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Less zerg WvW


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Some servers don't have enough numbers,

should make WvW less zerg mindset and maybe more people will enjoy it.


One thing I'm thinking about is GW2 PvE, they said fights take into consideration how many people are around. Usually 1 person can do, but if 30 show up, it scales.

Thats how GW2 core was designed.


Now thinking of how it can be done in WvW.

How about if you haven't been near 5 or more players in past 3 minutes. You get a buff, basically build siege in one setting in enemy territory (so defense siege still normal costs)

You can build that siege ram all by yourself with 15 materials.


What this does is scatters people around,

Now people can solo take towers.

Need to also scale the tower lords so that if under 5 people show up, that lord can be taken out by under 5 people in under 2 minutes.


With people being able to capture things under 5 people, and even 1 person, not so quickly but under 2 minutes gate is down, under minutes lord is down.

This also creates people playing defense more, since people can easily choose, heck I want to do something other than what this zerg commander is doing, I want to attack the other server, I'm tired of double teaming.


Servers with bad population.

People feel useful, I can take a tower by myself, since nobody plays, under 2 minutes gate is down, under 2 minutes lord is down.


All because of the main thing about GW2.

Content scales with you.


Lately though, I've been seeing static content, stuff requires a big party to do. And only scales up.

Not everyone has big party.

Also not everyone agrees with zerg commander.

Also, people may want to participate in smaller fights, not everyone enjoys

Range attack only zerg fights.




This also promotes well coordinated guilds


Commander with 40 people


Hey everyone get into groups of 4

We attacking multiple targets


Uncoordinated zerg they can only fend off what they come across, they cant fend off someone attacking from 10 different places.

More of WvW vibe.

Easily and effectively done.


The one thing ESO does better in WvW, is the siege vibe. When a keep is under siege, yeah its under FOR REAL siege.

20/20 siege up! OUTTA thin air!!!! need reinforcements ASAP!


ESO siege its a mile long, so much siege.

GW2, nothing but everything in same location.

6 rams all near each other

6 catapults stacked near each other.


ESO, its a mile long. 20/20 siege aint no joke. And the sound effects are ON POINT.


But back to GW2,

less zerg,

siege buff for people who havent seen more than 5 players, aka build siege with 15 supply

Lord scales starting from 1 player.

Scaling needs to be relooked in WvW, it should start low, with a 2 minute mindset to kill. aka Scaled to take 2 minutes to kill.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> Some servers don't have enough numbers,

this is problem for player on less servers I think. Someone lose, some win. Don't want be loser - change server. All is fair.


> should make WvW less zerg mindset and maybe more people will enjoy it.

no, no one want fight wiht same ppc amount. People like dominate and win.


> You can build that siege ram all by yourself with 15 materials.

you already can do it. Biudl, go near camp, take new mats, and findih biuld.


> Now people can solo take towers.

on non prime time we do it 2. Don;'t see any reason simplify it to 1.


> Servers with bad population.

as I say 2 enough to take tower ALREADY for me. Skilled player do it solo already


> Not everyone has big party.

this is only problem for small party, and we like it in wvw


> Also not everyone agrees with zerg commander.

non agree - make small party and come near my bir zerg :)) = this is main fun in wvw


> The one thing ESO does better in WvW, is the siege vibe.

> ESO siege its a mile long

like eso sige vibe ? go play eso siege vibe. Don't se reason bring another unknown for me game in gw2.



> But back to GW2,

> less zerg,

yes, we need that someoen amke small zerg in wvw, thay perfect meat for big zerg. This is one of fun in wvw


> Lord scales starting from 1 player.

so that we point attract people in this way ? do solo lord fast, and wp .. . this is mmo or what ?

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > Some servers don't have enough numbers,

> this is problem for player on less servers I think. Someone lose, some win. Don't want be loser - change server. All is fair.


Dont wanna change server, friends play on that server, they don't want to change either

> > should make WvW less zerg mindset and maybe more people will enjoy it.

> no, no one want fight wiht same ppc amount. People like dominate and win.


