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Add new things in wvw


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The title says it all. While every other mode gets something new, maybe new map, new quest, new content, wvw just stays the same, and we can see that there was a decrease in some servers. Wvw is fun dont get me wrong, but i think arenanet can focus on adding new objectives into the game, maybe a boss spawn that 2 guilds will have to kill. Maybe a new map? Maybe a bigger more complex castles? Or maybe add big bonuses for someone who has a castle that way it really matters who has the castles. Right now, there isn’t any big incentive to get the castle.. you captured it and that’s it. Make it more interesting...

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I have a hard time understanding these posts.


Content in WvW is constantly changing. It’s the engagements between players and between servers.


It’s the conflict to get said territory. I don’t care if the castle looks ‘cool’. I don’t care if it gets re-skinned


- Make the engagements more balanced,

- work on some aspects of the populations,

- give players the chance to interact more with each server.

- Provide more balance tweaks to allow for better combat.





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I don't think WvW needs regular content updates but I do agree that the old Maps desperately need an Update, They look very dated and there's plenty of assets from Red Boarder Lands that could be reused.

After that though, The players make the content for the most part and If we got regular balance patches the gameplay wouldn't go stale.

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I guess it's time to welcome the OP to WvW and the WvW forums where everyone else have been asking the same thing for the past 8 years, to no avail.


However, I'm just dipping in to comment on that there's an interesting piece of discussion between Strider's and Solanum's post. If we take the maps as an example, the issue has never been that players in WvW does not want new maps. The issue has been that, as Strider says, content is primarily produced between players and the maps we have gotten has not taken that into account. We do want new maps we just want maps conducive to WvW player-player content. The argument is as simple as we want new maps but we do not want bad maps, we want good maps. If whoever makes the maps do not understand the sport called WvW they can not make map a for it.


Take any sport and you can see that maps, pitches, rinks or courses are all designed meticulously with the sport in question in mind. If we take the sport of Ice Hockey for example, such a small difference as rink scale between Europe and North-America has produced different traditions and values (even if the modern status of the NHL has made this less and less notable over time). If there were even larger differences between the rinks those traditions would ultimately transform into completely separate sports and that has been the problem with EotM and DBL.


In fact, I would still argue that most of the content that EotM and DBL has seen has not been because they are conducive to WvW content but because they have not been and as such driven away most subsets of the player pool leaving those maps richer with specific types of players (karma trains for EotM and roaming for DBL respectively). I know that some people say that they prefer the DBL map thanks to the map itself. However, I would still maintain for the vast majority it may be preferred simply because it has more roamers and less blobs so it has absolutely nothing to do with the map itself for creating roamer-roamer content. If there was an instance of EBG with an exclusive- or just larger pool of roaming targets then they would prefer that.


So if anyone want to make new maps or reskin existing maps, by all means, I think most WvW players would appreciate it if they were conducive to actual WvW content and not just appealing to some because they drove 75% of the WvW players away. Knowing the general attention WvW sees and what has been said about maps and WvW systems in the past, I guess we can't hope for much though.


For example:

![](https://i.imgur.com/L4ZJ0oA.png "")


So we know that maps are more complicated to deal with in WvW than in PvE and in GW2 relative what can be expected in general. However, it is also true that what is "super hard" for 3 people may not be so hard for 30 people or that the WvW systems in general are far more dated than anything else in GW2 and need overhauls that have been abandoned time and time again or stay forever delayed (again, because it obviously takes more time for 3 people to achieve something than 30). If all else fails, maybe the should just rebuild the entire WvW system from the ground up, taking what they have learnt and build something that feels the same but runs differently so they can implement and iterate future-proofed. It's not like the core tenets of the WvW mode is that complicated compared to the needs of other modes and systems. Over the course of 8 years spaghetti code becomes a poor excuse for a 300-150 sized company when 25-man sized companies have built full MMO games in 18 months, including the game that WvW was modeled after.

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The only way, in my humble opinion to spice up WvW is the element of surprise/unknown, the unexpected, and to win in WvW you need to know all the maps of Tyria, be so fluid running on them that you can surprise your enemy zerg on any map chosen for any week.


8 years playing on 3 maps = stale


like I said many times before , make use of the PvE maps for WvW, every reset is a new PvE maps. The system of using PvE maps is already patched into the latest game update. make use of the system and lets play WvW in PvE map!

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the lack of content is really bad, but that is the status quo since several years (!)

seems like anet thinks warclaw, gliders and nerfs/buffs is content. it just is not. i mean we currently don't even have a good system to distribute the players across the teams. ever relink one (two, three, depends) server is basically f*cked for some months bc they got no links or a deadlink due to transfer politics and therefore get outnumbered for an eternity.

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Some balance changes would be nice after the one earlier this year, but I doubt we will even see any changes by the end of the year. Even changes to the Server linkings and populations would be welcome, with no Alliances coming anytime soon, especially on the EU side.


Keeps and castles don't need more buffing towards defenders, unless you are heavily outnumbered or have no siege with a weak pug cloud. A new map will only ever happen, if it's in development for the new expansion, but there hasn't been any info about the competitive side of the expansion yet.

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Considering how toxic people became when new maps were introduced , I doubt ANET will fall into that trap again. Now if people excepted the new maps and maybe asked for a rotation instead of outright removal with anger then maybe the developers might have obliged . But when ever new content is offered its immediately rejected . Doesn't matter if its new maps , mounts , balancing , siege or events . I don't blame ANET or the developers one bit for ignoring WvW or peoples requests . The toxicity of this forum , which partially includes myself , was the nail in the coffin for WvW .

