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Necro deserves a solid nerf; especially Reaper. In PvP and especially WvW.

Connla Dda.9407

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I play designed class as a hard counter of any Necro/Reaper/Scourge - ranger. But due to power nerf i was forced to drop the "boon beast" power Longbow/GS build as a not effective and made hybrid power/condi one which is META in my opinon. Axe/Torch + Dagger/Dagger. So it is close ecounter. If i would play Longbow/GS - maybe i could stay competetive to the Necro. But my fights with necro looks like: Chill stun - conditions and damage; fear - conditions and damage - chill stun - conditions and damage - dead (pull not necessary). Can not even pop up my skills. This is ridiculous overpowerness. Especially Reaper. And do not tell me "learn to play" or use longbow - as it is uneffective and not doing enough DPS, and not META anymore. I play this game (GW2 it is) from beginning. And necro was allways challenging, but what we have now is just a bad dream. Wake me up from it please. Lots of Devs play Necro, and maybe this is the reason for this "love" for it. And do not tell me Necro does not have mobility/defence - as you never are using this - focussing on constant push and aggresiveness + life force second HP bar with fancy strong skills. Popped up every few seconds suprisingly full again after beating it to none.

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> @"Bezerker.2379" said:

> How are you losing to a reaper as a ranger? Especially soulbeast. Run hyena... infinite leaps.. gtfo out of range.. axe us down... wow. Also, of condi necro/reaper... sigil of cleansing is OP as kitten.. just use it.


I agree. If you are losing to a reaper 1v1 you are doing something totally wrong.

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For starters, you're using Dagger/Dagger. That's a problem. It's bad.


Second, the patch in February was necessary and has forced people to choose between damage and survivability. That's good. It means it's harder to be extremely durable while still doing a lot of damage, though some builds can still pull this off. Ranger and Soulbeast are two of those that can still do a lot of damage while also being very durable _and_ mobile.


Since it sounds like you're playing Soulbeast, let me give you some tips:


* Do not use Dolyak Stance to break stun. Use something like Lightning Reflexes or "Protect Me!". Do not use "Strength Of The Pack!" defensively.

Both of these can be Corrupted in to Fear and neither of them pulse Stability. That means if you have it Corrupted, it's gone. If you break stun with the Stance a good Necro will use that against you. You want to use both of these skills offensively when the Necro is pressured to ensure you can maintain damage on them. Especially with the Stance, your dominance when you have pressured the Necro is very easily ensured because it also grants immunity to soft CC _(Cripple, Chill, Immobilize)._


* Abuse your range and mobility.

Necromancer is one of the slowest professions in the game with some of the least defense against ranged attacks. You _can_ melee them, but it means you'll need to have a lot of CC's and/or will need to be very careful about _when_ you choose to melee them. You do not want to melee a Reaper while it's in Shroud for example, and you do not want to melee a Scourge that's surrounded by Shades and Ghastly Breach. Conversely, Ranger _(as a class, this includes all elite specs)_ has some of the highest mobility and best ranged damage. As you've said, you are a hard counter to it. Use your mobility wisely and hard kite the Necro while they're in Shroud and force them to choose between chasing you or running away. You should almost always have the option to completely disengage a Necro as a Ranger, they simply cannot stop you unless you've over committed.


* Learn to manage your pets. Some of them are vulnerable to being killed by the Necro's cleave and are key to defeating the Necro.

Some pets have CC's and/or F2's that are crucial to maintaining pressure on the Necro or securing the kill. Keep an eye on their health and be sure to swap them out or call them back to you regularly so they don't die. Most pets that have CC's that _aren't_ F2's will also _start_ with that CC when you swap to them _(in the case of Soulbeast, when you un-merge)._ This means if for example you're using Wolf, it will often start with it's knockdown if you're at an appropriate range. Use this knowledge to your advantage.


* Dodge. A lot.

