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OP Updated: The reason 'Enemy of My Enemy' in the PoF Storyline is terrible

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.


> Pardon my late reply.


> I played 'Enemy of My Enemy' on my Charr, and all I see is a purple blob effect that shows no such illusory silhouette, disguise, call it what you want. Even more the reason we should just be given an Archon Iberu model, notably a transparent purple one that replaces our character's model (to give off the idea of an illusion).


I played both times with max size norn with heavy armor and spikes and all good stuff, and was pretty clear the purple effects and Iberu silhoutte around our character...maybe you aint paying attention to the details, or maybe you are playing with low setting, but still, the effects are there...again reason why we dont have our model replaced with Iberu like the rest of the NPCs was because before people didnt liked have to play with the apperence of other character(playing as Caithe during episodes pre-HoT), so they went with this way, we have to keep our apparence, but is clear that we should look like Iberu for those around us.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.

> >

> > Pardon my late reply.

> >

> > I played 'Enemy of My Enemy' on my Charr, and all I see is a purple blob effect that shows no such illusory silhouette, disguise, call it what you want. Even more the reason we should just be given an Archon Iberu model, notably a transparent purple one that replaces our character's model (to give off the idea of an illusion).


> I played both times with max size norn with heavy armor and spikes and all good stuff, and was pretty clear the purple effects and Iberu silhoutte around our character...maybe you aint paying attention to the details, or maybe you are playing with low setting, but still, the effects are there...again reason why we dont have our model replaced with Iberu like the rest of the NPCs was because before people didnt liked have to play with the apperence of other character(playing as Caithe during episodes pre-HoT), so they went with this way, we have to keep our apparence, but is clear that we should look like Iberu for those around us.


Bro, I will give you 6K Gold if you can prove I look like Archon Iberu during 'Enemy of My Enemy', even a little bit: https://imgur.com/a/0mMTa Go on. I'm waiting *eats popcorn* There is only the purple effect, and nothing more that shows. My argument is the visual of Archon Iberu AND the purple effect should be present, that which will still indicate it is an illusion. Why not both things at the same time?

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > It's because we needed to be able to mount during those missions.

> > Adding a buff icon and some purple fog is easier than creating an Archon Iberu character model with mount animations.


> That is no excuse because even in less-important parts of the game we can still disguise ourselves, either during a Storyline or outside a Storyline, and mind you, the new Mount animations work with those older parts of the game just fine.


But you can't mount while disguised...


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> @"Cuddy.6247" said:

> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > > It's because we needed to be able to mount during those missions.

> > > Adding a buff icon and some purple fog is easier than creating an Archon Iberu character model with mount animations.

> >

> > That is no excuse because even in less-important parts of the game we can still disguise ourselves, either during a Storyline or outside a Storyline, and mind you, the new Mount animations work with those older parts of the game just fine.


> But you can't mount while disguised...



Then Anet should not code it like Tonics are coded. How hard is that? Just have the character model replaced immediately during 'The Departed' and 'My Enemy of My Enemy' parts of PoF's Storyline (and other parts) until the disguise no longer necessary.


What is the difference between our original character model being able to Mount, mind you, each character wearing different outfits **VS.** a temporary model used for disguise during a Storyline?

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.


You can’t on low end PCs, all we got was a faint purple glow around the chest.

And have you ever heard Iberu talk? Trust me, it sounds nothing like a any player character does.

People who disliked the caithe portion, disliked caithe. There was nothing wrong with ‘assuming a role’

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> Then Anet should not code it like Tonics are coded. How hard is that? Just have the character model replaced immediately during 'The Departed' and 'My Enemy of My Enemy' parts of PoF's Storyline (and other parts) until the disguise no longer necessary.


> What is the difference between our original character model being able to Mount, mind you, each character wearing different outfits **VS.** a temporary model used for disguise during a Storyline?

Guild War 2's engine is approximately 15 years old. It's build off GW1's engine, which was NOT built with mounts in mind, and at this point is a giant pile of spaghetti code. The engine cannot even handle water anywhere above the Z-axis, to give you an idea of how old it is. GW2's engine was not modified with mounts in mind up until fairly recently, all things considered. If it takes the better part of a year for them to figure out how to add a keyring without breaking things, hacking together a fix to let you mount while transformed isn't going to be as easy as you seem to think it would be. It could be done, most likely, but with a ton of resources that would be better off spent on content or QoL issues that will benefit the majority.


Even the size potions don't work with mounting because, as a dev stated (I believe in an AMA), it would require a heck of a lot of work to get transformations to work with mounts, plus having to go through and whitelisting some transformations (likely only the battle ones) and blacklisting the rest. Then there's also the consideration for the animations. Even with copy-pasting them from what they have now, there would still need to be tweaks to fit the model. The latter doesn't matter so much if only one transformation is allowed to mount, I'll grant you that, but all the other work still needs to be done.


People have given you lore reasons why your character model doesn't change. People have given you tech reasons why your model doesn't change. People have given you resource reasons why your model doesn't change. Yet you continue to reject every single one of them.


