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Guild Wars in VR - [Merged]


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I know it is far fetch. i play Guild Wars for 14 years now. to me is the best MMORPG ever made. I purchased a Oculus Quest 2 recently and i notice that there isn't any real good MMORPG for it. i would love to be able to play Guild Wars on it. Maybe an idea for Guild Wars VR edition. The story could be place when the gods were still in Orr and the first humans arrived Elona.

There are so many good mechanics on VR that fit perfectly. Like voice recognition for Shout skill, movement attacks for swords and etc. And the Guild Wars world is amazing and the background story even better.

Please think about it.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Of course you mean a completely new game, because neither Guild Wars nor Guild Wars 2 are in any way compatible with VR

Well people can run GW2 in VR already... but its not exactly designed for it.


Either way what the OP want is a new game and thats not something you "think" about and have it materialize over night. When/if VR gets bigger *maybe* we will see something within our lifetime. Because thats pretty much the timespan we are talking about here.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Of course you mean a completely new game, because neither Guild Wars nor Guild Wars 2 are in any way compatible with VR

> Well people can run GW2 in VR already... but its not exactly designed for it.


> Either way what the OP want is a new game and thats not something you "think" about and have it materialize over night. When/if VR gets bigger *maybe* we will see something within our lifetime. Because thats pretty much the timespan we are talking about here.


How? I know how to run GW2 in stereoscopic 3D, but so far I have not found a way to run in in VR.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Of course you mean a completely new game, because neither Guild Wars nor Guild Wars 2 are in any way compatible with VR

> Well people can run GW2 in VR already... but its not exactly designed for it.


> Either way what the OP want is a new game and thats not something you "think" about and have it materialize over night. When/if VR gets bigger *maybe* we will see something within our lifetime. Because thats pretty much the timespan we are talking about here.


Well if no one shows interest they wont think that much about it. if more people join me maybe they will anounce something within 4 or 5 years time. I know its just a dream. But if we all say something they will listen.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> it already exists, not in the way VR works but in a certain line it already has what you need.

> i know VR is big enough to actually do something with it, it's just a pity the AAA MMO world doesn't even see how big it is.

It's just a matter of time. MMORPG is a genre that makes the player go deep into the game VR is the perfect platform for a MMORPG. It can't go more immersive.


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If you want to avoid massive motion/VR sickness you need stable framerates above 60 fps (preferably a lot more). Doing that in an action mmo just isn't possible at the moment. The amount of players with hardware good enough to do that probably number less than a few thousand worldwide and out of those I'd assume no one plays GW2.

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> @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

> If you want to avoid massive motion/VR sickness you need stable framerates above 60 fps (preferably a lot more). Doing that in an action mmo just isn't possible at the moment. The amount of players with hardware good enough to do that probably number less than a few thousand worldwide and out of those I'd assume no one plays GW2.

I think there is alot more than that but still you are correct VR *need* to be a smooth experience. Few VR games today is anything beyond the basics.


Then you can add the technology itself on top of that. Its not until this year we've seen VR lenses and resolution make a leap forward. I dont really see a "this is common" future until we have a decently priced headset that combines all the things - standalone/PC, wireless/cabled, good lenses, good resolution, good controller tracking, capacitive/camera finger tracking, eye tracking, etc.


Right now no matter what you buy there are flaws. Reverb G2? *Vastly superior* visual quality to all others and then... they "forgot" the damn finger tracking. It would probably have added $5 production cost per controller but **no**. To me that makes it completely worthless as a VR experience.


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> @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

> If you want to avoid massive motion/VR sickness you need stable framerates above 60 fps (preferably a lot more). Doing that in an action mmo just isn't possible at the moment. The amount of players with hardware good enough to do that probably number less than a few thousand worldwide and out of those I'd assume no one plays GW2.


I think hardware is already out there. i have been playing some VR titles, action rpg, and they run quite well. Also check for instance Zenith VR. It's an VR MMO with mechanics very similar to GW2 has. And its going to launch next year. And i don't have a mighty machine. And by the way Zenith will launch for Quest 2, and that is a standalone system. no pc required. So if they can do it, why not ArenaNet.

All i was hoping is maybe putting this idea into ArenaNet master minds. I don't know how they do it but either Guild Wars 1 or Guild Wars 2 need a mega pc to run. That might be the way forward for VR, whatever they do. And let's not forget that there's alot of people that want Guild Wars in VR. That's why there's videos and mods to adapt GW2 to VR. These videos, by the way, don't have only a few views. And like i said if we make alot of noise maybe they will listen. just saying.