Necro has a lot of skills that are important to avoid. Offense is its defense, that's why it can be such a destructive class. It does not have; blocks, extra dodges or dodge enhancing options, invulnerability, or reflects. It also has only; two Projectile Destructs, one source of active mobility _(Death's Charge, Reaper Shroud #2),_ and one "instant" source of mobility _(Spectral Walk)._ It has _the_ worst scaling defenses of any class. This means the more players are attacking it the worse its defenses get, because its only real defense is having a lot of health. Necro defends itself by forcing you to stay away from it via area denial and being punishing to over committal. As a Ranger, you have; additional dodges, dodge enhancing options, blocks, multiple sources of active mobility, and very good Condition cleanse. You have more than enough ways to avoid or negate the major skills a Necro needs to land, even if it has a lot of skills that are dangerous.


Longbow + GS is still perfectly viable, as is Boonbeast. It just isn't a complete faceroll "I win" build anymore and actually has some unfavorable match ups unlike pre-February. Like I'd said, the patch forced a lot of builds _(this encompasses all classes and specs)_ to choose between survivability and damage. You might do _less_ damage than before and have a few bad match ups with Boonbeast now, but it doesn't mean Necro is OP nor does it mean Boonbeast is bad. It just means you actually have to learn to play the game now...

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Hi again, sorry to post it, but you are completely wrong. Can not kite Necro while chilled and/or crippled. It is just impossible to do. And you saying "learn to play" as i wrote you not to do that... I am a good, competetive player, not top, but i know my value. Over 250k WvW kills and ultimate dominator title, so i know how to fight. But as i wrote. It goes: chill, damage, chill, damage, pull if kited, fear dead. Always. And lately some of one reapers in PvP wrote: "I am a god. Just die in silence." Total overconfidence of Overpowered profession. I have seen in WvW 1 Reaper killing 3 players, so do not tell me Necro is not Overpowered. And this topic is about nerfing the Necro, not that i am bad ranger as you trying to implement.

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> I have seen in WvW 1 Reaper killing 3 players

I have seen 1 ranger killing 5 players in wvw.


If you lose to reaper on ranger you are bad at the game (or at least at lot worse than your encounter) - period! A core necro that faces 3 players should be stunlocked for the whole fight and not be able to use one single skill. If this is not happening, then the 3 players are running some useless nonsense build and generally don't understand how pvp works.


It doesn't matter whether you play glass soulbeast, bunker soulbeast or some bruiser core ranger - they all are favored against reaper. Core necro can also be outranged by longbow with ease.


"Necro needs nerf, because ranger ..." What did I just read?


To say something constructive:

- If you have problems on a glass build against reaper (because a glass build requires some basic kiting understanding, which bad players don't have), then play the bunker soulbeast build. It is impossible to die in a 1v1 on that build. You can even tank shroud with it. I've fought skill clickers with bad ping running that build and even these are harder to kill than for example a bunker core necro while doing a lot more damage. A decent ranger player is unkillable on bunker soulbeast in a 1v1 in wvw, while reaper will run out of life force sooner or later and die (the sooner the more glassy it is).


Strategy to kill 90% of all necros with bunker soulbeast:

- wait till he leaves shroud > immob > axe5 > repeat



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> @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

> I play designed class as a hard counter of any Necro/Reaper/Scourge - ranger. But due to power nerf i was forced to drop the "boon beast" power Longbow/GS build as a not effective and made hybrid power/condi one which is META in my opinon. Axe/Torch + Dagger/Dagger. So it is close ecounter. If i would play Longbow/GS - maybe i could stay competetive to the Necro. But my fights with necro looks like: Chill stun - conditions and damage; fear - conditions and damage - chill stun - conditions and damage - dead (pull not necessary). Can not even pop up my skills. This is ridiculous overpowerness. Especially Reaper. And do not tell me "learn to play" or use longbow - as it is uneffective and not doing enough DPS, and not META anymore. I play this game (GW2 it is) from beginning. And necro was allways challenging, but what we have now is just a bad dream. Wake me up from it please. Lots of Devs play Necro, and maybe this is the reason for this "love" for it. And do not tell me Necro does not have mobility/defence - as you never are using this - focussing on constant push and aggresiveness + life force second HP bar with fancy strong skills. Popped up every few seconds suprisingly full again after beating it to none.