I want to fight, taking a tower myself is dominate and win to me

> > You can build that siege ram all by yourself with 15 materials.

> you already can do it. Biudl, go near camp, take new mats, and findih biuld.


No you can't, siege requires more than 15 materials

> > Now people can solo take towers.

> on non prime time we do it 2. Don;'t see any reason simplify it to 1.


Does it take less than 2 minutes to get siege up and wall down? Don't think so

> > Servers with bad population.

> as I say 2 enough to take tower ALREADY for me. Skilled player do it solo already


What about casuals?

> > Not everyone has big party.

> this is only problem for small party, and we like it in wvw


You like small parties not able to take anything in WvW? Thats reason why this mode is all zerg and thats not fun. Unlike ESO which is both zerg and small parties AND solo.

> > Also not everyone agrees with zerg commander.

> non agree - make small party and come near my bir zerg :)) = this is main fun in wvw


Small party and join the zerg? If I'm going to follow zerg, I can just follow or join the zerg. But I DISAGREE with zerg commander, thats the point. I want to do stuff he is NOT doing.

> > The one thing ESO does better in WvW, is the siege vibe.

> > ESO siege its a mile long

> like eso sige vibe ? go play eso siege vibe. Don't se reason bring another unknown for me game in gw2.


Thats my point, all you know is GW2, you don't know what you don't know. Some games do it better. ESO is one of them.


> > But back to GW2,

> > less zerg,

> yes, we need that someoen amke small zerg in wvw, thay perfect meat for big zerg. This is one of fun in wvw


Thats the problem with less populated servers, there zergs are smaller and they wipe. Big zerg can't handle random players attacking everything they own at once though. Or random targets. Too many targets. Big zergs are good at destorying smaller zergs and they attack one thing at a time, not 5 things and have to decide which thing to save. More of a chess match if small parties or solo can take things in 4 minutes time of starting on throwing siege down, building it, taking wall down, taking lord down, all in 4 minutes time.

More I have to breakup too and fight small scale battles if I want to save everything. From being attacked. Which is what ESO is like, which is what World vs World happens in real life. World War 2 wasn't just a massive zerg, it was a lotta small scale and a zerg running around. SMC, yeah that should be a zerg. Just like taking Rome in WW2.

> > Lord scales starting from 1 player.

> so that we point attract people in this way ? do solo lord fast, and wp .. . this is mmo or what ?

This is WvW, should be more battles than whoever the zerg commander is fighting. Thing is, it aint because nobody can take squat unless they party up, not a zerg and coordinated and good.

Should be, I want to contest this keep, I throw down siege. I build siege with only 1 time 15 materials. This gate is scaled for 1 player, so takes 2 minutes to break. This lord is scaled for 1 player, so takes 2 minutes to kill. Done.

Other people want to join in? Great.


More siege battles.

I can actually capture things now too.

4 players together?

Best friggin combo.


gate is scaled lowest because under 5,

all 4 of us can drop siege, and build our own in 1 go

Takes 30 seconds to down since 4 siege

Lord takes 30 seconds to down since 4 players / 2mins.


Now small scale battles are viable.


Now we have WvW

#Right now its not WvW, its Zerg vs Zerg game mode.


Can't build that siege ram? Takes like 4 times to run back and forth, like 3 minutes JUST to build it.

Forever to take down the gate too. Yeah, time to screw this and go from WvW to Zerg vs Zerg.

Screw this, I aint playing Zerg vs Zerg in GW2 anymore.

GW2 Zerg vs Zerg game mode not as popular.... Hrmmm wonder why?

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> The **only** reason 5 people couldnt take any objective with ease today is... *more enemies*.


> Looks like WvW is working as intended then.


> And no, you cant delete players.


This is WvW


No where in WvW does it say "gotta be with a ton of other players"


Thats why ESO does it better.

You can play WvW like its suppose to be played.

Chess match, I'm going to have 2 small party attack the supply lines, so that enemy can't teleport to this keep that the main army is attacking.