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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> Considering how toxic people became when new maps were introduced , I doubt ANET will fall into that trap again. Now if people excepted the new maps and maybe asked for a rotation instead of outright removal with anger then maybe the developers might have obliged . But when ever new content is offered its immediately rejected . Doesn't matter if its new maps , mounts , balancing , siege or events . I don't blame ANET or the developers one bit for ignoring WvW or peoples requests . The toxicity of this forum , which partially includes myself , was the nail in the coffin for WvW .


That toxicity didn't come from nowhere. Before Desert BL was released, we actually had the time to play-test it. People gave feedback. A lot of feedback. But nothing came out of the feedback. They released the map as it was when it was tested. Left a really foul taste in WvW players' mouth. Even until they sort of dealt with some issues. (Barricades, WPs, Lagfiesta Middle Map event.)


Then the voting. Oh that voting.... Where the options were:

1. Ditch DBL and no new maps forever

2. Retain DBL with ABL and get a new map eventually(HA!)


Then the Gliding. Oh that gliding that screwed things up for months. Some objectives were downright broken since you could just glide to get in. They even had to change the layout of some of EBG 's Towers because it's giving a huge disadvantage to one side.


Then the Warclaw mount. The mount that nobody asked for. Totally overpowered when released that they have to nerf it over and over and over, and have to add skills into itself to counter itself. What a disaster those few months were.


I'm not even gonna mention those week-long events that pretty much made everything not fun.


Don't get me wrong. I'm all for new content in WvW, but at least test it first or ask for feedback before implementing them.

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ANet added gliding in WvW and everybody AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! DONT!! Then Anet added mounts and everybody AAAAHHHHHHHHHH! DONT!!! I don't really think you want new things in WvW, because the next second everybody complains about that (whatever they made) completey destroys WvW.


(btw I like mounts!)

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It's the mists - random incursions of weird stuff would be great - basically expand and dial up the mercenary element would be fun as well - lets have ferocious storms, sudden shifts of terrain - time-warps etc. Shake things up a bit. See what players can come up with / take advantage of.

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> @"Galmac.4680" said:

> ANet added gliding in WvW and everybody AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! DONT!! Then Anet added mounts and everybody AAAAHHHHHHHHHH! DONT!!! I don't really think you want new things in WvW, because the next second everybody complains about that (whatever they made) completey destroys WvW.


> (btw I like mounts!)


People don't want new things piled on top of a shotty foundation. People just want the many things in WvW addressed instead.

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> @"Tolsis.3518" said:

> It's the mists - random incursions of weird stuff would be great - basically expand and dial up the mercenary element would be fun as well - lets have ferocious storms, sudden shifts of terrain - time-warps etc. Shake things up a bit. See what players can come up with / take advantage of.


Yes, because the laser event was a smashing success.

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> @"borgs.6103" said:


> Don't get me wrong. I'm all for new content in WvW, but at least test it first or ask for feedback before implementing them.


How the heck do you test something and get feedback without implementing it first. A few programmers are bound to miss something .If the code looks good then that's pretty much all they can do. It's much easier to implement something as is and have thousands of people testing it during game time to find possible issues . Beta testing every add on to a game before implementation is simply not practical . Besides , many of the issues do get fixed eventually if they are deemed a high priority .

And to say nobody asked for mounts in WvW is incorrect. People asked for raptors when PoF came out .




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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > @"borgs.6103" said:


> > Don't get me wrong. I'm all for new content in WvW, but at least test it first or ask for feedback before implementing them.


> How the heck do you test something and get feedback without implementing it first. A few programmers are bound to miss something .If the code looks good then that's pretty much all they can do. It's much easier to implement something as is and have thousands of people testing it during game time to find possible issues . Beta testing every add on to a game before implementation is simply not practical . Besides , many of the issues do get fixed eventually if they are deemed a high priority .

> And to say nobody asked for mounts in WvW is incorrect. People asked for raptors when PoF came out .

You cut out the part that before all the toxicity became meme levels, **WvW players play-tested the map and gave feedback but nothing came out of it**. And that was the last time Anet had a playtest for WvW. Also, they said EOTM will be the "play test" area for WvW, but never once did they tested anything there. Would be the best area to test Gliding, Mounts, Balancing, or any week-long event. Because over there, nothing matters. Well, nothing matters in the other maps as well now anyways.


Many of the issues did get fixed, just that it took a really long time to at least do something about it. I don't think you were there when all WvW players have are 3 Desert Borderlands that have Barricades before you can even get your spawn tower, that have no Waypoints on Side Keeps , and well, everybody and their mother just lagged when the Middle Event happens. That went on for **months**. I'm honestly more surprised that people hang on and kept playing. Goes to show their dedication. Heck, I stopped playing for 6 months and when I came back, the issues were still there, and a permanent 2-digit queue on EBG.


Please don't put words in my mouth. I said _the mount that nobody asked for_. I'm okay with mounts, but not that mount. Do you even have any idea how imbalanced that thing was at release? First few weeks? First few months? Until the current iteration? If they released it with just ONE Evade, not immune to conditions, doesn't finish 10(!) downed people on engage attack, won't launch you high enough that you can bypass gates and walls of objectives in certain terrains when you dismount, and just swiftness speed on friendly territory, then I personally would gladly welcome it with open arms.



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