolutely ridiculous. We've seen freaking daily threads on condi. The argument that a sniper kills people in one shot in real life validating an OP skill in the game is equally ridiculous.


I'd love for some elementalist to come in here and bitch about how a meteor killed the dinosaurs, so a meteor storm should kill everyone in WvW on all borders.


Try being a fucking deadeye sniper then.

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> @Inoki.6048 said:

> observe the irony,


> ppl start complaining about what should be clear and obvious by now - a sniper should be lethal, period.


> snipers should be able to one-shot people, period. they do so, in real life.


> but no, that cannot happen even tho' in real life that is natural, it cannot happen in a game. for some unicorn reason it cannot.


> ...but a f* scourge kills you instantly with 169516519561985161651316+2+59465165165165 condis on you,


> that is perfectly fine ladies and gentlemen.......


> just my few cents........ I don't care about your hate posts, someone had to say this.


As much as I often blame ANet for the lack of self-consistency of his world, I don't mistake "self-consistency" and "realism"...


Now, about scourges, I saw far more people complaining about scourges and condis than DE (which doesn't mean there hasn't been any), and I don't recall DE got the nerf hammer recently, while scourge did last tuesday. And now, eventhough people are still complaining about scourges, there also are players telling that scourges have been cut with a tad too much of enthusiasm.

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"they do so in real life"


By that logic everyone should be using just pistols and riffles. Trash level argumentation. In real life snipers also don't stealth and have almost no mobility.


On FPS games it is ok to have oneshots because people need to aim and it not easy to land a headshot. On gw2 it takes no aiming to hit...

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> @SWI.4127 said:

> > @Inoki.6048 said:

> > classes like yours in a nutshell (which is why so many ppl play them btw, coz they are for dummies):

> >

> > shield block, invul on trait, invul on trigger, resistances, insane regen, extremely high power + toughness + vitality, good mobility (with the right choice of weapons)..... what did I forget..... right, basically super easy to play, requires zero thinking, something tells me fit for you.


> Keep making assumptions based on what I chose as my icon. Really, it's doing wonders for your rock-solid argument here.


I mean you ARE playing SB, so what's exactly your point here? :D


> @Hesacon.8735 said:

> I haven't seen a deadeye yet that struck me as good. I still see more daredevils than deadeyes and find them harder to fight. Deadeyes have much lower mobility and all you have to do is keep out of their line of sight.


Exactly, DE has one strongly telegraphed high burst skill that's easy to dodge/block/reflect, DD is easly a stronger spec than DE.


> @Arcaedus.7290 said:

> Newsflash OP:


> People play this game for fun. OHKOs are not fun.


> A better argument would have been to address that OHKO and why it's balanced.


*OHKO that you can't do anything about.

And this is not the case here. Because you can do multiple things. Easly.


> @xDudisx.5914 said:

> "they do so in real life"


> By that logic everyone should be using just pistols and riffles. Trash level argumentation. In real life snipers also don't stealth and have almost no mobility.


> On FPS games it is ok to have oneshots because people need to aim and it not easy to land a headshot. On gw2 it takes no aiming to hit...


In fps once someone hits you, he hits you. Here you have mutliple ways to counter the shot. So... right back at you -what kind of argument is this?.



> @Vova.2640 said:

> What is this supposed to mean? People are complaining about a BUG that lets you do unreasonable amounts of damage.

> You're telling people to "deal with it" because you and other dead eyes are enjoying abusing a bug.

> How pathetic.


...what bug?

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> @Arcaedus.7290 said:

> Newsflash OP:


> People play this game for fun. OHKOs are not fun.


> A better argument would have been to address that OHKO and why it's balanced.


so condis killing you instantly is fun. great argument right there.......


I'll stop before more of my posts get removed because of /sarcasm.

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> @Inoki.6048 said:

> observe the irony,


> ppl start complaining about what should be clear and obvious by now - a sniper should be lethal, period.


> snipers should be able to one-shot people, period. they do so, in real life.


> but no, that cannot happen even tho' in real life that is natural, it cannot happen in a game. for some unicorn reason it cannot.


> ...but a f* scourge kills you instantly with 169516519561985161651316+2+59465165165165 condis on you,


> that is perfectly fine ladies and gentlemen.......


> just my few cents........ I don't care about your hate posts, someone had to say this


" **If You Don't Take Care Of Your Customers

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There is absolutely nothing to be dealt with really.






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> @Inoki.6048 said:

> observe the irony,


> ppl start complaining about what should be clear and obvious by now - a sniper should be lethal, period.


> snipers should be able to one-shot people, period. they do so, in real life.


> but no, that cannot happen even tho' in real life that is natural, it cannot happen in a game. for some unicorn reason it cannot.


> ...but a f* scourge kills you instantly with 169516519561985161651316+2+59465165165165 condis on you,


> that is perfectly fine ladies and gentlemen.......


> just my few cents........ I don't care about your hate posts, someone had to say this.


go play cs pal this is an mmorpg .. different gametype u know .. regardz n else

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Hard to believe that people really think that a skill that can one shoot you from range is okay...but i guess in this game most players are to lazy or just bad to actually learn how to play, so they need this kind of skilless combat desings in order to be competitive...but it is funny sometimes when playing Firebrand and end up crossing the path of those deadeyes groups, I just drop to reflect from F3 and watch they kill thenselfs, they are so bad that they dont even know why they are dying...but it does suck when you face someone who actually knows what he is doing

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In this game you don't need to aim for shots. Every rifle shot will go towards the target. In an FPS it works to have one shots because it requires aim and it is not something that will happen all the time. Try to play a FPS with where everyone is using an aimbot.


On mmorpgs it is a terrible idea to have 1 shot abilities.


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> @Felipe.1807 said:

>but i guess in this game most players are to lazy or just bad to actually learn how to play, so they need this kind of skilless combat desings in order to be competitive...


Oh look, another SB ;D



>but it is funny sometimes when playing Firebrand and end up crossing the path of those deadeyes groups, I just drop to reflect from F3 and watch they kill thenselfs, they are so bad that they dont even know why they are dying...


Guys, I can easly and effortlessly counter groups of DE, but I'll come here and complain that DE is OP.




>but it does suck when you face someone who actually knows what he is doing


Oh jesus, the irony....

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> @Sobx.1758 said:

> I mean you ARE playing SB, so what's exactly your point here? :D

He assumes because of my icon that I think SB is perfectly balanced and would be against any balance changes. Unlike him I don't argue that everything with my class is fine just because I like to play it. Also I don't use auto endure pain B) . Other than that, this topic has noting to do with SB.


His posts are filled with strawman, off-topic arguments like that. You say one skill doesn't make sense and he goes "and 1 million CONDIS ARE FINE?!?". It's like no...nobody said that.

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Yeah 21k is completely legit makes for healthy gameplay.


I really dont mind deadeye in general but i think no class should be able to pull of this damage with the use of one skill.


Warris used to be able with killshot where 20 was around max.That got heavily nerfed aswell,and not because were tanky and have acces to invulns and blocks,it just should not be possible for anyone to do this damage with the press of a single skill.

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