WvW is no such thing

Its Zerg vs Zerg

Not in a zerg, its not the biggest? Well join the biggest. Thats the mindset right now of WvW I mean GW2 Zerg vs Zerg.


Give small parties buff to build siege solo. Under 5 people near you. YOU GET THE BUFF.

SCALE WvW objects. That gate? That Lord?


Not everything is UP

Start from 1 player scaling.


2 minutes should be sufficient.


ESO does it better than GW2, ESO does zerg, small party, and solo

You can even surprise attack aka crouching hides you from enemy, sneak up 1 player does 6 siege by himself. cut off lines.

So much strategic play in ESO.



Always stay with the commander.

Its Zerg vs Zerg fight, stay on commander if you want to win. Closer you stay on the commander the more chance we have at winning.

Commander is everything. Zerg is everything.


1 player? Useless


ESO, 1 player can be SUPER EFFECTIVE. Especially if they coordinate and take out the supply lines to REJECT the enemy from teleporting around to a keep hotly contested by MAIN zerg.


ESO is WvW

GW2 is Zerg vs Zerg only. WvW is not even a thing without Zerg.


1. Under 5 players been around for more than 3 minutes? Give buff so you can build siege and it costs ONLY 15 material

2. Under 5 players been around in more 3 minutes? GATE scales to 2 minutes to takedown

3. Under 5 players been around in more than 3 minutes? Lord scales to 2 minutes to takedown



Make WvW in GW2, actually WvW, not Zerg vs Zerg

ESO, never played? Well you don't know what you don't know, ever heard that saying? They do it better.

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Being close to the commander is a requiement because the majority of people in WvW don't know their left from their right and it is easier to maintain a semblance of communication and coordination when they are all right underneath your tag.


Being spread apart in small to mid sized groups is the most effective way to play WvW in the spirit of what WvW was designed to be. But good luck actually getting 4-10 small groups on the same page working on the same goal.

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I don't agree with the idea in the original post (that you should get a buff to be able to take defensive structures on your own, in a very short time):

Like the others have said, you can do that already if you run to a nearby camp and re-supply. With a good build and decent skills you can also solo towers (although it gets hard if even one defender shows up).


To break up zerg mentality you should give players back choices, they don't have now and chose the "easy zerg" instead.

Siegerazor wasn't the very best thing ever, but it allowed 5 people to start a breakout event if they are driven back to spawn. If you brought him back, but instead not triggered by numbers, but also by supply given, you have given the individual player an option to play the game.

Paying gold for upgrades "pre-HoT" was an awful sink of coin in the early days, but it gave players a choice what to upgrade, when to upgrade and stalled upgrade progression if you were lazy. Those were choices you could make. Now you can just wait (which is super easy, if you have the dominating server on your side) and join the loot train.

"Supply" is a fake resource theses days, because so few things are built with it that do really matter, if you compare it to the old days.

By design, the Anet Devs have taken out the middle ground between hard core roaming with a focus on killing players and large scale zergs sweeping a map. The "party size" havoc teams and dedicated "defenders" are neglected by the choice they can take.

"Zergs" are rewarded the most in every possible way: Loot by killing other people, "safety" in numbers, even if you play sub par, WxP gain from rolling over low tier structures and killing people and a stable way to keep participation up and maxed.


If Anet doesn't shake up their own philosophy about WvW and players don't get forced out of their zergy comfort zone, you won't see a lasting change to how the OP wants the game to change and get more action for the "middle ground". I don't want to see "patch ideas" (like the buff described by the OP), I want to see a roadmap for the game type.

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You can still do things with a small group, it's just that there's a lot more effort involved and a lot less reward _(unless it's the challenge that rewards you)._


Many changes over the years, primarily that of passive upgrades and Mounts, have made small scale/solo game play a lot more difficult, but none of the changes made have made it impossible. The problem is that if you want to accomplish anything you need to be very knowledgeable and patient, which means for anyone who's new to doing this it will be extremely punishing and generally unenjoyable.

Most people will conclude that playing without a large group isn't worth the hassle and thus the already small community of roamers/havoc groups continue to shrink.


