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Would you like to be able to use BOTH of your elite specializations at the same time?

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  • 4 months later...

Voted no. Anet's gutted core Engineer enough over having just one elite spec line in a given build without giving them yet another dubious reason for gutting it even more. Thanks to alchemy nerf that build wouldn't have even remotely good condition clearing. Only way they could do 'better' or rather worse is to allow both e-specs, and disallow the core line and rename it 'Poopsmith.'

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No, aside from the purely technical conflicts (such as Scourge/Reaper F1+ skills) I don’t think it would be worth giving up a core traitline for it on any of my characters.


Like running both Berserker _and_ Spellbreaker would leave my Warrior main lacking important core traits for next to no synergy or benefit.


Edit: Crud, posting in a necro’d thread. Talk about embarrassing. :astonished:

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I would just like it to be a unique function for the PvE (imagine the mess that would be in PvP and WvW), in my opinion everything is free for the PvE. It would be fantastic to use two elite spec on the Elementalist or in the Ranger, Thief and engineer would look amazing. I think the more complicated would be DH/FB and Reaper/Scourge.


What if we use the elite spec to make a Master/Champion/Legendary Spec... or use two professions...?

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Absolutely no..

always these tries to get back dual professions ... GW1 this way ---->


The game is already horribly balanced right now with only 1 Spec in usage.. two at the same time won't make it any better.


This game first needs to get finalyl under control its whoel combat system to get back to a more balanced state, where the game and its players can handle the changes that ANet has doen to the game , so that all this 1 hit killing finally stops in this game . Combat is no fun anymore at all when you can get hit any second before a battle as even really begun left and right of you out of a sudden with like 1 hit killing blows from totall overpowered builds that blast you full within a second with nearly all conditions at the same time, lettign the situation end up in you being already dead, before you had even at all a slightest chance to REACT.


Made yesterday again a bit WvW,m just to get quickly the daily, and what I experiences there in that tiem, was just simply said iregard of the current game balances absolutely DISGUSTING and in no way fun anymore, when you get bombed to death everywhere, whereever you go in battles full with douzen of scourges that spam you all full with the huge red circle aoes, that you see everywhere only red circles, but not anymore even the effecs of your own skills at all.


This has become to incredibly ridiculous, that by now i feel just being happy the moment i can leave WvW as soon as possible again, than feeling rather having fun to stay there and actually help my server, just because the battles have become so awfully annoying and bad and are by no ways anymore the slightest same as much fun, as like how much fun WvW made 4 years ago within the last WvW tournament, where all this overpowered BS didn exist and the combat system wasn't so bloated full with aoE effect spam from CCs, boons and conditions with exaggerating big radiuses like that of the scourge.

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> @"UglyMonkey.7250" said:

> Currently you can only use one Elite specialization at a time, would you like it if you could use them both at once?


Not unless they were scaled to be roughly the same level as all other trait lines. Then we'd just pick any 3 of 7 lines.


Wait..why stop there. Why not just ditch classes, and we can pick any three trait lines from all...63? trait lines.

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