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So... CANTHA? Would you like to explore Cantha in the next expansion!?


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I would love to see cantha, but less human centric, if Tengu become a race then yes.

Actually, I expect Arena.net one day to pick-up on the gimmick of underwater combat, other than hearts, vistas, pois, hp's and fractals there's barely anything to do underwater, we need underwater expansion, underwater mounts, more underwater weapons, more nuance, free six dimensional swimming, areas, underwater pvp and wvw, dungeons.... come ooooon.

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I'd like to as well if for no other reason than to see what the ministry of purity has done with cantha - if it either stays the same as 250 years ago or if they are actually as advanced, if not more advanced, than their tyrian counterparts. that would be interesting to see - a white coated super clean, almost sterile, kaineng city with nearly everyone seeming to be prosperous if openly hostile to outsiders.

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I'd definitely prefer something focused on the Non-Human races for the next Expac again. Not all of us are riding the nostalgia train, I'd like to see some fresh new things, explore paths yet untread...


Who am I kidding, I just want MOAR CHARR things. I love them, I want more on their society, see what kind of chaos is happening back home, away from Ascalon

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> @endurio.7065 said:

> I remember Fort Aspenwood moba style gameplay fondly. A mixed PVE/PVP map where players either attacked or defended supported by an army of npc's. I would like to see this coming back to GW2. No grouping just click a button to be added to the queue and join the fight.


issue is FA was kurzik vs luxons, now there are none of those, since the emperor vanquished both factions and closed the continent after expeling the birds people (Avicara's and tengu's)

Tks poring for remind me the tengus name :P

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> @Zacchary.6183 said:

> Yes, with Tengu as a playable race.

There are no Tengu in Cantha.


To answer OP: There's no reason currently to go there, it would feel artificial. They'd need to close a lot of loose ends first, before they will be able to launch a completely new story arc.


Besides, i'm not sure i want to know how badly Cantha got messed up after we've finished with it in GW1. All the "Beyond" info was not really too optimistic. I'm not really eager to see yet another proof of the actions of my GW1 hero not meaning anything at best, and being a cause of disaster at worst.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I honestly don't know if it would be fitting (storywise) to go to cantha for the next expansion, since i didn't play GW2 since Heart of Thorns. But, jesus, i absolutely loved the style of Cantha in GW Factions and I am sure, with the current artstyle, the scenery would absolutely blow my mind. And don't forget about the music. I most definitely would return to enjoy that.

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> @"Wretchedscar.4796" said:

> I'd definitely prefer something focused on the Non-Human races for the next Expac again. Not all of us are riding the nostalgia train, I'd like to see some fresh new things, explore paths yet untread...


> Who am I kidding, I just want MOAR CHARR things. I love them, I want more on their society, see what kind of chaos is happening back home, away from Ascalon


I have to agree with this. As much as I voted yes to go back to Cantha, if it won’t be possible then I’d rather them focus on an expansion for the other races and their conflicts with their counter parts. The wardens vs the nightmare court, norn vs svanir etc...


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Like a lot of other people it seems I'd rather go somewhere new first.


I want Cantha eventually, but only because I eventually want all of Tyria in the game. I don't think we need another nostalgia trip yet, and if they do Cantha it'd have to be a nostalgia trip or people will complain.


Expanding the map for PoF added a lot of new Land east of Ascalon which we know nothing about. I'd rather go there first.

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I would log to gw1, If I care much about gw1 zones. I had hope having LS3 maps and POF takes places in Janthir area along with "butchered" Mursaat lore but they gave us Elona expansion due to gw1 fanboys nostalgia demand. But, I keep my hopes for getting Charr&Norn expansion; Blood legion homelands area and North shiverpeaks.

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I'd rather have them explore something new or tighten up loose ends GW2 already left behind. If you're going to argue with WP from years ago, I might as well argue with WP from a few weeks back when I say, maybe it's time GW2 became its own game with its own mysteries and stories instead of having to constantly rehash, re-establish and reassure GW1 stuff. I haven't played GW1, so I can't be nostaligic about anything there and I believe the ppl who were there at the time, that it was a good time and that it felt great and all. But GW1 also was a game with only one playable race for example, all GW1 lore is human lore. In GW2 we have five playable races, each deserving the same share of GW2 lore.


Edit: Also the setup for the poll is not helping with answering the question raised. Where all votes for "Yes" are funneled into a single number for percantage of votes, the votes for "No" are spread among three options to chose from. "Other" just makes no sense in answering a Y/N question and is mostly used to give another negative vote. Nice try ;)

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Yes and no.

Yes, because of course I want to go to cantha... My main happens to hail from cantha and her name is a lineage from cantha in gw1. Also, tengu? Sure, why not.... But there's gotta be some continuity coming from the dominion of winds before we go there. Also, it would be a nice way to introduce gvg, coming directly from the Luzon vs kurzick war. And then there's bubbles, aka DSD, aka "Steve". We have had enough hints about the DSD.... Time for it to put up or shut up.