If you want to do things with a small group you just need to accept that the effort/reward ratio is heavily slanted toward effort, and if you don't know what you're doing there will be no reward.

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> @"Shroud.2307" said:

> You can still do things with a small group, it's just that there's a lot more effort involved and a lot less reward _(unless it's the challenge that rewards you)._


> Many changes over the years, primarily that of passive upgrades and Mounts, have made small scale/solo game play a lot more difficult, but none of the changes made have made it impossible. The problem is that if you want to accomplish anything you need to be very knowledgeable and patient, which means for anyone who's new to doing this it will be extremely punishing and generally unenjoyable.

> Most people will conclude that playing without a large group isn't worth the hassle and thus the already small community of roamers/havoc groups continue to shrink.


> If you want to do things with a small group you just need to accept that the effort/reward ratio is heavily slanted toward effort, and if you don't know what you're doing there will be no reward.


Problem is, there is no World to join in on that has good activity.

Somtimes no commanders at all are online.


What to do?

This does not have to be mainstream, but it provides more strategic plays.

Provides *something* to do when no commanders are on.


Goes back to GW2 is not WvW, its Zerg vs Zerg, Commander vs Commander

WvW consists of more than Zerg vs Zerg Commander vs Commander

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> Dont wanna change server, friends play on that server, they don't want to change either

so it is nice. Bigger zergs need eat someone and you perfect target. This is wvw game process.


> I want to fight, taking a tower myself is dominate and win to me

you ALREADY can do it


> No you can't, siege requires more than 15 materials

at fisrt, you cna have more that 15, second- make move and bring more mats from camp. I make solo treb, it is easy.


> Does it take less than 2 minutes to get siege up and wall down? Don't think so

this is mmo game. It should be NOT fast.


> What about casuals?

they should die, and bring funand honor for others. As on any good mmo game.


> You like small parties not able to take anything in WvW?

1) they able. 2) if thay fail - I like it.


>unlike ESO which is both zerg and small parties AND solo.

so you need play eso, ant problem will be solved for you, so so good in eso .. But we see you here, this is mean that you like that on wvw, but don't can say true fro yourself for unknow reason


> Small party and join the zerg? If I'm going to follow zerg, I can just follow or join the zerg. But I DISAGREE with zerg commander, thats the point. I want to do stuff he is NOT doing.

on wvw you can flow, and no join, this is yours choose.


> Thats my point, all you know is GW2, you don't know what you don't know. Some games do it better. ESO is one of them.

Great. We find solution for you. I you have something better - use it. I am always do that. After soem time you will be back and say "we have best game - this is GW2"


> Thats the problem with less populated servers, there zergs are smaller and they wipe.

this is not problem, this is FUN.


> so takes 2 minutes to kill.

that game to play years, bot not "2 minutes". For 2 min you cna run on drizlewood pve location ..


> Screw this, I aint playing Zerg vs Zerg in GW2 anymore.

> GW2 Zerg vs Zerg game mode not as popular.... Hrmmm wonder why?

no point, more fun find less party and kill them. This is more fun for true wvw players.


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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > Dont wanna change server, friends play on that server, they don't want to change either

> so it is nice. Bigger zergs need eat someone and you perfect target. This is wvw game process.


> > I want to fight, taking a tower myself is dominate and win to me

> you ALREADY can do it


> > No you can't, siege requires more than 15 materials

> at fisrt, you cna have more that 15, second- make move and bring more mats from camp. I make solo treb, it is easy.


> > Does it take less than 2 minutes to get siege up and wall down? Don't think so

> this is mmo game. It should be NOT fast.


> > What about casuals?

> they should die, and bring funand honor for others. As on any good mmo game.


> > You like small parties not able to take anything in WvW?

> 1) they able. 2) if thay fail - I like it.


> >unlike ESO which is both zerg and small parties AND solo.

