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PVP Matchmaking Consistency


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Can we have some consistency on the matches and teams.


Its more of a lucky draw as to weather you win or lose than how you play!


Matches are totally Random from one game to the next.


I can win 6 in a row, get close to going up a division, then pow, lose the next 6, then its up and down, win and lose!


Last four matches, win 2, lose 2.


Points gained 24, points lost 29.


Yes I get your supposed to win more than you loose, but its like pot luck right now.


A guildie has won 28, lost 33, and yet i've won 41, lost 42, and hes 100+ points higher up than me? my win percentage is higher, yet hes higher in the tables?

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I don't see any connection between the weather and PvP match making.


Matches feel random, because they _are_ random.

The Match maker can't match enough players of close ranking with each other, when they aren't queueing at the same time.

If you don't play during peak times, it's not even rare to have platinum players on one team and bronze players on the other.

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I agree with many previous posters who think the simplest solution here is to:


1). Get rid of duoqueue. All queues are 1 player only. Balance becomes much easier with less stacking. Similarly, syncing no longer functions.

2). Get rid of class swapping pre match. Balance Becomes much easier.


What AAA title did this method of balance? Oh right, GW1.

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Imagine still caring about rating and spvp in general in 2020 :lol:

Anyways, theres a hidden mmr that sometimes (usually) decides you get bigger bronzes than enemy, so you lose more points than you get. Will ANet do anything about that? No, population is so low that bots and cheaters are also welcome, cuz they anyhow fill the gap. Combine them with bronzes playing in one team with plats and voila, almost healthy gamemode!


About duoq, personally I dont like it, but I guess if BOTH teams get players from SAME division, and in BOTH there is a duo - I guess it can be considered as fair.

About getting rid of class swapping pre match - this might be kinda bad idea, cuz u can end with really useless teamcomp. But hey, I say might be, cuz its still doable! Like forbid stacking classes in same team, and/or do something like in MOBA games where you choose position on which you gonna play before match starts. For example 3 teamfighters + roamer + support, que as one of those. This way you get rid off class swapping pre match, class stacking and also minimalize chance of getting weird team comps.


Heh, sounds good but that would require ANet to actually do sth about state of sPvP. And I think we all already know its not really possible lol.

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> @"Apokriphos.7042" said:

> 1). Get rid of duoqueue. All queues are 1 player only. Balance becomes much easier with less stacking. Similarly, syncing no longer functions.


Yes, or split duos away from SoloQs and allow them to queue with however many people they want(2, 3, or 5)


> 2). Get rid of class swapping pre match. Balance Becomes much easier.


Even more yes. If DuoQ went byebye class swapping would be less of a problem though. One person making a swap before a match starts to avoid giving their team a bad composition is more understandable than two people constantly swapping to counter one person who couldn't do anything about it even if they tried, who they then proceed to gank for the rest of the game.


It's a real thing too. I have it happen to me nearly every time I log in to do dailies by the same high-level DuoQ trolling Unranked.

They know my build, so as soon as they see me on the other team they both always swap to the same hard counter. If I were to try and swap to do anything about it; one, if not both of them would just swap as soon as they saw me change.


That's Unranked, so it doesn't really matter. This was always worse in Ranked and I assume it still is if people are doing it in Unranked even.


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> @"Apokriphos.7042" said:

> I agree with many previous posters who think the simplest solution here is to:


> 1). Get rid of duoqueue. All queues are 1 player only. Balance becomes much easier with less stacking. Similarly, syncing no longer functions.

> 2). Get rid of class swapping pre match. Balance Becomes much easier.


> What AAA title did this method of balance? Oh right, GW1.


i have to disagree with number 2, think how many matches you'd lose simply cuz the other team comp is better

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It's garbage, like the rest of this game mode.


They need to just remove the algorithm and make it random. At least then you wouldn't know when matchmaking clearly wants you to lose.


