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[Suggestion] Stop making Story Bosses Hard (LS4 Spoilers)

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > Complaining every single time the difficulty was increased.


> And some of the most important outliers were "fixed".

While many weren't. And for every case that got fixed, Anet introduced several new fights at increased difficulty.


> There were threads complaining about the difficulty of the game since August 2012, there is still that boss Giganticus Lupicus that caused many players to have fits of rage. Or threads about Young Karka when Southsun was first introduced.

Indeed. So, as you can see, the complains, unlike you try to present them, the complains are nothing new.


> A lot of players adapted to the changes and stayed with the game.

That doesn't mean they liked those changes, though.



> > Funny how i don't think you represent me at all even though i also did play from the very beginning and also experienced the increases in difficulty.


> So the difficulty of the game kept increasing for about 6 years straight and now there is a complaint about it and for some reason Anet now, 6 years later, needs to act upon it.

As you have already acknowledged, it s not "now". Rather, the complains simply _never stopped_ and were present since the very early part of the game. So, again, do not try to misrepresent them as something that just happened now, out of the blue, and is something no old player would agree with.


> Telling the players that stayed with the game for 6 years to go find another game because now they want to do an 180 and reverse everything they've done since October 2012, with their first content release that DID have more challenging content than what is found in core tyria, is a really stupid move.

Or perhaps it was the transition towards the more challenging content that was a bad move, and it is well past time to wise up.


Sure, i agree, that doing it after 6 years is way late. It should have been done years ago. But, making a bad decision at some point in the past and ignoring it for a long time doesn't mean we should give up on fixing it eventually.



> > Unlikely, but that would be actually for a multitude of other reasons. Basically, the game is already at the point where more people will be leaving it than returning unless something really major changes. Which seems quite unlikely.


> There is already a major change, a massive reduction in the overall difficulty of the content and total scrapping of anything of a higher challenge level. We'll see how it affects the game going forward.


> > In fact, have been leaving the game for multitude of other reasons already.


> Those players that left due to the increasing difficulty of the last 6 years should be coming back now that the game is back to kindergarten level difficulty. Otherwise the entire move makes no sense.

I don't think it's about players returning to the game anymore. It's now more about the speed at which the players will be leaving. And, frankly, the minority interested in the more challenging content is leaving anyway, as they finally realized that Anet was _never_ capable of releasing content for them at a rate they'd find satisfying.


So, ask yourself - is it indeed a stupid move to try to retain at least one part of your community, instead of losing both groups?


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Those players that left due to the increasing difficulty of the last 6 years should be coming back now that the game is back to kindergarten level difficulty. Otherwise the entire move makes no sense.


> :+1:


Far from it i've been back two months and the game just continually frustrates me.. I actually just logged out after doing some more season 4 and i'm bored to tears and sick and tired of how much the power creep on content has become, its taken two months after a four year break to make me want out again..


Its just really bad all round.. I'm not sure how this game keeps customers.. I'm actually on the forums now when i should be in game enjoying but i just can't take the tedious slog anymore.. I need a new game.


Seems the devs learnt nothing from Heart of Thorns.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > Its just really bad all round.. I'm not sure how this game keeps customers..


> Season 4 had some challenging stuff, but by "recent" we are referring to Season 5, which has had super easy story missions so far that pose no challenge at all combat-wise.


I can't even get past season 4 to enjoy season 5 tbh...

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> I can't even get past season 4 to enjoy season 5 tbh...


This is why I find it confusing that Season 5 is so laughably easy. It is as if it's marketed only at returning players or those that are willing to skip Season 4 and start from Season 5 (with all the problems that has). Would you be willing to skip Season 4 entirely and start your playing experience from Season 5?

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> As you have already acknowledged, it s not "now".


The complaints always existed, but for 6 years the game continued in a certain course. Someone would argue playing a game that causes you to complain for a few years isn't very healthy. But I guess some are built to always complain


> Or perhaps it was the transition towards the more challenging content that was a bad move, and it is well past time to wise up.


The transition towards more challenge started in 2012 and continued on for 6 whole years, with some brief intermissions in between (content droughts). I think ti's way too late to turn back now.


> I don't think it's about players returning to the game anymore.


Well check out players like @"Dante.1508" returning to the game, the game is telling them to skip the past content and start from the newest one because it's by far easier. Does that make any kind of sense to you? Skip Season 4 and start directly with Season 5? Are the players that will actually do that (returning or old ones) worth the investment? Meanwhile those that went through Season 4 and liked it (maybe with some boss exceptions, there are some over-tuned ones) will now experience the absolutely laughable Season 5 and start leaving.


> So, ask yourself - is it indeed a stupid move to try to retain at least one part of your community, instead of losing both groups?


I think we have a misunderstanding here. I'm not talking specifically about the removal of challenging content like Fractals and Raids, but I'm concerned about the over-simplification of the living world content, including the story and the open world. The Icebrood Saga so far has been, at best, core tyria difficulty - challenge wise, if even at that, which is what I'm concerned with here. The removal of instanced challenging content is simply part of this over-simplification attempt, I can understand why we can't have challenging instanced content, when the open world/story content is so under-tuned. My question and concern is what purpose does reducing the difficulty of the living world SO MUCH serve at this point in the game's life, without making tweaks to the rest of it.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > I can't even get past season 4 to enjoy season 5 tbh...