BTW: [This is the aura everyone is talking about.](https://i.imgur.com/gRdGOrz.jpg)


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> @"Zephire.8049" said:

> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > Then Anet should not code it like Tonics are coded. How hard is that? Just have the character model replaced immediately during 'The Departed' and 'My Enemy of My Enemy' parts of PoF's Storyline (and other parts) until the disguise no longer necessary.

> >

> > What is the difference between our original character model being able to Mount, mind you, each character wearing different outfits **VS.** a temporary model used for disguise during a Storyline?

> Guild War 2's engine is approximately 15 years old. It's build off GW1's engine, which was NOT built with mounts in mind, and at this point is a giant pile of spaghetti code. The engine cannot even handle water anywhere above the Z-axis, to give you an idea of how old it is. GW2's engine was not modified with mounts in mind up until fairly recently, all things considered. If it takes the better part of a year for them to figure out how to add a keyring without breaking things, hacking together a fix to let you mount while transformed isn't going to be as easy as you seem to think it would be. It could be done, most likely, but with a ton of resources that would be better off spent on content or QoL issues that will benefit the majority.


> Even the size potions don't work with mounting because, as a dev stated (I believe in an AMA), it would require a heck of a lot of work to get transformations to work with mounts, plus having to go through and whitelisting some transformations (likely only the battle ones) and blacklisting the rest. Then there's also the consideration for the animations. Even with copy-pasting them from what they have now, there would still need to be tweaks to fit the model. The latter doesn't matter so much if only one transformation is allowed to mount, I'll grant you that, but all the other work still needs to be done.


> People have given you lore reasons why your character model doesn't change. People have given you tech reasons why your model doesn't change. People have given you resource reasons why your model doesn't change. Yet you continue to reject every single one of them.


> BTW: [This is the aura everyone is talking about.](https://i.imgur.com/gRdGOrz.jpg)



**Correction:** You are the _only_ one here in these comments who has given technical reasons that actually make sense, and while I understand how old GW2's engine is, I still question some of your claims and whether or not half of them still hold true to this day, given the fact the developers have done a few things to enhance the engine to perform and handle certain things it could not handle or perform before. The money being poured into this game is not just going toward Gem Store items and things of that nature alone.


Furthermore, the link you provided with Archon's face above the Charr does _not_ at all show up on my Charr, or my female human, for that matter. All I see (as I have said numerous times already) is a big purple blob effect that looks _nothing_ like Archon Iberu. Here is my screenshot of my Charr **vs.** the Charr you linked: https://imgur.com/a/0mMTa. Therefore, the illusory disguise of Archon Iberu is clearly _not_ scaled properly for every race.


Are you telling me there is no way for Anet's developers to either HIDE or REMOVE our character's model temporarily to show only the illusion of Archon Iberu throughout those parts of PoF's Storyline? I find that very hard to believe since the model of Archon Iberu is already there, just not in complete 3D form.


On two of my character's, _no_ depiction can be seen whatsoever of Archon Iberu. It shows up for that Charr in that screenshot, yet not my Char in my screenshot, and I have zoomed in, zoomed out, tried to /dance just so I can see a fraction of Archon Iberu's illusion, and nothing can be seen of him. The effect looks like garbage, to be honest with you, and it is not as 'obvious' as you and everyone else here makes it seem. Even in the screenshot you provided, the illusion is _still_ a rough depiction of him.


**And when you said**, "The latter doesn't matter so much if only one transformation is allowed to mount, I'll grant you that, but all the other work still needs to be done."


What, sir, or ma'am, do you think my whole argument has been about? My argument is ONLY temporary models used for the sake of disguise are what should work with the Mounts, notably during Storylines. Nothing more or less. Throughout this entire thread, I _never_ say I wanted Tonic disguises to work with the Mounts.


As for the rest of the comments throughout this thread, many of those who commented gave no good responses worth taking serious whatsoever. One guy here even wrote:


>@Felipe.1807 said:

>Is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.


Which makes me question if he or she even played the PoF Storyline or not, because _clearly_ none of our characters sound like Archon Iberu, much less, look like him. And _clearly_ the illusion of Archon Iberu is not so 'obvious' as proven in the screenshot I provided, and as proven even in the screenshot you provided. You have to actually zoom in and TRY to see the depiction of Archon iberu. I repeat, the illusion does _not_ in any way, shape, or form stick out like a sore thumb like everyone has said here.


**And did I mention** _nobody_ thus far (yourself included) has mentioned anything regarding the second half of my OP that points out a glaringly obvious achievement bug? All people are focused on is the first half of the OP. I believe people in the comments here are too full of pride to admit I am 100% right about at least one thing, because a bug is a bug, and the bug has been around longer than it should have been.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.


> You can’t on low end PCs, all we got was a faint purple glow around the chest.

> And have you ever heard Iberu talk? Trust me, it sounds nothing like a any player character does.

