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Fractal ridicolous

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If anything, they need to update the last few remaining old-school fractals to the level of the reworks and the new releases.

If you can't handle it, play T3, can't handle that, play T2, and if that's also too much go on T1.

Fractals have multiple tiers of difficulty, so use them, they exist for a reason.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> If anything, they need to update the last few remaining old-school fractals to the level of the reworks and the new releases.

> If you can't handle it, play T3, can't handle that, play T2, and if that's also too much go on T1.

> Fractals have multiple tiers of difficulty, so use them, they exist for a reason.


These are mostly rewards gates. The intended endgame purpose of fractals is T4 and as such was supposed to be a substitute for dungeon instances which devs refuse to develop anymore. For raid like content there are CMs. Tryhard crowd can stick to raids, fractals were meant to be less intense experience but devs decided to compete with each other :)

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > If anything, they need to update the last few remaining old-school fractals to the level of the reworks and the new releases.

> > If you can't handle it, play T3, can't handle that, play T2, and if that's also too much go on T1.

> > Fractals have multiple tiers of difficulty, so use them, they exist for a reason.


> These are mostly rewards gates. The intended endgame purpose of fractals is T4 and as such was supposed to be a substitute for dungeon instances which devs refuse to develop anymore. For raid like content there are CMs. Tryhard crowd can stick to raids, fractals were meant to be less intense experience but devs decided to compete with each other :)


Nobody in their right mind would go through the trouble of balancing each instance individually 4 times for a simple "reward gate". Fractals have tiers so players can find a tier they feel comfortable and play there. Lesser rewards are only fair - the higher tiers require more effort, hence are better rewarded.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > If anything, they need to update the last few remaining old-school fractals to the level of the reworks and the new releases.

> > If you can't handle it, play T3, can't handle that, play T2, and if that's also too much go on T1.

> > Fractals have multiple tiers of difficulty, so use them, they exist for a reason.


> These are mostly rewards gates. The intended endgame purpose of fractals is T4 and as such was supposed to be a substitute for dungeon instances which devs refuse to develop anymore. For raid like content there are CMs. Tryhard crowd can stick to raids, fractals were meant to be less intense experience but devs decided to compete with each other :)


More like that the Fractal team is borrowing ideas fro the Raid team, which is something Anet said themselves some time ago.


You just need to get used to staff hitting harder the higher you go with fractals.


I had to do urban battleground for Nevermore yesterday. Ran the scale 4 one. Was surprised I could face tank Dulfy and all the AC with my ele.


There is an obvious learning ladder which, should satisfy most. Then again :)

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > If anything, they need to update the last few remaining old-school fractals to the level of the reworks and the new releases.

> > If you can't handle it, play T3, can't handle that, play T2, and if that's also too much go on T1.

> > Fractals have multiple tiers of difficulty, so use them, they exist for a reason.


> The intended endgame purpose of fractals is T4 and as such was supposed to be a substitute for dungeon instances which devs refuse to develop anymore.


Got some developer quote to back that up? T4 Fractals are not substitute for dungeons, dungeons are more like T2 or in some cases T3 difficulty. T4 is above the dungeon difficulty.


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@Kheldorn.5123 said:

> Some very vocal yet still minority players confuse fractals with raids and Anet follows their loud yet unjustified demands of pushing more ridiculous aoe spam mechanics in new fractals. Fractals are not raids. Fractals are medium-range difficulty, they were supposed to fill the niche left after Anet decided to refuse further dungeon developement. Unfortunately, they forgot about it and current fractal team tries to compete with raid team for some reason.


> So Ben and Co, fractals are not raids. CMs being raid levele of annoyance/difficulty are okay, as they are supposed to be introduction to raid content. T4s are not. You are pushing your new ridiculous desings alienating people who want their dungeon level content that you promised to deliver in form of fractals after HoT. So please stop competing with raid team. You are going to please a vocal minority in expense of general crowd.


T4 are high challenge 5-man content. That is how it is designed. Generally Fractals are replacing dungeons but both challenging and more casual. And their tiers reflect challenge. If you do not want to invest the time for T4 play T3 and the recs that already give fine rewards. If you really want the better rewards you have to take the time to learn. You are not entitled to better rewards just because. The rewards need to be aligned to a respective effort. For God´s sake with that logic let´s make all rewards login rewards and be done with it.


T4 is an endgame goal as you say. A goal requires some training and effort. It would not be called a goal otherwise. It would be a commemorative gift. >



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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > If anything, they need to update the last few remaining old-school fractals to the level of the reworks and the new releases.

> > If you can't handle it, play T3, can't handle that, play T2, and if that's also too much go on T1.

> > Fractals have multiple tiers of difficulty, so use them, they exist for a reason.


> These are mostly rewards gates. The intended endgame purpose of fractals is T4 and as such was supposed to be a substitute for dungeon instances which devs refuse to develop anymore. For raid like content there are CMs. Tryhard crowd can stick to raids, fractals were meant to be less intense experience but devs decided to compete with each other :)


Thats the point of tiers. To gate rewards based on your skill lvl or lack there of.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> The reason why people were uninterested in old "50" fractals was lack of rewards and ongoing dungeon farm :)


Totally wrong. Ppl ran their daily dungeon tour and afterwards 50 - 40s and 30s especially **because of** good rewards (a.k.a. asc gear to that point in time)


Btw. T4s were very hard today with Aquatic, Snowblind and Thaumanova... /s

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> @Vinceman.4572 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > The reason why people were uninterested in old "50" fractals was lack of rewards and ongoing dungeon farm :)


