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The things you write into /t before a match starts...


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TEMPLE Match (last night):

Me at start.. Pls remember to try and get Tranquility at 8:30 timer esp if we are behind in points.


when timer is 10:30 and we are behind on points , "pls get tranq at 8:30"


timer at 9:30 (we are still behind on pts) "tranq in 1 min"


timer at 8:45 . i go to get tranquility and i am 1v3 with no team mates in sight.


Enemy gets tranquility and its....





Honestly if i was on an EU server i would think no one spoke English on my team.

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"If we lose mid, don't return one after another, try far if clear or regroup and go mid all at once."

or during the game.

"Let that player camp the point, it's 5v4 for us" - and most of the time my teammates tend to go to that dude who camps a point and tanks 2 or 3 of them.

Do these players turn off their chat or don't understand that "complex" message?

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @Cynz.9437 said:


> > /headdesk x1000

> Well I do charge far with mirage depending on the situation. So probably you would hate me.


Depending on situation is key word. I had countless warriors in the past that thought they can win 1v1 at far and die there over and over during the match while continuously badmouthing me for not decapping far (while he was yet at again at spawn). Heck, i even had support eles doing same thing.

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> @Vapour.7348 said:

> OP I'm glad you communicate with your team.


> The annoying part is when no one responds.


> There's a likelihood that a "mute" team loses. Even if we do win, it's far less enjoyable. Opposite is true - if the team communicates constructively and try their very best, even if it ends up in a loss, I wouldn't feel as bad.


> I do notice that people communicate more during prime time NA and the higher the tier, the more competitive so people do talk more.


This is it. and this is also one of the points why these people are in a higher tier ...



One of the better matches was:


I looked at the teams. O_o we have two thiefs, ele (me) , scourge, engi. Oponent: 2 Scourges, 1 FB, 1 warr, 1 thief.

OK. So lets make a plan to get out of this. Actually com startet and they responded. I said let the two thiefs go far. engi close and scourge with me go mid just to survive and not go on point.

They listened and did it ... Far blown up, close caped and defended and we two dancing around mit staying at range. We took a 50 point lead ...

But then ... no more comunication. One by one people started to come mid to help and kept dying on the point in seconds while i stayed there for about five minutes ....

And of course their thief and warr startet decaping sides ... And we lost .. sigh ....

Sadly its close to impossible to play team strategy/tactics in this system. Even if people know it is the way to success.


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> @Alatar.7364 said:

> Here's the general advice:

> - Try to focus on 2 points

> - No need to go far if we hold two points

> - Stomp

> - Fight on point

> - Game of caps not kills


This is bad advice.


First off, taking far even when you already have two points is the proper play, _as long as the enemy has people on respawn_ Obviously if the enemy team has all 5 of their players in play, then going far is bad because it leaves you outmanned at mid and close, but if the enemy team has people on respawn then you can take far without being outnumbered on mid and close., and taking far in such a scenario is the optimal play, because it forces the enemy team to waste time recapping far, and further solidifies your team's lead.


Stomping is highly situational. If a enemy is downed off the node with no other enemies to rez him, it's usually better to bleed him out, as to delay his respawn even further. Also you should never go for a stomp if the enemy is rezzing because of the high probability that they will complete the rez before you finish the 3 second stomp cast.


Fighting on point is also highly situational. If the enemy does not have someone on point, then you do not need someone on point either.


> - Game of caps not kills

If you have the opportunity to kill a enemy, you should take it. Killing a enemy gives your team a numbers advantage on the map which can be exploited to snowball the map and pick up more caps.



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For the love of God, if you see two thieves on the team, be the better person and just switch.


I cannot for the life of me count how many times I ran into the asshole thief duo that thinks they are the next Sind. No, stop, we need a teamfighting class, we only need maybe one or two mobility at best. Switch mesmer. Anything other than a second thief.


I just lost hope more and more for every guy that just does not utilize actually class switching for strategy, it actually depresses me.


Duo engineer sure

Duo ranger (one for druid, one for soulbeast, or two for druid.) Sure

Duo mesmer sure

Duo thief - Leave. Just afk. That strategy only works in silver.

