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Who is lord Faren and why is he half naked a lot ?

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> @Palador.2170 said:

> > @chronometria.3708 said:

> > Faren is actually our version of Bruce Wayne. He appears to be rich, useless fop but in fact is very likely the character who sends us all those secret messages in the story and who saves the world from the shadows.


> It's worth pointing out that he survived the jungles of Maguma on his own, unarmored, with nothing but a sword. That's a place that broke trained and armed solders in groups.


> There's clearly something going on with him, he's better than he acts.


Divinities reach, a starless night. A lone White Mantle assassin survived the attack on the throne room and hides on a low rooftop for the secret emissary of the charr. He aims with his magical crossbow right at the face of the catman but before he can shoot his gaze turns dead and he falls forward to an anonymous death in the sewers with a pierced lung. Finally the moon goes up and the scenerie is clad into his light, showing a lonesome hero with a grim determination on his face while the flag of Kryta pridefully moves in a gust of wind behind him. The tip of his sword makes a little sound while it scatches a shingle, and the gentle breeze brushes though his underwear, his bare chest and naked feet.


It´s Lord Faren, the grim hero of Kryta. A posh dandy by day, he terrorizes the forces of evil with his deadly blade and through street justice by night. Because he is the hero Kryta deserves...

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> @LanfearShadowflame.3189 said:

> > @Palador.2170 said:

> > > @chronometria.3708 said:

> > > Faren is actually our version of Bruce Wayne. He appears to be rich, useless fop but in fact is very likely the character who sends us all those secret messages in the story and who saves the world from the shadows.

> >

> > It's worth pointing out that he survived the jungles of Maguma on his own, unarmored, with nothing but a sword. That's a place that broke trained and armed solders in groups.

> >

> > There's clearly something going on with him, he's better than he acts.


> Or maybe he just has The Dark One's own luck. ;)


I got that reference! ;)

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> @Dashiva.6149 said:

> > @LanfearShadowflame.3189 said:

> > > @Palador.2170 said:

> > > > @chronometria.3708 said:

> > > > Faren is actually our version of Bruce Wayne. He appears to be rich, useless fop but in fact is very likely the character who sends us all those secret messages in the story and who saves the world from the shadows.

> > >

> > > It's worth pointing out that he survived the jungles of Maguma on his own, unarmored, with nothing but a sword. That's a place that broke trained and armed solders in groups.

> > >

> > > There's clearly something going on with him, he's better than he acts.

> >

> > Or maybe he just has The Dark One's own luck. ;)


> I got that reference! ;)


I should hope so with that name! :grin:

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> Because male sexualization is fine but as soon as it happens to da gurlz everyone loses their kitten.


> I don't mind it of course, but the double standards are HILARIOUS as always.


> Lo and behold as the triggered kitten are now gonna point out that kasmeer also was in a bikini at _one_ point and also has a bikini mini. NO other female character would appear in underwear in the middle of a story instance like Faren. But it's ok, live and die by your double standards.


Relating to your comment: I found it quite hilarious (in a sad way) how the half-naked Faren mini costs 5 mini tickets from the black lion mini vendor, but the half-naked Kasmeer mini is double that at 10 tickets. Both items released in the same content at the same time. Both re-released in the BL mini vendor at the same time and both are of the same item rarity. However, one costs double the price of the other. The prices for the minis on the TP are player-controlled, so I'm not surprised Underwear Faren only costs a few gold and the Bikini Kasmeer has always been several hundred gold, but the black lion vendor ticket cost is defined by ANet. Only one thing is different between the two minis and this single difference causes one of them to be double the cost of the other despite _all_ aspects of the two being 'equal'.

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> @StinVec.3621 said:

> > @Razor.6392 said:

> > Because male sexualization is fine but as soon as it happens to da gurlz everyone loses their kitten.

> >

> > I don't mind it of course, but the double standards are HILARIOUS as always.

> >

> > Lo and behold as the triggered kitten are now gonna point out that kasmeer also was in a bikini at _one_ point and also has a bikini mini. NO other female character would appear in underwear in the middle of a story instance like Faren. But it's ok, live and die by your double standards.


