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"Broken" trend must stop.


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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> People's attitudes toward GW2 are pretty poor mainly because there is so little skill required to "compete" in it.


So much truth in this statement....if this game would have been designed like GW1 where we had stuff like: weapon swap while being CC and double tap or fake cast or other shenanigans required to play in PvP...oh boy, people would have gone ape-shit on the forum.


Asking this playerbase to negate an invoke lightning spike....when they can't even negate a 2s cast time rooting animation....or what about Obsidian flesh spike? Spike ranger?...sad..very sad


This game has devolved into a rabbit run to the circle/aoe spamming circle jerking.....


People got hooked on false promises, if I knew what GW2 would have been at this point..I would have never started in the first place

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > >

> > > > > Edit: Also about Ventari Rev. Although i think talking about Ventari Rev here is irrelavant to the discussion, i think it should be known why Ventari Rev is absolute garbo...and the reason is because it's the clunkiest healing build ever in spvp. Just because it can throw up big green numbers, does not make it a useful build to play. Have you tried actually healing people with healing orbs? Or camping glint just to have permanent regeneration? it doesn't work at all in any practical sense (in spvp). And on top of it Ventari's already useless healing mechanics were nerfed anyway in February...

> > > > >

> > > > > But believe me...if you nerf everything far enough, Ventari rev will EVENTUALLY take up the mantle of support...just gotta make everything else as garbo as it is, and you will consider it "overperforming" too.

> > >

> > > What upsets me most is the method in which players will discuss this build if power creeps downward far enough that this becomes meta.

> > >

> > > Just about anyone here could point out Ventari's flaws to you at the time being. It's not meta so most people don't hold bias against this build and are able to assess it's stregnths and weaknesses clearly.

> > >

> > > In the event that it starts winning At's the tone will shift drastically. You'll hear things like

> > >

> > > "It just spams heals while having permanent damage reduction and giving out might, alacrity, projectile blocks, and permablinds. It can still heal even while in CC. Every other healer can be locked down to prevent them from gaining value, but this one just gives out constant boons and heals with no counterplay. It's brandead toxic design, and it's the reason why this game is headed downhill. It shouldn't be allowed to exist in conquest".

> > >

> > > What needs to change most is the way the community approaches meta builds. We need fewer complaints and more discussion. Why does this build work? What are it's stregnths, what are it's flaws? Which matchups does it win/lose? What teamcomps does it fare best in? Which give it trouble? All of these data points are helpful in enabling us to progress the meta in a way that new builds and strategies are able to rise.

> >

> > Ironic ----- The exact same thing is happening now to Renegade that has been considered 'garbo' by the majority of the population. And now...SURPRISE....RENE OP PLEASE NERF! As someone explained before, the fact that people start talking about rene, is not because it was buffed...nor is it OP. Just the rest of the specs were brought down to Renegade's 'garbo' level.

> > Keep those whiny posts going, and we won't have any builds left.

> > Edit - For clarity, Kumo, I'm not throwing shade on you personally here by the way.

> Actually Renegade was never bad, the spirit mechanic was countered by scourge existing ( like many other builds), and also Herald filled another role that carried games better, I thought that Renegade would pop up after scourge got nerfed but people don't think for themselves but follow what someone tells them. Renegade is just running on start of PoF balancing and was never touched like the rest of the specks, so it missed 3 years of dumb fiddling that didn't address why something was OP.

> Also it is too much of a light show for skills that don't deserve the lightshow , its condi ranged weapon is doing more power damage then most power weapons, and for those that are about to say but is a all damage weapon bla bla bla, it is a ranged weapon with cc, by default ranged weapons are defensive because you don't have to run into kitten puddles to do damage.



I have to disagree here. Renegade may have had Soulcleave and Darkrazer from the beginning, but all of its other relevant skills have been buffed significantly since release. Even if Scourge hadn't been around, it was still far too easy to kill the summons bar Darkrazer because damage was much higher and CC was always effective. Icerazer has gotten significantly buffed over the years as has Shortbows damage and the change to Sevenshot to be actually usable once Anet realized their fashion over function with the skill was holding it back way too much. The sheer amount of damage and sustain you sacrificed for Renegade over Herald was more than enough to make it bad, not even considering the other builds that trounced it.


