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Do you like the "Poll" forum feature?

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I'm picking other only because I truly completely honestly like it to death.

I just can't pick the 1st option because that "L" word is in there.


Can't pick the 2nd option as I've not seen a poll I've really didn't like. Just maybe those I find stupid/silly/idiotic like the few I've seen on "Do you like the last balance?" and the options being something like "No." "Hell no." "There was a patch?" "I like bacon." or something.

Can't really call them annoying. Just childish and not worth wasting time thinking on.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> No to many polls


This is the current situation.

And also many of them do not have proper options.


I tend to make 3 option polls like yes, no, other, but some players tende to use all 10 slots for nothing. And some other players tende tp spam many polls.


Howerver it does not harm at all...It's slightly dispersive. That’s all.

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On the whole, I think it's distracting for people. People use it to push points of view or as if it can establish a sense of what the community is thinking. I can't imagine that anyone would care that much if the new forums never included polls and I don't think anyone would remember in six months if polls were disabled entirely today.


They work best for fluff questions ("how many map completions" or "how old") and most misused for serious questions ("who wants ANet to give us something for free, without reducing any of the other things we get?")


I usually don't pick a response because most of the time, they options are misleading. This poll falls into the 'fluff' category quite nicely, along with its tongue-in-cheek options.


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