> Relating to your comment: I found it quite hilarious (in a sad way) how the half-naked Faren mini costs 5 mini tickets from the black lion mini vendor, but the half-naked Kasmeer mini is double that at 10 tickets. Both items released in the same content at the same time. Both re-released in the BL mini vendor at the same time and both are of the same item rarity. However, one costs double the price of the other. The prices for the minis on the TP are player-controlled, so I'm not surprised Underwear Faren only costs a few gold and the Bikini Kasmeer has always been several hundred gold, but the black lion vendor ticket cost is defined by ANet. Only one thing is different between the two minis and this single difference causes one of them to be double the cost of the other despite _all_ aspects of the two being 'equal'.

The popularity and importance of the character to the main story? Kasmeer is pretty important so I could see why she would be worth more.


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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> Lord Faren is a recurring character. I suggest creating a human from noble ascent to meet him from the start. You can allready see his more excentrick traits. After being tortured by Scarlet in LWS1, this is increased to his current self.


My main is a human noble (and legacy-named from my GW1 main), and Lord Faren is his "contact NPC" in the early story stages. He is mostly comedic relief, really. In-world, he is a dandy, a foppish nobleman concerned with fashion and image. He's not the brightest, but not really an idiot either. He's a good guy, too, just.... overestimates his abilities.


The fanservice started with Southsun (Return to, I believe), where he was enjoying the beaches there in his Speedos. This was reprised when Scarlet took him captive, and has since become a running gag (the loincloth in the jungle, for instance).


Him being my main's "old friend" NPC, I can't help but have a soft spot for him. Plus, he makes me laugh.

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> Because male sexualization is fine but as soon as it happens to da gurlz everyone loses their kitten.


> I don't mind it of course, but the double standards are HILARIOUS as always.


> Lo and behold as the triggered kitten are now gonna point out that kasmeer also was in a bikini at _one_ point and also has a bikini mini. NO other female character would appear in underwear in the middle of a story instance like Faren. But it's ok, live and die by your double standards.


I'm not sure why you're triggered by this considering it's not the norm. Sorry but the women in this game show more skin than the guys, end of. You're upset by one male character not having a shirt yet are perfectly fine with all of the women characters running around showing so much skin. Now _that _is your double standard right there.

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Forget Joko, PRAISE FAREN!


Seriously, Faren is the best joke character and understand his nudity is used as a joke, not to be sexy. It's a JOKE. That's actually a trope that male nudity is often used as humor while female nudity is used to be sexual. Would it have been as funny if Kas was stripped to her undies in Scarlet's playhouse? No, that'd be the start of some lesbian fanfic I'm sure but with Faren.. 100% for laughs. Faren is a big joke. Skimpy Faren is a big joke, don't get your jimmies rustled.


Especially considering female light armor users start in freaking lingerie with a garter belt. Now if a male character could start in a Faren thong.. sure! You know.. that needs to be an outfit. Anet, please give us a Faren thong for males.

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> @"Treacy.4067" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > Because male sexualization is fine but as soon as it happens to da gurlz everyone loses their kitten.

> >

> > I don't mind it of course, but the double standards are HILARIOUS as always.

> >

> > Lo and behold as the triggered kitten are now gonna point out that kasmeer also was in a bikini at _one_ point and also has a bikini mini. NO other female character would appear in underwear in the middle of a story instance like Faren. But it's ok, live and die by your double standards.


> I'm not sure why you're triggered by this considering it's not the norm. Sorry but the women in this game show more skin than the guys, end of. You're upset by one male character not having a shirt yet are perfectly fine with all of the women characters running around showing so much skin. Now _that _is your double standard right there.


Except it is not a double standard as they never said they "...are perfectly fine with all of the women characters running around showing so much skin", or anything close to that. _You_ said that is what they said. You then attacked them for something you said they said, which they did not say. Most refer to such antics as a 'strawman' - you claim they think a certain thing and 'put words in their mouth', and then you attack them for saying it, which they didn't.


Also, to both quoted, using a term like 'triggered' to describe a person and their expressed opinion or observation is insulting, condescending, trivializing and delegitimizing.

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> @"Duke Darkwood.4237" said:

> > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > Lord Faren is a recurring character. I suggest creating a human from noble ascent to meet him from the start. You can allready see his more excentrick traits. After being tortured by Scarlet in LWS1, this is increased to his current self.


> My main is a human noble (and legacy-named from my GW1 main), and Lord Faren is his "contact NPC" in the early story stages. He is mostly comedic relief, really. In-world, he is a dandy, a foppish nobleman concerned with fashion and image. He's not the brightest, but not really an idiot either. He's a good guy, too, just.... overestimates his abilities.