> People who disliked the caithe portion, disliked caithe. There was nothing wrong with ‘assuming a role’


Come on man, you guys are smarter then this...is not even funny anymore lol...you guys are overthinking this way, WAY to much, to everyone around you, all the awakaned and your fellow dragons watch companions, you looks like and sounds like Iberu, and this is it...you have the mesmer effects around your character and if I remenber, theres even some effects added to your voice, the same way that was added to voice of the rest of Dragons Watch, basically telling us, the players, that we at that moment we sound like Iberu.

And no, people really desliked playing with other characters apperence and complete different move set...not saying this was the main reason why was done this way, some people are talking about mounts...not sure, they could have just disable mounts during Iberu events and make a single Mounted Iberu model for the part that you have capture that branded thing.


> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.

> > >

> > > Pardon my late reply.

> > >

> > > I played 'Enemy of My Enemy' on my Charr, and all I see is a purple blob effect that shows no such illusory silhouette, disguise, call it what you want. Even more the reason we should just be given an Archon Iberu model, notably a transparent purple one that replaces our character's model (to give off the idea of an illusion).

> >

> > I played both times with max size norn with heavy armor and spikes and all good stuff, and was pretty clear the purple effects and Iberu silhoutte around our character...maybe you aint paying attention to the details, or maybe you are playing with low setting, but still, the effects are there...again reason why we dont have our model replaced with Iberu like the rest of the NPCs was because before people didnt liked have to play with the apperence of other character(playing as Caithe during episodes pre-HoT), so they went with this way, we have to keep our apparence, but is clear that we should look like Iberu for those around us.


> Bro, I will give you 6K Gold if you can prove I look like Archon Iberu during 'Enemy of My Enemy', even a little bit: https://imgur.com/a/0mMTa Go on. I'm waiting *eats popcorn* There is only the purple effect, and nothing more that shows. My argument is the visual of Archon Iberu AND the purple effect should be present, that which will still indicate it is an illusion. Why not both things at the same time?


Okay, the image of big ugly fat chaar that you gave really dosent help at all...i would play the whole PoF with my chaar just to prove it too you, but thankfully someone else allready done it...here it goes

![](https://i.imgur.com/gRdGOrz.jpg "")


Now please, my 6K gold. Even without any special effects aroud your character, you have "Ilusion buff" on you bar...that should be enough to any person realize that they look and sound like Iberu at that time.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.

> >

> > You can’t on low end PCs, all we got was a faint purple glow around the chest.

> > And have you ever heard Iberu talk? Trust me, it sounds nothing like a any player character does.

> > People who disliked the caithe portion, disliked caithe. There was nothing wrong with ‘assuming a role’


> Come on man, you guys are smarter then this...is not even funny anymore lol...you guys are overthinking this way, WAY to much, to everyone around you, all the awakaned and your fellow dragons watch companions, you looks like and sounds like Iberu, and this is it...you have the mesmer effects around your character and if I remenber, theres even some effects added to your voice, the same way that was added to voice of the rest of Dragons Watch, basically telling us, the players, that we at that moment we sound like Iberu.

> And no, people really desliked playing with other characters apperence and complete different move set...not saying this was the main reason why was done this way, some people are talking about mounts...not sure, they could have just disable mounts during Iberu events and make a single Mounted Iberu model for the part that you have capture that branded thing.


> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.

> > > >

> > > > Pardon my late reply.

> > > >

> > > > I played 'Enemy of My Enemy' on my Charr, and all I see is a purple blob effect that shows no such illusory silhouette, disguise, call it what you want. Even more the reason we should just be given an Archon Iberu model, notably a transparent purple one that replaces our character's model (to give off the idea of an illusion).

> > >

> > > I played both times with max size norn with heavy armor and spikes and all good stuff, and was pretty clear the purple effects and Iberu silhoutte around our character...maybe you aint paying attention to the details, or maybe you are playing with low setting, but still, the effects are there...again reason why we dont have our model replaced with Iberu like the rest of the NPCs was because before people didnt liked have to play with the apperence of other character(playing as Caithe during episodes pre-HoT), so they went with this way, we have to keep our apparence, but is clear that we should look like Iberu for those around us.

> >

> > Bro, I will give you 6K Gold if you can prove I look like Archon Iberu during 'Enemy of My Enemy', even a little bit: https://imgur.com/a/0mMTa Go on. I'm waiting *eats popcorn* There is only the purple effect, and nothing more that shows. My argument is the visual of Archon Iberu AND the purple effect should be present, that which will still indicate it is an illusion. Why not both things at the same time?


> Okay, the image of big ugly fat chaar that you gave really dosent help at all...i would play the whole PoF with my chaar just to prove it too you, but thankfully someone else allready done it...here it goes

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/gRdGOrz.jpg "")


> Now please, my 6K gold. Even without any special effects aroud your character, you have "Ilusion buff" on you bar...that should be enough to any person realize that they look and sound like Iberu at that time.


That really doesnt hold water.