> so you need play eso, ant problem will be solved for you, so so good in eso .. But we see you here, this is mean that you like that on wvw, but don't can say true fro yourself for unknow reason


> > Small party and join the zerg? If I'm going to follow zerg, I can just follow or join the zerg. But I DISAGREE with zerg commander, thats the point. I want to do stuff he is NOT doing.

> on wvw you can flow, and no join, this is yours choose.


> > Thats my point, all you know is GW2, you don't know what you don't know. Some games do it better. ESO is one of them.

> Great. We find solution for you. I you have something better - use it. I am always do that. After soem time you will be back and say "we have best game - this is GW2"


> > Thats the problem with less populated servers, there zergs are smaller and they wipe.

> this is not problem, this is FUN.


> > so takes 2 minutes to kill.

> that game to play years, bot not "2 minutes". For 2 min you cna run on drizlewood pve location ..


> > Screw this, I aint playing Zerg vs Zerg in GW2 anymore.

> > GW2 Zerg vs Zerg game mode not as popular.... Hrmmm wonder why?

> no point, more fun find less party and kill them. This is more fun for true wvw players.





In ESO, when you take out the enemy supply lines, that means your deep in their territory


In GW2 this is the 2 towers between their camp they own and their main spawn.

To do this:

You'd have to takeout a camp they own PLUS you'd have to build siege, and it takes multiple runs 4+ runs. By this time, enemy is coming back because you took out their camp and your still trying to bring up siege.




If you don't take the enemy camp and try to sneakly build siege running all way back to your camp and all way back to their INNER towers.

The gate guard will spawn back up again, and your siege will be destroyed on your 3rd time running back to it just trying to bring it up.



In ESO, you take WHATEVER you HOTLY contest WHATEVER


GW2, sure you can build your treb easy, and attack whatever is next to it, THATS IT

Building up a ram, that takes time especially solo

ESO, you have 6 siege up in seconds

STILL takes 2+ minutes to bring down walls more so if its upgraded


GW2 it will take you about 10 minutes to bring down the gate or wall starting from point you have 15 materials and someone says GO

Thats way too long, gate guards going to pop back up because its so dang long.



Core game values

This game scales, content scales

Scaling scaling scaling


Yet its just UP

Nothing about solo person scaling.



solo friendly small party friendly, zerg friendly



siege doesn't scale, suppose to have a lotta people

Zerg friendly, small party NOT SO MUCH, SOLO you will hate life if you are soloing for towers, keeps



solo keep, people see on map 6/20 they see action is there they come and help out



solo a tower, nobody does anything, nobody comes, they all stacking on a zerg commander



not strategic game, its just Zerg vs Zerg




"can i get 4 volunteers to go sneak attack these 2 keeps to cut off their lines so we can rush this keep while their main forces have been spotted too far away to come back and save it" "yeah I'll go start knocking their walls down, I have a ton of AP, I'm good enough to handle 4 people myself too if someone tries to fuck with me"



If you are not stacking on commander we will lose this zerg fight

Its fine if you want to play defense, but on offense, ONLY stack on the commander, offense is ONLY zerg vs zerg unless its a tower they flipped easy for sake of flipping we own and nobody is home and nobody is coming to save it too.



Big fight happening,

Keep fight?

everyone all over the place, trying to be strategic with burning oils, setting up catapults at breach and spamming it, throwing spikes on floor to slow them down, best way to beat a zerg if they bigger is to spread out in that game and use siege

GW2 siege defensively especially if they inside, hardly even option, because

Throw down defensive siege quick put in 15 supply

run to supply grab more put in 15 more supply

run to supply grab more put in 15 more supply

run to supply grab more put in 15 more supply

Everybody on your side is dead because you trying to build emergency defensive siege

Took too long



everyone sets up outer defense siege 5 seconds


outer is about to go down,

everyone runs into inner

sets up inner defense siege in 5 seconds strategically

inner down

everyone moves inner defense siege to strategically aim at the breach in 5 seconds


ESO WvW strategic game


GW2 WvW I mean Zerg vs Zerg game not strategic


everyone wasted supply on defense on outer breach

Nobody has supply

No quick defense inner breach right away, takes time, or does not happen because "STACK ON COMMANDER" meaning don't run off and grab supply unless commander is going to grab supply


GW2 very slow, sluggish, siege takes too dang long unless people build fast smart

ESO, throw down siege BAM done its ready


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Two people can take a T-3 tower, 3-4 a keep.