I dont play wvw.

But as far as i know, necro is bad for 1v1, it always loses to run-away and re-heal tactics. It takes a while, but its unreliable and needs enemy to make mistake.

For zerg, its just AOE spam, so its the best. Dont see a way a zerg v zerg mode would play otherwise.

So for wvw its simple, l2p for 1v1s, and dont play ranger (or any non aoe class) in zergs.


For pvp.

Ranger DOES counter necro. l2p untill you can kill them reliably.

However you probably WONT be in fihgts vs necro a lot, as well as necro isnt your main problem.

If you play duelist, youll be side noder and necro is teamfighter. So only bad scenarios will a necro duel you. And even then its safer to call your thief, cz necro has no immunities and is best class to 2v1 kill.

If you play roamer dps, your main problem isnt necro, but supports and other roamers. Projectile hate is still too strong IMO, so yea, pray for some patches... And watch to not die from other roamers, decap with ur mobility or just pewpew to be annoying. The rest is up to your teamfighters.


Also you cant have everything on 1 build.

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The principle is to use a "build that counter another build", not a "class that counter another class". Playing a ranger won't necessarily lead you to counter a necro.


The necromancer is inherently weak against hard CC and, except if he got someone at his back to give him stability, that's what you should use to take him down. At the very least, LB/GS (that you don't want to hear about) give you access to those hard CC while D/D+A/T just don't. D/D+A/T also sound like a condi set of weapon and the necromancer have the nastiest way to fight agaisnt condi builds. Thus, your build not playing on the inherent weakness of the necromancer and even possibly on one of it's strong point is the reason of your struggle.

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> @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

> Hi again, sorry to post it, but you are completely wrong. Can not kite Necro while chilled and/or crippled. It is just impossible to do. And you saying "learn to play" as i wrote you not to do that... I am a good, competetive player, not top, but i know my value. Over 250k WvW kills and ultimate dominator title, so i know how to fight. But as i wrote. It goes: chill, damage, chill, damage, pull if kited, fear dead. Always. And lately some of one reapers in PvP wrote: "I am a god. Just die in silence." Total overconfidence of Overpowered profession. I have seen in WvW 1 Reaper killing 3 players, so do not tell me Necro is not Overpowered. And this topic is about nerfing the Necro, not that i am bad ranger as you trying to implement.


I have 5.5k hours on Necromancer and 4.1k hours on Ranger. I'm in the top 100 for WvW kills _(as well as being in the top 5, 10, and 50 of every other WvW category)_ and scraped the bottom of Platinum 3 in PvP.


None of those things mean much of anything. Neither do any of the things you said. You can play the game for _a billion_ hours and still be bad at it. You can have more kills in the game than anyone else and still be bad at it.


I'm not wrong, you're just being stubborn. I gave you tips on how to fight Necro and stated weaknesses you can take advantage of. Instead of taking that information and using it to improve, or talking about why you personally don't like fighting Necro _(which is perfectly okay. There's nothing wrong with not enjoying certain fights),_ you shoot the information down and tell everyone they're wrong.


Have fun dying to a class that anyone worth their salt knows is incredibly mediocre without support and one of the worst things to roam with in WvW, and keep pretending it's the class that's broken and not your unwillingness to learn.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> The principle is to use a "build that counter another build", not a "class that counter another class". Playing a ranger won't necessarily lead you to counter a necro.


I would agree with this as well. I am not a Necro player, but I would veer on the side of saying that OP's condi D/D A/T build actually has a losing matchup against most Necro builds. The Necro can take a lot of traits and skills to counter condis, and speed runes make them a lot harder to kite. They didn't post their build beyond the weapons so it's hard to fully say too much.


However, OP, you can't use that as a reason to ask for nerfs to Necro. If you really want to counter Necro, play LB/GS power Ranger. You can't expect every Ranger build to counter every Necro build. Sounds like you are used to them being an easy kill, and now that they provide more of a challenge, you feel entitled to demand nerfs. You aren't going to be taken seriously with that approach, especially framing it the way you are.