> This is why I find it confusing that Season 5 is so laughably easy. It is as if it's marketed only at returning players or those that are willing to skip Season 4 and start from Season 5 (with all the problems that has). Would you be willing to skip Season 4 entirely and start your playing experience from Season 5?


Not really i wanted to follow the story.. but honestly i've not even played the game much today, i went back to Steam games.. I guess Steam gets my money instead.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> Not really i wanted to follow the story.. but honestly i've not even played the game much today, i went back to Steam games.. I guess Steam gets my money instead.


What a shame. I miss the challenging story fights a bit, to be honest, but enjoy the writing and much tenser story atmosphere in Season 5.

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I don't know how you can feel tense when the NPC's can kill the boss for you. I really don't understand how having player agency is now consider tedious. And if you can't do the content still, find a friend to help you. The content either doesn't scale or scales so poorly it is not noticeable. This is a MMO, not a single player walking simulator.

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> I don't know how you can feel tense when the NPC's can kill the boss for you. I really don't understand how having player agency is now consider tedious. And if you can't do the content still, find a friend to help you. The content either doesn't scale or scales so poorly it is not noticeable. This is a MMO, not a single player walking simulator.


it does make the content playable, but then i have to help them with their stories too. that means i have to play the content, that i hate 3-4 times more.

NOT an option (for me). i can raid in other mmos, but apparantly, am not good enough for the STORY in this one. i will miss core tyria till the day i die,

but i simply refuse to play this kind of content.

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There's a hard boss somewhere in the story?!


Seriously though, trying to find the perfect sweet spot in an MMO is literally impossible. You have players from both ends of the spectrum and everywhere in between, there's no chance to please everyone. Some will say everything is too hard, some will say everything is too easy. As long as we can't choose our own difficulty, this is what we will get. To Anet's defense though, I think they've managed to find a pretty good spot between challenging and tediously hard, but that is of course arguable.


As a overall pretty casual player myself, I've found some story parts challenging, but never overly hard. I don't think I've died once during LS4 & 5 story, but then again I've made myself a pretty cheesy build just to enjoy the flow of the story more instead of getting stuck on a boss encounter. I'm sure a full glass build would offer more challenge.


So, without a difficulty slider, there's really only two options. Get better at the game by learning, and/or get a braindead cheese build that basically can't die.

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> I don't know how you can feel tense when the NPC's can kill the boss for you. I really don't understand how having player agency is now consider tedious. And if you can't do the content still, find a friend to help you. The content either doesn't scale or scales so poorly it is not noticeable. This is a MMO, not a single player walking simulator.


No one wants to do it they've already done it years ago.

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> @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > you forgot the 3rd option...finding a game with actual progression. that was my solution.


> There is progression in this game. It's just that it's all skill gated and not gear gated. This is a serious case of gitgud.


it is also a case of making content for a diminishing playerbase. normal business politics would dictate, that you try to keep your customers.

but i guess they found a magical way to avoid the consequences, since they didnt have to fire anyone

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> > I don't know how you can feel tense when the NPC's can kill the boss for you. I really don't understand how having player agency is now consider tedious. And if you can't do the content still, find a friend to help you. The content either doesn't scale or scales so poorly it is not noticeable. This is a MMO, not a single player walking simulator.


> No one wants to do it they've already done it years ago.


Then you have the option of improving your build and your ability to avoid damage so that story becomes trivial. 99% of the playerbase has no problem completing story. That can be you too.

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> @"Nikal.4921" said:

> This is story content. To tell a story, not prepare you for raids. I am thoroughly discouraged by the difficulty of story bosses and so hardly bother with them. I'd like to get the story line, so it's a real disappointment.


Kinda late reply (lol), but I'd say it's more profitable, both for the player and ANET to have the story bosses be somewhat 'hard'. Just consider how large the step from solo instance PvE to raids & fractals & particularly PvP will be if no effort whatsoever is required on your part for half your first 100 or so hours.


It can also strengthen the effect the narrative wants you to feel. Like vs Lazarus; killing the last mursaat? Hell ye it should feel like a lengthy uphill battle. These guys are major players, by no means should they feel like pushovers, it cheapens the gametime and your character.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"SexyMofo.8923" said:

> > NONE of the pve story bosses are hard. I repeat: NONE. I am a solo player and I don’t recall needed help on any of them.


> Then you are very fortunate to have the skill and ability to manage them by yourself. Not everyone possesses such level skill or ability.


This in my opinion.. And from talking to my guild in discord many others do not pass it either, a few ladies in discord never even leave core tyria.

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Scruffy was just CC spam. Not really a fun fight. I like having hard boss fights tho tbh.


What if Balthazar died by being tickled. Not much a god of war, is it? The game should expect you to be a competent player if your character is supposed to be competent, I think. The game shouldn't be shy about saying "hey you should pay attention to what's going on, maybe this boss will take you a couple of attempts"; that's fine also, oneshotting every boss makes the story have very little impact, I think.


I totally get it when ANet says "it's really hard to design 'fair' boss fights when there's such a power range in gear". If some of this stuff is too hard, I kinda wonder what kind of gear people are wearing? I totally get it if I'm in a focused set of Ascended gear, fully infused with the correct infusions with a BiS set of sigils and runes, with multiple legendaries and a second Ascended gearset that grants more defensive stats... And the people who are saying 'this stuff is impossible' are in a mishmash of greens and yellows with no stat focus (and there are lots of people who do this!).

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