Also, ranged weapons aren't defensive by nature of being ranged, that's way too broad to be taken seriously. Every other ranged weapon has tools to keep people at range on a regular basis or deal with people moving in on them, even Hammer for rev tries this but it's bad for a number of reasons. This is the same as saying any skill you can place at range is defensive because you're not in the puddles and that's not true either; there's a reason staff is the defensive weapon on the set and it's melee.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > > > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > > Edit: Also about Ventari Rev. Although i think talking about Ventari Rev here is irrelavant to the discussion, i think it should be known why Ventari Rev is absolute garbo...and the reason is because it's the clunkiest healing build ever in spvp. Just because it can throw up big green numbers, does not make it a useful build to play. Have you tried actually healing people with healing orbs? Or camping glint just to have permanent regeneration? it doesn't work at all in any practical sense (in spvp). And on top of it Ventari's already useless healing mechanics were nerfed anyway in February...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But believe me...if you nerf everything far enough, Ventari rev will EVENTUALLY take up the mantle of support...just gotta make everything else as garbo as it is, and you will consider it "overperforming" too.

> > > >

> > > > What upsets me most is the method in which players will discuss this build if power creeps downward far enough that this becomes meta.

> > > >

> > > > Just about anyone here could point out Ventari's flaws to you at the time being. It's not meta so most people don't hold bias against this build and are able to assess it's stregnths and weaknesses clearly.

> > > >

> > > > In the event that it starts winning At's the tone will shift drastically. You'll hear things like

> > > >

> > > > "It just spams heals while having permanent damage reduction and giving out might, alacrity, projectile blocks, and permablinds. It can still heal even while in CC. Every other healer can be locked down to prevent them from gaining value, but this one just gives out constant boons and heals with no counterplay. It's brandead toxic design, and it's the reason why this game is headed downhill. It shouldn't be allowed to exist in conquest".

> > > >

> > > > What needs to change most is the way the community approaches meta builds. We need fewer complaints and more discussion. Why does this build work? What are it's stregnths, what are it's flaws? Which matchups does it win/lose? What teamcomps does it fare best in? Which give it trouble? All of these data points are helpful in enabling us to progress the meta in a way that new builds and strategies are able to rise.

> > >

> > > Ironic ----- The exact same thing is happening now to Renegade that has been considered 'garbo' by the majority of the population. And now...SURPRISE....RENE OP PLEASE NERF! As someone explained before, the fact that people start talking about rene, is not because it was buffed...nor is it OP. Just the rest of the specs were brought down to Renegade's 'garbo' level.

> > > Keep those whiny posts going, and we won't have any builds left.

> > > Edit - For clarity, Kumo, I'm not throwing shade on you personally here by the way.

> > Actually Renegade was never bad, the spirit mechanic was countered by scourge existing ( like many other builds), and also Herald filled another role that carried games better, I thought that Renegade would pop up after scourge got nerfed but people don't think for themselves but follow what someone tells them. Renegade is just running on start of PoF balancing and was never touched like the rest of the specks, so it missed 3 years of dumb fiddling that didn't address why something was OP.

> > Also it is too much of a light show for skills that don't deserve the lightshow , its condi ranged weapon is doing more power damage then most power weapons, and for those that are about to say but is a all damage weapon bla bla bla, it is a ranged weapon with cc, by default ranged weapons are defensive because you don't have to run into kitten puddles to do damage.

> >


> I have to disagree here. Renegade may have had Soulcleave and Darkrazer from the beginning, but all of its other relevant skills have been buffed significantly since release. Even if Scourge hadn't been around, it was still far too easy to kill the summons bar Darkrazer because damage was much higher and CC was always effective. Icerazer has gotten significantly buffed over the years as has Shortbows damage and the change to Sevenshot to be actually usable once Anet realized their fashion over function with the skill was holding it back way too much. The sheer amount of damage and sustain you sacrificed for Renegade over Herald was more than enough to make it bad, not even considering the other builds that trounced it.