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Naah... I'm waiting for the NerveGear.


Virtual Reality has been the talk for decades now and we've just been waiting for the hardware to be able to deliver the graphics. The hardware is here now and we need the coders to catch up.


Lately, I've seen some discussions about Augmented Reality and my first reaction was "Forget about VR, I want AR!"


But the feeling of acting inside the game would probably attract some players. Having it as an optional gaming device, I would like that.


Adding AI to the game may be the last piece of the puzzle. I don't think AI should add to the game difficulty, but if it's used for how the NPC acts in some situations and making them more "alive".

I was thinking if @"Akethon.5108" spent several hours a day for a couple of months at Traveler's Dale in Gendarran Fields, helping other players, killing monsters and helping out at events. The character should be treated as the local hero, they should be telling stories and the children should say things like "Let's play Akethon against Risen! This time, I want to be Akethon!"

I've seen similar behaviour now, but that was connected to the current player in Living World. I still like how the NPC is used in Guild Wars 2 to give us that extra experience of a living world. That experience would definitely add value to a VRMMO.

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> @"Akethon.5108" said:

> > @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

> > If you want to avoid massive motion/VR sickness you need stable framerates above 60 fps (preferably a lot more). Doing that in an action mmo just isn't possible at the moment. The amount of players with hardware good enough to do that probably number less than a few thousand worldwide and out of those I'd assume no one plays GW2.


> I think hardware is already out there. i have been playing some VR titles, action rpg, and they run quite well. Also check for instance Zenith VR. It's an VR MMO with mechanics very similar to GW2 has. And its going to launch next year. And i don't have a mighty machine. And by the way Zenith will launch for Quest 2, and that is a standalone system. no pc required. So if they can do it, why not ArenaNet.

> All i was hoping is maybe putting this idea into ArenaNet master minds. I don't know how they do it but either Guild Wars 1 or Guild Wars 2 need a mega pc to run. That might be the way forward for VR, whatever they do. And let's not forget that there's alot of people that want Guild Wars in VR. That's why there's videos and mods to adapt GW2 to VR. These videos, by the way, don't have only a few views. And like i said if we make alot of noise maybe they will listen. just saying.


The hardware to handle a few dozen players sure. But GW2 can have over 100 players in one location and all of them can have dozens of effects each. Keeping that at a completely stable framerate is still out of reach for most people.

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> @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

> > @"Akethon.5108" said:

> > > @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

> > > If you want to avoid massive motion/VR sickness you need stable framerates above 60 fps (preferably a lot more). Doing that in an action mmo just isn't possible at the moment. The amount of players with hardware good enough to do that probably number less than a few thousand worldwide and out of those I'd assume no one plays GW2.

> >

> > I think hardware is already out there. i have been playing some VR titles, action rpg, and they run quite well. Also check for instance Zenith VR. It's an VR MMO with mechanics very similar to GW2 has. And its going to launch next year. And i don't have a mighty machine. And by the way Zenith will launch for Quest 2, and that is a standalone system. no pc required. So if they can do it, why not ArenaNet.

> > All i was hoping is maybe putting this idea into ArenaNet master minds. I don't know how they do it but either Guild Wars 1 or Guild Wars 2 need a mega pc to run. That might be the way forward for VR, whatever they do. And let's not forget that there's alot of people that want Guild Wars in VR. That's why there's videos and mods to adapt GW2 to VR. These videos, by the way, don't have only a few views. And like i said if we make alot of noise maybe they will listen. just saying.


> The hardware to handle a few dozen players sure. But GW2 can have over 100 players in one location and all of them can have dozens of effects each. Keeping that at a completely stable framerate is still out of reach for most people.

More like ~250 (WvW ~80-90 per side). People always underestimate just how many players GW2 can chug through.


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> The hardware to handle a few dozen players sure. But GW2 can have over 100 players in one location and all of them can have dozens of effects each. Keeping that at a completely stable framerate is still out of reach for most people.


Orbus is another VRMMORPG out there. It has all the mechanics. And it's an open world MMO with world bosses, events etc.



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Well Anet did have a bunch of projects going on and they all got canned so I highly doubt you'll ever see an official GW2 VR spinoff..


Maybe they could work a feature like that into whatever game they are going to make after Gw2 but I dunno.. Vr is still a pretty niche thing overall and for many companies I'm going to guess there is usually a cost vs market size discussion coming into play every time they decide whether to go down the Vr road or not.

Lot's of people like Vr but a good deal more either don't care about it/have no interest in it or they really dislike it..