To me its a Charr with a faint purple glow. Not an Iberu illusion.

Even the 'face' in purple cloud looks nothing like Iberu

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.


> You can’t on low end PCs, all we got was a faint purple glow around the chest.

> And have you ever heard Iberu talk? Trust me, it sounds nothing like a any player character does.

> People who disliked the caithe portion, disliked caithe. There was nothing wrong with ‘assuming a role’


The Caithe portion, if you are referring to the part of season2 I think you are, does not involve a disguise. We actually become her. We have an entirely new skill set. In many cases involving the use of a weapon that our profession could not otherwise use. We are responsible for the actions taken in that bit of story as we were in control of the character at the time. I disliked that bit, not because I disliked Caithe at the time, but because it required that I play someone else's build, and that my character perform despicable acts. Caithe was exonerated of all responsibility for those actions once it was established that the commander was controlling her body at the time.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > > Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.

> > > > >

> > > > > You can’t on low end PCs, all we got was a faint purple glow around the chest.

> > > > > And have you ever heard Iberu talk? Trust me, it sounds nothing like a any player character does.

> > > > > People who disliked the caithe portion, disliked caithe. There was nothing wrong with ‘assuming a role’

> > > >

> > > > Come on man, you guys are smarter then this...is not even funny anymore lol...you guys are overthinking this way, WAY to much, to everyone around you, all the awakaned and your fellow dragons watch companions, you looks like and sounds like Iberu, and this is it...you have the mesmer effects around your character and if I remenber, theres even some effects added to your voice, the same way that was added to voice of the rest of Dragons Watch, basically telling us, the players, that we at that moment we sound like Iberu.

> > > > And no, people really desliked playing with other characters apperence and complete different move set...not saying this was the main reason why was done this way, some people are talking about mounts...not sure, they could have just disable mounts during Iberu events and make a single Mounted Iberu model for the part that you have capture that branded thing.

> > > >

> > > > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > > > > Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Pardon my late reply.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I played 'Enemy of My Enemy' on my Charr, and all I see is a purple blob effect that shows no such illusory silhouette, disguise, call it what you want. Even more the reason we should just be given an Archon Iberu model, notably a transparent purple one that replaces our character's model (to give off the idea of an illusion).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I played both times with max size norn with heavy armor and spikes and all good stuff, and was pretty clear the purple effects and Iberu silhoutte around our character...maybe you aint paying attention to the details, or maybe you are playing with low setting, but still, the effects are there...again reason why we dont have our model replaced with Iberu like the rest of the NPCs was because before people didnt liked have to play with the apperence of other character(playing as Caithe during episodes pre-HoT), so they went with this way, we have to keep our apparence, but is clear that we should look like Iberu for those around us.

> > > > >

> > > > > Bro, I will give you 6K Gold if you can prove I look like Archon Iberu during 'Enemy of My Enemy', even a little bit: https://imgur.com/a/0mMTa Go on. I'm waiting *eats popcorn* There is only the purple effect, and nothing more that shows. My argument is the visual of Archon Iberu AND the purple effect should be present, that which will still indicate it is an illusion. Why not both things at the same time?

> > > >

> > > > Okay, the image of big ugly fat chaar that you gave really dosent help at all...i would play the whole PoF with my chaar just to prove it too you, but thankfully someone else allready done it...here it goes

> > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/gRdGOrz.jpg "")

> > > >

> > > > Now please, my 6K gold. Even without any special effects aroud your character, you have "Ilusion buff" on you bar...that should be enough to any person realize that they look and sound like Iberu at that time.

> > >

> > > That really doesnt hold water.

> > > To me its a Charr with a faint purple glow. Not an Iberu illusion.

> > > Even the 'face' in purple cloud looks nothing like Iberu

> >

> > okay, now i am 100% sure that you are just trolling...but anyway, Eidolonemesis.5640 i am still waiting for my 6K gold.


> "you don't conform to my way of thinking, therefore you must be trolling"


Wrong, you just keep ignoring all facts. Kasmer is a mesmer, she is not a cosmic all powerfull entity that can manipulate matter and transform your character in Iberu, what she does is make a illusion...you can see this in game by the little buff that appear on your character and you have the visual effects, like the purple glowying and the Iberu "silhoutte" above your character...what else do you want, a message saying "Hey dumbass, now you are motherfucking IBERU"....really dude this shit is going longer then it should, its time to close this thread.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > > > Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You can’t on low end PCs, all we got was a faint purple glow around the chest.

> > > > > > And have you ever heard Iberu talk? Trust me, it sounds nothing like a any player character does.

> > > > > > People who disliked the caithe portion, disliked caithe. There was nothing wrong with ‘assuming a role’

> > > > >

> > > > > Come on man, you guys are smarter then this...is not even funny anymore lol...you guys are overthinking this way, WAY to much, to everyone around you, all the awakaned and your fellow dragons watch companions, you looks like and sounds like Iberu, and this is it...you have the mesmer effects around your character and if I remenber, theres even some effects added to your voice, the same way that was added to voice of the rest of Dragons Watch, basically telling us, the players, that we at that moment we sound like Iberu.