> Also, ranged weapons aren't defensive by nature of being ranged, that's way too broad to be taken seriously. Every other ranged weapon has tools to keep people at range on a regular basis or deal with people moving in on them, even Hammer for rev tries this but it's bad for a number of reasons. This is the same as saying any skill you can place at range is defensive because you're not in the puddles and that's not true either; there's a reason staff is the defensive weapon on the set and it's melee.

The whole point for ranged weapons is to hit while not being hit man which makes it defensive since you don't need to be in the danger zone. How can't you get that simple logic.


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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> "It just spams heals while having permanent damage reduction and giving out might, alacrity, projectile blocks, and permablinds. It can still heal even while in CC. Every other healer can be locked down to prevent them from gaining value, but this one just gives out constant boons and heals with no counterplay. It's brandead toxic design, and it's the reason why this game is headed downhill. It shouldn't be allowed to exist in conquest".


heh ya. i can imagine a thread called "Please add counter-play to Tablet. Make it destroyable."


Oh god that wasn't even funny just thinking about a serious thread with that title just makes me angry.



> What needs to change most is the way the community approaches meta builds. We need fewer complaints and more discussion. Why does this build work? What are it's stregnths, what are it's flaws? Which matchups does it win/lose? What teamcomps does it fare best in? Which give it trouble? All of these data points are helpful in enabling us to progress the meta in a way that new builds and strategies are able to rise.


I agree about the desire for less complaints, but we know that realistically it will never happen. There will always be complaints, no matter if the game is very diverse or if there's just a single build with a stick and dodge key. The discussion part is important though. People need to start thinking, not just rationally...but logically about the game's current state. Even those questions you proposed isn't deep enough discussion...the level of discussion needs to be on the order of development philosophy...like "does nerfing the meta work as a way to balance a game?" This kind of discussion we are engaging in right now is exactly the type of discussion more people need to be having, and a step up from that is actually going about in a logical way to show whether the above question is true or not, rather than personal experiences or biases.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > > > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > > > > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > Edit: Also about Ventari Rev. Although i think talking about Ventari Rev here is irrelavant to the discussion, i think it should be known why Ventari Rev is absolute garbo...and the reason is because it's the clunkiest healing build ever in spvp. Just because it can throw up big green numbers, does not make it a useful build to play. Have you tried actually healing people with healing orbs? Or camping glint just to have permanent regeneration? it doesn't work at all in any practical sense (in spvp). And on top of it Ventari's already useless healing mechanics were nerfed anyway in February...

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > But believe me...if you nerf everything far enough, Ventari rev will EVENTUALLY take up the mantle of support...just gotta make everything else as garbo as it is, and you will consider it "overperforming" too.

> > > > >

> > > > > What upsets me most is the method in which players will discuss this build if power creeps downward far enough that this becomes meta.

> > > > >

> > > > > Just about anyone here could point out Ventari's flaws to you at the time being. It's not meta so most people don't hold bias against this build and are able to assess it's stregnths and weaknesses clearly.

> > > > >

> > > > > In the event that it starts winning At's the tone will shift drastically. You'll hear things like

> > > > >

> > > > > "It just spams heals while having permanent damage reduction and giving out might, alacrity, projectile blocks, and permablinds. It can still heal even while in CC. Every other healer can be locked down to prevent them from gaining value, but this one just gives out constant boons and heals with no counterplay. It's brandead toxic design, and it's the reason why this game is headed downhill. It shouldn't be allowed to exist in conquest".

> > > > >

> > > > > What needs to change most is the way the community approaches meta builds. We need fewer complaints and more discussion. Why does this build work? What are it's stregnths, what are it's flaws? Which matchups does it win/lose? What teamcomps does it fare best in? Which give it trouble? All of these data points are helpful in enabling us to progress the meta in a way that new builds and strategies are able to rise.

