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Clothing Tonics Now Convertible to OUTFITS!!!


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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> The long wait is over! I can't believe it actually happened, but YEEESSS!

> Gaile, please tell everyone you bump into in the office that this is a fantastic Wintersday gift. :heart:


> Fingers crossed that the outfits will come out to the gem store soon.




Yes I'd love to have the tonics available from the gem store because they are overpriced at the moment on the TP.

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Before the Outfits existed, they sold "city clothes" in the gem store, but then they gave me the tonic ... the years went by and I never thought they would come back in the form of Outfits ... I had Endless Casual Clothing Tonic and I think I destroyed it or I sold it (I do not remember, it happened a long time ago) ... the fact is that at the time I bought something with gems and now I do not have it. It would be unfair then for me to put back the same design for gems but now to unlock a new Outfits.


Is there any way to review the entire history of an account and based on that automatically unlock the design if you had already purchased it several years ago? and I think the city design should be free or already unlocked, because in the beginning it was like a "gift".

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> @"Kapax.3801" said:

> Before the Outfits existed, they sold "city clothes" in the gem store, but then they gave me the tonic ... the years went by and I never thought they would come back in the form of Outfits ... I had Endless Casual Clothing Tonic and I think I destroyed it or I sold it (I do not remember, it happened a long time ago) ... the fact is that at the time I bought something with gems and now I do not have it. It would be unfair then for me to put back the same design for gems but now to unlock a new Outfits.


> Is there any way to review the entire history of an account and based on that automatically unlock the design if you had already purchased it several years ago? and I think the city design should be free or already unlocked, because in the beginning it was like a "gift".


I don't think they would because I would be hopping onto that bandwagon for my Khaki shorts and Casual Hoodie that I used to have.... I'm sure plenty of people would. That's a lot of work

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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> I'm glad they finally addressed this. Having them as tonics was a very bad solution. That said, I don't see them in the outfits panel, and they are not available for purchase. Hopefully there are short term plans to resolve this.


The NPC to purchase the outfits from is in the BLTP area in Lion's Arch.

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I was really happy about this change. :D I never understood why they made some town clothes into tonics to begin with. Apart from hooking up the dye channels it seems like it was the same amount of work as turning them into outfits but the end result was something far less useful. Now I finally have my town clothes back.


(Although it does make it even more frustrating that all outfits share the same dyes, because each time I get a new one it makes it harder to find a dye scheme that looks good on all of them.)


> @"Kapax.3801" said:

> Before the Outfits existed, they sold "city clothes" in the gem store, but then they gave me the tonic ... the years went by and I never thought they would come back in the form of Outfits ... I had Endless Casual Clothing Tonic and I think I destroyed it or I sold it (I do not remember, it happened a long time ago) ... the fact is that at the time I bought something with gems and now I do not have it. It would be unfair then for me to put back the same design for gems but now to unlock a new Outfits.


> Is there any way to review the entire history of an account and based on that automatically unlock the design if you had already purchased it several years ago? and I think the city design should be free or already unlocked, because in the beginning it was like a "gift".


Support can check your account history to see what you've had, and they might be able to restore any town clothes you used to have, or just unlock the outfit directly. **But** when town clothes were changed to outfits or tonics they gave everyone who had purchased them the opportunity for a refund, all you had to do was ask for it (and you got to keep the new version too). So it's possible they might say you've already been compensated fairly (especially if you got the gems refunded and then sold the tonic) and it would be unfair to give you the outfit for free.


But if you do want to try and get it back then contact Support. They're the only ones who can do it, and the worst they can do is say no.


I agree that the basic town clothes outfit should be free for everyone though, since it used to be given to everyone. At the moment it's not too much of an issue because that tonic only costs 40c (or 9 silver if you pick buy instantly) and there's probably thousands of them in the game in addition to the ones currently listed (I've got 8 spare, after I used 1 to unlock the outfit). But that situation won't last forever and it would be unfair if new players ended up spending a lot of gold to unlock something that used to be free.


I also think it'd be beneficial for Anet. I've been saying for years they should have made at least the default town clothes into an outfit and unlock it for free. Part of the reason for that is at the moment you can completely ignore outfits unless you've already decided to spend money on one. Whereas if everyone had a free outfit it'd give everyone a reason to check out that tab, get used to the idea of having a 2nd set of clothing to switch to instantly etc. and they might end up deciding to buy others, which they might never have done if they could just forget they exist.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> Is there a way to get the Dragon Emblem Shirt/Endless Dragon Emblem Clothing Tonic?


I don't think so. If I remember correctly the town clothes version was given away at some conventions before GW2 was released, and the tonic it got changed into was account bound. So unless you can find a 5 year old code to get the town clothes and convert it to a tonic and then to an outfit you're out of luck.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > Is there a way to get the Dragon Emblem Shirt/Endless Dragon Emblem Clothing Tonic?


> I don't think so. If I remember correctly the town clothes version was given away at some conventions before GW2 was released, and the tonic it got changed into was account bound. So unless you can find a 5 year old code to get the town clothes and convert it to a tonic and then to an outfit you're out of luck.


I wish they would stop burying items like that on their digital vaults. I've got a leg skin that looks like a capri. I wish I could find a T-Shirt like top skin and sneaker skin to go with it to create a look for one of my characters.

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