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Heart Of Thorns Hero Points

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Now Path of fire is up and out, and the soon and muchly anticipated Living story Season 4!, Please can we have a look at downgrading some of the HOT hero point Mobs to Veterans.


The reason I request this as with each new expansion old maps are/will become more and more dormant, meaning smashing your face against the Champion mushroom queen in Tangled depths (for example) solo can be quite an emotional experience.


I have witnessed several pleas for help in the last few weeks Via ingame chat and the LFG tool with players asking/begging for HP Trains, (I have also noticed some people selling these such services, to which i think is outright wrong)


In conclusion, Downgrade the HP content to be soloable in future once an expansion has become less favorable.

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I think this is a fair request. Unless you find (or form) an HP run, which usually starts in VB and you really gotta commit to make it much further, it's hard to get those needed HPs. Also, since these really aren't super rewarding (other than the HP) it doesn't hurt to nerf em.



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> @"Liege Tai.8249" said:

> Now Path of fire is up and out, and the soon and muchly anticipated Living story Season 4!, Please can we have a look at downgrading some of the HOT hero point Mobs to Veterans.


> The reason I request this as with each new expansion old maps are/will become more and more dormant, meaning smashing your face against the Champion mushroom queen in Tangled depths (for example) solo can be quite an emotional experience.


> I have witnessed several pleas for help in the last few weeks Via ingame chat and the LFG tool with players asking/begging for HP Trains, (I have also noticed some people selling these such services, to which i think is outright wrong)


> In conclusion, Downgrade the HP content to be soloable in future once an expansion has become less favorable.


Last week I went to VB, AB and TD with my (then) level 8 Enigneer. I got 6/11 HP challenges in VB alone, and some communes in the other maps. by the time I left I had probably 12 HoT challenges done and was level 13. There are always people, there are several communes. I participated, I resurrected people, threw my buffs and ccs.


HoT HP challenges are fine. There are still HP runs and full metas. There was not a single time I failed with Octovine, and I do it every day. Whenever I wanted to join a DS meta, I did, my map never failed once. BTW, you can join a DS meta with a low level toon and complete the whole map, including 7 HP challenges that are communes. I have done that with a level 15 toon. There is nothing wrong and everything right with HoT. It is more popular and populated than the desert.

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> @Haishao.6851 said:

> They're fine as Champions. HoT was sold as challenging so it should stay that way.

> All of them are soloable if you put the effort, if not, you can ask in map for help or look for a HP train.




I agree. I'm not a fan of HoT maps, but they give diverse content and should remain as they are. My opinion. :)

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Being a champion is one thing. Being a champion the spams high damaging persistent AoEs in tight quarters while covering the whole area is pretty bad design. To top it off it also has a very short leash so if it aggros on someone who backpedel one too many steps it will leash back and regen its health to full.


I wonder if the design of the mushrooms involved mushrooms ...

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Yet here I had the feeling HoT maps were more alive than ever. Must be EU servers I guess where people are actively playing the HoT maps and hero point trains are up constantly.


There is sufficient easy hero points to aquire a full elite specialisation without having to engage in any champion hero points in HoT. This is further supported by the 200+ hero points from vanilla and the fact that a minimal amount of wvw allows for a purchase of uncompleted hero points in HoT areas.


No change needed imo.


> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @Haishao.6851 said:

> > They're fine as Champions. HoT was sold as challenging so it should stay that way.

> They're not fine, and most of them would still be challenging as veterans because they're obnoxious enemy types to begin with.


Both purely subjective opinions. The arguably most difficult HP in HoT (mushroom below Rata Novus) would still decimate low skill players no matter if veteran or champion. Most other champions are easily soloed by half-way competent players. It's more an issue of how demanding the skill check should be and HoT zones were introduced as a more challenging than usual open world content.


There is enough work arounds for low skill players to not have to change the current way these zones are designed.

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PoF hero challenges feel weak to me; they are easily soloed for the most part. HoT challenges are a lot tougher and many aren't soloable by typical players. There's probably a "happier" medium somewhere, but...


I also feel that there are other things that ANet could work on that have a greater benefit. I'd rather see new events and event chains or for Anet to find a way to prevent events from stalling (especially ones connecting to collections). People can always find ways to manage hero challenges; we can't always get the other stuff without ANet's help.

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> @Khisanth.2948 said:

> Being a champion is one thing. Being a champion the spams high damaging persistent AoEs in tight quarters while covering the whole area is pretty bad design. To top it off it also has a very short leash so if it aggros on someone who backpedel one too many steps it will leash back and regen its health to full.


> I wonder if the design of the mushrooms involved mushrooms ...


Pretty much this.

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I disagree - if anything, I think HoT hero points are much quicker and easier to farm (largely because PoF hero points are scattered across a linear map). HoT Hp's are also easier to cheese (like using the entranceway to stop the Chakk from charging in Auric Basin), and you can most definately get your elite spec while skipping the harder hero points (Mushroom Queen, anyone?) With the comming of Griffons, Vampire Hp has also become much more accessable to players who want to help, and Itzel frog (probably the 2nd hardest Hp of the expansion) just so happens to be sitting next to a waypoint - so getting help usually isn't an issue, I find.