> > > >

> > > > Ironic ----- The exact same thing is happening now to Renegade that has been considered 'garbo' by the majority of the population. And now...SURPRISE....RENE OP PLEASE NERF! As someone explained before, the fact that people start talking about rene, is not because it was buffed...nor is it OP. Just the rest of the specs were brought down to Renegade's 'garbo' level.

> > > > Keep those whiny posts going, and we won't have any builds left.

> > > > Edit - For clarity, Kumo, I'm not throwing shade on you personally here by the way.

> > > Actually Renegade was never bad, the spirit mechanic was countered by scourge existing ( like many other builds), and also Herald filled another role that carried games better, I thought that Renegade would pop up after scourge got nerfed but people don't think for themselves but follow what someone tells them. Renegade is just running on start of PoF balancing and was never touched like the rest of the specks, so it missed 3 years of dumb fiddling that didn't address why something was OP.

> > > Also it is too much of a light show for skills that don't deserve the lightshow , its condi ranged weapon is doing more power damage then most power weapons, and for those that are about to say but is a all damage weapon bla bla bla, it is a ranged weapon with cc, by default ranged weapons are defensive because you don't have to run into kitten puddles to do damage.

> > >

> >

> > I have to disagree here. Renegade may have had Soulcleave and Darkrazer from the beginning, but all of its other relevant skills have been buffed significantly since release. Even if Scourge hadn't been around, it was still far too easy to kill the summons bar Darkrazer because damage was much higher and CC was always effective. Icerazer has gotten significantly buffed over the years as has Shortbows damage and the change to Sevenshot to be actually usable once Anet realized their fashion over function with the skill was holding it back way too much. The sheer amount of damage and sustain you sacrificed for Renegade over Herald was more than enough to make it bad, not even considering the other builds that trounced it.

> >

> > Also, ranged weapons aren't defensive by nature of being ranged, that's way too broad to be taken seriously. Every other ranged weapon has tools to keep people at range on a regular basis or deal with people moving in on them, even Hammer for rev tries this but it's bad for a number of reasons. This is the same as saying any skill you can place at range is defensive because you're not in the puddles and that's not true either; there's a reason staff is the defensive weapon on the set and it's melee.

> The whole point for ranged weapons is to hit while not being hit man which makes it defensive since you don't need to be in the danger zone. How can't you get that simple logic.



That's not what makes a weapon defensive when the danger zone isn't always melee. If all your weapon can do is pew pew without means of getting away from the danger or dealing with it, then it's not defensive. If you're up against another ranged weapon with no means to stop their pew pew, your weapon isn't defensive. Ranged weapons are not by default defensive. This isn't PvE where you can just auto attack from range and be safe from all danger. Shortbow for rev is not defensive at all, you can't deal with any incoming pressure from both melee or ranged specs with it. It's purely an ***offensive*** weapon.

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> @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > > > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > > > > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > > > > > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Edit: Also about Ventari Rev. Although i think talking about Ventari Rev here is irrelavant to the discussion, i think it should be known why Ventari Rev is absolute garbo...and the reason is because it's the clunkiest healing build ever in spvp. Just because it can throw up big green numbers, does not make it a useful build to play. Have you tried actually healing people with healing orbs? Or camping glint just to have permanent regeneration? it doesn't work at all in any practical sense (in spvp). And on top of it Ventari's already useless healing mechanics were nerfed anyway in February...

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > But believe me...if you nerf everything far enough, Ventari rev will EVENTUALLY take up the mantle of support...just gotta make everything else as garbo as it is, and you will consider it "overperforming" too.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What upsets me most is the method in which players will discuss this build if power creeps downward far enough that this becomes meta.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Just about anyone here could point out Ventari's flaws to you at the time being. It's not meta so most people don't hold bias against this build and are able to assess it's stregnths and weaknesses clearly.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > In the event that it starts winning At's the tone will shift drastically. You'll hear things like

> > > > > >

> > > > > > "It just spams heals while having permanent damage reduction and giving out might, alacrity, projectile blocks, and permablinds. It can still heal even while in CC. Every other healer can be locked down to prevent them from gaining value, but this one just gives out constant boons and heals with no counterplay. It's brandead toxic design, and it's the reason why this game is headed downhill. It shouldn't be allowed to exist in conquest".