It's great they're taking time to focus on the expansion and abandoning this game mode. I just wonder how many people will be left playing or interested in buying a product that will ultimately degrade like this one.

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> @"Bast.7253" said:

> They need to just remove the algorithm and make it random. At least then you wouldn't know when matchmaking clearly wants you to lose.


Without calling this a good or bad idea; if matchmaking were totally random, you'd be getting like up to -30 rating for losing and like +2 for winning most games as soon as you got close to plat2, maybe even lower. Would also occasionally get these games in the low-mid tiers like gold.

If you don't care about your rating, its fine, but if you were playing to compete you'd be looking at like ~10 consecutive wins to make up for 1 loss.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > @"Bast.7253" said:

> > They need to just remove the algorithm and make it random. At least then you wouldn't know when matchmaking clearly wants you to lose.


> Without calling this a good or bad idea; if matchmaking were totally random, you'd be getting like up to -30 rating for losing and like +2 for winning most games as soon as you got close to plat2, maybe even lower. Would also occasionally get these games in the low-mid tiers like gold.

> If you don't care about your rating, its fine, but if you were playing to compete you'd be looking at like ~10 consecutive wins to make up for 1 loss.


If it were random would that still be true though? I thought the points were based on the level of the competition you were up against in comparison to your team? If it were random it seems like they could just make it a flat rate either way.


I don't know. Every other season I've been able to hang around plat 1 or push into plat 2. This season it's become substantially more obvious that matchmaking is in complete control with teams filled with 2+ bots or teams that just seem like they're silver/bronze level. I'm certainly not great at this game and could be better at rotating/strategizing but it's never been as bad as it has been now. Maybe that's due to the last balance patch and the current meta or something. I also can't say that I've ever seen as many bots as I have this season. It's unbelievable how many mirage bots there are and I thought that was just in EU. Not counting the core guards and the flamethrower engis. Fortunately rating doesn't really mean anything to me anymore as I'm just using the system as a means to earn easy gold. Just would be nice to lose a little less so the gold would roll in faster. :angry:

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> @"John.8507" said:

> Can we have some consistency on the matches and teams.


> Its more of a lucky draw as to weather you win or lose than how you play!


> Matches are totally Random from one game to the next.


> I can win 6 in a row, get close to going up a division, then pow, lose the next 6, then its up and down, win and lose!


> Last four matches, win 2, lose 2.


> Points gained 24, points lost 29.


> Yes I get your supposed to win more than you loose, but its like pot luck right now.


> A guildie has won 28, lost 33, and yet i've won 41, lost 42, and hes 100+ points higher up than me? my win percentage is higher, yet hes higher in the tables?


This was already explained to you in the other thread. Why have you chosen to ignore information and keep posting the same question?


If you're at the correct rating, then a roughly 50/50 win-rate is what you would expect. Your mistake is to assume that you should be going up the ladder. This isn't a single-player story-mode where absolutely everybody can "reach the top"; advancing is not guaranteed.

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> @"Bast.7253" said:

> If it were random would that still be true though? I thought the points were based on the level of the competition you were up against in comparison to your team? If it were random it seems like they could just make it a flat rate either way.


> I don't know. Every other season I've been able to hang around plat 1 or push into plat 2. This season it's become substantially more obvious that matchmaking is in complete control with teams filled with 2+ bots or teams that just seem like they're silver/bronze level. I'm certainly not great at this game and could be better at rotating/strategizing but it's never been as bad as it has been now. Maybe that's due to the last balance patch and the current meta or something. I also can't say that I've ever seen as many bots as I have this season. It's unbelievable how many mirage bots there are and I thought that was just in EU. Not counting the core guards and the flamethrower engis. Fortunately rating doesn't really mean anything to me anymore as I'm just using the system as a means to earn easy gold. Just would be nice to lose a little less so the gold would roll in faster. :angry:


Ye. The only thing that determines how many points you gain or lose at the end are the people in your game. On both teams too.