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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> The principle is to use a "build that counter another build", not a "class that counter another class". Playing a ranger won't necessarily lead you to counter a necro.



Agree with this also and want to clarify in my initial comment that I was thinking of specific builds, which I shouldn't have done. Ranger does not counter Necro by default so I apologize to the OP for that poor wording.

I stand by everything else I said.


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Hi again fellow players. Again comments how bad ranger i am. Especially from "SpellOfIniquity.1780". I am not bad. My build is not bad. As i wrote i play hybrid condi/power. Almost full carrion - power, vitality, condition damage. With Scavenger (Condition damage + Vitality) runes, so survivability should not a problem thus i have 29k of HP. With 4 survival skills, every one clearing 2 conditions, so condis are not the issue also. Next step you say should be that i need to uninstall game. You wish. My build is very good, it has at least 7 skills damaging 5 players. So switching back to power Longbow/GS is ,sorry, ridiculous argument. Dandir.5038 - i acknowkledge your argument, but it can not be that - good, universal build for PvP and WvW is so hardly countered be any Necro. My build is competetive to all classes. Thus my argument Necro need nerf. Is too good. And "SpellOfIniquity.1780" - being top 100 wvw kills and top PvP player proves you play necro in that types of game. Spamming AoE at zergs in WvW providing kills, in PvP ovning other classes, and 4k hours on PvE ranger perhaps? It show how you afraid of your beloved Necro possible nerf. While we, rangers needed to completely change our gameplay. I played almost 9k hours on my ranger which all of is on WvW, so i can not be bad at it. Really. And i made my 250k WvW kills on ranger which is/was single target class mostly, kicked out from WvW squads due to it. So not easy way to obtain it. Focus now please at how Overpowered Necro class is. And admit it need to be nerfed.

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It's really hard to take you seriously ,OP, when your argument is essentially the following.


"I am good, my build is good"..(both questionable).."and I can't beat a necro. Therefore the only solution is that is is over powered and needs a nerf. I don't need your advice on how to counter or improve, me and my build are good remember? If you don't agree you just don't want your class to be nerfed since I am obviously right and you, wrong. "

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> @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

> Hi again fellow players. Again comments how bad ranger i am. Especially from "SpellOfIniquity.1780". I am not bad. My build is not bad. As i wrote i play hybrid condi/power. Almost full carrion - power, vitality, condition damage. With Scavenger (Condition damage + Vitality) runes, so survivability should not a problem thus i have 29k of HP.


Sorry but this doesn't sound like a good build


> With 4 survival skills, every one clearing 2 conditions, so condis are not the issue also. Next step you say should be that i need to uninstall game. You wish. My build is very good, it has at least 7 skills damaging 5 players. So switching back to power Longbow/GS is ,sorry, ridiculous argument. Dandir.5038 - i acknowkledge your argument, but it can not be that - good, universal build for PvP and WvW is so hardly countered be any Necro. My build is competetive to all classes. Thus my argument Necro need nerf. Is too good. And "SpellOfIniquity.1780" - being top 100 wvw kills and top PvP player proves you play necro in that types of game. Spamming AoE at zergs in WvW providing kills, in PvP ovning other classes, and 4k hours on PvE ranger perhaps? It show how you afraid of your beloved Necro possible nerf. While we, rangers needed to completely change our gameplay. I played almost 9k hours on my ranger which all of is on WvW, so i can not be bad at it. Really. And i made my 250k WvW kills on ranger which is/was single target class mostly, kicked out from WvW squads due to it. So not easy way to obtain it. Focus now please at how Overpowered Necro class is. And admit it need to be nerfed.


All of this sounds like you are an ultra casual that thinks that he's good, but actually isn't. Just because you played the game for 8 years doesn't mean, that you're good.


Ranger is the second best class for roaming.

So you should definitely think about changing your build, if you can't kill necros and they kill you.


Sorry but if at all, reaper needs a slight buff right now.

Why would you ever take a reaper in a zerg, while core guard and dragonhunter exist?