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What needs to change most is the way the community approaches meta builds. We need fewer complaints and more discussion. Why does this build work? What are it's stregnths, what are it's flaws? Which matchups does it win/lose? What teamcomps does it fare best in? Which give it trouble? All of these data points are helpful in enabling us to progress the meta in a way that new builds and strategies are able to rise.

> > > > >

> > > > > Ironic ----- The exact same thing is happening now to Renegade that has been considered 'garbo' by the majority of the population. And now...SURPRISE....RENE OP PLEASE NERF! As someone explained before, the fact that people start talking about rene, is not because it was buffed...nor is it OP. Just the rest of the specs were brought down to Renegade's 'garbo' level.

> > > > > Keep those whiny posts going, and we won't have any builds left.

> > > > > Edit - For clarity, Kumo, I'm not throwing shade on you personally here by the way.

> > > > Actually Renegade was never bad, the spirit mechanic was countered by scourge existing ( like many other builds), and also Herald filled another role that carried games better, I thought that Renegade would pop up after scourge got nerfed but people don't think for themselves but follow what someone tells them. Renegade is just running on start of PoF balancing and was never touched like the rest of the specks, so it missed 3 years of dumb fiddling that didn't address why something was OP.

> > > > Also it is too much of a light show for skills that don't deserve the lightshow , its condi ranged weapon is doing more power damage then most power weapons, and for those that are about to say but is a all damage weapon bla bla bla, it is a ranged weapon with cc, by default ranged weapons are defensive because you don't have to run into kitten puddles to do damage.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I have to disagree here. Renegade may have had Soulcleave and Darkrazer from the beginning, but all of its other relevant skills have been buffed significantly since release. Even if Scourge hadn't been around, it was still far too easy to kill the summons bar Darkrazer because damage was much higher and CC was always effective. Icerazer has gotten significantly buffed over the years as has Shortbows damage and the change to Sevenshot to be actually usable once Anet realized their fashion over function with the skill was holding it back way too much. The sheer amount of damage and sustain you sacrificed for Renegade over Herald was more than enough to make it bad, not even considering the other builds that trounced it.

> > >

> > > Also, ranged weapons aren't defensive by nature of being ranged, that's way too broad to be taken seriously. Every other ranged weapon has tools to keep people at range on a regular basis or deal with people moving in on them, even Hammer for rev tries this but it's bad for a number of reasons. This is the same as saying any skill you can place at range is defensive because you're not in the puddles and that's not true either; there's a reason staff is the defensive weapon on the set and it's melee.

> > The whole point for ranged weapons is to hit while not being hit man which makes it defensive since you don't need to be in the danger zone. How can't you get that simple logic.

> >


> That's not what makes a weapon defensive when the danger zone isn't always melee. If all your weapon can do is pew pew without means of getting away from the danger or dealing with it, then it's not defensive. If you're up against another ranged weapon with no means to stop their pew pew, your weapon isn't defensive. Ranged weapons are not by default defensive. This isn't PvE where you can just auto attack from range and be safe from all danger. Shortbow for rev is not defensive at all, you can't deal with any incoming pressure from both melee or ranged specs with it. It's purely an ***offensive*** weapon.

It is defensive cause there is less risk involved, if it was Rene would have been running sword sword, but guess what it is running the safer option with the same output. Being able to be out of harms way is defensive, that is why generally for the sake of gameplay Melee weapons in the MMO are made stronger then the ranged options. Stop pretending that a condi ranged weapon with ccs deserves to have the output the same or better as the set axe axe on warrior, that is clearly made to do one thing and nothing else ,Damage.