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> @lokh.2695 said:

> Hi there,

> I've made it a habbit to adress my team before match starts. Sure, not all the time, but most of the matches I play in ranked and during the season I do. I think to myself "better safe than sorry" so I give everyone a short 101 on sPvP. The things I write are always the same, since many seasons now. It's just some general advice regarding conquest as a game mode.


> Anyone else does this or knows of basic knowledge everyone participating in a ranked match should know?


> Here's the general advice:

> - Try to focus on 2 points

> - No need to go far if we hold two points

> - Stomp

> - Fight on point

> - Game of caps not kills


> Missing anything?


> Have a nice day :)


Every time i see someone typing "focus on 2 caps" i feel very worried.


**Try to focus on 2 points** - There are multiple cases (depending on the comp) where splitting the map into 3 caps is the only way to outrotate the enemy.

**No need to go far if we hold two points** - It is very questionable, very often putting pressure on the enemy home node is essential to win / get back momentum / regroup.

**Stomp** - Depending on the situation, cleaving is as important as stomping.

**Fight on point** - Caps are good but getting momentum is better. If you can get momentum by wiping the whole team / killing / saving important player off node, you should go for it. Players are more important than caps.

**Game of caps not kills** - Game of momentum (watch comment above).


Thus, the general advice should be: turn on your head when joining the game.

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I just ask who will take home. Only other thing worth saying is if you are playing an unusual build , then tell your team so that they don't expect you to lets say tank when you are DPS.

Advice on play is pointless, It makes you seem like a ass assuming you are better than your teammates, and anyone who is bad enough not knowing common tactics are not going to follow your advice anyway.

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> @Kondor.2904 said:

> > @lokh.2695 said:

> > Hi there,

> > I've made it a habbit to adress my team before match starts. Sure, not all the time, but most of the matches I play in ranked and during the season I do. I think to myself "better safe than sorry" so I give everyone a short 101 on sPvP. The things I write are always the same, since many seasons now. It's just some general advice regarding conquest as a game mode.

> >

> > Anyone else does this or knows of basic knowledge everyone participating in a ranked match should know?

> >

> > Here's the general advice:

> > - Try to focus on 2 points

> > - No need to go far if we hold two points

> > - Stomp

> > - Fight on point

> > - Game of caps not kills

> >

> > Missing anything?

> >

> > Have a nice day :)


> Every time i see someone typing "focus on 2 caps" i feel very worried.


> **Try to focus on 2 points** - There are multiple cases (depending on the comp) where splitting the map into 3 caps is the only way to outrotate the enemy.

> **No need to go far if we hold two points** - It is very questionable, very often putting pressure on the enemy home node is essential to win / get back momentum / regroup.

> **Stomp** - Depending on the situation, cleaving is as important as stomping.

> **Fight on point** - Caps are good but getting momentum is better. If you can get momentum by wiping the whole team / killing / saving important player off node, you should go for it. Players are more important than caps.

> **Game of caps not kills** - Game of momentum (watch comment above).


> Thus, the general advice should be: turn on your head when joining the game.


Man, you beat me to it. It's crazy how deluded some people can be. And then someone else in the thread is yelling in caps "dont push far if you have a thief on your team," like, do you even know how a thief works? Thief is best utilized when you can play on all 3 nodes and can rotate really well. If you focus 2 nodes with a thief on your team, the best thing you'll get is a decap which, while useful, is not even nearly as good as a quick +1 on a 1v1. (which will never happen if you don't push far.) Credibility: plat 3/leg player.

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> @lokh.2695 said:

> Hi there,

> I've made it a habbit to adress my team before match starts. Sure, not all the time, but most of the matches I play in ranked and during the season I do. I think to myself "better safe than sorry" so I give everyone a short 101 on sPvP. The things I write are always the same, since many seasons now. It's just some general advice regarding conquest as a game mode.


> Anyone else does this or knows of basic knowledge everyone participating in a ranked match should know?


> Here's the general advice:

> - *Focus on any favorable match up and rotate accordingly*

> - Pushing far is a great thing to do if you understand how to rotate

> - *Cleave* or stomp *based on the situation*

> - Fight where you need to in order to get kills

> - Game of *kills* and then *caps*


> Missing anything?


