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If you had infinite gold, what would you do with it?

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Infinite gold is a boring question. You obviously just buy everything regardless of how much you want it because you can and it doesn't make any difference.


A better question is: What would you do if you had, say ~3,000 gold? A legendary or two? Lots of ascended gear? 10-15 gemstore outfits? Account QoL upgrades?

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> @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > > Let's say ArenaNet sends you a letter saying they're so impressed with how one of your characters looks that they have decided you won Fashion Wars. As a prize, they are giving you - and only you in the entire world - infinite gold. You can spend as much gold you want for as long as you want, and it will never end.

> > >

> > > What would you do with it?

> >

> > Unlimited gold is a little silly even for a hypothetical. It allows you to muck with the supply & demand of the trading post without any risk, it destroys any joy one might get from getting a lucky drop, and it means never having to defer gratification to work towards longer term goals.


> If anyone gets joy from lucky drops and terrible grind I feel sorry for them ;-;

> I'd rather have what I want without having to get lucky or grinding my soul away.


You don't like getting a lucky drop? You prefer that all loot is trash loot and that there's nothing on the TP worth buying or selling? And you wish for all the tangible rewards in the game to require local currency? (That last ensures that things can **only** be obtained by grind, rather than simply by steady gaming.)

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> Let's say ArenaNet sends you a letter saying they're so impressed with how one of your characters looks that they have decided you won Fashion Wars. As a prize, they are giving you - and only you in the entire world - infinite gold. You can spend as much gold you want for as long as you want, and it will never end.


> What would you do with it?


Loosing the need to make gold would take a large part of the fun out of the game. It might be different if the game had more of a build aspect to it. It's not like we can build houses for Elonan refugees. As the game stands now if I had unlimited gold I'd probably get bored of the game and stop playing.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > > > Let's say ArenaNet sends you a letter saying they're so impressed with how one of your characters looks that they have decided you won Fashion Wars. As a prize, they are giving you - and only you in the entire world - infinite gold. You can spend as much gold you want for as long as you want, and it will never end.

> > > >

> > > > What would you do with it?

> > >

> > > Unlimited gold is a little silly even for a hypothetical. It allows you to muck with the supply & demand of the trading post without any risk, it destroys any joy one might get from getting a lucky drop, and it means never having to defer gratification to work towards longer term goals.

> >

> > If anyone gets joy from lucky drops and terrible grind I feel sorry for them ;-;

> > I'd rather have what I want without having to get lucky or grinding my soul away.


> You don't like getting a lucky drop? You prefer that all loot is trash loot and that there's nothing on the TP worth buying or selling? And you wish for all the tangible rewards in the game to require local currency? (That last ensures that things can **only** be obtained by grind, rather than simply by steady gaming.)


I am torn. Ive been here since beta and am still waiting for my first lucky drop. Its hard to be excited about something that you cant be sure even exists.

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I would like to be a fairy that grants random players wishes. That would be fun and would make others and myself happy.


But to tell you the truth...I am glad that I don't have access to infinite gold. The game would get really boring I think. I like to work towards a goal. Where's the joy if you can just buy yourself everything? It doesn't feel rewarding.


Once I got the cheat codes for Final Fantasy X-2(it's a solo game, I would never use cheat codes for games you play with other people). It unlocks every outfit and every skill ingame. At first I thought "Nice, I can have everything!" but after the first 5 minutes I was already bored out of my mind and never touched that game again. Cheating in a game or just getting everything handed to you is really boring.

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I would buy a ship and get on the Lion's Arch council of captains, and bribe other members to vote along with me, and cackle at my nearly unlimited power.

I would donate Asura gates to all the maps that are too backward to have any yet, and make sure every city was connected to every other. And then I'd probably have to fight a trade war with the Waypoint people for taking away their business.

I would hire the very best geniuses and builders and magicians to restore Kormir's library, because I loved that place.

I would build palatial stables for all my ranger pets.

I would fund research into giant bird cages to hold the Elder Dragons.

I would hire explorers to map the entire world. And add waypoints.


Okay, so I couldn't actually do those things as a player, but I would never get unlimited gold as a player either, so let me have my fun.




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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > > > Let's say ArenaNet sends you a letter saying they're so impressed with how one of your characters looks that they have decided you won Fashion Wars. As a prize, they are giving you - and only you in the entire world - infinite gold. You can spend as much gold you want for as long as you want, and it will never end.

> > > >

> > > > What would you do with it?

> > >

> > > Unlimited gold is a little silly even for a hypothetical. It allows you to muck with the supply & demand of the trading post without any risk, it destroys any joy one might get from getting a lucky drop, and it means never having to defer gratification to work towards longer term goals.

> >

> > If anyone gets joy from lucky drops and terrible grind I feel sorry for them ;-;

> > I'd rather have what I want without having to get lucky or grinding my soul away.


>And you wish for all the tangible rewards in the game to require local currency?



Are you even talking to me?

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> @TheSlothArmada.6709 said:

> > > If anyone gets joy from lucky drops and terrible grind I feel sorry for them ;-;

> > > I'd rather have what I want without having to get lucky or grinding my soul away.

> >

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> >And you wish for all the tangible rewards in the game to require local currency?


> kitten?

> Are you even talking to me?


If you don't get joy from lucky drops, what alternative do you propose for acquiring tangible rewards in the game? Buying things only with local currency? Via collections only/achievements only? Isn't that ultimately more likely to grind people's souls away? It severely limits the number of ways of acquiring things.

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I would do nothing, even if it's real! Too much gold destroy the value, having infinite gold after all this time of farming for only ascended armor and suits on tp... infinite gold will be a great joke for me. The game would not have a sense anymore: no need to farm a legendary... But One thing can't be bought with gold: Achievment Points, a great challenge.

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I would probably end up leaving them game in about a month after I had acquired everything I wanted.

Perhaps play... correction, help Santa char with his deliveries. (No way am I going to step on that player's good intentions.)


the side effect would be I would have screwd up the tp market for probably a month or so if I did both of those.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> Let's say ArenaNet sends you a letter saying they're so impressed with how one of your characters looks that they have decided you won Fashion Wars. As a prize, they are giving you - and only you in the entire world - infinite gold. You can spend as much gold you want for as long as you want, and it will never end.


> What would you do with it?

I'd cripple the economy and ruin the game just for lols.


1) I'd buy every Mystic Coin and Ecto possible. That would be my entire game. I'd buy those things and just destroy them.

2) I'd buy as many gems as possible just to mess with the exchange rate.


Then I'd come to the forums and see people talk about me like I was a super villain... and it'd be great.

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