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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

> > > > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > > > > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > > > > > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > > > > > > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Edit: Also about Ventari Rev. Although i think talking about Ventari Rev here is irrelavant to the discussion, i think it should be known why Ventari Rev is absolute garbo...and the reason is because it's the clunkiest healing build ever in spvp. Just because it can throw up big green numbers, does not make it a useful build to play. Have you tried actually healing people with healing orbs? Or camping glint just to have permanent regeneration? it doesn't work at all in any practical sense (in spvp). And on top of it Ventari's already useless healing mechanics were nerfed anyway in February...

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > But believe me...if you nerf everything far enough, Ventari rev will EVENTUALLY take up the mantle of support...just gotta make everything else as garbo as it is, and you will consider it "overperforming" too.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > What upsets me most is the method in which players will discuss this build if power creeps downward far enough that this becomes meta.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Just about anyone here could point out Ventari's flaws to you at the time being. It's not meta so most people don't hold bias against this build and are able to assess it's stregnths and weaknesses clearly.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > In the event that it starts winning At's the tone will shift drastically. You'll hear things like

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > "It just spams heals while having permanent damage reduction and giving out might, alacrity, projectile blocks, and permablinds. It can still heal even while in CC. Every other healer can be locked down to prevent them from gaining value, but this one just gives out constant boons and heals with no counterplay. It's brandead toxic design, and it's the reason why this game is headed downhill. It shouldn't be allowed to exist in conquest".

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > What needs to change most is the way the community approaches meta builds. We need fewer complaints and more discussion. Why does this build work? What are it's stregnths, what are it's flaws? Which matchups does it win/lose? What teamcomps does it fare best in? Which give it trouble? All of these data points are helpful in enabling us to progress the meta in a way that new builds and strategies are able to rise.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Ironic ----- The exact same thing is happening now to Renegade that has been considered 'garbo' by the majority of the population. And now...SURPRISE....RENE OP PLEASE NERF! As someone explained before, the fact that people start talking about rene, is not because it was buffed...nor is it OP. Just the rest of the specs were brought down to Renegade's 'garbo' level.

> > > > > > Keep those whiny posts going, and we won't have any builds left.

> > > > > > Edit - For clarity, Kumo, I'm not throwing shade on you personally here by the way.

> > > > > Actually Renegade was never bad, the spirit mechanic was countered by scourge existing ( like many other builds), and also Herald filled another role that carried games better, I thought that Renegade would pop up after scourge got nerfed but people don't think for themselves but follow what someone tells them. Renegade is just running on start of PoF balancing and was never touched like the rest of the specks, so it missed 3 years of dumb fiddling that didn't address why something was OP.

> > > > > Also it is too much of a light show for skills that don't deserve the lightshow , its condi ranged weapon is doing more power damage then most power weapons, and for those that are about to say but is a all damage weapon bla bla bla, it is a ranged weapon with cc, by default ranged weapons are defensive because you don't have to run into kitten puddles to do damage.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I have to disagree here. Renegade may have had Soulcleave and Darkrazer from the beginning, but all of its other relevant skills have been buffed significantly since release. Even if Scourge hadn't been around, it was still far too easy to kill the summons bar Darkrazer because damage was much higher and CC was always effective. Icerazer has gotten significantly buffed over the years as has Shortbows damage and the change to Sevenshot to be actually usable once Anet realized their fashion over function with the skill was holding it back way too much. The sheer amount of damage and sustain you sacrificed for Renegade over Herald was more than enough to make it bad, not even considering the other builds that trounced it.

> > > >

> > > > Also, ranged weapons aren't defensive by nature of being ranged, that's way too broad to be taken seriously. Every other ranged weapon has tools to keep people at range on a regular basis or deal with people moving in on them, even Hammer for rev tries this but it's bad for a number of reasons. This is the same as saying any skill you can place at range is defensive because you're not in the puddles and that's not true either; there's a reason staff is the defensive weapon on the set and it's melee.

> > > The whole point for ranged weapons is to hit while not being hit man which makes it defensive since you don't need to be in the danger zone. How can't you get that simple logic.

