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What Do You Think is Anet's Least Favourite Class

K THEN.5162

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> @ZhouX.8742 said:

> This is basically just a thread for the mains of their class to complain when in reality they're usually just bad.


> No actual value in this at all for Anet , but they can't balance anyway so it's irrelevant.


Many people here complain and think that ANet hates their profession just because it's been undertuned in 1 or 2 game modes. I don't think that balance is a good indicator for whether ANet dislikes a profession or not anyways.


The best indicator is imo how much effort the elite specialisations show and how well they fit the base class. Those are a direct indicator for how much time and effort ANet is willing to invest into the profession and how well they know the profession in the first place.

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> @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

> > @ZhouX.8742 said:

> > This is basically just a thread for the mains of their class to complain when in reality they're usually just bad.

> >

> > No actual value in this at all for Anet , but they can't balance anyway so it's irrelevant.


> Many people here complain and think that ANet hates their profession just because it's been undertuned in 1 or 2 game modes. I don't think that balance is a good indicator for whether ANet dislikes a profession or not anyways.


> The best indicator is imo how much effort the elite specialisations show and how well they fit the base class. Those are a direct indicator for how much time and effort ANet is willing to invest into the profession and how well they know the profession in the first place.


That isn't a very good way of looking at it either. Your approach has some major issues with it since Druid is a terrible fit for ranger in terms of its mechanics. THeme is spot on but mechanically how it fits into the class is an absolute mess. If that was your method if determining it then we could say that ranger is their least favorite.


However, even when looking at it from this Angle, Necromancer still has some of the worst translation with scourge. Core necro was not at all designed to fit with scourge. Scourge has poor synergy with the shroud mechanic and again we're looking at a class with bad design. How much work went into scourge in comparison? Hard to honestly say, but we do know that half of the scourge's design was broken on release and they clearly didn't alpha test it since the players picked up on the bugs instantly. A short sighted problem that shouldn't have ever happened. So, Broken, incomplete elite spec that isn't even functioning right, not a number tuning problem, but straight up its mechanics are not functioning right.


I prefer using the history of the professions and their performance across the first and second game, if its there at all. Engineer for example has very strong love from the devs. You might not think it, but Ritualist was designed for GW1 to be a fantasy version of an engineer, so the devs wanted engineer so badly in their game that when GW2 came along they jumped on that. Even postponing its reveal until the end because they believed that it was special! So much love went into its design, you can just tell with all the clicks and clanks from their turrets and the subtle design behind them.

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> @Lily.1935 said:


> I prefer using the history of the professions and their performance across the first and second game, if its there at all. Engineer for example has very strong love from the devs. You might not think it, but Ritualist was designed for GW1 to be a fantasy version of an engineer, so the devs wanted engineer so badly in their game that when GW2 came along they jumped on that. Even postponing its reveal until the end because they believed that it was special! So much love went into its design, you can just tell with all the clicks and clanks from their turrets and the subtle design behind them.


I agree with that. But engineer has core problems too. I think that's not a coincidence if engineer and revenant are the least played classes. I think the problem come with the lack of customization, utilities options. Anet wanted to make the engineer like an elementalist 2.0 so they used kits (utilities that give you 5 weapons skills). The problem with that is the fact that it take an utility skill AND it's too much essential to engineer (engineer without kit is really limited) so, basically you have you utilities skills locked behind kits and so, a lack of options. (affortunatly you have some toolbelts skills for compensate but it don't Worth an utility skill). The things they needed to do, even if it's too similar with elementalist is give the engineer a f1-f2-f3-F4 kits that work like the elementalist attunments without the need of take an utility skill.


Don't even speak about revenant. Revenant has even less options and is locked behind 5 utilities skills per legend giving them the worst versatility of all classes. Morevoer they have an energy mechanic which make them switch legend, no by choice, but because they need to have energy for skills. Finally, even with weapon swap and 2 legends the profession remain the profession with less skills (less than elementalist and engineer) giving it , well a lack of versatility on the battlefield).


