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Season Almost Ending !!


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whats everyone goal before the season ends?


My Personal Goals:

1. Reach top 50 in Rank Pvp

2. have all my team mates reach High Gold/Low Plat

3. Enter the monthly tournament and hope to come across some talented players that can help me improve down the road!


I'm happy with where things are going at the moment, and wanted to know where everyone at and how they feel about their progressions.

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My goal was to make it to Plat 2 on Soulbeast, but I got that on week 2 and after that, I got burnt out and stopped queueing. Never made it to the end of my Byzantium chest, but I can't muster up the desire to do it as much as I would like to have the rewards. I've just been having fun solo-roaming in WvW. It'll be hard for me to want to queue up again if the current Scourge-FB combo continues into the next season, honestly.

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Hhahaah , my goal was to get at least plat , got it on sw/d ele , but tanked to silver , got back to gold3 , tanked back to gold1. Now i cant force myself to play more then 1-2 games a day , ques take for ever , pvp blanace is garbage , every time i que i see full team of "special" ppl ... Done with this trash

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Solo queue. Reached plat once, happy cruising in gold or even bronze--sometimes you can decay fast--to just get my free ascended piece. My main goal though is too slowly chip away @ the back piece. Usually 3-5 games max a day, then maybe I skip a few days depending on real life. I am actually quite behind this season, I still haven't reached the Bez chest yet, Christmas soon so I will have to string together 2-3 big sessions.

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Well another failed joke of a season down. So since we have had failed joke seasons since season 5 I wonder if anything will actually change for season 10.


Probably not. It will still be circle dance quest, thief's will still all be running bow #5 all game, even if we go back to 5 man teams there will still be cheaters since they aren't dealt with right now, more over rewards in pvp bringing in unskilled players.


Yay... Season 10 with nothing changed and the population will fall even more.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> I am extremely disappointed on all of you.


> Not a single mention of the one and only thing that really matters.


> Llamas.


> They exist, therefore, they must be obtained. Sportsmanship? Competition? Coin? Bah! Humbug! All irrelevant.


> Come and get your llama.

> Come and get your llama.

> Come and get your llama now.


Ooo, but Quaggan can't herd llamas underwater.

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