> Having supply from one person being enough to fully build siege isn’t an answer that will work.


T3 tower thats behind enemy lines?

As in EB the towers THEY OWN, the INSIDE ones


This is done in ESO

How about GW2?


Its very effective in ESO because it cuts off their spawns to other keeps


GW2 you'd have to do a lot of long distance running or take a camp on their side, which they defiantly going to respond too. And on their way there, they gonna notice you.


In ESO, no need to make much noise, you just start tearing at the keep within seconds.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Higher target caps but they just nerfed 10 targets caps for most classes. DH can still hit 10 with its traps but i guess that why there are more DH.


I don't think this will solve it

Zerg is usually a train


You still gonna get rekt by that 70 man train.

They can hit more people too now. Its not just you hitting everybody. Now 70 every single person in the 70 man train hits everybody.


Need to make solo and small groups more effective


Game needs to start its SCALING process at 1 person.

Not 10 people or whatever its at now.


Can you solo a wasteland keep lord in 2 minutes or less?

What about EoTM keeps? Can you do them solo?


Thats why those modes are abandoned and not played much anymore.

Scaling starts at 10 people or so.


Scaling at 1 person, means more opportunties to do things. No longer RELIANT on zerg commander OR randoms (if lucky) that think same way and work with you


Randoms (if lucky in GW2, COMMON in ESO) that think same way and work with you, VERY COMMON in ESO.

GW2, someone sees you attempting to build siege at tower, scoffs and proceeds running to commander they are RELIANT on, because thats how its designed right now.



This is ZERG vs ZERG this aint WvW, go play ESO if you want WvW. (GW2 WvW aka Zerg vs Zerg ONLY. current state)

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Lords already do scale with players.


> Sometimes people coming in actually makes it worse.


Thats the thing,

It scales at 10 players

10 players? rarely happens, usually its 1-5 or 20+


1-5 players should be able to bring a lord to its knees in 2mins, not a 10 minute fight because not enough people (cough EoTM cough desert BL)

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > Two people can take a T-3 tower, 3-4 a keep.

> >

> > Having supply from one person being enough to fully build siege isn’t an answer that will work.


> T3 tower thats behind enemy lines?

> As in EB the towers THEY OWN, the INSIDE ones


No man... I meant taking a tower that I own......


Yes. Taking one of their towers. With 2-3 players.




> This is done in ESO

> How about GW2?


See above.



> Its very effective in ESO because it cuts off their spawns to other keeps


But GW2 doesn’t have the mechanism to cut off spawns so...



> GW2 you'd have to do a lot of long distance running or take a camp on their side, which they defiantly going to respond too. And on their way there, they gonna notice you.


No... you wouldn’t. Unless you want to solo it.



> In ESO, no need to make much noise, you just start tearing at the keep within seconds.


Ok.. I thought this was the GW2 boards.


Just because it’s done in another game doesn’t mean it’s ‘better’.


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I would suggest re evaluating who you play with. If two of you can’t cap towers, then maybe you need to get better or find a better partner.


This game wasn’t designed for SOLO takes of keeps. But it CAN be done.


Sure it’s faster with a Zerg. Sure it’s safer running around with 50.


But to claim that it is both necessary and the only way people can play is a fallacy at its best.


Outright misinformation / disinformation at worst.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> Some servers don't have enough numbers,

> should make WvW less zerg mindset and maybe more people will enjoy it.


> One thing I'm thinking about is GW2 PvE, they said fights take into consideration how many people are around. Usually 1 person can do, but if 30 show up, it scales.

> Thats how GW2 core was designed.


> Now thinking of how it can be done in WvW.

> How about if you haven't been near 5 or more players in past 3 minutes. You get a buff, basically build siege in one setting in enemy territory (so defense siege still normal costs)

> You can build that siege ram all by yourself with 15 materials.