I think of it like this:


HoT was built around group play, PoF was kinda built around solo exploration. I don't think we should be comparing them.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @Haishao.6851 said:

> > They're fine as Champions. HoT was sold as challenging so it should stay that way.

> They're not fine, and most of them would still be challenging as veterans because they're obnoxious enemy types to begin with.


Yes they're fine. If you're unable to solo them, ask for help.

Hot was sold for "_new challenges that are way beyond anything you've faced in GW2 before_"

If you're not happy, you have PoF to do veteran """hero""" challenge.

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While I wonder about the long-term sustainability of the HoT challenges, I also wonder if the time-frame where Champ hero challenges would become a real issue for late adopters is going to result in serious impact to lot of players. Generally, MMO developers rarely revise old content. IF ANet were going to revise HOT challenges, they would likely have done so in the April 16 revamp. I doubt we will ever see a Hot revamp 2.0.


That said, HC's are not only for Elite Specs, they are also map completion tasks. I prefer the PoF approach to either the core or HoT one.

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Some math:

* 204 points in Central Tyria

* 400 points in HoT

* 290 in PoF

* 14 'other' (specific WvW locations & the home instance Krait Obelisk)

* Infinite available in WvW via "Heroics" (_Proofs_ or _Testimonies_ thereof)


So folks wishing to avoid WvW and the harder HoT challenges can complete all of PoF's plus Core's and do any of the commune-type in HoT. That's enough to max both the PoF and HoT elites. There are at least 11 HoT commune-type challenges, so folks can skip half of Core Tyria and do those instead.


tl;dr so far, people aren't technically handicapped by the difficulty of HoT challenges (unless that's the only expansion they own and, if that's true, they've likely been around for a while and had time to get help).


_edit: per @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" , I've update the number of commune-types to "at least 11" until we have a confirmed count._

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Except you can solo them if you get creative. I enjoy the challenge in HoT hero points, don't ruin it for everybody else just because you cannot figure out how to dodge very obvious patterns. They're all simple (albeit not forgiving) with the exception of the mushroom queen at TD.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Some math:

> * 204 points in Central Tyria

> * 400 points in HoT

> * 290 in PoF

> * 14 'other' (specific WvW locations & the home instance Krait Obelisk)

> * Infinite available in WvW via "Heroics" (_Proofs_ or _Testimonies_ thereof)


> So folks wishing to avoid WvW and the harder HoT challenges can complete all of PoF's plus Core's and do any of the commune-type in HoT. That's enough to max both the PoF and HoT elites. If I recall correctly, there are 11 HoT commune-type challenges, so folks can skip half of Core Tyria and do those instead.


> tl;dr so far, people aren't technically handicapped by the difficulty of HoT challenges (unless that's the only expansion they own and, if that's true, they've likely been around for a while and had time to get help).


There are more than 11 HoT commune-type - the 7 in Dragon Stand are all commune. I think there are at least 4 others that are communes in TD alone.

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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> While I wonder about the long-term sustainability of the HoT challenges, I also wonder if the time-frame where Champ hero challenges would become a real issue for late adopters is going to result in serious impact to lot of players. Generally, MMO developers rarely revise old content. IF ANet were going to revise HOT challenges, they would likely have done so in the April 16 revamp. I doubt we will ever see a Hot revamp 2.0.


> That said, HC's are not only for Elite Specs, they are also map completion tasks. I prefer the PoF approach to either the core or HoT one.


Considering most HoT hero points can be done with 2-3 people relatively easily, with very few exceptions, I'm not thinking this is an issue.. My wife and I, not the best players in the world, can two man every single hero point in VB. The only one we can't two man in AB is the Balthazar hero point. The only one we can't two man in TD is the baby mushroom. Three people therefore, should be able to do the same ones even if they're not as good as us.


Dragon Stand you should be able to solo all of them since they're all communes.

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The most likely thing to happen is HoT going F2P. ArenaNet's not going to waste their resources looking back at HoT, especially considering they had to pull resources from PoF the first time they tried to fix it and now they're wanting quicker releases. If they were going to nerf them, they would have done so back then when they first changed a few of them. There's enough solo ones for the average player to unlock their elite, assuming they actually leveled through the core game. The other reason to nerf them is to not discourage map completion, and thus encouraging more players to stay in the map, but with the metas also blocking the maps, there's no point.

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I spent several hours recording video in the HoT maps yesterday. The HoT maps are teeming with players. From the perspective of a player attempting to record solo champion videos, it was downright annoying! I must have helped kill the Zintl Inquisitor 10 times before I got a clear shot at it! And it only takes me 2 minutes to kill that guy!


HoT haters have been predicting the death of that expansion pretty much since the day it came out. Well, now PoF is here. We no longer have to speculate! Are the HoT maps dead? Not even close. Can we just bury this bogus argument already? Go ahead and dig it up the day we have reason to believe that it's become a legitimate issue. Right now HoT looks more active than PoF!


In any event, I like the HoT HP challenges the way they are.

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