Also even if you see a lot more necro's roaming nowadays, most of them are super bad and don't know how to play necro, plus it's still the worst class to choose for roaming, because eof super low mobility/ super conditional mobility that makes necro need two utility skills

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Hello again. Yet again moaning how bad and casual i am as a player and ranger. Pathetic, i am not going to comment this toxic, as your profession and/or playerbase, comments. But someone of you wrote to kill a Necro, or Reaper is "wait until it leaves the shroud". Hmmmm. Why? Why should i wait until it leaves shroud? Because it is Overpowered. Otherewise i could fight it. But no. Shroud, just after chill stun kills not only me and my build. But most of the players. There is an argument, wrote by Necro itself that this class need a nerf. And saying Reaper needs a buff is a bad, bad joke. Not going even to comment this. Reassuming: Necro needs a SOLID nerf, especially Reaper shroud. and endless life force gathering from core Necro.

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> @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

> Hi again, sorry to post it, but you are completely wrong.


Maybe if you are the player in question, they are completely wrong. For other players, it's the other way around and they have little problems with Reapers as a Ranger. You're ability doesn't justify changes to a class.



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> @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

> Dandir.5038 - i acknowkledge your argument, but it can not be that - good, universal build for PvP and WvW is so hardly countered be any Necro. My build is competetive to all classes. Thus my argument Necro need nerf. Is too good.


Look, is it really hard to understand that your build play where the necromancer is naturally strong? I mean:

- Axe will give you might on AA but almost all necromancer's weapon kits will be able to convert it to weakness.

- You got 0 precision and ferocity so you're basically playing a condition build with a lot of vitality, not an hybrid power/condi build.

- The necromancer have a naturally high health pool potential (health + LF pool) making it more resilient than other professions against conditions.

- The necromancer tend to use the conditions he is suffering from (send them back, "eat" them...) instead of simply removing them.

- The reaper is naturally strong against foes that are close to him (in fact it's designed to punish foes that try to melee him) and, well, your weaponsets work best at close range.

- Contrary to common beliefs, movement speed have never been a weakness for the necromancer (_Signet of the locust_ have always been there for that), the related mobility weakness lie in it's poor/clumsy access to "gap closers". Something that he don't really need against your build that don't seem to have any "gap openers".


Just understanding this much should be enough to see that you're playing a rock build that is hard countered by a natural paper e-spec. I'm not saying that your build isn't good against most professions but unless the reaper is willing to play a poorly built GS/staff power glass canon, your build won't do you any good against it, even then, the odds are high that you'll lose.


If you want to beat a necromancer you need to play out of it's field of expertise, not within.

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Hi again. Not 0 precision. 10% from Deadly merged pet and 20% from fury from survival skills. So at least 30% critical hit chance, which is good enough. And i can not go "glass cannon" with ferocity due to melee ecounters in smallscale and zerg fights as i mentioned -7 skills targetting 5 players. So build is very good and i was cared it very carefully. If i wanted to play only condi i would choose dire stats (toughness, vitality, condition damage) but i will not do that. Every fight is more less eaqual until i met Reaper with Overpowered shroud skills. And i do not even want to beat it in melee range. It is just chill (most times glacial stun) and these fancy shroud skills which have to be nerfed hard and real good. Same as life force generation from core Necro as i mentioned before. Thank you for your explanation Dadnir.5038 - your point of view that necro is strong in melee ecounters and cancells hard anyone trying to kill it this way only proves my point that Necro need a SOLID nerf. As i mentioned many times before.

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> @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

> Thank you for your explanation Dadnir.5038 - your point of view that necro is strong in melee ecounters and cancells hard anyone trying to kill it this way only proves my point that Necro need a SOLID nerf. As i mentioned many times before.


No it does not prove that. Reaper is extremely oppressive in melee, but it is one of the specs that has some of the most counterplay when fighting against it. You can*not* expect to trade blows with a Reaper in shroud while in melee. That is why others have mentioned the importance of kiting and knowing when to hit it, and abusing the fact that Reaper Shroud is melee only. Some builds will have a harder time with this, but that is the nature of build matchups in the game. All builds have weak points to them, and it sounds like Reaper is one of those for your build. Counter builds are healthy for the game.


