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Inventory Buttons - [Merged]


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My bottom three bags are filled with stuff I use occasionally or rarely: gizmos, bounty contracts, ascended foods, bits of quests I'm working on sporadically, bank/tp access, repair canisters, teleport-to-friends, etc. I know where everything is placed. My top bag is filled with stuff I want quick access to, mostly consumables and items for whatever I am working on now. The big empty gap in the middle is where my new drops land. Donari's guild mate had a good comparison: here's mine. My inventory is like a mobile home with lights and things hanging from the ceiling, furniture on the floor, abnd odds and ends lying on tables and shelves. For me, hitting the Compact button is like turning that whole mobile home upside down so everything is 'efficiently' piled on the ceiling. Takes a very long time to put all that stuff back where I want it. If they're going to insist in having the compact button right next to the deposit button, I want an Undo button as well.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > I think it's nice to have the 'Deposit All Materials' button outside the drop-down menu.

> > Perhaps, moving the 'Compact' button to the other side of the 'cog' would suffice?


> Yes but ideal for me would be able to remove it back to bottom of cog again.


I agree. Deposit button good, Compact button bad.

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I have clicked on wrong buttons when the UI changed (you know musscle memory and all) and I don't really use invisible bags or equivalent. I can see why they made the change as its better visible for new players and makes things faster as well (and who knows if its needed for some feature still to be added like legendary armory or the likes). Anet doesn't exactly have to ask permission for changing something like this, I mean, it's their game. I played half a day today and to be honest, give it a week playing. I think many will start or have accustomed to the new position of the buttons. However, given so many have an issue with the compact button or even the deposit all button. A toggle option could work. Under the cogwheel they could give you an option to toggle button to where it is now (activated state as we see atm) or disable the button (grey it out and make it unclickable at that spot). I think the players that normally do compact like the position its at atm. And players that never use it can just disable it fully (so also not clickable inside the cogwheel panel). Moving the button to another place will actually make it less QoL for players that do use compact after they deposited their mats and sold their stuff. So I think the disable on toggle is a good option. Moving buttons around to other spots would also mess up with peoples new musscle memory of where the button is now (especially since if they change this its not gonna be fast me thinks).

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>Your rhetoric is putting a lot of words in my mouth that I never said like "No one", "Everyone" and "Hate".


I was paraphrasing when you said: "Honestly, **who asked for this**? You remember when you told us you were going to talk to us before making changes that could **potentially irritate your consumers**?"


>I simply stated that they messed with an already good thing for no logical reason and that I personally am against this change because it undoes the option to move the compact button away from the deposit button.


And I gave a logical reason that I know at least two other players besides myself that would agree with the logic, which was answering your "Honestly, who asked for this?"


>If people aren't going to click on the cog wheel button, they aren't going to click on the other two buttons either unless they are specifically told about it by someone.


Highly disagree. The cog menu just implies it is settings which people may not want to mess with. I myself only noticed the existence of those options when looking for something else after seeing someone's inventory in a video I watched (after I've played the game for 1300+ hours). I definitely would have noticed them had they been the buttons rather than in the cog menu. A lot of people don't go exploring for options just because they see a cog menu, but they may be curious as to what a button does. You have to think about the average person that doesn't care about adjusting settings or looking through menus (which are also potentially the same people that are likely not posting their opinion on the forum), but they may look at what a button does at the top of their inventory by hovering over it. Also, not everyone has been playing the game for years or may be returning players from when the game first launched so they may not bother looking in the cog but would see the buttons.


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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> So what do you do when not using compact?


I have one each of blue, green and yellow unidentified gear I keep in my invisible bag at the bottom. I leave those to quietly attract the new gear drops, which stack up till I have some time to kill and open&salvage them all. Almost everything else that drops is either depositable, salvageable, or disappears when I find a merchant to sell my junk to. The very few items that I want to manually bank or keep where they are, I move to the top of my bag after the consumables, leaving the middle gap to continue accumulating new stuff. Its not like most drops require much examination.


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> @"aswedEMD.3597" said:

> >Your rhetoric is putting a lot of words in my mouth that I never said like "No one", "Everyone" and "Hate".


> I was paraphrasing when you said: "Honestly, **who asked for this**? You remember when you told us you were going to talk to us before making changes that could **potentially irritate your consumers**?"


> >I simply stated that they messed with an already good thing for no logical reason and that I personally am against this change because it undoes the option to move the compact button away from the deposit button.


> And I gave a logical reason that I know at least two other players besides myself that would agree with the logic, which was answering your "Honestly, who asked for this?"