> > > > > And no, people really desliked playing with other characters apperence and complete different move set...not saying this was the main reason why was done this way, some people are talking about mounts...not sure, they could have just disable mounts during Iberu events and make a single Mounted Iberu model for the part that you have capture that branded thing.

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > > > > > Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Pardon my late reply.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I played 'Enemy of My Enemy' on my Charr, and all I see is a purple blob effect that shows no such illusory silhouette, disguise, call it what you want. Even more the reason we should just be given an Archon Iberu model, notably a transparent purple one that replaces our character's model (to give off the idea of an illusion).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I played both times with max size norn with heavy armor and spikes and all good stuff, and was pretty clear the purple effects and Iberu silhoutte around our character...maybe you aint paying attention to the details, or maybe you are playing with low setting, but still, the effects are there...again reason why we dont have our model replaced with Iberu like the rest of the NPCs was because before people didnt liked have to play with the apperence of other character(playing as Caithe during episodes pre-HoT), so they went with this way, we have to keep our apparence, but is clear that we should look like Iberu for those around us.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Bro, I will give you 6K Gold if you can prove I look like Archon Iberu during 'Enemy of My Enemy', even a little bit: https://imgur.com/a/0mMTa Go on. I'm waiting *eats popcorn* There is only the purple effect, and nothing more that shows. My argument is the visual of Archon Iberu AND the purple effect should be present, that which will still indicate it is an illusion. Why not both things at the same time?

> > > > >

> > > > > Okay, the image of big ugly fat chaar that you gave really dosent help at all...i would play the whole PoF with my chaar just to prove it too you, but thankfully someone else allready done it...here it goes

> > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/gRdGOrz.jpg "")

> > > > >

> > > > > Now please, my 6K gold. Even without any special effects aroud your character, you have "Ilusion buff" on you bar...that should be enough to any person realize that they look and sound like Iberu at that time.

> > > >

> > > > That really doesnt hold water.

> > > > To me its a Charr with a faint purple glow. Not an Iberu illusion.

> > > > Even the 'face' in purple cloud looks nothing like Iberu

> > >

> > > okay, now i am 100% sure that you are just trolling...but anyway, Eidolonemesis.5640 i am still waiting for my 6K gold.

> >

> > "you don't conform to my way of thinking, therefore you must be trolling"


> Wrong, you just keep ignoring all facts. Kasmer is a mesmer, she is not a cosmic all powerfull entity that can manipulate matter and transform your character in Iberu, what she does is make a illusion...you can see this in game by the little buff that appear on your character and you have the visual effects, like the purple glowying and the Iberu "silhoutte" above your character...what else do you want, a message saying "Hey kitten, now you are kitten IBERU"....really dude this kitten is going longer then it should, its time to close this thread.


She's fighting naked.

To not take a fatal blow from getting hit with imaginary clothes on, I have to say she's manipulating matter.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > > Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.

> > > > >

> > > > > You can’t on low end PCs, all we got was a faint purple glow around the chest.

> > > > > And have you ever heard Iberu talk? Trust me, it sounds nothing like a any player character does.

> > > > > People who disliked the caithe portion, disliked caithe. There was nothing wrong with ‘assuming a role’

> > > >

> > > > Come on man, you guys are smarter then this...is not even funny anymore lol...you guys are overthinking this way, WAY to much, to everyone around you, all the awakaned and your fellow dragons watch companions, you looks like and sounds like Iberu, and this is it...you have the mesmer effects around your character and if I remenber, theres even some effects added to your voice, the same way that was added to voice of the rest of Dragons Watch, basically telling us, the players, that we at that moment we sound like Iberu.

> > > > And no, people really desliked playing with other characters apperence and complete different move set...not saying this was the main reason why was done this way, some people are talking about mounts...not sure, they could have just disable mounts during Iberu events and make a single Mounted Iberu model for the part that you have capture that branded thing.

> > > >

> > > > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > > > > Jesus, is this for real? lol come on dude everyone is transformed on those story steps, you can clearly see the purple aura and Iberu silhoutte around your character, clearly indicating that you looks and sounds just like him...Anet probably done like this cause a lot of people didnt like to play as Caithe on some story episodes before HoT.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Pardon my late reply.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I played 'Enemy of My Enemy' on my Charr, and all I see is a purple blob effect that shows no such illusory silhouette, disguise, call it what you want. Even more the reason we should just be given an Archon Iberu model, notably a transparent purple one that replaces our character's model (to give off the idea of an illusion).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I played both times with max size norn with heavy armor and spikes and all good stuff, and was pretty clear the purple effects and Iberu silhoutte around our character...maybe you aint paying attention to the details, or maybe you are playing with low setting, but still, the effects are there...again reason why we dont have our model replaced with Iberu like the rest of the NPCs was because before people didnt liked have to play with the apperence of other character(playing as Caithe during episodes pre-HoT), so they went with this way, we have to keep our apparence, but is clear that we should look like Iberu for those around us.