It's already pretty wack because of the way the matchmaker works, but its less of an issue when you're lower Rank.

It doesn't even matter at all if you're just playing for gold, to which I wish they'd just put pips in Unranked already.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"John.8507" said:

> Why is it so hard to get equal matches, instead of losing or winning by hundreds of points!


Because there are not enough players, players reaching from plat to low silver (maybe even Bronze) can get matched together.

And then you also have things like:

two team queues ending up on the same team vs 5 randoms

win trading


queue dodging



Without significant effort put into fixing pvp as a whole, there will never be hope for a change.

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> @"Bast.7253" said:

> > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > > @"Bast.7253" said:

> > > They need to just remove the algorithm and make it random. At least then you wouldn't know when matchmaking clearly wants you to lose.

> >

> > Without calling this a good or bad idea; if matchmaking were totally random, you'd be getting like up to -30 rating for losing and like +2 for winning most games as soon as you got close to plat2, maybe even lower. Would also occasionally get these games in the low-mid tiers like gold.

> > If you don't care about your rating, its fine, but if you were playing to compete you'd be looking at like ~10 consecutive wins to make up for 1 loss.


> If it were random would that still be true though? I thought the points were based on the level of the competition you were up against in comparison to your team? If it were random it seems like they could just make it a flat rate either way.


> I don't know. Every other season I've been able to hang around plat 1 or push into plat 2. This season it's become substantially more obvious that matchmaking is in complete control with teams filled with 2+ bots or teams that just seem like they're silver/bronze level. I'm certainly not great at this game and could be better at rotating/strategizing but it's never been as bad as it has been now. Maybe that's due to the last balance patch and the current meta or something. I also can't say that I've ever seen as many bots as I have this season. It's unbelievable how many mirage bots there are and I thought that was just in EU. Not counting the core guards and the flamethrower engis. Fortunately rating doesn't really mean anything to me anymore as I'm just using the system as a means to earn easy gold. Just would be nice to lose a little less so the gold would roll in faster. :angry:


No, is not in comparison againts your team, is in comparision to you. that i think is basicaly a bad aprox because that makes that the higher ranked of the team is always punished for not carrying the whole team, when not all class/Especs have the same carrying potential, and you dont know if you are the one that have to pull that extra weight

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> @"John.8507" said:

> Can we have some consistency on the matches and teams.

yes, we like some random


> Its more of a lucky draw as to weather you win or lose than how you play!

no. Win is "lucky" and "you". Only luck don't give wins. Lose - only "player"


> I can win 6 in a row, get close to going up a division, then pow, lose the next 6, then its up and down, win and lose!

so you find that you skill have limit. Tr y extend it. This is part of pvp


> Last four matches, win 2, lose 2.

nice statistic. Mosty unreal for most players.


> Points gained 24, points lost 29.

not bad.


> Yes I get your supposed to win more than you loose, but its like pot luck right now.

to win you needplay 8 h per day, monitoring skilled opponents, and many other thing. Ofc you should lose.


> A guildie has won 28, lost 33, and yet i've won 41, lost 42, and hes 100+ points higher up than me? my win percentage is higher, yet hes higher in the tables?

just take it as some magic, and don't think about it. Ofc exist many skilled players .. But detail point calculation is on wiki.


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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> If you're at the correct rating, then a roughly 50/50 win-rate is what you would expect. Your mistake is to assume that you should be going up the ladder. This isn't a single-player story-mode where absolutely everybody can "reach the top"; advancing is not guaranteed.


A 50/50, even 40/60 either way, is reasonable and normally what I see over a period of time. This past week has been about 10/90 with a few consecutive games facing the same pairs grouped together.


Some of the games I can write off as random luck with match making along with lack of ability. But this past week I've noticed an increase in seeing 2 pairs of people on the other team on the same night. They are using some comp that increases the odds of the two pairs being put together, then change to something as soon as they are assigned on teams.

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