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Please, just please make the skyscale work properly - dont auto grab everything around it

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The skyscale would be so much smoother to move around if it didnt latch onto anything coming close to it automatically.


Please turn the grab into an default ability. When i want to grap onto something it is only too easy to press a key - as it is now it graps onto 10 things by the time i actually want to grab onto something. Like you can't make any cool moves on it as soon as any edge is near it just grabs on instead of sliding on the surface like a normal interaction.

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> @"Crackmonster.2790" said:

> The skyscale would be so much smoother to move around if it didnt latch onto anything coming close to it automatically.


> Please turn the grab into an default ability. When i want to grap onto something it is only too easy to press a key - as it is now it graps onto 10 things by the time i actually want to grab onto something. Like you can't make any cool moves on it as soon as any edge is near it just grabs on instead of sliding on the surface like a normal interaction.


Sounds that your problem are more in the older content with how core Tyria have been designed as maps and that area then in the new content (PoF) where Skyscale and mount where added into game. Latching happens more often for me when I fly with Skyscale a bit low above ground level where some trees and street lamps might suddenly block Skyscales flight. Change into Griffon in that case or any landbase mount and you shouldn't have too much issue with Skyscales behaviour.



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There being a toggle for auto-grab or not wouldn't be terrible, but changing it at this point would mess a lot of people up and possibly introduce new issues.


I definitely had that issue at first but using (and sometimes just tapping) the descend button all but eliminated it since you can't latch while descending. As someone else said, older content seems to be the worst since there are so many things where you assume there's collision when there isn't and other times that tiny leaf that shouldn't have a hitbox does. LW3 and onward tends to be way better about consistency with those things, though.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> How long have you been using this mount? I still have this happen from time to time, but I've learned how to avoid this issue for the most part.


Quite long enough to be very proficient with it. Doesn't change that it's not working properly though and would be more accurate, and able to do cooler moves if changed. I knew the learning curve answers would come, but it doesn't change that it's not working ideally even if you can learn to somewhat circumvent that.


I think if you never have this happen, you arent trying to push it to the limit, because it has huge limitations in practical use as soon as anything becomes slightly narrow. Flying through a random tree and woops theres a hidden ultra mini branch, now your skyscale is stuck there, charging ahead and slightly touching something. Oh yea your skyscale decided it was the best time to sit stuck there.


The final fact is that skyscale graps onto stuff you dont want it to grap onto, and if pushing things to the limit it happens more often that is ideal. Something that needed not to happen, because when you needed it to grap onto something it would not be hard to press 1 key. I mean you even need to press move now as well to make it happen, so youre already pressing a key. Only that is the move key and so you don't actually move but instead it takes another function when you really wanted to command it to move.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > ##Improvements and Updates

> > * Skyscale no longer grabs onto objects - flying into something instantly kill the player instead.


> At least be a little generous, it would first display a message saying turn back or be killed, which lasts for 1sec.


Seems too long, shorten it to .75 seconds.

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I'd rather see them changing how energy consumption works when grabbing the wall and jumping upwards, so you are able to use ANY amount of leftover endurance, not just the full endurance bar. It's quite annoying when your bar is 97% filled and you have to hover around and wait for it to be 100%, and go through all the grabbing animations again. Or when you've almost reached the platform, but you're too low to actually climb it and you have like 15 endurance which will would be enough to jump up, but you can't use it, so you have to make another detour or use bond of faith if it's not on cooldown.

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