> > > > >

> > > > > Bro, I will give you 6K Gold if you can prove I look like Archon Iberu during 'Enemy of My Enemy', even a little bit: https://imgur.com/a/0mMTa Go on. I'm waiting *eats popcorn* There is only the purple effect, and nothing more that shows. My argument is the visual of Archon Iberu AND the purple effect should be present, that which will still indicate it is an illusion. Why not both things at the same time?

> > > >

> > > > Okay, the image of big ugly fat chaar that you gave really dosent help at all...i would play the whole PoF with my chaar just to prove it too you, but thankfully someone else allready done it...here it goes

> > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/gRdGOrz.jpg "")

> > > >

> > > > Now please, my 6K gold. Even without any special effects aroud your character, you have "Ilusion buff" on you bar...that should be enough to any person realize that they look and sound like Iberu at that time.

> > >

> > > That really doesnt hold water.

> > > To me its a Charr with a faint purple glow. Not an Iberu illusion.

> > > Even the 'face' in purple cloud looks nothing like Iberu

> >

> > okay, now i am 100% sure that you are just trolling...but anyway, Eidolonemesis.5640 i am still waiting for my 6K gold.


> "you don't conform to my way of thinking, therefore you must be trolling"


I think it was more, "You just said that the obvious picture of Iberu is not Iberu, you must be trolling."

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> @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > > The reason they left us unchanged character-model wise is because their transformation system directly interferes with mounts and is not something capable of being fixed without doing some deep-code diving. That's why they were present in other story instances earlier in the game or in other parts of the story where you're incapable of using mounts anyway.

> >

> > Citation of any developer saying that or it is therefore not a valid excuse. And please explain why in older parts of the game when you go in disguise, and then Mount, that everything is just fine animation-wise?

> >

> > I do not understand in these forums where when valid issues are brought up, people like you find any way to discourage Anet to fix their blunders that stick out like a plank in one's eye. No wonder Anet is doing a poorer job than in earlier parts of the game; people simply do not care, and will accept anything in the game how you can get it, no matter if it's broken, looks bad, etc.




> "Currently you can’t use mounts while being transformed – This will likely stay. We currently don’t really really have different classifications of transforms(they are used in all sorts of ways across the game) and a lot of them that would be cause issues or balance concerns if we let you mount and remove the transform."


> In other words, in order to get mount TFs to work without breaking a whole lot of stuff, they'd have to retool the part of the engine/game that handles transformations- something that is going to be extremely difficult after 5 years of continuously building on the same antiquated engine. It'd be nice for there to be some more QoL stuff related to TF-mount interactions, like being automatically de-transformed, or hacking together a solution JUST for that story instance. I'm not saying they handled it as well as they possibly could, but there are definitely significant issues outside of their control for certain aspects.


> To say I don't care is ignorant and horribly assumptive. I do care about the quality of the game, but I understand that the dev team are human beings with limitations that are trying to put resources toward areas of the game which need a lot more attention.


lol rekt.

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> @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

> > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > > > The reason they left us unchanged character-model wise is because their transformation system directly interferes with mounts and is not something capable of being fixed without doing some deep-code diving. That's why they were present in other story instances earlier in the game or in other parts of the story where you're incapable of using mounts anyway.

> > >

> > > Citation of any developer saying that or it is therefore not a valid excuse. And please explain why in older parts of the game when you go in disguise, and then Mount, that everything is just fine animation-wise?

> > >

> > > I do not understand in these forums where when valid issues are brought up, people like you find any way to discourage Anet to fix their blunders that stick out like a plank in one's eye. No wonder Anet is doing a poorer job than in earlier parts of the game; people simply do not care, and will accept anything in the game how you can get it, no matter if it's broken, looks bad, etc.

> >

> >

> >

> > "Currently you can’t use mounts while being transformed – This will likely stay. We currently don’t really really have different classifications of transforms(they are used in all sorts of ways across the game) and a lot of them that would be cause issues or balance concerns if we let you mount and remove the transform."

> >

> > In other words, in order to get mount TFs to work without breaking a whole lot of stuff, they'd have to retool the part of the engine/game that handles transformations- something that is going to be extremely difficult after 5 years of continuously building on the same antiquated engine. It'd be nice for there to be some more QoL stuff related to TF-mount interactions, like being automatically de-transformed, or hacking together a solution JUST for that story instance. I'm not saying they handled it as well as they possibly could, but there are definitely significant issues outside of their control for certain aspects.

> >

> > To say I don't care is ignorant and horribly assumptive. I do care about the quality of the game, but I understand that the dev team are human beings with limitations that are trying to put resources toward areas of the game which need a lot more attention.


> lol rekt.


I did not get rekt. You guys are just ignorant. With all the money flowing into Anet's pockets, despite the age of GW2's engine (by the way, _has_ been updated since the release of the game), Anet IS capable of making at least ONE 'illusory' character model that _can_ Mount just like our original character model that has _no_ problem doing so.


