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Should there be a GW 3? - [Merged]


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Who know what the future holds but at the moment I like where Gw2 is going, both for gameplay and narrative. And if they continue with the steady stream of content the game will feel fresh for quite some time.


It is also important to me that it makes _sense_ to go from Gw2 to Gw3. From Gw1 we had a narrative timeskip of centuries and we went from a corpg got a mmorpg


One day the game will be too old and I hope Gw3 will be there to take the torch because I love this franchise. But today is not that day, and I hope it is a loooong ways away. I think it is way to early to expect it.

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In my opinion, there shouldn't be a GW3. Why? Because GW3 would separate players too much. Some would be playing GW2, others GW3. All innovations should be implemented to GW2 and then everyone could play the game at their own pace. Of course, they could do that if GW3 is released, but honestly, I don't see a point in GW3, just because GW2 is a great game on its own and it has a lot of potential. People complaining about graphics? Come on, graphics shouldn't be an argument in an mmo when the core game itself with all of its expansions is great.

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There should be a GW3 **when the time is right**. It is not now, and I doubt it's within the next 2 years either. But at the current rate we're running out of map space fairly quickly unless they start reusing maps for more story. I mean, Cantha could be one expansion, ls4 will flesh out elona, ls5 will explore further into the blood legion homelands, but after that the available map space is starting to grow thin.


Other than map space? Nah, we don't need GW3 for a long time. The graphics are still good, there's still loads to do in gw2, and well, they have assets ready for 50k ap's that no one will hit in ages due to the low amount of ap's available every release.

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I think a GW3 might be inevitable, but i don't see it happening any time soon.

The only major reason for this to happen would be to hop to an improved Engine, but honestly GW2 graphics are still very current, and you can't really ask much more in that aspect than what GW2 already delivers without seriously compromising the scope of the game in terms of who can play it.

Any other improvements can be made to GW2 IF Arena Net is willing, which they have done, but slowly. So far the only real improvement was the x64 client, which was pretty much required to end the weird memory problems they had on HoT launch (which apparently is recurring in the new map).

Stuff like DX 12 (or 11) compatibility, better graphics options and post-processing, and any other addition that could be added to GW3 is possible to be worked into GW2.

The game's graphics are still quite beautiful and current, and the game can still push even decent gaming rigs (mostly because optimization issues, but hey).

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Guild Wars 2 was announced in 2007.


2007 was the apex of the MMORPG rush; back then, everyone and their mother were seeking properties to turn into a MMORPG, and people were wondering which of the incoming big releases would be the "WoW killer", the game that would break all records and redefine what it means to be a success. There was a lot of hyper for games like Hellgate: London (from the creators of Diablo!!!), Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Aion, Fury, and so on.


Now we know that most of those failed; Hellgate: London closed in less than two years, just to give one example. The MMORPG craze has passed; while we have many games with strong online elements, like Overwatch and Destiny, almost no new MMORPG has been released in the last two years, and there's no big release coming soon. Barely anyone talks about any MMORPG that isn't WoW. The genre may not be dead, but it's far, far smaller than it was ten years ago.


Is there really room for a Guild Wars 3?


After announcing GW2, ArenaNet released an expansion for the original Guild Wars, in October of 2007, and then only a very small team kept working on the game. We got a few (very good) updates, but that was it. Meanwhile, and as ridiculous as it sounds, a very vocal part of the Guild Wars community began to claim GW2 was vaporware. After the 2009 trailer, we spent 3 years with half the community saying that the game would be released in the next three months, because of course patience is a lost virtue. It wasn't exactly fun. It took ArenaNet very reasonable 5 years between the announcement of GW2 and the game's release in 2012.


Could ArenaNet do the same now?


Considering how the world has changed, how MMORPGs are almost a thing of the past, how people are less and less willing to wait, how expensive the GW2's maintenance is... Is it even possible for Guild Wars 3 to ever exist?


What do you think?

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Bruh we just got Expac 2. And we about to do something to Kralkatorrik. You really think they are thinking about a number 3? This game is top 3 at the moment.


There’s more things arenanet could add waaaay before 3. I would expect gw3 till the next 10 years. If the Expac three is fail then maybe we can say gw3. But I really don’t think it will. Arenanet just switched directors for development so I really doubt it’s happening.

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Given the extent to which the game has been dumbed down since release, I don't think a new game is appropriate. Bring back the original gameplay...

The graphics are fine considering that gameplay is mostly 3rd person and zoomed out to get a better FOV. The races and professions are fine considering that none of them are very robust to begin with. Right now it's a fairly simple game to play; creating a new simple game to play in some sort of GW3 will accomplish nothing more than to deplete the existing player base as they leave to chase the latest Game-That-Shall-End-All-Games just over the horizon (only it's never really there).

Personally, I think they need to ditch the mastery points and hero points to fix the skill system -- they already dumbed down the game from what it was at release, so why add the grind? -- but that's just my opinion.

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> @lokh.2695 said:

> Ever heard of WoW2? Me neither and I hope GW2 will go the same route, meaning that it will just continue with patches and xpacs. I'm 10k hours in this game, and I won't be doing this again with a different game, where I have to start from scratch.


WoW2 had it's name changed to Overwatch. Originally Blizzard was working on a sequel to WOW, then found out it wasn't worth it. So they made a major overhaul to the project and out came Overwatch.

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Maybe in the distant future, when they've already dealt with the dragons and all, but they definitely shouldn't pull a "Destiny 2" where they just start everything from scratch right where they were. If they ever do a GW3, it should take place in a completely different timeline, either a prequel to 1, or hundreds of years after 2, or in a completely different world, with an entirely different arc to it.


So long as they are telling the story of this time period, they should do it through expansions of GW2. Now, if they did have any interest in updating the engine, they could always do that while carrying over the character databases, just continuing the game with an overhauled engine. That would obviously take a LOT of work on their part and I don't expect they will bother, but if they would have to do that anyway to make a GW3, their efforts would be better spent applying it to GW2's characters, and there'd be no reason why they couldn't.

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Of course they *could* make a sequel with a new engine with all the bells and whistles but I believe it would be a bad idea. From my point of view the transition from GW1 to GW2 wasn't at all what I expected and believed it should have been made better. I don't want to see the same thing happen again. Now look at the image below. This was a montage done back in the time of GW1 which showed just how little of Tyria we had explored. In GW2 we've explored less since the bottom portion is Cantha. There's plenty of lands we haven't explored yet, lands we've never seen, even in GW1 so if anything, this is the direction GW2 should take; expand, explore, polish.


![](https://i.imgur.com/TF9tejf.jpg "")


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I think this game needs a graphics overhaul that comes with a new game engine and some major mechanics changes. GW 2 has been out long enough imo and doesnt need to wear out the cogs too much before moving on. Though I havent sunk as much time into this game as other players so a fresh start is not a major drawback.


Some changes I would like to see the most are:


- camera controls. The camera should always face the players rear regardless of input, this is the same operation as any Fps or third person shooter game. The game is needless clunky because of the unique way it handles the camera: its like character costume view is on all the time and you need to right click to change viewpoint. It should never been like this to begin with and has plague the game ever since release.


- Itemisation: granted the current loot system makes the game extremely casual friendly as one doesnt need to spend excessive time to get perfect 'rolls' on gear, it also doesnt incentivise play either and looting is the major draw to mmorpg style of games. The loot is underwhelming atm at any game mode since the best thing youre likely to get is some crafting mats to sell on TP.


More customisation of skills would be nice, like on a sub-weapon level instead of having one weapon set dictating exactly which skills a player can use. But this core design decision I guess and helps in balancing the game for various game modes more easily than other games.



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