> > >

> >

> > That's not what makes a weapon defensive when the danger zone isn't always melee. If all your weapon can do is pew pew without means of getting away from the danger or dealing with it, then it's not defensive. If you're up against another ranged weapon with no means to stop their pew pew, your weapon isn't defensive. Ranged weapons are not by default defensive. This isn't PvE where you can just auto attack from range and be safe from all danger. Shortbow for rev is not defensive at all, you can't deal with any incoming pressure from both melee or ranged specs with it. It's purely an ***offensive*** weapon.

> It is defensive cause there is less risk involved, if it was Rene would have been running sword sword, but guess what it is running the safer option with the same output. Being able to be out of harms way is defensive, that is why generally for the sake of gameplay Melee weapons in the MMO are made stronger then the ranged options. Stop pretending that a condi ranged weapon with ccs deserves to have the output the same or better as the set axe axe on warrior, that is clearly made to do one thing and nothing else ,Damage.



Gw2 has defensive ranged weapons and offensive ranged weapons


I've said this before but Renegade's shortbow is the **only shortbow in the game** with no mobility or evades attatched. It does damage and it has a single CC attatched. A single CC which was recently nerfed in the last balance update. Comparing it to Axe/Axe on warrior doesn't show the full picture because Warrior also has a 4 second weapon swap, no energy costs on it's weapon skills, and built in Might, fury, quickness, and vuln application on its weapon skills.


Compare Renegade's shortbow to Ranger's. Ranger has 2 CC's and a short cooldown evade. Shortbow thief has a spammable 900 range shadowstep and AoE daze allowing them to stay safe even when faced with opposing ranged pressure. Renegade shortbow uses damage as it's primary means of deterring enemy aggression. You do not swap to shortbow when under heavy pressure because shortbow has nothing to help you outside of a highly telegraphed CC on an 18 second cooldown. You swap to staff, the proper defensive weapon of the set.


I wouldn't go saying Axe or Scepter on Necro are defensive weapons simply because they're ranged. Instead I differentiate Axe and Scepter from, say, Staff on Guardian, which is a defensive/supportive ranged weapon.

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one of our Commander asked me to post one of her Broken Engineer; Flamethrower build. I found a video streamer playing that build. She want Anet to nerf it because its beyond unfair and not competitive. I told her that all Professions are Broken and need to be addressed, not only Engineer Profession. She agreed and Thanked me.



-even the streamer with 11 kills was shocked of how effective the Broken build is-


(same comment made by all players alike when playing Broken mechanics and Broken builds....'**'i don't even know what i am doing'**)


They Are Right!!


Why should they?


**The Mechanic, Builds, Design only requires the player to press few buttons and its Game over**

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> @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> Instead of nagging Anet to "fix" strong builds by breaking them, you should fix your attitude and skill.


I like how everyone on the entire forums rallied against prot holo, but when something as HORRIDLY broken as Celestial shortbow renegade is plaguing ranked AND tournaments, everyone is silent as this unconscionable injustice to balance.


Nah, dude. There are broken builds. GET. OVER. IT. Many builds need to be nerfed.


And even if there's not a technical balance issue, it's not FUN fighting tanks that don't die the entire game.

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> @"memausz.7264" said:

> > @"paShadoWn.5723" said:

> > Instead of nagging Anet to "fix" strong builds by breaking them, you should fix your attitude and skill.


> I like how everyone on the entire forums rallied against prot holo, but when something as HORRIDLY broken as Celestial shortbow renegade is plaguing ranked AND tournaments, everyone is silent as this unconscionable injustice to balance.


> Nah, dude. There are broken builds. GET. OVER. IT. Many builds need to be nerfed.


> And even if there's not a technical balance issue, it's not FUN fighting tanks that don't die the entire game.


Prot holo is miles away from Celestial renegade, I'm still scratching my head as to how it even made it up in the meta, it's so bad for anything but teamfights and even then it has nothing practical because of the traits they picked.


The siphon is the only thing it offers as a redeeming factor, the rest is mediocre and can be waited out in 5 seconds.


My guess is that nobody has learn from the recent patches and still faceroll wars when theres clear indication of what you should and shouldn't do when fighting one.


I swear, 2v1 with actual thonk. That build is useless, the memes are not funny.

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