**Furthermore**, even if Anet chose NOT to replace our character's model with a complete 'illusory' form of Archon Iberu (that which would still give off the impression of an illusion), the least Anet _can_ do and IS capable of doing is to make the 'overlay' of Archon Iberu's model better looking over our already-existing character model.


Do you know why I know Anet can at least do that? Because there already exists a very poor 'overlay' of Archon Iberu's illusion on our character. The reason why I initially argued the illusion of Archon Iberu did not exist at all is because I did not see him whatsoever on MY character (on two, actually) during the Storyline. I even posted a screenshot to prove it: https://imgur.com/a/0mMTa


There is _no_ excuse why the aforementioned solution cannot by done by the developers. Anet's devs _are_ capable of so much, and yet this is what they gave us for an 'overlay' Archon Iberu illusion on our character's model. You can barely see it is him.


**The sad thing is you guys are perfectly fine with this lack of quality**. Not giving a kitten = Anet does _nothing_ = a continuous cycle of more lackluster quality (feature-wise or aesthetic).


Telling me, "Anet has other things to work on" is also _not_ a valid excuse because PoF IS what Anet is still working on, polishing, etc. That is why I made this thread so that they can improve upon 'Enemy of My Enemy' while PoF is still being tweaked BEFORE they forget about it when they begin working on another huge Map. What part of any of that do you people in this discussion _not_ understand?


And I am still waiting to hear from those regarding the fact none of our characters sound like Archon Iberu (not that I expect that, neither did my OP talk about that, yet I just want to make the point clear to those who say otherwise). Those players in the comments clearly did _not_ play through the PoF Story and instead jumped into a discussion they had _no_ business jumping into.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> lol you gonna tell that you dont see the big aura around the asura, that her voice is kitten distorted...whatever if you acknowledge that or not, that is the clear sign that your character looks and sounds like Iberu...again, give me the 6k gold that you owe me.


Argue the 'visual' of Archon Iberu's 'overlay' illusion all you want (and yes, I see it, yet it is still quite vague, even on such a small character model), yet trying to convince me that a female Asura voice is the voice of Archon Iberu's in any way, shape, or form is the most idiotic thing to claim. My grandmother can hear the difference better than you can.


The 'distortion' proves absolutely nothing. All that does is tell the player their character is temporarily faking the role of Archon Iberu, yet that does _not_ mean the voice sounds just like him like you initially claimed.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

> > > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > > > > The reason they left us unchanged character-model wise is because their transformation system directly interferes with mounts and is not something capable of being fixed without doing some deep-code diving. That's why they were present in other story instances earlier in the game or in other parts of the story where you're incapable of using mounts anyway.

> > > >

> > > > Citation of any developer saying that or it is therefore not a valid excuse. And please explain why in older parts of the game when you go in disguise, and then Mount, that everything is just fine animation-wise?

> > > >

> > > > I do not understand in these forums where when valid issues are brought up, people like you find any way to discourage Anet to fix their blunders that stick out like a plank in one's eye. No wonder Anet is doing a poorer job than in earlier parts of the game; people simply do not care, and will accept anything in the game how you can get it, no matter if it's broken, looks bad, etc.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > "Currently you can’t use mounts while being transformed – This will likely stay. We currently don’t really really have different classifications of transforms(they are used in all sorts of ways across the game) and a lot of them that would be cause issues or balance concerns if we let you mount and remove the transform."

> > >

> > > In other words, in order to get mount TFs to work without breaking a whole lot of stuff, they'd have to retool the part of the engine/game that handles transformations- something that is going to be extremely difficult after 5 years of continuously building on the same antiquated engine. It'd be nice for there to be some more QoL stuff related to TF-mount interactions, like being automatically de-transformed, or hacking together a solution JUST for that story instance. I'm not saying they handled it as well as they possibly could, but there are definitely significant issues outside of their control for certain aspects.

> > >

> > > To say I don't care is ignorant and horribly assumptive. I do care about the quality of the game, but I understand that the dev team are human beings with limitations that are trying to put resources toward areas of the game which need a lot more attention.

> >

> > lol rekt.


> I did not get rekt. You guys are just ignorant. With all the money flowing into Anet's pockets, despite the age of GW2's engine (by the way, _has_ been updated since the release of the game), Anet IS capable of making at least ONE 'illusory' character model that _can_ Mount just like our original character model that has _no_ problem doing so.


Actually, I think you did get rekt because you initially dismissed the idea as an invalid excuse because he didn't have a dev's citation ... so he got you one. So are you going to entertain the 'valid excuse' that the game has limitations on it's engine that would make fixing this issue difficult? No, instead, you claiming people are ignorant because money fixes everything and Anet has money ... except anyone that isn't ignorant knows that just because they have money, doesn't mean they should fix what is actual a completely insignificant issue. I don't think it's a stretch of the imagination that it's a stupid idea for Anet blow their coffers to fix such a nothing problem; they have more important things to deal with. NO, it's not NO problem as you claim ... the citation provided is pretty clear what the problem actually is and if you knew enough, you could probably get a sense of what's involved in addressing it; whatever it is, it's not as trivial as you would like to make it sound.