If you have that much problem with chill, there is always Svanir Runes and -condi duration food. You also have options in your repertoire to counter chill, such as Bear Stance, Dolyak Stance, Lightning Reflexes, Unstoppable Union, Wilderness Knowledge, etc.


Please don't take this as a L2P post. I am not commenting on your skill level. The problem I have with your argument is that you are conflating "It feels like Reaper hard counters my build" with "Reaper is OP and deserves nerfs."


If I had to comment as an outsider in on Reaper's strengths, I would say that speed runes is the most oppressive thing about them. But any class has the liberty to take those, and I often do in my own builds.

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> @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

> Hi again. Not 0 precision. 10% from Deadly merged pet and 20% from fury from survival skills. So at least 30% critical hit chance, which is good enough. And i can not go "glass cannon" with ferocity due to melee ecounters in smallscale and zerg fights as i mentioned -7 skills targetting 5 players. So build is very good and i was cared it very carefully.


No, you don't seem to understand. 30% critical chance lead you nowhere and since you got 0 ferocity you could as well have 0% crit chance and it wouldn't make any difference. The higher power damage coefficient you can have is your critical hit damage coefficient(you can stack as many flat damage modifier, you'll never match what a critical hit grant you) which is directly related to your crit %age. 30% crit chance mean that you'll have an extremly low chance to trigger this damage modifier and 0 ferocity mean that this damage modifier will be relatively low.


In other word, with your stats, you are basically using a pure condition damage build, not an hybrid build. If you were to use viper stats, maybe you could claim that you're using an hybrid build but that's all. It's not that the power on your build is wasted but you just can't bring it to a sufficient level to be able to claim that it's worth the "hybrid" label.


So, again, I'm not criticizing your stat choice. Fondamentally they aren't bad choices. But against a necro they won't help you win, in fact they will most likely drag you down.


> If i wanted to play only condi i would choose dire stats (toughness, vitality, condition damage) but i will not do that.


But effectively, you are playing a condi build, you're the only one that didn't understood it yet.


> Every fight is more less eaqual until i met Reaper with Overpowered shroud skills.


Well, everybody and it's grandma know what to do when a reaper enter shroud: make some distance between you and him. And like I said, unfortunately your build lack the tools to do. Thanksfully, you could take: _lightning reflex_, use one of the devourer as pet or even take sword as main hand to help you cover this weakness of your build.


Even then, if you're really deadset on tanking a reaper at close range, you could take: _signet of stone_, a stout pet or, simply, a bear to stack power damage invuln frame.


Without forgeting that a bit of access to hard CC can also help you pass the crisis of the reaper shroud and it's big moves easy to react to, it's not like the ranger don't have: it's GS and it's 2 in built hard CC, the push back of the longbow, Wyvern's push back, porcine's 3s knockdown, the devourer knockback (yes, the devourer, again) or smokescale/canine's 2s knockdown.


> And i do not even want to beat it in melee range. It is just chill (most times glacial stun) and these fancy shroud skills which have to be nerfed hard and real good.


Do you realize that, as a ranger, you're even better at applying chill than a reaper? With axe alone you already have the possibility to perma chill your foes. Not to forget that you have a godly access to immobilize which is an even nastier condition.


> Same as life force generation from core Necro as i mentioned before.


I'm not gonna talk about the ranger's sustain, It's in no way inferior to the necromancer's. If you don't take advantage of it, that's, again, a build issue.


> Thank you for your explanation Dadnir.5038 - your point of view that necro is strong in melee ecounters and cancells hard anyone trying to kill it this way only proves my point that Necro need a SOLID nerf. As i mentioned many times before.


It as been design in this very way, nerfing it because it does it's job would make no sense.

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> @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

> Thank you for your explanation Dadnir.5038 - your point of view that necro is strong in melee ecounters and cancells hard anyone trying to kill it this way only proves my point that Necro need a SOLID nerf. As i mentioned many times before.