Anet wanted to do Something different than elementalist (f1 f2 f3 f4 attunement mechanic) for engineer and revenant giving them utilites skills that give you 5 weapons skills (kits) or with 2 legends that work like kits but the problem is that this don't work as well as the elementalist attunements.





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I voted for Engineer at the beginning, but these arguments have convinced me that Revenant has it hands down worse.


Like, it is strcitly forced to play 1 mere thing just like Engineer, but at least with my Engi, i can select some gimmick stuff, and make it somewhat workable, even if it doesnt succed as i wanted, Rev? i don't think they can even spec for funs and giggles even if they wanted...


The big neglection of renegade in PvP/WvW speaks for itself, they don't exist, they are an extinct race, and it was supposed to be one big reason for buy the expansion as a rev, that's simply fucked up.


I'll keep my Engi as the second must neglected, i yet need to see an utility being worse, more worse, thant the Turrets, why the fuck these things still exist...


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> @Lily.1935 said:

> A janky profession that caused lots of balancing problems in the first game that made the devs scream in frustration and being ported over to GW2 they completely change its theme so that its unrecognizable from its original incarnation only for the very few reminantes of its GW1 designed to further cause massive balance problems.


None of the professions translated directly, except maybe ranger if you don't consider being forced to have a pet to be a major change. Mesmers are now a summoner rather than what they were in GW1. Elementalist gameplay now focuses on cycling through attunements (unless you're a fire staff ele only focusing on max DPS). Even warrior adrenaline mechanics have gone from allowing you to cycle through multiple adrenaline skills to just having one burst skill (berserker and spellbreaker change that up, but it still doesn't behave like a GW1 warrior).


Necromancer changed not because of any balancing problems it had in GW1, but because GW2's mechanics are just so different to GW1's that the professions _had_ to change.


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I still say rev seems to get a lot less love than most classes in the game.


Necromancer, although I do agree that it's always been in a weird spot, has always stayed somewhat consistent in pvp (although requires good supports to really make it shine due to lack of personal defences. ). In disorganized fractals and dungeons, necromancer has always felt like the easiest class to run.

Raids on the other hand, tragic.

Feels great to make a whole new ascended viper set only for a patch aimed at PVP to make this the unwanted child of raid content.



Although I thoroughly love the concept of revenant as a class and it's somewhat restrictive playstyle, there are times which I question whether or not this class got released on a rush.


Happily referred to as nerfanent, things look a little better for it with Khalix in pof for pve. It was something much needed.


Pvp wise, I feel revenant is still a decent pick though it needs far more effort and mastery of the class to perform than most.


Ventari I feel has so much potential if using the tablet wasn't so... weird. It just feels buggy half the time to be honest.

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So, I went into wvw last night on my first ever attempt at scourge in any game mode. I had a random mish mash of exotic gear with a few ascended pieces with no runes. I never read any of my traits or skills...literally just smashed buttons and everything died. Most notably, I easily killed a gold and platinum level holosmith and firebrand in a 1v2. Keep in mind I have no idea what I was doing.


A few things to note:

1) the fact that the meta builds for scourge and spellbreaker make use of mostly new utility skills and the specialization weapons goes to show you how much thought went into development. By comparison, the meta holosmith build uses only the elite and a core weapon. I think they did a good job on the holosmith as a whole, but it’s an engi so it will be unplayable next patch.


2) As I suspected, Scourge is incredibly strong for how easy it is (mashing rando buttons and winning 1v2 against what I can only assume were decent players).


3) This poll is biased to begin with because there are far more necro mains that post on forums. People generally QQ about the classes they play. I bet sylvari necros spend far more in the gemstone than any other race/class cause nerds.