In the end, your assumptions about how the game works are simply wrong and shows your lack of understanding to what is involved to address these issue you are describing. Perhaps instead of being pigheaded, you should listen and understand what people are telling you instead of thinking you know better than everyone else, including Anet, about their own game and what's involved with changing it.




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Obtena has it right, OP. You wanted proof. Someone gave proof and you moved the goal posts like, "Nuh uh, that's not good enough." Face it man. ArenaNet did enough to create the 'effect' that we were Archon Iberu; they mentioned it in story, they added an effect, and other things.


If that's not good enough for you just uninstall the game and walk away. There's no pleasing you. My guess is you're still playing the game despite your cries about validating ArenaNet's mediocrity.


So, yea, #rekt. And have a Happy New Year. :)

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> @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

> Obtena has it right, OP. You wanted proof. Someone gave proof and you moved the goal posts like, "Nuh uh, that's not good enough." Face it man. ArenaNet did enough to create the 'effect' that we were Archon Iberu; they mentioned it in story, they added an effect, and other things.


> If that's not good enough for you just uninstall the game and walk away. There's no pleasing you. My guess is you're still playing the game despite your cries about validating ArenaNet's mediocrity.


> So, yea, #rekt. And have a Happy New Year. :)


Correction. I _never_ said the 'effect' itself did not exist at all, just that the 'effect' did _not_ give the impression it was Archon Iberu, especially not right away. I knew the 'effect' was there, yet it looked like a purple blob. The fact you have to take a closer look to figure it out is a problem in and of itself. Sure, on an Asura, not so much; it is a little more visible (and did I mention it still looks terrible?) On bigger race models? Not so much, obviously, and the screenshot I provided in the OP proves that.


So you are right; proof _was_ given that the 'look' of Archon Iberu exists, and yes, the 'not good enough' factor at this point boils down to how 'rushed' the effect of Archon Iberu looks so as to barely be noticeable, regardless of race, that and it is scaled poorly, which is exactly the reason why during my first playthrough Archon Iberu's effect barely showed up on my Charr as a result of poor scaling, hence, the existence of this thread in the first place.


Just because Archon Iberu's effect serves its purpose to most of you (in the lackluster way it is presented) does _not_ make it aesthetically pleasing, and does _not_ mean the 'effect' cannot be improved upon. A Level 80 Berserker's Iron Sword in the game can serve its purpose, too, yet would that be what you really want for a Sword? No. You would want a better looking Sword, even though two swords with different looks has the same power as the other. So am I _really_ wrong for wanting Anet to improve the 'look' of Archon Iberu's effect, if not a temporary, complete replacement of our character model for Archon Iberu's model? No!


Anet _has_ already proven to us they _are_ capable of temporarily removing our character model completely and temporarily replacing it with another model, for example, during the Heart 'Disrupt White Mantle forces occupying Fort Evennia' in the Lake Doric map (among other instances of disguise).


Therefore, it is foolish for anybody in the comments to sit here and argue Anet is not also capable of improving the 'look' of the Archon Iberu effect to stand out more and to be scaled more properly, an effect that is nothing more than an 'overlay' model/effect over our existing character model _without_ replacing our character model with another model, that which _is_ more work than creating an 'overlay' model/effect.


Furthermore, you guys call Archon Iberu's disguise an 'effect', when really, it is _no_ different than a regular disguise: a traditional disguise replaces your character model completely with a new one; an effect is merely an 'overlay' disguise, the former you cannot Mount with for said reasons by others, and the latter you _can_ Mount with (in the event Anet improves Archon Iberu's 'disguise effect'. Let's call it that since 'disguise effect' sounds more accurate, anyway).


Given the irrefutable example I have given to support my end of the discussion in the above stated (and in other examples in comments I have posted throughout this thread) regarding what Anet _can_ actually do, I am through arguing, because only 2 other people in these comments really understands.


Better to voice my concerns _now_ about PoF's Storyline _before_ they move on to create new ones riddled with more gaffes. That was my mindset when I posted this thread, and the thread served its purpose. I am sure somebody on Anet's team received the message, and whether or not they agree or disagree with my gripe is their business.


Happy New Year to you as well.

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> @"Llethander.3972" said:

> I interpreted it as this: to everyone else you appear as Archon Iberu but to us, the player, we look like ourselves. Didn't bother me at all especially since it's such a small part of the game.


While the 'concept' may make sense, the way it is 'presented' is another thing entirely. Personally, I am a stickler for such things whereas players like you are not (fine). Furthermore, I do not consider anything Storyline-related 'a small part of the game' since each part in every Storyline tells of other things throughout the game. Not only that, Storylines are repeatable, and I am someone who likes to repeat Storylines, notably for achievements, rewards, and once in a blue moon a refresher on the lore.

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