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Friendly Fire ON


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> @"Tiilimon.6094" said:

> Sounds like a terrible idea, considering how many support abilities also deal damage to enemies.


> Even doing a simple engi smoke bomb stealth combo would knock back the whole party who are supposed to be stealthed :D


Now this is a good point, combo fields. How you gonna do a combo field/finisher in Friendly Fire Turned On.


Well, guess that means you just can't do it.


Know what this means, less issues with people whining about "Thief or whatever is in umlimited stealth, stealth needs nerf", **they can't hide forever now**.

So its a GOOD thing, but BAD thing for thieves or people that like to stealth all day.

Its a tradeoff.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > 1. The server performance would go down the toilet, as friendly fire would double the calculations to be done.

> >

> > 2. The game is not designed around friendly fire. There are only very few true single target skills at all. It makes a difference whether you can't use a revive in no downstate week or whether you can't use 80% of your skillset effectively.

> >

> > 3. The random factor is so big, that it becomes gamebreaking. Personally I could play around that in a team of decent players, but in such an event I would avoid any PUG at any cost as most players would ruin my day. And I bet others would do the same or just stop playing.

> >

> > 4. Such an event is an invitation to trolls and match manipulators.


> Do you have data backing up your claims?


Except those are the facts and realities of your “friendly fire on” scenario.


Instead of defaulting to the “data” thing, perhaps read those points again and try to understand... And the devs aren’t going to try your idea for exactly the reasons Kr listed.


Wasted suggestion.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > 1. The server performance would go down the toilet, as friendly fire would double the calculations to be done.

> > >

> > > 2. The game is not designed around friendly fire. There are only very few true single target skills at all. It makes a difference whether you can't use a revive in no downstate week or whether you can't use 80% of your skillset effectively.

> > >

> > > 3. The random factor is so big, that it becomes gamebreaking. Personally I could play around that in a team of decent players, but in such an event I would avoid any PUG at any cost as most players would ruin my day. And I bet others would do the same or just stop playing.

> > >

> > > 4. Such an event is an invitation to trolls and match manipulators.

> >

> > Do you have data backing up your claims?


> Except those are the facts and realities of your “friendly fire on” scenario.


> Instead of defaulting to the “data” thing, perhaps read those points again and try to understand... And the devs aren’t going to try your idea for exactly the reasons Kr listed.


> Wasted suggestion.


You have data on what the anet are going to do or not do?

Why everyone speak for them?


"how they gonna make money?"

bro they swimming in cash, it isn't all about money


"server performance goes down toilet"

bro, why you assume that? wheres the data



Kinda like people saying 8v8

"good golly, server performance issue right there"

bro, the game started out 8v8, already tested and past, no server performance issue.


Back it up with some data, don't assume stuff.

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Ummm the more the game has to calculate actions, in real time, the more strain on the game to process. You don't need "data" to understand that. More info to process means more lag.


That's right, the game, and skills in-game, were not designed with "friendly fire" in mind. Another fact not requiring "data"


"friendly fire" breaks the game design. No "data" required for that either.


Trolling and manipulation are a huge concern in that "friendly fire" scenario. No "data" required for that either.


Ummm wvw isn't 8v8. WvW has a potential to be 1v1 - 80vs80vs80... You weren't aware of that? Or the fact the anet's old refurbed GW1 game engine can't properly handle mass combat without difficulty, and more lag due to increased processing of information in real time from "friendly fire".


I strongly suggest you take it upon yourself to do more research so you can gain a stronger understanding of the game and how your ideas aren't sensible. Not to mention it won't happen anyway.

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Side proposition : Free for all.


Upon entering the map, you got 5 minutes of invulnerability and the impossibility to deal damage (so as to avoid spawn camping). After that it's All Mayhem Buffet.

Give traders an aura that induce those 5 minutes of Invulnerability and impossibility to deal damage, so people can stick around the initial spawn point and do their thing at their pace if they want to. Or dont. Too many spawn sleepers these days.

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A few years back they accidentally caused the opposite effect, everyone on all three servers were friendly towards one another. I missed that little hiccup, but was told it was quite the amusement.


I would enjoy this sort of event for like... a weekend. Obviously not long term.


~ Kovu

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