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Have to say revenant. I feel like they originally had a grand idea for this profession and each pass and rite spec they’ve kind of lost their original vision for it and just put out whatever they could to make it somewhat viable hoping the player base would do the rest. Lol


I actually quite like my grevious shortbow/axe/mace khakis rev but I don’t know that I would ever attempt to pvp with it. And the spec mechanics themselves are just really not that fun. The preset abilities for each legend are just never that exciting to me on top of not getting to mix and match from other legends. Heralds were really boring outside of the elite. Malyx leap is fun but not much else. Shiro is the only fun variation. Ventari is just a clunky headache that seems to only be good for knockback spam. Jails could be cool if it provided a bit more defensive capability without relying on stat attribution. And khalia is just a mess of random spirit summon wells that are short-lived, fragile, and really only useful as emergency use or seemingly lackluster group dps boost like a weaker version of time warp and venom share.



Would love a solely selfish-themed elite spec for revenant like a power/burn type option that could mesh with jalis’ taunts, malyx leaps and condi output, or shiros quick attacks.

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> @RedSPINE.7845 said:

> I dont think there are classes they don't like, just some that they don't care about, which probably worse. If only they had a dedicated designer to each class we could speak to. I'm not saying one guy doing only that, but a different perso for each profession.


That would be nice but unfortunately the balance team is only 3 people and they are the same people who also work on the elite specs. It's why the balance patches are so lackluster. Anet really should take balance seriously and expand the balance team.

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I'm gonna go with the elementalist.

For each new weapon/specialization they have to desígn four times the skills. The ele received quite a few nerfs in recent time(especially the cooldown for each enemy on ice bow and meteor storm).

And while the ele has a high dps, just look at the ratio of "Difficulty" to "Personal damage" in the [qT] guides: The ele runs through different attunements, places and jumps into firefields, times blast finishers and cooldowns...the guardian places three traps(that's not the full rotation for the DH, but the amount of damage coming from those three traps compares to half a button-concert on the power-ele).

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> @Zacchary.6183 said:

> @ All of the Necromancers saying Anet likes them the least


> Wait until you get exclusively nerfed for 2-3 years straight before you start start feeling sorry for yourself. lol real talk.


I don't think thief is least liked by Anet per se (and i am thief main). I think thief is more of scapegoat for Anet. The class is easy to hate due to design. You want to calm masses? Implement some nerf to the class to make said masses happy for a while. Also, in my opinion, there is little understanding about the class from the balancing team as well as a lot of unwillingness to understand the class all together. That being said, thief is still in not as bad spot as rev now which has literary no niche and was only created to enforce sales.


> @AsiraasiB.7165 said:

> If you didn't vote thief then you've never played one


I have over 6k hours on my main thief and couple hundred hours on my alt thief. I think rev is most neglected prof (or rather half finished). Your point?


> @draxynnic.3719 said:

> > @AsiraasiB.7165 said:

> > If you didn't vote thief then you don't main one


> Fixed that for you.


> Not saying thief doesn't have its problems as well, but they're certainly not so bad as to be the obvious hatechild to anybody who's ever played one.


Please refrain from generalization. Thank you.

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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> > @Zacchary.6183 said:

> > @ All of the Necromancers saying Anet likes them the least

> >

> > Wait until you get exclusively nerfed for 2-3 years straight before you start start feeling sorry for yourself. lol real talk.


> I don't think thief is least liked by Anet per se (and i am thief main). I think thief is more of scapegoat for Anet. The class is easy to hate due to design. You want to calm masses? Implement some nerf to the class to make said masses happy for a while. Also, in my opinion, there is little understanding about the class from the balancing team as well as a lot of unwillingness to understand the class all together. That being said, thief is still in not as bad spot as rev now which has literary no niche and was only created to enforce sales.


> > @AsiraasiB.7165 said:

> > If you didn't vote thief then you've never played one


> I have over 6k hours on my main thief and couple hundred hours on my alt thief. I think rev is most neglected prof (or rather half finished). Your point?


> > @draxynnic.3719 said:

> > > @AsiraasiB.7165 said:

> > > If you didn't vote thief then you don't main one

> >

> > Fixed that for you.