> What this does is scatters people around,

> Now people can solo take towers.

> Need to also scale the tower lords so that if under 5 people show up, that lord can be taken out by under 5 people in under 2 minutes.


> With people being able to capture things under 5 people, and even 1 person, not so quickly but under 2 minutes gate is down, under minutes lord is down.

> This also creates people playing defense more, since people can easily choose, heck I want to do something other than what this zerg commander is doing, I want to attack the other server, I'm tired of double teaming.


> Servers with bad population.

> People feel useful, I can take a tower by myself, since nobody plays, under 2 minutes gate is down, under 2 minutes lord is down.


> All because of the main thing about GW2.

> Content scales with you.


> Lately though, I've been seeing static content, stuff requires a big party to do. And only scales up.

> Not everyone has big party.

> Also not everyone agrees with zerg commander.

> Also, people may want to participate in smaller fights, not everyone enjoys

> Range attack only zerg fights.


> ...


> This also promotes well coordinated guilds

> Say

> Commander with 40 people


> Hey everyone get into groups of 4

> We attacking multiple targets


> Uncoordinated zerg they can only fend off what they come across, they cant fend off someone attacking from 10 different places.

> More of WvW vibe.

> Easily and effectively done.


> The one thing ESO does better in WvW, is the siege vibe. When a keep is under siege, yeah its under FOR REAL siege.

> 20/20 siege up! OUTTA thin air!!!! need reinforcements ASAP!


> ESO siege its a mile long, so much siege.

> GW2, nothing but everything in same location.

> 6 rams all near each other

> 6 catapults stacked near each other.


> ESO, its a mile long. 20/20 siege aint no joke. And the sound effects are ON POINT.


> But back to GW2,

> less zerg,

> siege buff for people who havent seen more than 5 players, aka build siege with 15 supply

> Lord scales starting from 1 player.

> Scaling needs to be relooked in WvW, it should start low, with a 2 minute mindset to kill. aka Scaled to take 2 minutes to kill.


Well, I guess I am going to be that person....This is a L2P issue.


I DO agree it would be nice if people zerged less, however it is the most rewarding way to play the mode. I can roam and havoc all day and only get the same amount of rewards as zerging for one hour. As such, this is not going to change, it is also easier for people to be carried by others and over all skill can be low because fights are a numbers game with how combat and downstate function currently.


There is no reason for a siege building buff, as it stands you can already carry a max of 25 supply, if you don't bother to invest into that or make the effort to max your supply before attacking something or not using guild siege, that is your own choice. This also does not scatter people, the time it takes to build siege is NOT why people run in zergs.


Also worth noting and where the L2P comes in, solo capping a tower is possible now, I do it almost every day. And 5 people and under should be able to kill a tower lord in under 2mins? Why are you not doing this now? Serious question, with 5 people it should be dead in 30 seconds or less. If you have 5 people on lord and it's taking longer than 2 mins to kill, you need to take a serious look at your builds. Matter of fact, if you have 5 people, you should be going for keeps, not towers, towers are solo or duo attacks. Before the power nerf solo capping a keep was possible (I have done it more than once) and duo capping a keep is pretty easy as long as you are not out numbered by defenders. However havoc teams can do this because they understand you can't just bang your head on a wall or gate to get in, you have to be sneaky, you have to understand attack vectors, hidden spots, distractions etc etc but it is more than possible to cap a keep with 5 people, I did it the other day with 4 random people AND they had 3 defenders.


One thing I should also note, as you are talking about lord scaling. 5 people is preferred over a zerg for killing a tower lord, 1 person or 5, the scaling is the same, however a zerg of 30+ people will scale a good deal and the 5 man team should kill the lord before the 30 man team does, if you don't, again, you need to look at your builds and figure out why you do no damage, because you are doing something wrong.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > Two people can take a T-3 tower, 3-4 a keep.

> > >

> > > Having supply from one person being enough to fully build siege isn’t an answer that will work.

