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Inventory Buttons - [Merged]


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Since the headstart weekend in 2012 when I began playing, I think I've used 'compact inventory" a total of 2 times, both by accident. For me, as an individual, it is a useless feature. However, I imagine those who use it may be happy to see it given a quicker access, just as I am with the deposit materials.


I applaud the UI team providing quicker access to these buttons, but please allow players to toggle both of these -- if toggled on, the individual button is presented next to the cog wheel, like in today's update; if off, they remain in the cog wheel menu. Or maybe the toggle only controls the additional buttons, and keep them in the menu as before regardless (I find myself, out of habit, going into the menu looking for the deposit option a lot so far!).


UI changes are great -- especially since I think this is one many folks have wanted for a while? -- but providing options for users with varying preferences is even greater.

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> @"Katsugankz.7156" said:

> I've been playing since launch and I always use the two buttons together, so this is an incredibly welcome change to me.

> Ya'll probably should get an option to remove the compact button, but don't try and frame it as if everyone plays how you do.

I like the new buttons quite a bit. For the sake of all non-compactors though the button(s) should be toggle-able.

Or all the options of the cog could be transformed to toggle-able Icons. Just activate the ones you need & want. (What? A lass can dream, right? :D)


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**Agreed with all who ask for a compact button removal or deactivation.**


Some of us have inventory management which completely gets screwed if the button is pressed. Having it this close next to the deposit all button is very dangerous and can lead to unnecessary issues for some players.

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oh goody.. now i get to show/hide rarity rather than store anything thanks to 8 years of muscle memory and a UI you just arbitrarily decided to make a "change" to.


+100000 on the remove compact all button.


if you lot are running out of things to do theres an entire WvW game mode that needs dev time.

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It took years of requests before it became possible for the "compact" menu option to be a bit further away from the "deposit" button. It was a great solution to make it configurable: people who were happy with where it was were served as well as the people who wanted it gone. Now this, this doesn't feel like a QoL feature, but a step backwards.


I've deposited stuff twice since the update. The first time, I started off with toggling the rarity indicator. No big deal, but both times, I sat up straight before approaching the buttons, apprehensive of accidentally hitting the wrong button. Wide-screen, small interface, fast mouse pointer. Accident waiting to happen.


Please implement an option similar to the earlier one.

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:


> [edit] And shouldn't you then use invisible bags for everything?


Well, you need at least one or two that aren't invisible, because otherwise you won't be able to sell stuff anymore, as things in invisible bags don't appear for vendors or the trading post.

It would also mean equipping a lot of characters with them, as so far I have used the normal 20-slot bags e.g. from Halloween, as they're easier to obtain.

The options would therefore be (at least in my case)

a) spent a few hundred gold to retroactively get invisible bags for all my characters

b) ask for an option to toggle the button


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What irony. A few years ago the two options to clean up inventory and to bring total chaos to inventory were separated further apart in the menu. I think that change came shortly after a streamer had misclicked in a live stream. And now you add this as buttons right next to each other, again super easy to hit the wrong option? What a great idea... not.

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> You guys don't use invisible bags for the stuff you want to manage? Why?


> This is a welcome addition, but I'm certainly not opposed to making it an option.


> [edit] And shouldn't you then use invisible bags for everything?


You can't use all invisible bags, otherwise you can't sell or deposit anything. I keep a lot of stuff in my invisible bag, but there's other items in my inventory which I want to stay where they are as well.


I have my inventory split by bag, sized as a 5x4 grid and placed above the chat box so I can open it during combat and still see what I'm doing, and on the bottom row of the first bag I have 3-5 consumables so I can access them quickly when I need them. I'll sometimes also have other things I'm keeping in other bags, again seperated by function (for example weapons bought with karma to unlock the skins which I'm saving until I have enough to put them in the Mystic Forge, which I don't want to mix up with the useful weapons in my invisible bag). It's not worth buying special bags to keep them because things are constantly shifting around based on what I'm doing, but I still don't want it all dumped into the top bags mixed in with random loot.


Literally the only problem I've had with this system in 8 years is randomly hitting compact when I meant to deposit, and for a long time that was solved by seperating the two options. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask Anet to reapply the solution they had already created, even if there are other players who don't need it.

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Finally found time to log in and look at this. Like several others, I greatly appreciated when the Compact button was moved away from the Deposit All button in the menu list. With the change, I find that both options are much more convenient. For me, though, rather than opting to remove one or both of the buttons, I would be satisfied with just giving them a bit more space between them to make it less likely for me to click the wrong one. /shrug

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This change was something between useless and disrespectful.

As mentioned by the OP, an option was introduced many years ago to move the compact menu item away from the deposit materials one _for a reason_.

Whoever implemented this change should've realized how wrong it is by the time they simply removed the checkbox from the Option dialog. Or they really didn't care about why it exists in first place.



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