> >If people aren't going to click on the cog wheel button, they aren't going to click on the other two buttons either unless they are specifically told about it by someone.


> Highly disagree. The cog menu just implies it is settings which people may not want to mess with. I myself only noticed the existence of those options when looking for something else after seeing someone's inventory in a video I watched (after I've played the game for 1300+ hours). I definitely would have noticed them had they been the buttons rather than in the cog menu. A lot of people don't go exploring for options just because they see a cog menu, but they may be curious as to what a button does. You have to think about the average person that doesn't care about adjusting settings or looking through menus (which are also potentially the same people that are likely not posting their opinion on the forum), but they may look at what a button does at the top of their inventory by hovering over it. Also, not everyone has been playing the game for years or may be returning players from when the game first launched so they may not bother looking in the cog but would see the buttons.



the cog and deposit all have been there since the game launched so being a returning player they most likely already know about it.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:> Apparently this was requested a few years ago: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1333/suggestion-deposit-all-materials-one-click-button-> @"Linken.6345" said:> Just fail to see the suggestion that compact button should be there as well.

really Anet? working on something that's 3 years old, with 3 thumbs up?should have worked on mine that's got 13 thumbs up, and will bring you a lot of $$$https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1294530#Comment_1294530... and it's not even to specs, time to put a job advert out for a Business Analyst with CBAP certification> less risk of accidentally clicking Compact or something,the original poster wanted a toggle button to auto-deposit to material storage so that he doesn't accidentally click on Compact

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8 years of muscle memory had me clicking the show rarity the first time but honestly im really happy with the change, it saves me a few seconds every time I deposit and compact, 2 clicks instead of 4 and easier to click too. It shouldn't take too long for most vets to get accustomed to the new buttons i'd assume.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> > In a weeks time when we're use to it it will not be a problem at all.


> In 2 weeks time when you press compact by mistake come back and say its not a problem.



I'm actually use to it already, we have it as a visual queue everytime, it's not hard to pay attention.

It's a very simple change. If any of us can't get use to it, the fault lies entirely with us.


But please people, continue to complain about any and everything, it wouldn't be the GW2 forums otherwise. We fear change.


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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> My bottom three bags are filled with stuff I use occasionally or rarely: gizmos, bounty contracts, ascended foods, bits of quests I'm working on sporadically, bank/tp access, repair canisters, teleport-to-friends, etc. I know where everything is placed. My top bag is filled with stuff I want quick access to, mostly consumables and items for whatever I am working on now. The big empty gap in the middle is where my new drops land. Donari's guild mate had a good comparison: here's mine. My inventory is like a mobile home with lights and things hanging from the ceiling, furniture on the floor, abnd odds and ends lying on tables and shelves. For me, hitting the Compact button is like turning that whole mobile home upside down so everything is 'efficiently' piled on the ceiling. Takes a very long time to put all that stuff back where I want it. If they're going to insist in having the compact button right next to the deposit button, I want an Undo button as well.


Middle space, ok. I admit my brain did not go there. But that's exactly why options are the best route. I have know people that are top bag fixed, bottom bag fixed but not middle open. So +10 on options please. But yes there are some of us where the change has speed things up. Wasn't requesting that change, but did speed it up. Now if we can address the people it's impacting, that would be good.

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> @"Sir Alric.5078" said:

> Moving your mouse pointer a few pixels to the left is so inconvenient that you felt the need to open a thread and demand a change? Seriously? O_O


1. suggesting something <> demanding something

2. Yes, seriously. Obviously, I am not the only one in favor of this. Now try to figure out why that is before posting another needless comment.

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I never realised how many people hate the compact feature, but I can never close my inventory without pressing it out of habit. I really like the order it is - I deposit my stuff and then compact it to make it neat again. I think it makes perfect sense.


I use invisible bags at the bottom of my inventory to keep everything I want in place, I couldn't imagine having things in random slots or moving everything manually.


At the end of the day, it's just going to take everyone a little bit of time to get used to where the buttons they want to use are, and I don't think there's anything wrong with how it is.

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I literally compact my inventory every single time before I close it (kind of a habit thing), it would be really annoying to have to "confirm" every time, especially when there are SO many types of bags that make it so you can't compact your items. Seems like a way easier fix to just use those tbh.

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > > I already keep hiding my rarities by accident when I mean to deposit.

> > Last night one time I turned off and on my rarities 4 or more times in a row before I realized what I was doing... So much fail.

> >

> >


> Yup 50 times now. I'm slowly adjusting but do players actually use those show rarity options. I never could think of any reason I wouldn't want to show rarity


Its one of the most important features while salvaging.

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