> >

> > T3 tower thats behind enemy lines?

> > As in EB the towers THEY OWN, the INSIDE ones


> No man... I meant taking a tower that I own......


> Yes. Taking one of their towers. With 2-3 players.



> >

> > This is done in ESO

> > How about GW2?


> See above.


> >

> > Its very effective in ESO because it cuts off their spawns to other keeps


> But GW2 doesn’t have the mechanism to cut off spawns so...


> >

> > GW2 you'd have to do a lot of long distance running or take a camp on their side, which they defiantly going to respond too. And on their way there, they gonna notice you.


> No... you wouldn’t. Unless you want to solo it.


> >

> > In ESO, no need to make much noise, you just start tearing at the keep within seconds.


> Ok.. I thought this was the GW2 boards.


> Just because it’s done in another game doesn’t mean it’s ‘better’.



Ah, see solo is not an option anymore.

If they going to lose a T3 INNER tower they own, they will come back, just like in ESO they losing one of those MAIN line keeps they coming back unless they just razing havoc and only pushing forward.


EB right now, losing outer towers, sure happens, they'll allow it.

EB right now, losing inner towers, we coming back, unless ofc, its Zerg vs Zerg right now, and you know, there Zerg is unstoppable. And they messing with you in your lands.


When their Zerg is UNSTOPPABLE,

thats when its solo time.


I'd like to go after the their inner keeps, annoy there zerg, make them send there best players while they continue raising havoc OR they just come back and take me out rather than going around eating all the other worlds wimpy zergs.

This is when I disagree with commander, there zerg is better, its clear, no rematch. You want rematch, go ahead, I'll do what GW2 lets solo's do which is little to nothing. Take camps (NOT on EB) and kill sentry's (NOT on EB)


In ESO, when enemy zerg is UNSTOPPABLE.

You have PvE quests

Cave crawls

tons of things similar to camps in GW2 (lumber yard, farm, mine)

I could siege a keep and run away when they spawn back to defend it


Many options in ESO WvW when facing UNSTOPPABLE zerg opponent, forcing me to either wipe all day or solo

NOT SO MANY GW2 WvW options. Do camp (NOT on EB), Do sentries (NOT on EB)

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WvW isn't open world pvp, it's a large spvp match without the stat regulation. People don't have any reason to go to obscure parts and edges of a map or just wander around, especially if they only have an hour or two to play, prime time or not. Any non group composition buff or debuff can be exploited with good timing and coordination. If people want a less pigeon holed WvW, people in general need to build for handling more things instead of of funneling their build into one sweat gotcha moment or just be okay with what we have right now. You want open world pvp that GW2 doesn't have.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > Some servers don't have enough numbers,

> this is problem for player on less servers I think. Someone lose, some win. Don't want be loser - change server. All is fair.


> > should make WvW less zerg mindset and maybe more people will enjoy it.

> no, no one want fight wiht same ppc amount. People like dominate and win.


> > You can build that siege ram all by yourself with 15 materials.

> you already can do it. Biudl, go near camp, take new mats, and findih biuld.


> > Now people can solo take towers.

> on non prime time we do it 2. Don;'t see any reason simplify it to 1.


> > Servers with bad population.

> as I say 2 enough to take tower ALREADY for me. Skilled player do it solo already


> > Not everyone has big party.

> this is only problem for small party, and we like it in wvw


> > Also not everyone agrees with zerg commander.

> non agree - make small party and come near my bir zerg :)) = this is main fun in wvw


> > The one thing ESO does better in WvW, is the siege vibe.

> > ESO siege its a mile long

> like eso sige vibe ? go play eso siege vibe. Don't se reason bring another unknown for me game in gw2.



> > But back to GW2,

> > less zerg,

> yes, we need that someoen amke small zerg in wvw, thay perfect meat for big zerg. This is one of fun in wvw


> > Lord scales starting from 1 player.

> so that we point attract people in this way ? do solo lord fast, and wp .. . this is mmo or what ?

Change server? Nobody respect player who have changed server.


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