> The fanservice started with Southsun (Return to, I believe), where he was enjoying the beaches there in his Speedos. This was reprised when Scarlet took him captive, and has since become a running gag (the loincloth in the jungle, for instance).


> Him being my main's "old friend" NPC, I can't help but have a soft spot for him. Plus, he makes me laugh.


Same here.


My headcanon is that he's an only child who lived next door to my human character and was always jealous of her and her sister being taught to fight properly when his parents would only allow fencing lessons. Then they got older and it got even worse with Deb in the Seraph and then the Vigil and Dani going off on adventures and ending up as the Pact Commander fighting Elder Dragons and he's _still_ being told to stay at home because it's not appropriate for him to join in.


Which means I feel oddly protective of him when I find him in the middle of the jungle in his underwear. I ended up doing the whole Noble's Folly event chain just to make sure he'd be ok (and would stay put) before carrying on.

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I like Faren as a character - he's the fool. An idiot who will blindly walk into the face of danger, and come out the other side none the wiser. He's too dumb to be dishonest, but that's probably his best quality. Though if the rumours are true, he's also supposed to be quite the looker.


... He'd almost be endearing, if he hadn't completely forgotten human nobles after the level 10 Personal Story.

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> @Razor.6392 said:

> > @Treacy.4067 said:

> > > @Razor.6392 said:

> > > Because male sexualization is fine but as soon as it happens to da gurlz everyone loses their kitten.

> > >

> > > I don't mind it of course, but the double standards are HILARIOUS as always.

> > >

> > > Lo and behold as the triggered kitten are now gonna point out that kasmeer also was in a bikini at _one_ point and also has a bikini mini. NO other female character would appear in underwear in the middle of a story instance like Faren. But it's ok, live and die by your double standards.

> >

> > I'm not sure why you're triggered by this considering it's not the norm. Sorry but the women in this game show more skin than the guys, end of. You're upset by one male character not having a shirt yet are perfectly fine with all of the women characters running around showing so much skin. Now _that _is your double standard right there.


> Lmfao look at this poor soul. There's a VERY big difference between an armor set showing skin and being on your literal underwear.


> I can imagine how angry you would be quite vividly if a female character was sexualized to this extent. Muh equality, muh objectifying.


> Sad. Yes I get triggered by pathetic double standards.


I would love to see more stylish male light armors showing more of the characters' skin. Maybe even Faren himself would wear them.

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> @kurfu.5623 said:

> > @Cynz.9437 said:

> > Many things can be said about Lord Faren. But in short he is a delusional gentleman and noble :)

> > Why he is naked? Ever heard of fan service? :D


> Cool! Does that mean that we will also have female characters running around shirtless as well?


Have you not played GW2 yet? Most female outfits offer certain amount of fan service. Also https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Southsun_Kasmeer

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> @Aerlen.5326 said:

> > > > @Razor.6392 said:

> > Sad. Yes I get triggered by pathetic double standards.


> You have a PTSD trauma reaction and/or severe panic attack or flashback over "double standards"? Might want to get some help for that. Most people just get angry, irritated, or irked. ;)


I don't like hypocrites. I think they're the worst kind of people alive. Feigning righteousness while ignoring how they themselves break that notion multiple times, sometimes without noticing. The current accepted mentality in most subjects oozes with these. It's mind blowing how no one can see it.


I get irritated, I suppose triggered is a level above all those other adjectives? Then allow me to switch up my answer.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> As for why he's so often naked there's a variety of reasons in-game. In Southsun he was on holiday on the beach, in HoT I think he lost or damaged his clothes in the crash and then decided he was going to live off the land and dress kind of like the hylek. And at the end of PoF he's apparently working on his tan...at night...inside. He's not the brightest bulb in the box. I get the impression someone at Anet thinks he's attractive and wants excuses to show him off.

I always thought of him as a running gag.


Plus he's genuinely a nice guy - delusional, sure, but as brave, loyal, honest and well-intentioned as the day is long. He'll never be a major character, because he's just too good as he is to have to add more depth to - and perhaps have to kill off - but he'll doubtless keep popping up to lend his own peculiar brand of "support" when he's least expected. There will always be a place for Lord Faren; without him, the game would be that little bit a poorer place.


As for the true motivation for his modes of dress - indeed.

"I see you've managed to get your shirt off." - Alexander Dane (Alan Rickman), "Galaxy Quest".



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