> Have a nice day :)


I fixed your post for you.

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"Hi team" is my go to chat line. then its just hope for the best and give it my all, try to adapt to any slight bad turns and pray for the win.


I'm not a big fan of ppl spamming advice in pvp chat everyone thinks they some kind of pvp god that needs to always carry a team every game, I like to throw in a random quip or funny one liner in there to lighten the mood.


had someone today say he wasn't going to play because we had someone he didn't like from a last game (thief) because he thought he was the issue and he was god tier thief, they both stopped playing and excepted the game as a loss, me and my 2 randoms got us in the lead point wise at half way and they started to have hope and joined in and we smashed the other team.


moral of the story pvp full of whining KITTENS and miracles can happen. so less lip flapping more point capping



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> @Vapour.7348 said:

> > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > "brb changing class" if we are class stacked.


> One time, I swapped from Weaver to FB because we had 2 scrouges and when I came back, someone on teamchat said "Report. DC" :anguished:


That's why I try to tell people I'll brb... But yea even then, people will still say "report rage quitter" just as you log back in before the game has even started.

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What I do on the start of every game, I let everyone know how garbage they are, so they keep it humble and down to earth, and if we lose I have a good defense of myself cause I called everyone garbage from the beginning ... But calling everyone garbage , rly makes them feel good and special

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After I load up, I'll say "hi" in some way. If I get a response, I know that game will be a winner - and will attempt to build a strategy. If I get no response, I'll try some more directed jokes using team mates usernames or appearances. If no communication is established, I'll prepare for my team-mates ragefest that ensues after my team-mates fifth consecutive failed push on far, or my own rage after all four teammates rush close right out of the gates.


Silent teams really do suck.

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Usually just "Mid, focus target please", other than that it's situational.


I play druid so going mid is almost mandatory unless my team has another druid. I usually the one who call target, because people in silver - mid gold is quite rarely call and take target, it really frustrates me when people is attacking here and there and ignoring the call target.

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> @LUST.7241 said:

> If I do type into chat at start...it's usually along the lines of:

> * _I'll grab home_ - I play Holosmith, they can grab home just as/almost as fast as a Thief or Mesmer

> * _Mesmer, portal?_ - I'd like to know.


> This isn't really stuff I type into chat...but really just advice:

> * Thief (Daredevil), Mesmer, and Holosmith (Rifle, Boots) have excellent mobility. Exploit that advantage by decapping empty points when you are being outnumbered at another.

> * If you are a Thief, Mesmer, or Holosmith and have a Thief, Mesmer, or Holosmith on your team, coordinate rotations. For example, depending on the match up, a Holosmith can grab close/home while Thief/Mesmer poke outliers mid, threaten far, or have a positional advantage to decap far faster than usual...rather than keeping strong 1v1'rs (Thief/Mesmer) home early.

> * If Mesmer, portals enable you to keep map control between two points and provide excellent engage/disengage for teammates. Not using portal can handicap you and your team.

> * Campers are bait. Don't fight bunkers camping a point. It's a waste of time. You are better suited outnumbering another point with your team that is way easier to take and rotating between the points the camper isn't sitting on.

> * Practice new builds in Custom Arenas or Unranked...not Ranked or Automated Tournaments.

> * Be informed of what the meta currently is. Use the forums, ask in the PvP Lobby chat, ask top Streamers, or look at [Metabattle](https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki "Metabattle") for an idea.

> * Don't trickle into a fight where the enemy team outnumbers you 1-by-1.

> * Don't micromanage your team. Yes, that Deadeye Rifle is probably a huge handicap...but instead of blaming them all the time, try to work around it. You'd be surprised how you can enable teammates.




Except that the vast majority of the time my team ignores portals, even rescue portals.

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“Brb coffee”

“Hold on let me put some pants on”

“Don’t worry guys I’m a healer engy, my medkit will save ya”

“I’m so sick of this loss streak but I’m sure it’s going to end here”

“I’ll camp beasts”


I figured there was so much good advise we needed some things that would make you facepalm.

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