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Three Releases At Once


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Was having a discussion with a guild mate about next Tuesday. We are both hyped for it but I was telling him how upset I am that all three things (story episode; raid wing; fractal) coming out at once was a bad idea cause it splits up groups and people that want to do all of them but now they have to choose and maybe be left out of their main group when they finish one thing and move on to one of the two others and even worse when they get to release three of whatever order they decide to go with. My guildie said it wasn't that big a deal and liked all the new content coming. While I love all of it coming into the game, I would have rather one released a week for the next three weeks in whatever order. I assume there will be stories of some kind in all of them and raids require groups (and for some people fractals) that if you have set people you normally go with will get messed up if someone(s) wants to do the one of the other things first. So it will be hard to stay with the people you want to run with and spoilers free for all the content you might have not touched yet.


Am I making too big a deal out of this? Was my friend right to just be happy with all the new shinnies coming and to no worry about it? Would love some feed back and thoughts for everyone else if you would be so kind. Thank you for your time.

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There's no solution that works for everyone.

* People who do only raids don't want to wait for raids. Ditto for those who want the fractal only or just LS4.1.

* Other people who want all three also don't mind working on them all in the same week, especially if it means not waiting.


More importantly, though: it's easier on ANet to bundle up content into fewer releases. And when there's no perfect solution, I'm all in favor of cutting ANet slack, so the staff is better rested, and able to work on the next cool thing.

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> @Kapax.3801 said:

> I still do not understand why they say 3 releases ... it's really just one. I mean, it's just a content, nothing more.


Pardon maybe I didn't use the best wording. What I mean is there are three different things being implemented into the game at the same time. The Raid Wing; Living World episode; and new Fractal. My issue was with 3 different types of contents coming in at the same time, it splits people up and people lag behind friends and their groups if they prioritize something different then others they play with.


It does look like the majority are happy with so much content is coming in at once and it being different types in the same release doesn't seem to matter. As I said, I am quite happy with all the content coming in as well, however I was questioning them releasing it all the same week. Hence my poll and opening up the topic to see everyone's thoughts on the matter.

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For me personally it doesn't matter because I rarely do Fractals and I've never gotten around to raiding so the chances are I'd do the story 1st and the others weeks later no matter how they were released.


And I've already seen people complaining that this release is obviously all about whichever part they like **least** and the bit they do want is clearly an after-thought thrown in so Anet can pretend they haven't "forgotten" it. Whereas other people I've spoken to didn't even realise the thing they're excited about is coming at the same time as other stuff - they're just interested in what they want to do.


I suspect people like the OP who want to do all 3 equally, and with different groups of friends, are a minority and for most people it's going to be a simple matter of doing the thing they like best first, or doing whatever their group of friends is doing. So in that sense it's better to release them all together and let people choose. But the downside is then all the promotion is jumbled together and people may miss stuff or get it confused, and it then gives them impression of a longer "content drought" before the next release.


I don't know, it seems like there's pros and cons to both and I'm not sure which is better overall. "6 of one and half a dozen of the other" as my grandad would say.

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I see your point, and I wouldn't mind if they had like a week or two gap between content types, but I wouldn't want them to have a month or more gap between content if they were capable of getting it all out faster. While for some players this is "splitting the content," as someone who doesn't do raids or Fractals at all, if they spread it over three updates then it would have been "nothing. . . nothing. . . new content."

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Not telling others how to play, simply explaining my vote. I don’t exactly agree with telling others to “just be happy” with something, as I know their experiences vary from mine and my immediate community. Otherwise I am grateful for content and don’t mind it being released when ready.


My core group is comprised of mid range players in terms of skill, play time, and ambition. Most of us do all three content types.


We will do LWS in our free time solo or in pairs, maybe in a group if everyone has time, raid when our raid group schedules it, and fractals after reset.


We may have to sacrifice one thing for another if time is an issue or lose a person who needs more time for personal goals. When playing as a group we generally have an activity planned or come to consensus about what to do. Nothing significant really changes, except there’s more to do and new content brings inactive group members around again.

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> @Jwake.7013 said:

> Was having a discussion with a guild mate about next Tuesday. We are both hyped for it but I was telling him how upset I am that all three things (story episode; raid wing; fractal) coming out at once was a bad idea cause it splits up groups and people that want to do all of them but now they have to choose and maybe be left out of their main group when they finish one thing and move on to one of the two others and even worse when they get to release three of whatever order they decide to go with. My guildie said it wasn't that big a deal and liked all the new content coming. While I love all of it coming into the game, I would have rather one released a week for the next three weeks in whatever order. I assume there will be stories of some kind in all of them and raids require groups (and for some people fractals) that if you have set people you normally go with will get messed up if someone(s) wants to do the one of the other things first. So it will be hard to stay with the people you want to run with and spoilers free for all the content you might have not touched yet.


> Am I making too big a deal out of this? Was my friend right to just be happy with all the new shinnies coming and to no worry about it? Would love some feed back and thoughts for everyone else if you would be so kind. Thank you for your time.


Whatever arenanet does, theres always a vocal minority complaining about not existing (made up) issues. One thing at the time, complaining, packaged content at the same time, complaining. Its never good, its never enough, its too much etc.

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