And that is as many times ... completely absurd. This is NOT a reason to nerf something. So basically, you just want necro to suck in melee AND ranged encounters so you can beat it. Um, no. That's nonsense.


You just aren't making your build ... or playing it ... with the skill needed to beat necros if that's your goal. Has NOTHING to do with necros being too good in melee.

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I am a proponent of play what works for you.




Several knowledgeable players are pointing out to you what your issues are, where the pitfalls are in what you are trying to do, and pointing out what most rangers find works versus necros.


As someone who plays a Reaper (in addition to a Soulbeast, a Guardian, and most often a Warrior) I can tell you the best Rangers of any spec that I fight abuse their Longbow range to the maximum and are not shy about using movement skills to keep the gap as wide as possible. You are running Soulbeast. Merge with a bird. Swoop away. Pew Pew. Did they come in close? Axe/Axe or GS do have enough umph to them that you should be able to knock them out of shroud, GS has the added benefit of hard CC and a block stance.


Now if you really detest LB+GS then Axe/Axe is probably your best choice along with some immob. As has already been stated, wait for them to leave shroud/force them out, then immob + Axe 5. If the Reaper you are fighting builds for anti condi, and it is easy to do, then your dagger/dagger is useless and you are giving them a free bag.

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So that’s uh .... the point of Necro shroud: that’s where it’s power spike is. It’s a bit like Berserker, where it has less relative power outside of its window (either Shroud or Berserk) while it is significantly stronger when in that window. Reaper is *supposed* to be strong during that time. It *is not* something you intentionally want to fight when that is going on.


Necro has some innate weaknesses compared to other classes:

-It is extremely immobile

-It has very limited access to stability (weak to stuns)

-It is weaker outside of shroud


But that also means that they have specific strengths:

-Reaper especially has a wide variety of ways to provide chill or cripple, basically ways to keep people in melee range where it is strong

-Necro is incredibly durable due to Life Force essentially acting as a 2nd health bat

-Necro in general is very good at manipulating condi’s and boon’s, specifically in their ability to remove boons or corrupt them into condis


The way their weaknesses line up with Ranger’s strengths are why Ranger is considered a counter, namely:

-Ranger in general as very high mobility (sword and great sword movement abilities, Soulbeast merged abilities, various movement speed increases, etc)

-Access to extremely high, mobile damage at 1500 yards (completely out of range of any Necromancer abilities)


When playing Ranger in this way, we are able to pick off Necro/Reapers from a distance without any form of retaliation. As long as you’re not within a range where Necro’s can effect you, you can do basically anything to them.


By playing an Axe/Torch + Dagger/Dagger build, you are forcing yourself to be within close proximity to a Necro instead of being at a range where he can’t effect you. This reduces the weaknesses of Necro (low mobility) while working into its strengths (strong in melee and being able to slow down enemies).


It’s not impossible to defeat them, but at that point you have lost the two most famous strengths that the ranger class has.


> @"Connla Dda.9407" said:

> But someone of you wrote to kill a Necro, or Reaper is "wait until it leaves the shroud". Hmmmm. Why? Why should i wait until it leaves shroud?


From this quote, it truly feels like you’re not even wanting to listen to advice people give and instead want to dig into what you already want to believe. As stated above, during shroud is when necro is the strongest. Their shroud abilities hit hard and their Life Force acts as a 2nd health bad. This means that if you want to fight during that time, you’d have to both survive during his power spike while also trying to essentially fully kill him. And then even after depleting his life force bar, you’d have to kill him again once he goes back to using regular health.


You can’t just simply “nerf” his shroud because Necromancer is already balance around it. The class is weak when not in shroud, and stronger when it is. Playing a build that properly counters another build is how you can go about beating these “op classes”. You’re not losing because the enemy is OP, you’re losing because your build does not properly leverage your strengths, abuse the enemies weaknesses, or allows your enemy to play directly into their strengths. It is entirely possible to win with a build such as what you’re playing with, but it will require a significant skill level to do so.

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