Now my reason for a big resounding no.

If we head into cantha, chances are really good it's going to be another human-centric story. The asura and Charr and norn have been primed and ready for their time in the spotlight. Especially the Charr and norn. We NEED to see the other races of tyria get to be in the forefront, if anything, because it's only fair. Blood legion homelands. Going back home for the norn. Putting Jormag in his place. And closing the holes in the lore.

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yes! sooner the better


> @"Chadramar.8156" said:

> Definitely not. And I particularly do not want another exclusively human-themed expansion right after this exclusively human-themed expansion. The norn and especially the charr are desperately overdue for some time in the spotlight, and I mean _proper_ time in the spotlight, setting and lore and story and and characters and gear (!) and all, not completely shoved aside like sylvari were in "their" expansion after Verdant Brink.


> The devs can't just bank on GW1-nostalgia, especially since _this_ game has multiple playable races.


except Cantha was rather large for the Tengu, not to mention Naga.


while it was a literal hive of human activity near the coast(with a city built up like Kowloon Walled City) the further east you went, the less humanity. and the more Tengu/Centaurs/Naga .


another thing is, humanity used to populate the entire surface world. the norn are small. and the charr are recent.

so new areas won't have much in the way of lore for the 2 of them that we don't already have.



Prior to Ascalon's fall, the Charr didn't really have much in the way of lasting structures or history. what history they did have was told in stories and thus didn't leave an impact on the world.


Norn, while norn do likely have some remnants in the north. as we've seen from the remains of the Eye on the North. they haven't stood the test of time well. and if the Eye of the North has faired so poorly, its unlikely the nomadic Norn structures have survived at all.




any expansion we have to new lands will either be human remains, or wild land with no sign of past civilizations prior to the charr's invasion of Ascalon.

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I had to log in to comment on this because I notice a bunch of new people and possibly old players that are oblivious to what content they have played and gw lore. Im no lore genius, but I played gw since Factions came out. and Gw2 since beta. First off Cantha felt like home to me. Here's the wiki so I wont bore you with my explanations of the place. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cantha & https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Cantha


I found it the most enjoyable content to date. Which is Including gw2 (but pof was/is interesting so far because I think Nightfall was pretty cool). Seems we've almost come full circle on the lore aspect of the game. And have pretty much covered all of Tyria, 3 fold.. and somewhat backwards, Which always made me anticipate that Cantha would eventually make a return. As for Humans, it would be kinda off topic to make an expansion based around a different race since gw is so human dominant. Although they wasnt the dominant race to start with. To people saying they need to explore more of the Norn or Charr, We've all been all over Ascalon, Elona, all of Tyria for going on 2 decades with only a brief layover on the Canthan island. Theres no more to explore with the Charr, we know their story, where theyre from, what they do. Theres not much else to know. Other than Rytloks time in the Mists to become a Revenant, that was kind of random. Maybe we could all go to the Mists and have the best of both worlds?

The Norn, we had Eye of the North in gw1 which Norn'ed me to death. Then as a playable race in gw2 and learned more about Jora, Eir, Braham, etc. Theyre pretty much the dwarves of the shiverpeaks now. What we dont have or havent had much interaction with (although a few quests and interactions in gw2) are with the Dwarves. But according to lore, only the stone dwarves would be around in the current timeline unless the asura had some waygate to send us back in time. Which anything is possible in the world of game development. Monk and Ritualist class lore has barely been touched on like most elite specs, But there has been nods to the history with certain class specs and books or npcs here and there as of late.

TBH im quite sick of risen, undead, elder dragons, branded, destroyers and mordrem. The Balthazar fight was at least a nice change back to the good old days of fighting a singular antagonist boss. (Abaddon, Shiro, or even Kanaxai ) Although, fighting his herald and himself many times throughout the story was redundant and annoying. I do miss the world bosses in gw1 with the glowing aura based on their class. So yea. Give me Cantha, monks, rits, slums and sewers, asian culture, dark gothic atmospheres of Echovald Forest, moody music, statue blessings, some dragon moss, kirin, Am-Fah to kill with a stack of rice wine red bean cakes with a modernized Shing Jea boardwalk and Canthan New Year and i'll die totally satisfied. :)


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I know we're all eager to go back to Cantha but remember that the Korean overlords have nixed the idea straight in the egg. That's why what was supposed to be the Canthan district in Divinity's Reach has been changed to the Crown Pavilion. Unfortunately in that matter the hands of Anet are pretty tied up.

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> @"jciardha.1936" said:

> No, absolutely not. If we never go back to Cantha it’ll be too soon. As an Asian-American, my encounters with racist weeabos and “fried eggs” back in GW1 Factions is enough to permanently turn me off to any western interpretation othe Far East.




What? I never played it but have spent many many hours hearing about it and reading the wiki, it seemed ok to me. This is also the first person I've ever heard complain, aside from ncsoft supposedly saying no canthan district because of political reasons. In any case, due to the previously mentioned political tension around 2012, they'd be extra aware this time around

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