Either way I expect Anet would need a pretty significant amount of players pushing for Vr to actually get them to consider it for a future game.. specially if that game was going to be one of their major big projects like Gw2 is.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Well Anet did have a bunch of projects going on and they all got canned so I highly doubt you'll ever see an official GW2 VR spinoff..


If you check most VR Games are being made by very small teams. And Anet already have most assets that could be reused. I don't think they can do it now. But for a future investment I think it's a great idea. Oculus Quest 2 have very good hardware and I think in the coming years there will be more and better standalone VR devices.

Check for instance Zenith VR. You will see what I mean. People are thirsty for a good VR MMO.



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> @"Akethon.5108" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Well Anet did have a bunch of projects going on and they all got canned so I highly doubt you'll ever see an official GW2 VR spinoff..

> >

> If you check most VR Games are being made by very small teams. And Anet already have most assets that could be reused. I don't think they can do it now. But for a future investment I think it's a great idea. Oculus Quest 2 have very good hardware and I think in the coming years there will be more and better standalone VR devices.

> Check for instance Zenith VR. You will see what I mean. People are thirsty for a good VR MMO.




What I mean is that since Anet already had a bunch of side projects get shut down not to long ago (and resulting in mass layoffs) I don't think they would start doing other side projects like this anytime soon.

It's not about the VR hardware or anything like that, im sure it's more than capable.

It's more about Anet's current focus on Gw2's continued development not on other projects that could end up being shut down like the last bunch were.

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> What I mean is that since Anet already had a bunch of side projects get shut down not to long ago (and resulting in mass layoffs) I don't think they would start doing other side projects like this anytime soon.

> It's not about the VR hardware or anything like that, im sure it's more than capable.

> It's more about Anet's current focus on Gw2's continued development not on other projects that could end up being shut down like the last bunch were.

I never said right now. They are working now the the EoD expansion. But i think that it could be the next big thing for Anet. They could put 2 guys just to explore. I really believe that how GW2 is built, like the event system, the fact that everyone talks to you when you making the missions and story quests, GW2 wanted to be the most immersive since the start. Thats why season 1 destroyed Lion's Arch and changed it forever. like many other things. in the begining they wanted the world to change with the story to make the game as immersive as they could. If its still their true objective on a MMO then VR should be the next big step. Not tomorrow, but to show maybe the next 250 years after the dragons, or maybe show us the story before GW1 events, when Farahnur still had people there and Orr was still up and about. When the Gods were still there. Don't know the background is so rich.


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Could maybe try vorpX, I've used it in the past for Border Lands 2, but it's only to get the game working visually in VR. Also it will probably require a fair bit of tweaking so you don't spill your guts within about 5 minutes of immersion. I never tried it for gw2 and there are probably other options out there by now so maybe look around?

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> i think that VR would fit GW2 perfectly, HOWEVER, the engine is so outdated that it would probably meld most machines and crash all the time.


I dont think it would melt. if they would use the same graphic quality they have on GW2 it would just work. The oculus Quest 2 can handle it almost for sure. probably some tweaks here and there. Some programming changes, specially on the skill activation side of things and how skills work. And i have played a game where you cast fireballs by saying "fireball", open inventory by saying "show me my inventory", etc. So the tecnology is there. The background story is also there. I truly believe that they could use most of the same assets that they already have created. Maybe changing some of it but not creating from scratch. That would save them loads of money. But i am just some small ant. Most likely none of Dev team has even looked at this thread. It's just us discussing the future of a franchise that we love. This conversation for them it's probably a waste of time. But exactly because of that i would like to loads of people, that truly believe that this could be the next best thing for Tyria, to contribute here and make some noise. Maybe, just maybe, someone will take a look and see all this. But My dream is indeed one day be able to play GW in VR. Not with mods, but natively. But mods are welcome, that means that people want the same as i do.

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> @"Ahrya.3097" said:

> Could maybe try vorpX, I've used it in the past for Border Lands 2, but it's only to get the game working visually in VR. Also it will probably require a fair bit of tweaking so you don't spill your guts within about 5 minutes of immersion. I never tried it for gw2 and there are probably other options out there by now so maybe look around?


The fact you tried borderlands 2 on VR, and like you many others did, might explain why there is an oficial Borderlands 2 VR version. Maybe the same for GW.

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> @"Akethon.5108" said:

> And i have played a game where you cast fireballs by saying "fireball"

*1000 years into the future*

Archeologist 1: *"Look at this ancient data recording of a person sitting in a chair! There is some sort of contraption over his head and he's just saying 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 for hours!!"*

Archeologist 2: *"... Aliens."*

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