> >

> > Not saying thief doesn't have its problems as well, but they're certainly not so bad as to be the obvious hatechild to anybody who's ever played one.


> Please refrain from generalization. Thank you.


I was working with what I had - I don't actually think that everyone who mains thief thinks that thief is the most neglected profession (although there is a broad tendency for people to think that their main is more neglected than it is compared to other professions). Mostly, I was annoyed by the implicit "anyone who doesn't agree with me doesn't know what they're talking about".


Your 'scapegoat' comment reflects something I've been thinking myself: thief and mesmer are both professions that have unusual mechanics and styles that can require different tactics to deal with, and thus are common targets for calls to be nerfed by people who don't like having to deal with them. Both, however, also have had periods where ArenaNet has given them some pretty nice stuff, and their traitlines function fairly decently. Their treatment can be likened to whipping boys - every so often they're beaten down for something that wasn't really their fault, but they usually get built back up again afterwards.

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Ele is the obvious answer. Most of its power is accidental or was slowly discovered by players. It was never obvious where they would excel or what builds they would use.


Needless to say, every single thing they have excelled at either got nerfed, removed, or power crept to death by other classes.

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Thief by far. No other class has been nerfed more in the history of GW2. No other class has such role restrictions.


The poll should read: "Besides thief...which class is Anet's least favorite"


To all the people saying rev....The class has been out for a wee bit over 2 years. Most of the time it's been OP as fuck with being complete meta when not. The class hasn't been around enough to qualify for the poll.


Rev most hated ROFLMAO

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> @Jinks.2057 said:

> Thief by far. No other class has been nerfed more in the history of GW2. No other class has such role restrictions.


> The poll should read: "Besides thief...which class is Anet's least favorite"


> To all the people saying rev....The class has been out for a wee bit over 2 years. Most of the time it's been OP as kitten with being complete meta when not. The class hasn't been around enough to qualify for the poll.


> Rev most hated ROFLMAO


I know right? That's why in the first balance pass after HoT released they excessively buffed the damage of their "least favourite" and nerfed the damage of the new class that was starting to compete with it. [Reality](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/January_2016 "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/January_2016")

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Revenant by far. It used to be Anet's favorite (as an expansion exclusive) but over time it reached low tier. What makes Revenant different than Necromancer or Elementalist, is that it's low tier on every game mode in existence, while some of the other professions are good in other modes.

Necromancer is bad in PVE instanced content, but is god tier in competitive modes.

Elementalist is bad in PVP, but it dominates PVE instanced content.

Revenant is bad in everything.

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> @Clownmug.8357 said:

> > @Jinks.2057 said:

> > Thief by far. No other class has been nerfed more in the history of GW2. No other class has such role restrictions.

> >

> > The poll should read: "Besides thief...which class is Anet's least favorite"

> >

> > To all the people saying rev....The class has been out for a wee bit over 2 years. Most of the time it's been OP as kitten with being complete meta when not. The class hasn't been around enough to qualify for the poll.

> >

> > Rev most hated ROFLMAO


> I know right? That's why in the first balance pass after HoT released they excessively buffed the damage of their "least favourite" and nerfed the damage of the new class that was starting to compete with it. [Reality](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/January_2016 "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/January_2016")


and yet revs remained OP after that patch. They also remained Meta up until PoF.....ya sooo f'n hated.


I will say this though rev is in a bad spot at this time. How you feel playing your rev is how the entire 1st year of HoT was for thieves.


Being in a bad spot for a few months does not qualify you for most hated. Being nerfed from God Status to Meta does not either. Ele, Warrior, Ranger, Guardian, and Necro have all been in the spot that your Rev is now for far longer time periods.


I think that puts this to rest


p.s. The problem with this poll is it reflects which class is the weakest at this time with a buncha Necro mains swooping it trying to save their class from the nerf bat. It ignores the history of the classes, and when you look at the history rev shouldn't be in the discussion

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