> Totally wrong. Ppl ran their daily dungeon tour and afterwards 50 - 40s and 30s especially **because of* good rewards (a.k.a. asc gear to that point in time)


> Btw. T4s were very hard today with Aquatic, Snowblind and Thaumanova... /s


Just for short info they nerfed the rewards from 2 gold to 50 silver for the dungeons and increased the rewards in fractals this was the reason

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> Just for short info they nerfed the rewards from 2 gold to 50 silver for the dungeons and increased the rewards in fractals this was the reason


I know that because I was participating in the daily dungeon tour + fractals running back in the days. Fractals were nowhere near from being uninteresting. They were challenging for many players and lots of them couldn't complete 50 and lots of them had to be carried through a 40 triad.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > @Vinceman.4572 said:

> > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > The reason why people were uninterested in old "50" fractals was lack of rewards and ongoing dungeon farm :)

> >

> > Totally wrong. Ppl ran their daily dungeon tour and afterwards 50 - 40s and 30s especially **because of* good rewards (a.k.a. asc gear to that point in time)

> >

> > Btw. T4s were very hard today with Aquatic, Snowblind and Thaumanova... /s


> Just for short info they nerfed the rewards from 2 gold to 50 silver for the dungeons and increased the rewards in fractals this was the reason


Yes and then they reverted the change by giving more tokens to counter the less liquid rewards.

Add to that do 8 dif paths for extra 5 gold and tokens and your up to around the same in value.

Not counting the chance to get lower tier material that sell for a nice sum + other rewards in there.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> I did 100 last night too, and we failed Arkk twice last night because of me. We got him down to about 5 % and I would miss the kitten skull. There is too much going on at that stage and it needs a serious tone down. Or make my screen turn red or something. We got him on the third try though


It's level 100. The highest fractal level. That should be hard. It already is quite forgiving on normal mode. All you have to do is walking in the bubble with skull, dps and not looking at him when he has an eye above his head.

It is a system with difficulty tiers. If the highest tier is too hard maybe try a lower one instead of asking for nerfs first. Normal mode forgives almost everything right now. There isn't even a teamwipe if you can't lure sparks into the towers.

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> @"andrenaline.4286" said:

> > @Rhiannon.1726 said:

> > If people have trouble with a t4 fractal, just play a t3 fractal. Problem solved.


> We do t4 because of the chests isnt it obvious ? And i dont have problem with T4 i do have problem with sick mind of some developer


Lets be honest. If your team did this fractal for 3 hours, yours skills are not enough good to do it faster. Practice more and all will be good.

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If the group is new to this fractal 100cm, then yes it is completely normal to spend long time in it to get all mechanic counter well as a team. Those that spent 15 mins average in 100cm were once spending hours in their first few runs.

I'm average skill player and I do 100cm daily, I can complete this fractal even with 400 average ping - meaning the game itself is quite friendly to high ping.. I also see continue careful improvement of fractal by dev and fine tuning it to cater for more players without making it too too easy. I have to say the dev did a very very good job for this. I think cm fractal daily is something I actually enjoy playing everyday.. :)

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BTW.. The special action skill is actually the main key solver to last phase. It gives aegis, kick (u must use it on ark when he is going to throw the ball .. This ball is nasty if you don't use special action key to kick it back.) Sometimes you need to be clever to make sure your position is team friendly.. Eg u don't position urself where ark will throw ball at you which can hit the person trying to do bomb. A lot is by timing a dodge or etc.. Overtime you will get the hang if it.. it really takes time to master.. Try lower level of the same map first...

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Some very vocal yet still minority players confuse fractals with raids and Anet follows their loud yet unjustified demands of pushing more ridiculous aoe spam mechanics in new fractals. Fractals are not raids. Fractals are medium-range difficulty, they were supposed to fill the niche left after Anet decided to refuse further dungeon developement. Unfortunately, they forgot about it and current fractal team tries to compete with raid team for some reason.


> So Ben and Co, fractals are not raids. CMs being raid levele of annoyance/difficulty are okay, as they are supposed to be introduction to raid content. T4s are not. You are pushing your new ridiculous desings alienating people who want their dungeon level content that you promised to deliver in form of fractals after HoT. So please stop competing with raid team. You are going to please a vocal minority in expense of general crowd.


I'd like to turn this around: continue with making Fractals harder/more dynamic/having more interesting mechanics (like they're doing right now). But far more importantly, also give us better rewards like ... say ... -cough- _a legendary armor_ -cough- :D

Pretty please :)

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > Some very vocal yet still minority players confuse fractals with raids and Anet follows their loud yet unjustified demands of pushing more ridiculous aoe spam mechanics in new fractals. Fractals are not raids. Fractals are medium-range difficulty, they were supposed to fill the niche left after Anet decided to refuse further dungeon developement. Unfortunately, they forgot about it and current fractal team tries to compete with raid team for some reason.

> >

> > So Ben and Co, fractals are not raids. CMs being raid levele of annoyance/difficulty are okay, as they are supposed to be introduction to raid content. T4s are not. You are pushing your new ridiculous desings alienating people who want their dungeon level content that you promised to deliver in form of fractals after HoT. So please stop competing with raid team. You are going to please a vocal minority in expense of general crowd.


> I'd like to turn this around: continue with making Fractals harder/more dynamic/having more interesting mechanics (like they're doing right now). But far more importantly, also give us better rewards like ... say ... -cough- _a legendary armor_ -cough- :D

> Pretty please :)


PvE legendary armor is covered by raid content and it's pretty obvious at this point we will never see another legendary armor (skin) in game :)

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